1、商务英语高级写作范文精选主题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了BEC高级写作范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务英语高级写作范文:运送失误1. 对量不足/延误装运等而不满 Dissatisfaction of Shortage/ Shipment Delay Sample Demonstration写作案例详解Dear Sirs,We enclose herewith the figures of sales in your product during the past six months,from which you will see that our sale
2、s of the special line are quite disappointing.Because the end-users here are in urgent need of the good,we requested your prompt shipment of them,which you accepted.However,five weeks went by before the goods arrived instead of three weeks,and we lost a wonderful opportunity of sales.On enquiry we f
3、ound that the goods were not shipped until four weeks after the date of dispatch.We have been put to considerable inconvenience through long delay and have to ask you to make us allowance corresponding to our loss.Yours faithfully,2. 对数量不足/延误装运等致歉 Apology for Shortage/ Shipment Delay写作案例详解Dear Sirs,
4、Much to our regret a strike of transport workers in Liverpool is causing some delay in the dispatch of a number of our consignments.I am sorry to say that the goods you ordered on 25th June( Your Order No.5589) are among those held up.To make sure that they reach you on time we sent them by rail to
5、Liverpool three days ahead of schedule,but now learn that they are still at the station awaiting transport to the docks.We are making private arrangements to get them to the docks in time for shipment by s.s MERRY CAPTAIN,which is due to sail for the Far East on August 2nd.Meanwhile,we apologize for
6、 the delay and hope you will understand that it is due entirely to cause outside our control.Yours Faithfully,3. Notify Arrival and Enclose Bank Cheque 告知货品抵达,附上支票写作案例详解Dear Sirs,As payment of your invoice No.150,we enclose our bank cheque for 8 500 Yuan.We add that we are pleased with the way you e
7、xecuted our order.The goods arrived exactly on time by a United Airlines plane.Yours,商务英语高级写作范文:祝贺与慰问1.祝贺总经理任职?Dear Mr.Green,?We learned from your companys May 1st announcement that you have been named President of J.J.Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.?Please accept our warmest congratulations on your appo
8、intment.Our thoughts and best wishes are with you as you take up your new and important ?position.?It is our sincerest hope that the close relationship existing between our two companies will continue and perhaps even be strengthened further,and I look forward to being able to contribute to our mutu
9、al benefit.Once again,congratulations.?Yours sincerely,?2.祝贺晋升?Dear Zhang Ling:?How pleased I feel when I heard you have been promoted to the position of Credit-Manager.I really think that you deserve the position because of your extensive? experience,diligence and outstanding intelligence.?My congr
10、atulations should also be extended to the president of your bank.He has such a good sense to find the best person.?Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.?Truly Yours,?3.对祝贺晋升的回函?Dear Mr.Smith:?Thank you for your kind letter of September 15 and for the supportive words.?My new position is o
11、ne that will require total commitment,and I assure you that I am determined to do my utmost to tide us over during this difficult time and to make the company stronger in every way possible.?I look forward to your continued support and patronage.?Sincerely,?4.贺成为董事会成员?Dear Mr.Smith,?I am writing to
12、convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board of Asia Industries Ltd.?My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your company should at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.?Yours sinc
13、erely?5.贺同事荣退?Dear Herb:?I was a mite surprised at the gift presented to you on the occasion of your retirement partya really beautiful set of golf clubs.I happen to know that you are not a golfer,and when I asked someone about the gift,the answer was:“Thats what Sheila said Herb wanted most of all.
14、He doesnt play now,but hes determined to learn.”?Of course,I shouldnt be surprised.Youve been constantly pursuing new challenges throughout your 45 years at Watson-Ferguson,and I cant think of one that you didnt master.Its that fierce determinationtempered with a delightful wit and practical-mindedn
15、essthat has made you such an outstanding financial executive.Why not golf,indeed!?We will miss you,naturally but our gloom is brightened somewhat by our vision of your chasing the little white ball all over Hilton Head Island.That,by the way,sounds like a lot more fun than juggling debentures and ar
16、guing with ?security? analysts.? Mary joins me in wishing for you and Sheila many happy years in the Sun Belt.Be sure to drop in on the folks here at W-F when you get to Cleveland.?Best personal regards,?6.贺员工生日?Dear Jack:?Its your birthday again!Where has the time gone?We hope your birthday is a ha
17、ppy one.We appreciate your work here at ABC and hope that we enjoy many more birthdays together.?Sincerely,(Signature)Larry7.祝贺新公司营业?Dear Mary,?How wonderful it is to learn that your new branch will be open and be ready for business,congratulations!?With your experience and proven capability in the
18、trade,I know that your organization will be a huge success.?Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes.?SincerelyJack WangPresident8.生病慰问信?Dear Mary:?I am sorry to hear that you have been hospitalized.Im sure that the staff at Trinity General will take good care of you and get you on y
19、our way.Please call us if you have any questions regarding the companys health insurance.?Friendship Furnaces relies heavily on its employees and will feel your absence.I hope that you will recover quickly.We look forward to your return.?Sincerely,OleOle MunsonPresidentFriendship Furnaces?9.慰问家属?Dea
20、r Kitty:?I was shocked and distressed to learn of Robs heart attack,and I wont rest easy until I learn of his full recovery.?Knowing Rob,I suspect that when he surmounts this crisis,he will be champing at the bit to get back to his job here.But you mustnt let him.Although his presence will be sorely
21、 missed,well find a way to cover his desk while he is ?away,perhaps? not nearly as well as he would like,but as best we can.Please ?insist? that he follow the doctors prescribed routine for convalescence,with no thought for any other responsibility he may feel.We want him back,of course,but not unti
22、l the doctor says he should return.In the meantime,Rob will remain on full salary and benefits.?Kitty,please let me know when it is permissible for Rob to have visitors.I want to see him.Now,is there anything I can do for you?Affectionately,10.表示怀念?Dear Mr.Brown,?I have just learned with deep regret
23、 of the death of your wife and I am writing at once to express our heartfelt sympathy.?There is not much one can say at a time such as this,but those of us at the office who have met Mrs.Brown would like you to know that you have our sincere sympathy in your bereavement.We recall her many kindness.S
24、he will be missed by all who knew her.? If there is any way in which we can be of any help,either now or later,do please let us know.?Yours sincerely,11.吊唁函?Dear Mr.White,?We were distressed to read the announcement of Mr.Smiths death in this mornings Everyday Daily News,and write immediately to exp
25、ress our deep ?regret.?By his untimely passing the camera industry has lost one of its pioneers.?We recall his great kindness and active cooperation with our company in the past.? He will long be remembered by all who knew him and who worked with him.?On behalf of our company,please extend our deepest pity and hearty condolence to his bereaved family.?Yours very sincerely,