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1、雅思口语自学的3大必经环节 雅思口语自学的3大必经环节,今天给大家带来了雅思口语自学的3大必经环节,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语自学的3大必经环节1模仿(Imitation) 跟读是起点要打好口语的基础,模仿是最初的一个过程。只有通过有效的模仿,考生们才能够从一开始就养成良好的发音习惯,形成正确的语音语调,培养出好的英语语感,潜移默化地接受英语思维的影响。1. 方法众所周知,模仿最基本的方法便是跟读。跟读的途径可以是两种:一种是听录音跟读;一种是看录像跟读。对于还处在备考初期,口语较弱的考生来说还不急于接触雅思考试的真题,不管是录音还是录像,都可以选择较简单,较

2、实用,较生活化的材料跟,可以对着镜子矫正自己的口型,语速由慢及快的练习。2. 目的 语音语调发音正确与否直接决定说话对象是否能领会自己所要表达的意思。英语的发音方式与汉语肯定有很大的不同,如果从一开始就不能很好地掌握英语的发音,或是形成了较为奇怪的语调,养成习惯之后就再难纠正过来。所以建议考生从最基本的词汇开始对语音语调的训练是模仿最直接的目的。有时只听录音还不能完全了解个别发音的过程,如|和|e|的音,所以通过录像来学习就可以更加直观,让发音得以完善,变得更加到位。 句式句型有了单个词汇或词组的扎实基础,接下来模仿句子的步骤就会更容易进行,因为如果单词的发音准确,对于词组或句子中爆破和连读等

3、语音技巧就能更顺利地掌握。另外对句式和句型的熟悉已经可以开始让考生慢慢接触和适应英文的思维方式和表达方式,对英文的逻辑如怎样界定事物等产生一个基本的概念,这是隐形的目的。当然,在这个过程中,对句子整体语调的把握也是重点,考生可以开始最基本的交流。2复述(Repetition) 背诵是基础模仿是一个长期的过程,到达一定程度以后,对于段落篇章的内容考生便可以开始练习复述,学习语言的过程与记忆密不可分,而体现记忆过程的最初形态便是背诵。1. 背诵对于雅思考生来说,背诵的内容仍然不一定要参考雅思题目的答案和范本,因为这仍然是一个积累词汇,巩固语法句型,培养语感及英文文法的时期。选择一些有趣的英语故事可

4、以让背诵的过程显得不那么枯燥,而笑话作为幽默的载体更能最大限度地展现英语的逻辑思维方式。这些材料除了具体生动的内容和情节外,还有不少习语,如果能选择性地加以背诵,既能保证背诵的效率,又能掌握更多地道的表达,学会怎样用英文的方式描述事物,之后亦可以运用到雅思考试中。背诵的故事可以由短到长,循序渐进。当然,一些生词量不大的优美诗歌或短文也是好的背诵材料。有音频的材料仍旧可以先跟读,再进行背诵,这样可以保证语音的正确性和对内容的表现力,同时,考生可以通过录音和与原声比对的方式来检查自己的背诵情况。2. 替换真正的复述练习并不等于背诵,背诵只是复述的一种最基本的形态。记忆好的东西要懂得灵活地运用,这也

5、是考生们在考试的时候最需要明白的一点。在背诵的基础上,考生们可以练习对已有内容中的词汇甚至是句型表达进行替换。用不同的方式表达同样的意思,这才是复述所要达到的目的。词汇和句型替换词汇和句型的替换是相对简单的。在考生们对自己的单词库和句型库做足储备时,这样的替换练习便可以开始了。意义替换意义的替换指不拘泥于简单的词汇和句型等形式上的改写,而是将内容用其他的方式加以说明或呈现。如考生可以借鉴电影勇敢的心(Brave Heart)来呈现出对勇敢、信念的表达。这才称得上是真正的“换言之”。3原创(Creation) 即兴是根本许多雅思口语考官其实常建议考生不需要刻意准备题目,他们最希望的是考生能够随心

6、所欲地与自己沟通,确实,考官反感机械地记忆和回答,更不喜欢看到考生一边说话一边翻白眼。考生在搜寻自己记忆的同时也失去了考官的信任和好感。过度地依赖自己的记忆还容易偏题离题,所以,有了以上模仿和复述的两步积累,考生在备考雅思话题时就应完全摒弃所谓真题的参考答案和答题模板。首先,话题当然要熟悉,准备一定要原创。曾经考过的话题考生一定要了解,如果是本就比较容易谈论的话题,要能根据问题的核心内容理清回答的基本思路;如果话题较为生僻,则应该多角度多层面地去思考问题,不仅要有清晰的思路,还要将内容进一步丰富。平时准备的内容就一定要有原创性,这也是考试时 “即兴”的根本保障。说到即兴,便是考生们在考场上要带

7、给考官的感觉,也就是能与考官充分互动,不死记硬背,自然流利的表现。有了前面的基础和原创的非即兴内容,只要考场上加以灵活运用,自由发挥,考生便能以最自然的状态让考官感受到自己的特色与创意,给考官留下深刻的印象。建议烤鸭们要在自我练习的过程中习惯“自言自语”的方式,始终坚持有意识、有目的、积极主动的练习。雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:not allowed to use the phone新晋话题:不许使用手机的场合Describe a situation you were not allowed to use your cell phoneWhere was itWhen was itWhy

8、you were not allowedWhat did you want to do with your cell phone原创示意范文Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives that,today, we cannot think of a life without the cell phone.There are many places, where the use of a cell phone is very disturbing. For example, in religious places like

9、 temples, restaurants and hospitals.Here, I would like to talk about a situation when I was not allowed to use the cell phone.Last month, my aunt had come from the UK to spend a few days with us and do some shopping for her daughters wedding.We decided to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar on the week

10、end.I remember vividly, there was a long queue to enter the main building.Our turn came after one hours wait.Just as we entered the main prayer hall, my phone started ringing.Everybody turned to look at me as if I had committed a crime.I had forgotten to turn my cell phone off.There were notices all

11、 around that cell phones had to be turned to the silent mode before entering the hall.I cut the call and immediately turned off my cell phone.I felt very embarrassed.There were so many people there but nobodys cell phone was ringing. After doing the circumambulation of the holy book, we came out. Th

12、en we went to the community kitchen, where food is served round the clock.After another one hour, we came out of the main building of the temple, and then Iswitched my cell phone back on.There were four missed calls from my cousin.I called her and told her why we didnt answer her calls. She understo

13、od.So this was the situation when I was not allowed to use my cell phone.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:a well-paid job新晋话题:高薪工作Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the futureyou should say:what it ishow you can find this jobwhat qualities it requiresand explain why it is well-paid and why you think yo

14、u will be good paid.示例范文:There are many jobs in the world which are well paid, such as the job of a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a politician and so many more.Here I would like to talk about a job, which is very well paid nowadays.This is the job of a teacher.Everyone passes through the

15、hands of teachers in school and college years.Teachers are known as nation builders.All other professions such as doctors and nurses also pass through the hands of a teacher.I believe that teachers have the power to make the world a better place. A teacher is like a candle that burns itself and show

16、s light to others.Since age-old times, teaching has been considered a noble profession.In ancient India, there was the gurukul system.Even the kings children stayed in the home of the guru or the teacher.They used to do the household chores of the guru and in return the guru impartedknowledge.Teache

17、rs improve the literacy rate of a country.When literacy rate is high, crime and violence go down. A teacher requires good communication skills and depth of knowledge of his subject. A good teacher should treat all students equally.Nowadays, teachers are being paid handsomely be the government. This

18、is to lure bright students to join this profession.A bachelors in education degree is required to be a teacher. I believe in enjoying what I do and at the same time I wish to do quality work. These children are our future.One of my aunts is a teacher. She is earning handsomely. She tells me that she

19、 enjoys her job very much.I have seen her students give her a lot of respect and love. One day, I wish I too become as successful as she is.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:a team project for study or entertainment新晋话题:团队项目Describe a team project for study or entertainmentYou should say:When you did itWhere you did

20、itWho you did it withHow you did itWhy you liked it or dislike it1-4 月雅思口语题库已狰容毕现,雅思口语考试的规律决定了,这些题目将会在余下的时间里,成为你的雅思口语通关的噩梦!但小站懂你更懂雅思,以下为你带来原创高分范文。新晋话题:团队项目Describe a team project for study or entertainmentYou should say:When you did itWhere you did itWho you did it withHow you did itWhy you liked it

21、 or dislike itIm going to talk about a recent project in film-making class where we had to make a short movie,a documentary of sorts, on any topic we wanted.My team picked the topic of exploring TV advertising trends through the decades as we thought it would be quite amusing to compare the differen

22、t styles and forms of commercials over the years. Although the project turned out very well and I was pleased with the final result, I felt disappointed in the lack of communication between team members.Because of everything I had going on during the semester, I had opted not to be the group leader,

23、 which on looking back may have been an error on my part. Unfortunately, some of the group members failed to turn in their research on time, and our leader did not proactively follow up with them about it. After we started to fall behind the schedule we had mapped out, I decided to jump in and map o

24、ut a new timeline for our team so we could get the project completed by the deadline. It was clear that the film editing would be very time consuming so the tasks were broken into distinguishable parts and assigned to pairs to finish.In the end, we managed to get everything done with time to spare b

25、ut most of our work ended up being during the busiest week of the term for me and for some of the other members, so I wish the communications had been more organized and thorough earlier on. The lesson I learned from this experience is to ensure that I am an active participant even when I am not the leader, which can maximize my relationships within the group and improve my skills along with those of other team members.雅思口语自学的3大必经环节


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