1、关于定位词的雅思A类阅读出题思路 今天为大家带来关于定位词的雅思A类阅读出题思路,帮助考生有效突破。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。关于定位词的雅思A类阅读出题思路首先,我们来看一下剑桥6P91的Q17。As a result, factors such as 17_ and attitudes to children have been eliminated .文中出现了我们非常熟悉的and结构,找到attitudes基本上距离答案就不远了。另外,并列结构 such as 前的factors,以及部分考鸭不太熟悉的eliminated,也具有提示作用。回到原文定位。Now a long-te
2、rm study carried out in Nicaragua has eliminated these factors by showing that teaching reading to poor adult women, who would other wise have remained illiterate, has a direct effect on their childrens health and survival.我们找到了factors和eliminated, 但既没有找到and结构,也没找到attitudes。不少考生会习惯性继续向下寻找,进而距离答案越来越远。
3、这里,我们忽视掉了非常重要的一个代词these。它用来指代前面的结构,也暗示前面出现了我们需要的factors。我们只需向前看一句,便轻松得到了答案。Most literate women learnt to read in primary school, and the fact that a woman has had aneducation may simply indicate her familys wealth or that it values its children more highly.我们会发现两个并列结构 and和or, 而题目中and 后跟的attitudes to
4、 children 与这句话中it values its children more highly 做了同义转述,所以答案应为or前方的 familys wealth,选项J即为答案。这里attitude 的同义转述无形中增加了难度,即使大家先于定位句看到这句话也不容易得到答案。但是,有了these的提示,并谨记代词向前看这一原则,相信答案就会乖乖地到碗里来。同样的案例也出现在了剑桥8的P29,请大家自行完成。Positive results could be produced by factors such as 34 or 35 .原文: Just because chance had b
5、een ruled out as an explanation did not prove telepathy must exist; there were many other ways of getting positive results. These ranged from sensory leakage - where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver - to outright fraud. In response, the researchers issued a review of all the
6、Garfield studies done up to 1985 to show that 80 per cent had found statistically significant evidence. However, they also agreed that there were still too many problems in the experiments which could lead to positive results, and they drew up a list demanding new standards for future research.我们发现,
7、上面的案例还仅仅局限于两句之间的代词指代作用,但如果大家的认识仅仅局限于此,就太小看代词these了。下面咱们再看一个例子,这个题目是来自剑桥9P21的Q14,为*的B段选标题。原文:In discussing whether we are alone, most SETI scientists adopt two ground rules. First, UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are generally ignored since most scientists dont consider the evidence for them to be
8、 strong enough to bear serious consideration although it is also important to keep an open mind in case any really convincing evidence emerges in the future. Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically
9、from us we may well not recognize it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it. In other words, the life form we are looking for may well have two green heads and seven fingers, but it will nevertheless resemble us in that it should communicate with its fellows, be
10、interested in the Universe, live on a planet orbiting a star like our Sun, and perhaps most restrictively, have a chemistry, like us, based on carbon and water.我已经非常善良地为大家划出了体现此段结构的关键提示,但当你看到选项iv. Assumptions underlying the search for extra terrestrial intelligence 时,不知是否有绝对把握选择它。在非常短的时间内选出这个答案还是需要实
11、力的,而且不少考生即使选中此选项也不是特别确定,心理上的波动对下面的题目也会有一定影响。但是当我们看到C段首句Even when we make these assumptions, our understanding of other life forms is still severely limited.时,我们会非常自信地选出答案iv。这里,these assumptions 对上一段信息做了概括,可见these的强大。同样的案例在剑桥7P70的Q14也有所体现,只不过将B段首句中的techniques替换为了iv.选项中的methods罢了。实际上,在代词家族中this、that、t
12、hey、those等都有类似用法,有心的考鸭可以在平时的学习中做个有心人,留意观察,并谨记代词向前看的原则,相信这些起到指代作用的代词会在大家夺取雅思阅读高分的路上助大家一臂之力。另外,在雅思写作中合理使用代词起到暗连接作用也是备受考官亲睐的,大家不妨试一下。雅思双语阅读:爱情不是婚姻唯一保鲜秘诀A photo of Kim Hee Sun and his husband. Australian researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and its a lot more than just be
13、ing in love.Living happily ever after neednt only be for fairy tales. Australian researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and its a lot more than just being in love.A couples age, previous relationships and even whether they smoke or not are factors that influence whether
14、 their marriage is going to last, according to a study by researchers from the Australian National University.The study, entitled Whats Love Got to Do With It, tracked nearly 2,500 couples - married or living together - from 2001 to 20XX to identify factors associated with those who remained togethe
15、r compared with those who divorced or separated.It found that a husband who is nine or more years older than his wife is twice as likely to get divorced, as are husbands who get married before they turn 25.Children also influence the longevity of a marriage or relationship, with one-fifth of couples
16、 who have kids before marriage - either from a previous relationship or in the same relationship - having separated compared to just nine percent of couples without children born before marriage.Women who want children much more than their partners are also more likely to get a divorce.A couples par
17、ents also have a role to play in their own relationship, with the study showing some 16 percent of men and women whose parents ever separated or divorced experienced marital separation themselves compared to 10 percent for those whose parents did not separate.Also, partners who are on their second o
18、r third marriage are 90 percent more likely to separate than spouses who are both in their first marriage.Not surprisingly, money also plays a role, with up to 16 percent of respondents who indicated they were poor or where the husband - not the wife - was unemployed saying they had separated, compa
19、red with only nine percent of couples with healthy finances.雅思阅读漫话*结构:人文社科类书籍、电影、戏剧这些艺术作品往往是扎根在生活,然后通过一定的艺术手段来升华,然后达到教化民众,提升素质的目的。雅思考试作为一种专业的语言测试系统,它所用到的人文社科类*也同样是“源于生活高于生活”的。考生在考试过程中会遇见自己所熟悉的一些社会现象、事迹或者自己不熟悉的某些试验、研究。但是,雅思考试的阅读*不会止于对于这些现象或者试验的简单叙述。以下,专家就社会现象类及实验研究类这两类*的常见*结构作简单的分析。社会现象类的*,一般在对于这些现象加
20、以描述之后,往往紧接着章还会对这些现象做一定程度的背景或原因分析,然后是这些现象造成的后果及人们的应对措施,当然往往有些*最后还少不了对于这种现象的未来展望。试验研究类的*,开始会介绍这个实验的一些基本情况,如试验主体、试验对象等等,之后往往会介绍试验的具体操作过程,然后是实验的结果,及最终的数据结论。当然也会出现这样的情况,即试验过程中有很多不同的学者通过不同的途径来作试验研究,也得出了一些结论,往往这些结论是各不相同甚至矛盾的,引发很多争议。这样的*出现,往往会伴随着人物观点题。以下选取了剑桥5,Test 3的第一篇Early Childhood Education 这一篇典型的实验研究类
21、*给考生分析一下行文结构:通过对于*各段的大致浏览,考生可以了解到*主要是讲述了Headstart 及 Missouri 两个实验。开始描述了实验的目的及实验主体;紧接着介绍了两个实验的具体进程;之后是实验的结果及相关的结论。在了解了*的大致行文结构之后,对于考生的解题也是有相当的帮助的。特别是考生比较头疼的“段落信息包含题”,即*1-4的Which paragraph contains the following information? 拿其中的第4题举个例子,a description of the positive outcomes of an education programme,
22、 题目当中既然出现了outcomes这样的词,那么根据正常行文的结构,一定是出现在*的最后部分的。剑桥5,Test 1的第二篇Nature or Nurture?的第16题:the identity of the pupils此题和上述题型一致,同属信息包含题。题目问的是学生的身份应该归属于哪一段。那么根据正常行文的结构来判断的话,这种身份介绍性的内容大多数情况下是会出现在*的开始部分的,所以答案是B段。双语阅读:法国游客小气傲慢全球最差A foreign tourist smokes from a water pipe in a coffee shop in Cairo February 2
23、3, 20XX.(Agencies)French tourists are the worst in the world, coming across as bad at foreign languages, tight-fisted and arrogant, according to a survey of 4,500 hotel owners across the world.They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency Expedia by polling company T
24、NS Infratest, which said French holidaymakers dont speak local languages and are seen as impolite.Its mainly the fact that they speak little or no English when theyre abroad, and they dont speak much of the local language, Expedia Marketing Director Timothee de Roux told radio station France Info.Th
25、e French dont go abroad very much. Were lucky enough to have a country which is magnificent in terms of its landscape and culture, he said, adding that 90 per cent of French people did their traveling at home. So when theyre on holiday they can be a bit stressed, theyre not used to things, and this
26、can lead them to be demanding in a way which could be seen as a certain arrogance.French tourists are also accused of generally spending less than other nationalities when abroad.De Roux said the French, not accustomed to leaving large tips at home where a service charge is automatically levied on r
27、estaurant bills, can seem tight-fisted compared with other nationalities.The Japanese ranked top of the Best Tourist survey, with the British and the Germans judged the best of the Europeans.But French tourists received some consolation for their poor performance, finishing third after the Italians
28、and British for dress sense while on holiday.Vocabulary:levy: 征收,征税根据一项对全世界4500家旅馆老板的调查,法国游客是世界上最糟糕的游客,他们外语讲得差,既小气又傲慢。这项由市场调查公司TNS Infratest为在线旅行社Expedia所做的调查显示,法国游客排在最后一名,他们不讲本地语言,而且被认为不礼貌。“这主要是因为法国人在国外几乎不说英语,而且他们也不太会本地语言,” Expedia的营销总监蒂莫西?德?路克斯在接受法国电台France Info采访时说。他说:“法国人不经常出国。我们很幸运,他们的国家幅员辽阔、文化繁荣。” 他还说90%的法国人都选择在国内旅行。“所以当他们在外度假的时候,会感到有些压抑,他们对周遭不大适应,这可能会让他们行为苛刻,并可能被视为傲慢。”法国游客还被认为在国外总体上比其他国家的游客花钱更少。德?路克斯说,法国人在国内时不习惯给高额小费,因为在法国服务费会被自动算在饭馆的帐单上,所以和其他国家的游客相比,法国游客看起来更吝啬。在最佳游客调查中,日本人排在第一位,英国人和德国人被评为最好的欧洲游客。尽管法国游客表现不佳,但是他们在度假期间穿着品位排行中名列第三,仅次于意大利和英国游客,这也算是一种安慰吧。