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1、雅思口语考试中不可触碰的禁忌 雅思口语考试中有一些话题是不可触碰的,这样会让我们给考官留下非常不好的影响,很多烤鸭可能在看美剧的时候,看到一些比较拉风的口语,但这些口语我们是考试中绝对不可能出现的!雅思口语考试中不可触碰的禁忌你会觉得,他的中文特别好,还是觉得,他特别冒犯人,觉得他盗用了中国的“特色文化“?反之亦然。你用英语中的俚语俗语时,外国考官也会有同样的感受。记住,每门语言中的脏话,是这门语言中最地道的部分。是只有本国人才能使用的“国粹“。外国人如果贸然使用,会被本国人认为成对自己文化的一种侵略。所以,下面这些美剧中你耳熟能详的短语,口语考试中,绝对不能使用:1. Suck。Suck中规

2、中矩的解释是“吮吸“。但是日常生活中,suck常常表达的意思是”糟透了“”逊毙了“”太菜了“”烂到家了“,是一个很粗鲁的词。曾经有个考生在雅思考试中被问”Tell me something about your hometown“,此考生回答曰:It sucks. 考官一口水差点没喷出来。说自己的家乡suck,无异于侮辱自己的出生地,是很雷人的。2. Damn。如果英文中有一个词可以完美对应中文的“他妈的“,那就是damn。言情剧中男主角装酷的时候总喜欢说:I dont give a damn。翻成中文就是我他妈的屁都不放一个。这句话是电影乱世佳人中男主角的经典台词,曾经被美国某杂志评选为“史

3、上100句最经典台词”的冠军,曾经被无数电影抄袭过,但是,尽管有这么多的荣誉,它他妈的还是一句脏话这种话是不能对考官说的。3. Holy系列,Jesus系列,God系列。不要随便调戏别人的神。你一个不信耶稣的人,在那里乱喊“看在耶稣的份上“,考官会想,我们的耶稣他妈的关你什么事了。4. Ass系列。kick-ass形容词,极好,接近中文的“牛B”,是一个表示高度赞扬、却总让人不是个滋味的词kick ones ass, 动词短语,意思是把某人打得屁滚尿流,同样是一个让人听了不是个滋味的表达。pain in the ass,名词,等于中文里的2B。5. Mess with sb. 美国人说“don

4、t mess with me“的时候,是带有威慑意味的。相当于中文的”老子不是好惹的“。Mess with sb. 有捉弄某人、惹某人、忽悠某人的意思。用这个短语会让你听起来像个街头小混混。6. Piss sb. Off 惹毛某人7. Cut it out省省吧8. Get lost一个字,滚9. Get over yourself也不撒泡尿自己照照10. Give me a break你饶了我吧11. screw up ”搞砸了“的恶心版本12. sick病态13. freak变态14. 把人比成动物的短语,一般都是侮辱性的:lucky dog(走了狗屎运的人), old bat(老巫婆),

5、 dirty rat(内鬼,老鼠)雅思口语P2话题答案:a person who is helpful in your study or workDescribe a person who is helpful in your study or work.You should say:Who the person isWhat kind of personHow this person help youWhy do you think this person is helpful参考范文:The person Id like to talk about is Davy. He helped m

6、e a lot when I was studying in the university. Both of us majored in Math, and he was also my classmate.He was tall, hmm, around 1.79metres. He did know he had some advantages. He joined the school team to play basketball as a forward. I watched several matches he was in, and all of our classmates w

7、ould root for him. He always got good scores.Though hes awesome, in other aspects too, hes really humble, for he never showed off his skills no matter how good he was at it. I quite appreciated that. He had a good command of computer stuff, and to me, it saved my life at some moments. Once I was sta

8、ying up late for my graduation paper, but I dont know why somehow my laptop just broke down. I mean, it suddenly turned off, and it must go wrong for I couldnt start it. I was driven to mad. What if I lost all my files, especially my paper? I have to finish it in a day. Tomorrow is the deadline to h

9、and it in. I felt like it was a doomsday for me. Then, it dawned on me, Davy! Davy is a computer geek. Maybe he can solve it! I couldnt wait one more second and rang him. Thanks god, he answered the phone. After listening to my “heartbroken” story, he said he would like to help. Then we decided to m

10、eet in the library at 6.00, the opening time of the library. With his efforts for almost two hours, my laptop could work again. The luckiest thing was all my files were good. Saying thank you, I grabbed my laptop and rushed back to my dorm to go on. Everything went well, and I handed in my paper in

11、time.We would always support each other whenever help is needed. I think we are really good friends.雅思口语P2话题答案:famous person that you are interested inDescribe a famous person that you are interested inwho this person ishow you know about this personwhat sort of life they had before they became famo

12、ushow this person became famousand explain why you like this person可以看出来,新题把此人以什么出名,换成了成名前ta的生活是怎样的和ta是如何成名的,问题更加具体了,也就是说,想要答好这道题,需要大家去搜一搜“明星档案,对这个名人的生活有更进一步更详尽的了解。今天,将为大家展示一个famous到一定程度的人物,Steve Jobs(乔布斯), 以此介绍一下整道题的思路以及常用表达:Steve Jobs一. Who this person is怎么开始part 2的描述?可以使用:Now I want to describe.t

13、o you. 更地道一些的话,大家可以试着说When it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to me is.或者I would say Steve Jobs is my idol/icon(崇拜的人)。这样就自然得引出了第一问:who this person is, 但是千万别只扔个名字上去,名字之后可以使用定语从句添加更多人物细节(eg. ta工作的领域,特点等),如果想讲中国的名人,大家尽量使用英文名字,或者在中文名字后面介绍一下,不然你只说刘涛,谢霆锋,考官可能一脸蒙圈.W

14、hen it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to my mind is Steve Jobs. As we all know, he was the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc(公司).二. How you know about this person这个问题很简单,大家根据实情说即可。I got to know him through the speech he delivered at a

15、 commencement in Stanford University . I have to say that the speech was very inspiring and impressive.三. What sort of life they had beforethey became famous这个问题在组织的时候一定要有条理(可以按照一定的时间顺序),有逻辑:eg. .was born and raised in. At first,. Then. Next,. Finally,.内容要基于事实,越具体越显得充实!比如,能讲出乔布斯在出生时即被收养,大学期间辍学,因为贫穷而

16、住在朋友家的地板上甚至回收可乐罐赚钱,那么一个有血有肉的形象就跃然纸上了。Before he became famous, Jobs experienced many hardships early in his life. His biological mother who was an unwed student, gave him up for adoption. He dropped out of Reed College because he couldnt afford it and couldnt see the value in it. The experience of be

17、ing poor wasnt romantic, as he recalled. He didnt have a dorm room and he slept on the floor in his friends rooms. He even returned Coke bottles to buy food with.四. How this person became famous如何出名的, 讲成名的过程,或者决定性的一件事。如果想说到目前为止,已获得的成就,可以说:So far.have been.Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Woznia

18、ks Apple I personal computer. They gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, which is one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers.五. Explain why you like this person属于阐述原因类。也是整道题目总结性的内容。I admire this person because hes not only., but also.和其他人比较: Unlike other., he

19、.表达个人对其看法: Although. I still.The reason why I take him as my icon is that he had the courage to follow his instinct and he had great passion for his job. This inspired me because in order to do great job, we need to love what we do first.最后的最后,一起欣赏下Steve Jobs曾经撒过的鸡汤:Almost everything, all external e

20、xpectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving what is truly important.Stay hungry. Stay foolish.The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me

21、 to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.Part 3 名人问题深度探讨Part 3是对于Part 2的延伸,是对于更深刻得社会问题的探讨。大家要努力讲出广度和深度。在此,我们会对一些可能提到的问题,为大家补充常见的切入角度。How do people become famous? 正面:Talented in some fieldbe discovered by some producersplay a role in some blockbustersrelease an album which is well-liked

22、by the publicget more exposure to the public反面:scandal 丑闻 media hype 媒体炒作What types of people become famous in your country?Show business 演艺圈 entertainment indusrtry 娱乐产业-movies, albumsUniversity professors/scholars-research, booksArtists-worksScience-inventionWhat qualities do (all or most or many)

23、famous people have in common?Perseveranceexperience many times of failuresexperience many times of refusal and denialare likely to be refused by producersstick to their dreams persistmake it to the endnever give up2. The ability to deal with pressureget exposed to the publicbe judged by the publicps

24、ychological problemscope with pressure/stressDo you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?Talent deserves the fameBy contrast, On the other hand,.Appearance impressive gorgeous breathtakingOpportunitiesWhat are the good points about being f

25、amous?1. Make a fortune make a lot moneyfame brings people a lot of moneycelebrity endorsements 明星代言advertise the productsplay a role in a movie2. Social statusrespect you and your works(作品)3. Fame reputationget more exposure to the publichousehold name4. Deliver some good moral valueshave more acce

26、ss to the press and media雅思口语P2话题答案:new friend youve made recentlyDescribe a new friend youve made recentlyYou should say:Who the person isWhat kind of person he/she itHow did meet this personAnd explain why did you make friends with him/her参考范文:Speaking of a new friend that Ive made recently, I wou

27、ld like to talk about peter. Not only because that he is very sweet and kind-hearted, but also very smart so that I think I can learn a lot from him.Peter is the same age with me but he looks even younger than his age. However, if you judge him by his appearance, he will surprise you by what he is c

28、apable of, which means you cant judge a book by its cover. Besides, he is very athletic, in fact, thats one of the reasons why he is so popular in my class.For his personality, as Ive mentioned before, he is very sweet and kind-hearted. No matter what the problems is, if you come to him for help, he

29、 wont let you down. Furthermore, he is one of the most optimistic and sophisticated person I know. As a matter of fact, he became like a role model for me.Actually what happened was very simple. He was the new transferred student in my class so that he didnt know anyone here. And about 3 months ago

30、I saw him helping another classmate with his math homework. Since my math was terrible and I asked him for help also. He did help me without hesitation. That was the beginning, since then we started talking and I found out that both of us are crazy in computer games, which means we share a lot of co

31、mmon interests. Until now we are still playing games together. In fact, what makes me curious about him is that how he can manage to maintain his grade while still spending a lot of time on computer. Anyway I think this question is still waiting for me to solve. So this is the person I want to talk

32、about.附part3部分话题及范文:How do young people make new friends?Well, nowadays, generally the younger generation prefer to make friends over the internet. In fact, it is very interesting. I believe that when I was a child, people generally make friend in real life. For example, when you meet someone and yo

33、u find that you share some common interests with this person, then you can become friend to each other. Contemporarily we tend to use chatting apps or other internet sites to communicate to other people. It is very common to see a lot of young people talking to others on the phone and ignoring peopl

34、e around them.How do people choose new friends?Normally, I believe if they share common interests, they may choose to become friends with each other. Otherwise, if you think about it, if they dont have anything in common, they wont have anything to talk about. On the other hand, there is another thi

35、ng I believe it is quite important. personality. In my opinion, the personality match between two people is also important. Or else they may fight with each other all the time.Which do you think is more important, friends or family?Well, from my perspective, it really depends. Like for myself, famil

36、y maybe more important. It is quite understandable that family members are related by blood and generally they live together. So of course you are more close to them. Hence, they become more important. However, after you grow up and step into the society, things may change. Also for people who are o

37、rphan or are being separated from their family for too long. Then their friends may become more important to them. So, in conclusion, it kind of depends on who they spend most of their time with.What can damage friendship?Aha, there could be lots of things. For instance, lying, betrayal, or purposel

38、y hurting someone can all jeopardize friendship. In fact, from my perspective, those are the things generally ruin friendship. For example, I got two friends before. We used to be very close to each other for that matters, however, we dont even talk to each other anymore now. what happened was that

39、one of them betrayed the other ones trust and stole his girlfriend behind his back. Then there are a lot of ugly things were said and I was caught in the middle. As innocent as I was, I was forced to choose side and I was like: thats it! I dont want to see any of you guys anymore.雅思口语P2话题答案:an inter

40、esting neighbourDescribe an interesting neighbour.You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat this person likes to doAnd explain why you think this neighbor is interesting参考范文:首先,第一句话-承接题目。并引出第一问Who this person isIm lucky enough to live in an area where I have good neighbours. Well

41、, the one who has left me great impression is Mr. Liu, a man of fun.第二问:How you know this person. 这一部分大家要努力进行一些拓展,最好添加一些细节和情节,不要泛泛得一句话带过,这样才能描述得更充实。同时,因为是发生在过去的事情,一定要记得每一个动词都要变过去式哦!I met him in the elevator of my apartment. I was waiting on the ground floor for the elevator and he was standing besid

42、e me. At first, we didnt have talksbut a few moments later, he started talking on the phone. I came to know that he was the new tenant of the apartment opposite to mine. Then we got introduced inside the elevator and I invited him to be my guest for some tea.第三问:What this person likes to do. 更加具体,切记

43、不要罗列事件,一定要添加解释,最好与人物特色相衔接。After that, we had a few catch up. Basically he is a computer engineer by profession and he loves to travel. He is filled with vast experiences of travelling in different parts of the world for his occupational purposes and has been hired by several globally renowned organi

44、sations.最后一问:Why you think this person is interesting. 大家都知道,Part 2的最后一问一般都是以Why收尾,问你具体的原因,是前面介绍性的题目结束后对整个卡片的总结和升华。是需要大家浓墨重彩得去渲染和铺开的一个题目。建议此题目的答题时间不要少于30秒,而且要尽可能添加你的感受,你的原因,你的评价。Whenever I meet him, I become pleased after talking with him. Mr. Liu is the man who will make you feel comfortable with h

45、is companion and you cannot stop laughing hearing his jokes and the way he talks. Sometimes he tells the stories of African people and their living styles, their cultures and customs. Besides, we have formed a network with few other neighbours in the apartment building, so that we can have chats reg

46、ularly in the evening or during weekends when everyone is back from their works. I would say life is never dull when he is around. (画龙点睛的收尾)Part 3 深入探讨Part 3是在Part 2基础上的延伸,同时也是对当下社会问题的深入探讨。当今社会,我们和邻居的关系相比几十年前,薄弱了许多,不知道隔壁是谁的情况也越来越司空见惯。接下来的预测题目,就很好得衔接了这一社会现实。1. Do you think neighbors are important?Yes

47、!Good advisors.They can always be good advisors and help you in making certain decisions of which you are totally confused.(给建议)Vacation help. When you are out on a vacation, you would like to go without any stress. Good neighbours will keep an eye on your property or take care of your pets.(出门度假:帮忙看门看狗)Help with parties. They can be helpers when you have a house party with lots of guests.(办趴体帮忙)No!Have different jobs and schedules. They could seldom see or meet each other due to dif


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