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1、雅思听力搭配题技巧 雅思听力考试中的选项题和搭配题通常出现在Section2和Section3当中,大量同意替换词的出现会使得考生们错过很多关键词,那么这种题型应该怎么做呢?今天给大家带了雅思听力搭配题技巧,希望能够帮到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思听力搭配题技巧:审题清晰 听题集中审题要清晰题目共分为三部分,特殊疑问句、题号对应的题干名词、选项。特殊疑问句是连接题干和选项的桥梁,也是很多同学容易忽略的。如果没能读清楚题干与选项的关系做题时必然会一头雾水,所以千万不要因为赶时间就忽略题目信息。例题剑9 test3 section2 14-18题,What is currently

2、the main area of work of each of the following people? 这句话说明题目的意思是:要求我们把题干人名对应的工作选出来。题号对应的题干名词怎么读? 这部分词不需要翻译,只要能够读出发音即可,因为录音当中这部分词几乎会全部的原词重现,想听到并不难。选项绝对是需要高度警惕的地方,这部分内容是必定要发生同义替换的,所以选项的读法最好是理解意思而不要只盯着原词不放。听题要集中听力集中注意力最好的方法就是按照题号的顺序挨个的去定位题干名词,听到之后找到其对应的描述,例如剑九的题目,听到人名之后就要去找有关工作的内容。当听到跟工作相关词出现后迅速反应相似选

3、项。14题 Simon的工作是这样描述的:I only concern myself with looking after the mechanical side of things keeping the trains going.这句话中mechanical和keeping the trains going是重点,两个点都能让我们和选项engine maintenance(发动机维护)联系起来,即使其中一个听不清或不认识,另外一个仍旧能够做题。重要的是同学们不要听一处生词不理解就开始慌,因为考试也有它人性化的一面,只要认真听完同时加入自己的分析还是可以得分的。适当做笔记,做题过程中能够直接

4、选的最好直接选,没能马上反应过来的可以把听到句子中的重点做笔记。雅思听力的笔记一定要精简,在题目旁边写出重点词,或者用符号标记,一个或两个词的笔记为好,千万不要写的太多,会分散精力影响后面的听的内容。部分题目可以使用排除法搭配题分为两种出题形式,一种是选项多于题干的,这时我们的选项通常不会有重复的情况,听出一个就把它从选项当中划掉,为后面题目的快速选择扫清道路。还有一种选项少于题干数目,这种情况选项是必然会被重复选择的,那么考察的就是考生对于选项的理解和区分了。雅思听力词汇:with flying colors1. with flying colors 成功A: How did Ellen d

5、o on her American History exam?B: She passed with flying colors.2. You can bet your life 当然A: Will Prof. Smith come to class on time?B: You can bet your life.a change of pace 节奏变换You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.3. a far cry from 相距甚远The publi

6、shed book is far cry from the early manuscript.4. and how 的确A: Shes a good dancer.B: and how.5. a matter of time 时间问题It is only a matter of time.6.a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.7. a while back 不久以前8.all along 一直I knew it all

7、 along.9.anything but 绝对不I was anything but happy about going.10.account for 解释How do you account for it?雅思听力中的难点填空词汇-社会事件场景社会事件场景Listening situation: social events (section 2)雅思听力section 2 中经常会考到一些社会事件,比如说会议、展览、节日等。参加这些社会活动就需要通过网站、单页、通知版、广告等来了解活动的信息、日程安排、主题等详细信息。一些大型会议和活动学生是可以选择参加的,而且还提供住宿和餐饮,一切都只需

8、要在注册的时候声明并且缴纳相应的费用即可。Events: convention, exhibition, conference, festival, expositionExamples: art exhibition, business conference, summer music festival, drama festival, travel exposition, world expo, cartoon exhibition, flower exhibition, auto showPublicity: website/internet, leaflets, flyers, not

9、ice board, posters, advertisements, good for a family, children, adult, senior citizensTransportation: bus, taxi, cab, subway, tube, coach, parking problemsAgenda: dates, timetableFocus/theme: music/live music, art, ballet, clothes, drama, food, business, demonstration, comics, flower arrangement, b

10、iscuitsCelebration: parade, dance, chorus, music bandCatering: caf, restaurant, pub, cafeteria, canteen, refectory, dining room, refreshments, snacks, takeout, takeaway, set lunch, barbecueSecurity: security entrance, security office, security personnel/staff, fire exit, lockers, Check ID, video sur

11、veillance, cameras, crowded, children easily get lost雅思听力中的难点填空词汇-环境场景环境场景Listening situation: environment (section 2/4)这类单词肯定是大家感觉到比较专业和难于掌握的,并不是需要学员们全部记忆下来,但起码要做到对发音和中文意思比较敏感,这样才会对全文的听力内容有一个较好的把握。否则就好像是听到了科普类*一样,茫然不知所措,进而导致完全放弃。Atmosphere: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxid

12、e, ozone, sulphur monoxidePollution: air pollution, acid rain, contaminated water, pollutant, contaminant, chemicals, toxic wasteGeographical: soil erosion, desertification, drought, floods, overfishing, over-felling, deforestationEnergy: fossil fuels, coal, gas, petroleum, solar, tide, wind power,

13、nuclear, marsh gas, methane, biogasRecycling: plastic, paper, glass, bottle tops, ink cartridges, spare parts/components雅思听力中的难点填空词汇-售后修护场景售后修护场景Listening situation: repair (section 1)这个场景主要是购物或者租房子后发现有一些这样那样的问题,物体的型号、主要的问题、需要什么时间来修理、有没有质保、替换还是退款等都会是很重要的考点。雅思听力还是非常实用的,能让我们提前预习到在国外会碰到的场景,帮我们了解外国人处理一些

14、事情的流程和规则。What to repair: fridge, refrigerator, washing machine, CD player, electric light, clock, bungalow, cooker, rice cooker, printer (shelf)Model type/numberMain problem: leaking, door broken, flashing, hands broken, noisy, fan broken, steam escapingWhen to repair: immediately, straight away, right now, urgent, next week, weekdays, weekends, in a couple of weeks, mornings, afternoons (am pm)Quality warranty: expiry date, quality guaranteed for two yearsCompensation: refund, replacementPayment: cash, cheque, credit card, bank transfer


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