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1、雅思听力考试中3大高频场景详解 听力场景各个击破, 雅思听力考试中3大高频场景详解,今天给大家带来了雅思听力考试中3大高频场景详解,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。听力场景各个击破 雅思听力考试中3大高频场景详解首先,先说说租房场景,选择合适的住所对学习生活起着至关重要的作用。而且住宿问题也是首先要解决的问题。此部分经常涉及租房地点,租房时间,房内设施,居住条件等考点。比如大家比较熟悉的日本女生Keiko咨询关于homestay的情况的场景,就提出了no smoking/smoker, no drinking/drinker,是否有pet的问题的要求。还有在剑3中收录的一个

2、租房场景中考查了房屋价格以及各种bill的拼写。此外,类似的场景还有曾考到的一男生向搬家公司投诉自己的物品在搬运过程中损坏,以及之前考到的房屋被盗的场景。房屋被盗此类场景是近几年随着留学生活的深入而被借鉴到雅思听力考试当中的,因为学生被偷被盗这样的事件在英国愈演愈烈,笔者就有朋友居住的房间被盗,丢失了laptop,1000cash and passport。此类场景听力中就曾经考过一女生被偷电脑和钱包的场景,其中警察询问女生电脑serial number的题目让大家记忆深刻。所以后来也考到了相关的购买insurance的场景,保护自己的财物安全。在此,要说明的是在英国租房子的平均价格为200-

3、500每月每人,房东一般会在合同中以每周多少磅的价格注明,包bill的房子会把所有费用都包括在内,不包bill的房子房东也会包 water bill. 而且入住前一般都要付200左右的押金(deposit)。入住后如有房间配套设施的损坏可及时向房东反映,对方会提供免费维修。这一点在听力中经常会考到场景词汇,比如之前出现的bathroom light, kitchen curtains. 另外购买insurance是个人意愿,房东不会也不能强迫购买,如果你个人觉得购买insurance的花费比你要保的物品的总价还要高,那还是不要购买了。如果房间万一被盗,应及时拨打999报警电话告知警察,以使自己

4、的损失减少到最低限度。此外,还考查过关于房间内出现insects的场景。考生在这部分可以多熟悉平时的练习题目,甚至可以学习其中的对话内容,对自己将来的生活肯定大有帮助。另外一个要说明的场景是银行场景,因为这个场景是大部分中国学生所不熟悉的,特别是一些金融体系的差异。剑6中收录了一个典型的银行场景,在这个场景中银行职员问到设置security密码的问题,很多考生由于不具备这个基本常识而把题目填错。英国的所有银行通常都会要求开户人提供 mothers maiden name作为 security的设置。另外,在此场景中还考查到寄送bank statement和银行提供internet servic

5、e的问题,这些都应是考生在背景知识中所具备的。英国的银行一般来说会为客户每月寄送一次bank statement, 相应的网上银行服务也会提供。此类场景中经常会考到一些银行金融术语,做为国际学生开立帐户时需向银行提供passport, 学校出具的bank letter, 有些银行也会要求提供房租合同(tenancy agreement)。 大部分学生都会得到一个current account(活期账户),如果你有大额现金也会给你提供一个saving account(定期帐户),而且存款利息视存款的额度有不同的级别。银行一般2周左右甚至更长时间把存折本(passbook)银行卡(debit ca

6、rd)和密码(PIN number)通过信件(must be mailed)的方式寄送到本人。 Debit card 一般是不能透支的(overdraft),国际学生也可以申请信用卡(credit card),但英国的银行现在提供的信用额度不会很大,基本在300-500之间,目的就是为了防止信用卡诈骗(fraud)的发生。因为英国的银行在此方面也是教训深刻,每年都会有许多国际学生毕业后大肆利用信用卡消费一把然后扬长而去。英国比较大的银行有Natwest,LloydsTSB, Barclays, RBS,HSBC以及一些比较local的银行,比如AllianceLeicester,Yorkshi

7、re Bank。大部分银行的工作时间都是9:00-17:00 on weekdays, 周六只工作半天,周日休息。而且逢bank holiday也是大门紧闭,但是cash point machine可以比较方便的取款,每天最多可取出250。这些都是银行场景经常考查的重点。如果考生充分掌握了此类场景的相关背景,有些问题甚至是不用听就能够做对的。学习场景方面比较重要的是图书馆场景,而且图书馆是学习生活不可缺少的一部分,小组讨论(group discussion)课程论文(coursework)准备考试(exam preparation)这些工作都是需要利用图书馆的丰富资源进行的。这部分经常会考到场

8、景词汇的拼写,如果考生对这类相关术语不熟悉那么在考试中出错的几率就比较大。剑6中出现的一个真题场景就考查了reference(参考书),overdue book(超期书籍) back issue(过期刊物)的拼写,还提及到recalled books,library resources,dissertation convention等与图书馆设施或资源相关的词汇。由于图书馆是大家在国外学习活动中使用频率比较高的设施,所以对此类场景相关情况的熟悉和掌握是十分有必要的。此类场景中经常考到图书借阅,书籍类别,借书期限,图书馆资源利用这些考点。无论是本科生还是研究生一般都可以凭library card

9、一次借阅十本以上的书籍,借阅时可先利用computer搜索所需要的书籍,然后根据index的指示在书架上搜寻就可以了,这时候就需要你的skim,scan能力了,否则耗费几小时的时间恐怕也不会找到合适的书籍。另外,需要注意的是,有些书是week-loan,只能借阅一周这时候就要注意不要超期,超期就要pay a fine,一般是50p per day per book. 笔者就曾经因为没有及时还书而被charge 5,awfully depressed! 还书时把书投进return box就可以了,不像我们国内大学的图书馆会有专门的还书处。图书馆内所有的设施都是可以利用的,只是有些诸如复印打印这样

10、的设施是要收费的。通常来说,图书馆比较拥挤的时间是学期末,因为这个时候大家都在rush for the final exam,图书馆也会24h open。英国所有大学的图书馆online resources都十分丰富,有些馆之间也会有联系和合作,interlibrary services这一点也是此前听力中考查过的。建议大家在留学过程中要充分利用图书馆这一资源,不断提高自己的专业水平,不要等到写论文或考期到了才去光顾一下。雅思听力大范围预测:Section TwoSection 2场景:国家森林公园介题型:单选+匹配参考答案:11-16)Multiple Choice11. Report ha

11、s the worlds _?A. the highest mountain peakB. the biggest waterfallC. the largest rainforest12. What is the best thing they can do on top of the mountain?A. picnic areaB. 暂缺C. 暂缺13. What did the guy recommend for the experienced walkers?A. a brochure for the first-time visitorsB. a guidebook for in-

12、depth travellersC. a booklet for the Greek walk14. The fees of flying fox?A. 暂缺B. 暂缺C. included in the bill15. Civilities for children all year around?A. feeding animalsB. waking into the woodsC. camping and rock-climbing16. What should we sisters do before we go to restaurant?A. pay at the restaura

13、ntB. make a reservationC. collect the meal tickets at the reception17-20)Map Matching17. A (forest, opposite to the picnic area)18. D (keep going straight ahead on the right side)19. E (take the second turn to the right which near the BBQ area)20. G (opposite to the tennis court)Section 2场景:给雇员介绍自己的

14、旅游中心题型:单选+填空参考答案:11-13)Multiple Choice11. What is the main business of the travel centre?A. travel package (有争议)B. business (有争议)C. budget trip for groups12. Why do they like this job?A. free tickets and free travelingB. friendly colleaguesC. supportive atmosphere13. What is the responsibilities of

15、new employees?A. answering phonesB. do something with computerC. dealing with problems from guests14-20)Completing14. Pens should be put into store room.15. Help guests deliver tickets to client in managers room.16. Coffee machines are in the main hall.17. Answering phones from reception desk.18. Em

16、ployees are paid off on Thursdays.19. When it comes to some problems, they should go to the front desk.20. How much tax is referred in the letter given by the accountant.Section 2场景:对影院经理的采访题型:单选+填空参考答案:11-13)Multiple Choice11. Where is the most recent location cinema on the map?A. in the far northB

17、. between square and riveC. in the southeast12. What has been introduced in recent two months?A. a competitionB. 暂缺C. 暂缺13. The valuable worthy membership contains:A. membership 优惠B. free ticketC. 暂缺14-20)CompletingSection 2场景:图书馆布局和书籍介绍题型:匹配参考答案:11-16)Map Matching11. gardening book-H12. art book (g

18、raphic)-I13. cookery-C14. biographic book-F15. childrens reading area-E16. self-helping book-A17-20)Matching17. Pennys .X-has good illustration18. He Hidden-based on a real story19. Orange Moon-come from and be a part of a series20. Running Boy-award winningSection 2场景:澳洲动物园题型:匹配参考答案:11-16)Map Match

19、ing11. Monkey Zone (猴子区;最左下方;underneath gorilla) A12. Insects (昆虫区;one is next to the shop; one located at southeast) C13. 暂缺14. Snake House (蛇屋;shared with a given area) F15. Kangaroo Area (长颈鹿区;it is between the lake and Bear Section) B16. Tiger (老虎区;biggest on the right one; is the middle of the

20、three bigplace on the top) H17-20)MatchingA. prize/award winnerB. occur annuallyC. have a free toyD. internationally foundedE. give away monkeyF. restart this yearG. book in advance17. Zoo Evening (动物园之夜) A (prize/award winner奖品获得者)18. Artistic Festival (艺术节) -F (今年重开)19. Zoo Twilight (动物园暮光) B (每年都

21、会发生)20. Birthday Gale (生日突发) C (得到一个免费的玩具)雅思听力小范围预测:Section OneSection One场次待定场景酒店订房咨询题型填空 10内容概述预订海滨酒店1.address: 61/71, KVIUA2.March3. nationalities: Canadian and Australian, total 7 persons4. dont ask for kitchen5. need restaurant6.最贵的房间maximum price: $1207. parents-in-law 房间希望有 good sea view8. do

22、nt mind the shared bathroom9. guests can watch the birds10. special requirement of the helicopter trip air view-photos雅思听力小范围预测:Section TwoSection Two场次20XX1203 20XX0804场景地点介绍题型单选 5 配对 5内容概述多伦多工作室介绍单选 51. 新增服务 New workshop is to offer service likeA. home visitB. children caring2. first workshop 提供什么

23、服务A. get to know the cityB. finding a jobC. finding accommodation3. which interpreter is not availableB. ItalianC. Turkish4. Rom 204 九月举办的项目: seminar in September in English forA. Finance next is in September. the next is financeB. healthC. engineer5. Where is the information display?A. lecture room

24、B. lobbyC. Room 101配对 5A something about IT industry B help to fill in the formC give advice to accommodation D give advice about educationE people working in the same lineF getting to know the public transportation G something about leisureactivity6. Room 202 -C7. Room 205 -E8. Room 206 -G9. Room 2

25、07 -F10. Room 208 -B思听力小范围预测:Section ThreeSection Three场次20XX0110 20XX1018题型单选 4 配对 6内容概述艺术和音乐在医院里的应用 art and live music in hospitals单选 421 previous hospital put the art and music focused on.A children B patient who have psychological problems. C medical staffs inthe hospital2 What the response from

26、 the staff when the arts was used as medicaltool?Firstly the staff dislike it3 Why not let patients themselves turn on the music?impractical4 Womans attitude of the new hospital?surprised it is less convenient for staff配对 6A Patients spend less time in the hospital B patients who arc morecooperative

27、C art and music have little impact on the patients D patients who concernmore on detailsE patients whose blood pressure and heart beat rate arc average F patientswho ask for less medicationG visual arts have more impact on the patients5 postnatal clinic - B6 Trauma and Dissociation - C7 Day surgery clinic - E8 Childrens clinic - A9 emergency - F10 gynecology clinic - G雅思听力考试中3大高频场景详解


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