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1、注意雅思听力考试中的5类keywords 作为雅思笔试的第一个关卡,雅思听力考试状态的好坏将直接影响紧随其后的阅读与写作考试。今天给大家带来了注意雅思听力考试中的5类key words,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。注意雅思听力考试中的5类key words1、数字题目中出现的数字信息一般不会发生变化,例如:剑7 TEST4 SECTION4 QUESTION32In 1958, scientists in JapanQUESTION33 What change occurred in the manufacture of glute-mate in 1956?2、限定词

2、通常会遇到时间,地点,程度的限定。其中时间地点限定一般不会发生变化,程度限定往往会出现同义互换,常见的有most, more than ,up to ,fewer, extremely, slightly, at least等。例如:剑7 TEST1 SECTION2 QUESTION12The company has most camping sites inAnita feels that most sports coaches know nothing about the influence of handedness.3、专有名词专有名词指的是除了介词以外每个单词首字母都大写的这部分词

3、,可以分为四类:A. 人名称谓类:在学术场景中常见的称谓是考生需要会熟练拼写的,比如Support Tutor, Professor, Principal, Director of StudiesB. 地名类:例如常见街道名,包括street, avenue, lane, drive, block, road等C. 标题类名词:如组织机构,建筑景点,学科,节假日,品牌等等,可以通过听到的called, named, known as, termed来定位D. 星期,月份4、特殊字体和符号特殊字体指的是黑体和粗体,特殊符号指的是括号或者引号5、难词题目中出现不熟悉的单词是非常正常的,不用担心,这

4、些词恰恰在很多时候可以帮助我们,因为不会发生变化,只需要知道它们的大概发音,在听到时能够迅速定位就可以了。非常规类雅思听力高分关键词:主要用于选择题的审题,可以分成四类1)感情色彩类题目中出现的例如impressed, interested, depressed, difficult, hard, against, in favor of这些含有一定感情色彩的词往往需要注意例如:When she Had adopted a portfolio, she found the publishersA. more receptive to her workB. equally cautious ab

5、out her workC. uninterested in her work2)方式方法类题目中出现的表示方式的词是考生需要找到作为关键词的例如:剑7 TEST1 SECTION2 QUESTION11 PS company has been organising holidays for剑7 TEST3 SECTION2 QUESTION11 On the holiday, you will be walking for When was the Braille system officially adopted3)趋势变化类这类关键词也可以借助笔记法,用一些表示上升或下降的符号来替代A.

6、 增加,上升或好转这类词有Increase, add, more, better, improve, grow up by B. 减少,下降或恶化这类词有decrease, fewer, reduce, decline, worse, drop by例如剑6 TEST1 SECTION2A. doubled in numberB. reduced in numberC. increased in size4)结论观点类题目中出现的与结论观点相关的词可以作为我们的关键词,如indicate, find the following, suggest, get the conclusion that

7、, discover等。雅思听力小范围预测:Section TwoSection Two场次20XX102020XX0226场景其他题型单选6,配对4内容概述志愿者工作的种类很多,雇佣者(老板)支持,一个男的做志愿者原因是喜欢孩子,一个女的觉得干活干得和自己的工作一样起劲儿,负责准备伙食,而且可以远程进行服务,不必到现场,后来是一个流程先表示感兴趣,后来找问题,见其他志愿者。雅思听力小范围预测:Section OneSection One场次 20XX0227 20XX0512场景 投诉题型 填空 10内容概述 订机票和投诉处理,抱怨航空公司不允许带两个以上小孩填空 101. Name: Qu

8、igley2. She wants to buy 4 tickets return tickets3 . leaving at 12:30 am4. The words on the website page: error message5. can only take 2 children (但她有三个孩子,5 岁、8 岁和 11 岁)6. under 12 years old (12 岁以上要收费)7. She thinks it is unfair for huge families and school group8. children need less food9. letter

9、to go to the manager10. GDK8422雅思听力小范围预测:Section FourSection Four场次 20XX0616 20XX0115学科 考古题型 填空 10内容概述 介绍日本石器时代人的生活填空 10:31. 10,000 B.C.32. 通过什么 Get Into Japan:a land bridge33. 温度的升高导致:the growth of forests34. 他们主要食物有 Plants, nuts, Fish35. 拿什么当作武器:Arrows/ spears36. 生活在 villages rounded building 里面37

10、. 准备食物的时候用: Pairs of stones38. population rise39. traditions of marriage ceremonies40. 主要的 crop 是 rice雅思听力小范围预测:Section ThreeSection Three场次 20XX0507 20XX0907 20XX0127 20XX0321 20XX题型 填空 1,多选 9内容概述 是师生讨论找工作的问题。大学生找工作应注意的因素,妇女生完孩子后返回工作的劣势,失业的人再就业的问题等。多选 6 (5 选 2):21-22.高中毕业生找工作时应该着重强调自己的 What should

11、the secondary studentemphasis?选:motivation eager to learn(说到了 enthusiasm) 我昕到那个女的问那个男的学历真的很重要吗?那个男的回答说:well,actually the qualfication doesnt mean that important,thoseemployees who have lower education than your college students got lot of workingexperiences however the students who have just graduat

12、e from schools were lack of skillsand experience,thus they maybe emphasize the charateristics of themselves likeeagerness to learn,willingness to .and easy going to each other and so on.)23-24.妇女生完小孩后再工作难的原因是?选:had little time to work for she need to take care the family hard to re-adjust towork25-26.用人单位不愿雇佣什么样的人?选:sacked from the former job unemployed for a long time(我昕见的是那个女的问,用人单位在挑选应聘者时有没有什么忌讳的内容呢,那个男的说,公司在用人的时候 有些人是显然不会予以考虑的,比如 betray 原来公司的人,还有 quite the job only


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