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1、雅思口语小词7枚 小词7枚,助你雅思口语大放异彩,今天给大家带来了雅思口语小词7枚,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。小词7枚,助你雅思口语大放异彩曾经看过这么一个笑话,这是一个对话:A:“Hey, whats up?”B: “Um, the sky?”空气中弥漫着尴尬Your friend was asking you how you were, but how were you supposed to know?这样的对话会发生在真实的生活中,今儿来说一些比较好用的“词”,用在我们雅思口语当中,帮助我们刚去上学的朋友们避免笑话中的尴尬。1 Awesome(adj)这是一个

2、使用率非常非常高的词,你可以从年轻人到老年人的嘴里都能听到。当你想表达你觉得一些事情是非常wonderful或者amazing的时候,就用“awesome”,更口语化,可以用来一个句子或者就只用这一个词去回复。栗子:Example 1)“What did you think of Wolf on Wall Street?”“It was awesome! I loved it!” (They thought it was a great movie).Example 2)“Ill pick you up at 1 pm, okay?”“Awesome.” (Here it shows your

3、e cool with the idea and you agree).Example 3)“My friend Dave is an awesome single guy. You guys would be perfect for each other!”“Really? Id love to meet him.”2 Cool (adj)就像awesome means great or fantastic,“cool”代表的是你对某个主意表示很认同。但是这个正式的意思就是有些冷,这个大家都知道我们不做解释,就是强调这个口语的意思。栗子:Example 1)“Hows the weather

4、 in Canada these days?”“Its getting cooler. Winters coming!” (This is the literal meaning a little cold)Example 2)“What did you think of my new boyfriend?”“I liked him. He seemed like a cool guy!” (He seemed like a nice guy).Example 3)“Im throwing a party next week for my birthday. Do you want to co

5、me?”“Cool! Sure, Id love to!”3 To be beat (adj)在一些正式的表达当中,我们用“beat”表示赢,比如Manchester United beat Liverpool,还可以表达”打”,再比如stop beating your brother,但是在口语中,如果你听到你的朋友说Im beat,这就是他/她想表达,我太累了。栗子Example 1)“Do you want to go out tonight? Theres a cool new rock bar thats just opened.”“Sorry, I cant. Im beat an

6、d I have to wake up early tomorrow.”Example 2)“You look beat, what have you been doing?”“Ive been helping my dad in the yard all morning.”4 To hang out (verb)如果有人问你“where you usually hang out”,他们是想知道你什么时候有空,如果你的朋友问你if you want to hang out with them,他们是想问你,你什么时候是空闲的,咱一块儿待会儿。如果你问你朋友你嘛呢,对方回答hanging out

7、,这个就是说他现在有空,什么也没干。栗子:Example 1)“Hey, its great to see you again.”“And you. We must hang out sometime.”“I would love that. Ill call you soon.”Example 2)“Paulo, where do you usually hang out on a Friday night?”“If Im not working, usually at the diner across the road from school.”“Cool, Ive been there

8、a few times.”Example 3)“Hi Simon, what are you doing?”“Nothing much, just hanging out with Sally.” (In this case you can just use the word hanging without the out and say “Nothing much, just hanging with Sally.”)And if its used as a noun? It refers to the place where you spend your free time.5 To Ch

9、ill Out (verb)每个人都喜欢chill out,但是chill out什么意思,简单的来说就是放松的意思,你可以在chill后面加out或者不加,如果你和一个native speaker说chill,他绝对会明白什么意思的。栗子:Example 1)“Hey Tommy, what are you guys doing?”“Were just chilling (out). Do you want to come round?”Example 2)“Sue, what did you do in the weekend?”“Nothing much. We just chilled

10、 (out).”Example 3)“I cant believe that test we just had. Im sure Im going to fail.”“You need to chill out and stop thinking too much. Im sure youll be fine.”注:如果有人说“you need to chill out”这可不是什么积极的表达,他们是认为你对什么事情反映太过激烈,要你冷静一下或者是你对一些愚蠢的小事情都觉得很有压力。6 Wheels (noun)我们都知道很多东西都有轮子汽车、自行车、摩托车、轮椅等,但是如果在口语当中,如果一

11、个人说wheels,他们可能说的是你的cars。栗子:Example 1)“Hey, can you pick me up at 3?”“Sorry, I cant. I dont have my wheels at the moment?”“Why?”“I had to take it down to the garage, theres something wrong with the engine!”Example 2)“Nice wheels!”“Thanks, it was a birthday present from my dad!”7 To be amped (adjectiv

12、e)如果你amped关于某件事,想表达的就是你特别的兴奋或者你对迫不及待的期待某件事情的发生。栗子:Example 1)“I cant wait to see Rihanna live!”“Me too, Im amped.”这还可以用来你很坚定的期待某件事情的发生,你可以用amped代替pumped,兴奋指数五颗星,youre full of adrenalin!Example 2)“Im so amped for the game tonight!”“Yeah, Im sure you are! You guys need to beat the X.X.X.X.X.”预测雅思口语Part

13、2话题及范文:a quiet place我们偷懒一下,花园跟公园其实可以合并到一起,因为公园的一角肯定有个花园对吧。那花园肯定是个很安静的地方咯,Describe a quiet place 就是它了。大家去那里赏赏花散散步,有些人可能会在僻静的地方野炊一下,都是有可能的。所以我们就可以很负责任的说这个地方是一个可以放松的地方A place where you go to relax。虽然身为青年的你不是很喜欢花园这种小清新的地方,我们可以稍稍假装一下,那A garden you have visited我们也搞定了。一个小小的花园我们就解决掉了三个问题,鼓掌!I am a quite liv

14、ely person. I come back home till lights on, parties, hanging out and going on trips. So I have deep familiarity with my place. Talking about a quiet place, I would like to share with you a garden in my city, which called X.X.This garden is far away from the center of my city. Although it has distan

15、ce from where I live, it is very convenient for me to go there. I mean there is no need for me to transfer halfway. It contains numerous trees and flowers, I can name some of them, such as daisy, Chinese rose and peony, while most of them are unfamiliar with me. In the western corner of the garden,

16、there is a bridge where people can take pictures and enjoy the whole view of the garden.On top of that, the best part of the garden is the spacious square, which may serve as entertainment place for elders, like Doing tai chi, square dancing.Every time I visit there, I just think that I am the part

17、of the garden and be clear-headed, wandering, enjoying the sunshine and breathing the fresh air. There is one thing that I often do is going for a walk, because I bear too much pressure from study every single day. In my eyes, it is a good way to loosen me up.预测雅思口语Part1话题及范文:Mirror 镜子1. How often d

18、o you look at yourself in the mirror every day?2. Do you often buy mirrors?3. Where do you put mirrors?4. Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration?1. How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?有些人是个注重形象或是爱打扮的人,每天几乎随时随地都会检查下自己的妆容,如果没有镜子任何可以反光的东西我都会凑上去看一下。词汇补充:必不可少的工具:an indispen

19、sable tool注重形象的人 image-conscious person花时间打扮自己 spend time in makeup, grooming and other efforts to look good.范例1:Well, actually I use it at any moment. I mean, I am an image-conscious person so that I spend lots of time on makeup, grooming and other efforts to look good. I can say that mirror has be

20、en an indispensable tool in my daily life. Even when I see anything that reflects light, I will go over and check up my appearance subconsciously.虽然这种人听起来比较夸张但是绝对大有人在哦,那么另一种就是不太看,只有早上洗漱啊,穿衣服的时候才会看一下。范例2:As for me, en, not quite often. I have no habit of looking into the mirror. Actually, I am not an

21、 image-conscious person, I only do it when I am washing or trying on clothes.2. Do you often buy mirrors?刚刚我们就是分情况说的,现在也是一样,喜欢照镜子的朋友就可以这样说:范例 1:well, I am surely a mirror-lover, but I dont like buy it quite often. I should say that I always buy three once, one at school, one at home and one in my ba

22、g. I wont buy new ones unless they are missing.不喜欢照镜子的人就可以说:范例2:To be frank,I never buy one. I mean, there is no need for me to check myself at any moment. I just glance in the mirror on my way out the door and my mom is the one who bought it years ago.3. Where do you put mirrors?镜子都会放在哪里这个问题,如果是有很多

23、镜子的人在第二题我们已经说过了,那对于那些不太用镜子的人呢,就可以解释一下,家里的镜子都会放在哪里。范例:En, I have no mirror at all, but there are two in my home. As for the cosmetic mirror, my family put it above on the wash basin. If I remember correctly, there is a full-length mirror in the living room for dressing.4. Do you think mirrors are a n

24、ecessary decoration?不管喜不喜欢镜子,大家都应该知道镜子是有它的装饰性效果的。出了能够看到自己之外,还有很多用途。譬如说,如果室内昏暗,镜子可以增加一些光亮。如果家里不是特别大,装一面大镜子会显得家里大一些。词汇补充:照自己:view ones reflection改善屋子的亮度:improving a dim room显得屋子很大: much larger than its actual square footage范例:Of course,besides the distinct merit of viewing ones reflection, mirrors ser

25、ve some very important purposes. It is a good way to improve a dim room. Plus, a large mirror on wall can create the illusion that the room is much larger than its actual square footage.预测雅思口语Part1话题及范文:robot机器人1. Are you interested in robots? Why?其实我们说不上感不感兴趣,只能说看到机器人工作或是看到相关的电视都会觉得他们怎么这么cool,怎么办到的

26、。I cannot say that I am obsessed with robots, but every moment I see robots, I think they are so cool. Dont you think it is a magic that they can fully understand the instructions we give to them?2. Do you like robots to work at your home?I am pretty content with robots working at my home doing thin

27、gs that I really dont like. So, for example, things like cleaning the room or the car, well if the robot does it I am good with it. Or, for sometimes make food for me. But, then depending entirely on them, does not suits me well. Allowing the robot to cook food for me or drive car for me, is not som

28、ething I will go for. Sometimes it is good, but there are times you wish to do things on your own, spend time with people you love. I think balancing between both is where the things will go.3. What do you think robots might be able to do in peoples homes in the future?机器人能为我们做什么?看过美剧或是平时稍微有些关注的都应该知

29、道现在人工智能有多厉害,基本上家务啊,修理电器啊他们都不在话下,所以家里的事情他们都可能hold住,唯一现在还办不到的就是生baby了吧Well, you know, how awesome the artificial intelligence is! Robots are widely regarded as super helpers of human beings, doing the chores like a housewife, fixing the household appliances and doing the manual labor. In my mind, they

30、 can do anything except giving a birth to a baby.4. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?机器人当司机你会不会去坐那辆车,大多人的第一反应都是wow,cool,但是会不会有危险,万一出故障了怎么办。这个时候大家就可以说,如果科技已经足够的成熟了,可以保证我们的安全,那我当然愿意了。Wow, it sounds awesome, but the problem of security is still one of my concern. Maybe one day, it is

31、 supported by a sufficiently advanced technology, I will try with pleasure.5. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?我承认机器人的准确性有时候要远远要高于人类, 尤其是技术性比较强的工作,但是呢做决策,或是设计的工作依旧不能被取代,因为他们没有感觉也没有情绪。I have to acknowledge that the accuracy of robots in the certain field is far better than

32、 mankind, especially those jobs that emphasize more on the technology and operation. But I dont think they can totally replace men, I mean, many jobs are still not suited to robots. They have no feelings or emotions, so making decisions and designing things are not their strong suit.6. Do you think

33、robots might be dangerous in the future?有些人觉得很难说,因为人工智能一天一天在发展,当有一天机器人有了思想,有了自己的意识跟社会融入的时间长多少都会影响他.范文一:Its hard to judge that whether robots might be a danger. As we all know, the artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, so it is likely that robots would have true emotions like us. By then, we

34、 may worry about that.还有人觉得不会危险,因为机器人所有的功能都是我们赋予的,是可以掌控的。范文二:I dont think so. Many people think that robots are too advanced to control. But to my knowledge, the power and abilities they owned are all given by we human beings, by scientists. In a word, there is need to worry about that.7. How do you

35、 think robots will influence society in the future?机器人对我们的影响有好的方面,当然也有不好的方面。譬如说在就业方面,他们能减轻一些苦力的工作,同样也有可能造成失业率,再者说一些比较危险的活动机器人可以代替人类完成,例如救援工作,或是工地之类工作等等。For opener, robots can share most of difficult and demanding jobs, like porters and sanitation workers. Meanwhile, they can replace people to do dangerous jobs, such as the work on rescue scene and construction sites.While it still has drawbacks, it will exert bad influence on employment rate in the long term.


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