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1、雅思小作文写作步骤简述 今天给大家整理了雅思小作文写作步骤简述,一起来看看吧,就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思小作文写作步骤简述1. 试卷发下后,请花半分钟的时间来浏览作文的题目,这里包括议论文在内。2. 此后,请看第一部分的题目,明确以下几点1)属于什么题型的图表,是一个曲线图,一个饼图,一表格,一个流程图还是一个物体以及其他类型的图表2) 是一幅图还是两幅或者是以上的图3)时间、字数以及其他的要求3. 用5分钟的时间分析并形成以下的内容1)注意不同类型图表的技巧(包括时态、语态、关键描述词语与句型)2)划出并分析题目中的关键内容,分析图表中的关键特征点(依据各种图表的特点来决定)3)考虑结

2、构(开头引言,描述特征,可能总结)注意以下开头不能与*已经给出的东西一样,用自己语言表达;描述关键以及有代表性的点或者是趋势;在语法与句法正确的基础上,力求用不同的句型组合(如简单句,复合句,定语/表语/宾语/非谓语从句),用近意词语;正确表达*所给信息;在可能的情况下做简单的总结;不要发表有个人或者是评论性的句子;标点符号,单词的拼写应该正确;4. 书写的时候注意流利与工整,采用现代式的书写格式5. 留有时间检查,保持卷面的整洁雅思小作文技巧性句型开头句型(用简单的句子给出尽可能多的信息WHEN,WHAT,WHERE,有特色。)一般有两种,一种是主动一种是被动。1)The chart/gra

3、ph/table/diagram/process (show,reveal,illustrate,demonstrate,depict,describe,indicate)2)According to/As can be seen from/As shown in/It is clear/apparent from/It can be seen from结尾句型(如果没有可以充分说的,可以不用结尾。结尾不要节外生枝。最好不要出现很明显有结尾特征的词语“in conclusion”)中间关键句型要注意认真审查题目,弄清楚要描述的数据究竟代表什么,单位是什么,用什么方式表达。OBJECT (描述物

4、体)注意点:要明确以一定的顺序来写。从左到右或者是从上到下,从内到外(根据物体自己的特点)等等。把题目中给出的部件详细描述。(如202的自行车)句型:介绍功能 The illustration is of a _ which is designed to (do something)接着说明构成部分 A _ is made up of /consists of/comprises How many ?A number of parts/sections接着描述各个部件功能 不要用you ,one 可以用 we, the operator (单数个体) First , (the cyclist)

5、 puts his or her _on the _要有一定的顺序,不要将每个部分单独写出,应该将能够合并的一起结合,注意用以下句型(被动态,定语从句,非谓语动词)要用关联词雅思小作文基本句型-曲线雅思小作文曲线图注意点1)抓住“变化”和“趋势”2)有两种情况其一是在不同时间段内的数据比较,另外是单独数据的全程描述。前者适合于数据代表的物体较少且时间界限明确的情况下,后者适合于描述数据对象很多且时间划定不清晰。当然依据考试中的题目来决定。雅思小作文曲线图语言点1)变化状态幅度词(要依据描述的情况决定)轻微-slightly, slowly(速度), steadily(平缓) 逐渐-gradua

6、lly显着-significantly , markedly 急剧-rapidly , dramatically , abruptly ,sharply 突然-suddenly 趋势-trend inclination tendacy2)变量幅度词语 增加-increase, jump ,go up ,rise, climb , ascend , level up ,surge, 减少-decrease, drop ,go down ,fall,- , descend, level down , 水平-keep/stay/remain/maintain stable ,-steady ,be

7、similar to ,there is little/hardly any/no change 最高-reach a highest point/the top/the summit/the peak/the most/peak in,at 最低-reach a lowest point/the bottom/rock/hit a trough /bottom out 交叉-correspond with in -year; - crossing the line for -3) 时间幅度词语During the period 19701999 ; From 1970 to 1999 ; S

8、ince the early 1970s ;In 1970-then in 1980-ten years later4)基本句型There was变化趋势in the number of A from 1986-1990(over next.yeas) ,which was followed by 变化趋势and then变化趋势 until 1998 when there was变化趋势 for the next .yearsFrom 1990 onwards, there was变化趋势 in the number of A which then 变化趋势 at $% in 1994.In

9、 1990,the number reached (was) $%,but 30 years later there was变化趋势.After 变化趋势 fromto ,A begin 变化趋势 over the next.years.The number of increased rapidly from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year periodThere was a rapid increase from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year periodA has almost/nearly/about/over a

10、 quarter/half/twice/one third /as many students as/as much money as /B; A has about/approximately/exactly/precisely the same number/proportion/amount of students/money as.It has reached something of a plateau,X percent/an average of X percent in the past few years in 1998.in the 3 years spanning fro

11、m 1995 through 1998.the percentage of.is sightly larger/smaller than that of.the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of.decreased year by year while.雅思小作文常规句型-饼图PIE CHART (饼图)注意点:1. 文字中要表达出总量与分量的关系,在两个以上的PIE中,要注意各个PIE间的比较2. 数据究竟代表什么应清楚语言点:1 percentage / proportion2 make up/ constitute / a

12、ccount for3 the biggest difference between 2 group(A+B) is in ,where A makes up 5% while B constitutes 67% the highest percentage of A, which was approximately 12% the percentage of A in .is more than twice that of B,the ratio is 67% to 45%($% compared to $%) in,while a greater percentage of A than

13、B are found in. (the former is $% and the latter is $%) there are more A in,reaching $%,compared with $% of B A , which used to be the.,has become less important, which declined(increased) sharply from $% in 1978 to only $% in 1998.The biggest loss was to某区域.The biggest gains in A were made by 某区域.雅

14、思小作文常用基础词汇雅思小作文开头段常见词在评分时,考官最不想看到的是怎样的开头段?一是对题目的誊抄,会让考官对考生有懒惰、灵活度差的印象;二是对题目过度夸张的改写,为了寻求变化,而造成语序的“混搭”也是不可取的。其实,开头段考生在题目改写的过程中,不需追求翻天覆地的改变,毕竟这并不是考官考察的关键,所以只需掌握常见的同义表达便可轻松拿下。例如各种图形的名称就是其中一个必须要素。线图/曲线图line graph柱图/条形图bar chart饼状图pie chart表格题table图画题(流程、地图题)diagram此外,语言学家建议考生在备考时要熟背以下的常见开头段同义词替换表:showdem

15、onstrate/ reveal/ illustrate/ display/ compare/ indicate/ depictchangesvariationnumberfigure/ amount/ data/ statisticpercentageproportion/ rate/ sharekindtype/ categorycountrynationcontinentarea/ regionmenmaleswomenfemalesuniversitycollegefamilyhouseholdUKBritainandas well asaboutregarding/ concerni

16、ngfromtobetweenandduringoverdifferentvarious/ several/ diverseper yearannualspendingexpense/ expenditureworldwidearound the world/ across the globe开头段写作应尽量做到快且高质量,所以最实际的方法是准备一些图表作文的开头句式,以节省时间。不用担心考官怪你“抄袭”,对于刻板的小作文,这些句型正中考官下怀。相反地,花时间创作的开头并不一定能取悦考官。雅思小作文开头段常见句型:The chart provides some data regarding the changes of .form 1991 to 2001.该图提供了从2001年到2004年有关。变化的相关数据。The graph depicts the proportion ofin different nations between 2001 and 20XX.该图形描述在2001年到20XX年期间不同国家间有关。的比例。The graph presented the general trend in该图描述了。的总趋势。雅思小作文写作步骤简述


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