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1、雅思阅读10大常见问题解答 雅思阅读的常见问题解答,不一定很疑难,但是一定是很多人曾碰到过的问题。今天给大家带来了雅思阅读10大常见问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读10大常见问题解答雅思阅读中常见问题一:一遇到科技类的阅读材料,我就犯怵,就看不懂,这个应该怎样准备?如果科技类犯怵,大概这个同学是学文科类专业的,越犯怵科技类平时越加强对科技类*的阅读就可以了。科技的*看起来好像好多术语比较难,往往它的结构比较清晰,科技性*非常强调很清晰思路,很有可能一开始提出这个问题,分析这个问题,接下来解决这个问题。很有可能一开始先说明某个科学现象,原有理论是怎么样子,现


3、老师建议提高阅读速度,但是我不知道怎么才能跟现实的复习结合起来?老师有没有比较好的建议,能帮助我很好的理解*,又能提高阅读速度?这个问题比较大,阅读想考好的话无非两点,一点是精确,第二是速度要快,所以也不可能一两句话讲完,简单来说还有很多技巧,包括怎么样抓住*中心思想,怎么样迅速抓住*大意,怎么进行速读、扫读等等,如果阅读技巧掌握,在此基础上每天读一定数量的*,把这些技巧加以练习,阅读速度自然提高上去。雅思阅读中常见问题四:TURE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 这类题怎么做啊?总感觉自己的想法跟老外的想法有很大的差异,怎样才能提高这类题的正确率呢?首先,T/F/NG考察的是考生对*中某个语

4、句,特别是作者观点的理解。如果给出的句子与作者的观点一致,那么就应该选T,如果给出的句子与作者的观点抵触,那么就应该选F,如果作者在*中没有提到有关的信息,则选NG,考生在判断F和NG区别时,往往会出现比较大的问题。 如果要在短期内加以提高,不妨可以尝试一下下面的方法: 选F的题目回到*中往往可以找到一句或两句话,至多不超过一段话与之相对应;而选NG的题目回文中将很难找到唯一对应点,句子的主谓宾等成分会分散在文中数段。雅思阅读中常见问题五:对于雅思阅读,考生在90天的时间内应该如何备考?复习过程最好要经历这样几个阶段:倒数第三个月:单词的初记,最好巩固一下四六级词汇,再开始背记雅思词汇,分题型

5、练习;倒数第二个月:开始利用做过的题目做精读,通过精读来背单词,此时应该开始练习整套题,做题时间一定要控制在60分钟以内;倒数第一个月:记过但还是比较陌生的单词应该再过一遍,开始练习听,读,写综合题,大套题的量应该不低于5套,阅读单项套题的量应该不低与10套,单词起码要背完六级词汇。雅思阅读中常见问题六:阅读速度总提不上去,就算是速度提高了,正确率也就下来了,怎样才能二者兼得呢?速度不是一个短期提高的东西.要通过大量的泛读和单词积累.建议可以从背单词开始,同时可以每天阅读1000字左右的*.在考前二个月的时候,开始做套题就可以了.雅思阅读中常见问题七:TURE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN

6、,matching ,填词题,一道小题用多长时间完成?一整道大题(如8道)用多长时间完成好呢?为什么填词题总做不好?总体来讲每一篇*的做题时间不能超过20分钟,但在考场上是比较难把握的.一般会出现15分钟25分钟20分钟这样的三个阶段,大题的做题时间控制在10分钟以内.小题最好不要超过2至3分钟,这样整体时间就可以把握住了.雅思阅读中常见问题八:雅思阅读做题和阅读*的顺序如何把握,如果通读*,往往没有时间做题,如果看题找答案,好像又不能完全找到,还得读*,有什么好的方法兼顾?一般来讲,要把所有的题目看一遍,找出题目当中的数字,时间,专有名词,带有这些特色词的题目可以先做.读*的时候不能整体通读


8、十:我做LH题老是一错对一半,感觉刚开始学雅思的时候着题做得挺好的啊,不知道现在着是怎么了,是不是题做多了头脑不清醒了啊,那现在该怎么办啊?其实英语学习过程中会出现所谓的高原期现象,你现在可能就处在这样一个时期,一般在上完班1个月左右的时间出现.我建议你可以暂时先放下套题,开始练习一些单项题,同时再背一段时间的单词,等到考前还有一个月时间左右再开始练习套题.这样让自己的学习有个缓冲阶段,在这个阶段可以回顾一下以前做过的题目中的错题,反思一下,这样比闷着头一直做题要更有收获.雅思阅读句子填空题讲解-The effects of light on plant and animal speciesT

9、he effects of light on plant and animal speciesLight is important to organisms for two different reasons. Firstly it is used as a cue for the timing of daily and seasonal rhythms in both planes and animals, and secondly it is used to assist growth in plants.Breeding in most organisms occurs during a

10、 part of the year only, and so a reliable cue is needed to trigger breeding behavior. Day length is an excellent cue, because it provides a perfectly predictable pattern of change within the year. In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length increas

11、es steadily by a predictable amount. The seasonal impact of day length on physiological responses is called photoperiodism, and the amount of experimental evidence for this phenomenon is considerable. For example, some species of birds breeding can be induced even in midwinter simply by increasing d

12、ay length artificially (Wolfson 1964). Other examples of photoperiodism occur in plants. A short-day plant flowers when the day is less than a certain critical length. A long-day plant flowers after a certain critical day length is exceeded. In both cases the critical day length differs from species

13、 to species. Plants which flower after a period of vegetative growth, regardless of photoperiod, are known as day-neutral plants.Breeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in which offspring have the greatest chances of survival. Before the breeding season

14、begins, food reserves must be built up to support the energy cost of reproduction, and to provide for young birds both when they are in the nest and after fledging. Thus many temperate-zone birds use the increasing day lengths in spring as a cue to begin the nesting cycle, because this is a point wh

15、en adequate food resources will be assured.The adaptive significance of photoperiodism in plants is also clear. Short-day plants that flower in spring in the temperate zone are adapted to maximising seedling growth during the growing season. Long-day plants are adapted for situations that require fe

16、rtilization by insects, or a long period of seed ripening. Short-day plants that flower in the autumn in the temperate zone are able to build up food reserves over the growing season and over winter as seeds. Day-neutral plants have an evolutionary advantage when the connection between the favourabl

17、e period for reproduction and day length is much less certain. For example, desert annuals germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length.The breeding season of some plants can be delayed to extraordinary lengths. Bamboos are perennial grasses that remain

18、in a vegetative state for many years and then suddenly flower, fruit and die (Evans 1976). Every bamboo of the species Chusquea obietifolia on the island of Jamaica flowered, set seed and died during 1884. The next generation of bamboo flowered and died between 1916 and 1918, which suggests a vegeta

19、tive cycle of about 31 years. The climatic trigger for this flowering cycle is not yet known, but the adaptive significance is dear. The simultaneous production of masses of bamboo seeds (in some cases lying 12 to 15centimetres deep on the ground) is more than all the seed-eating animals can cope wi

20、th at the time, so chat some seeds escape being eaten and grow up to form the next generation (Evans 1976).The second reason light is important to organisms is that it is essential for photosynthesjs. This is the process by which plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon from soil or water in

21、to organic material for growth. The rate of photosynthesis in a plant can be measured by calculating the rate of its uptake of carbon. There is a wide range of photosynthetic responses of plants to variations in light intensity. Some plants reach maximal photosynthesis at one-quarter full sunlight,

22、and others, like sugarcane, never reach a maximum, but continue to increase photosynthesis rate as light intensity rises.Plants in general can be divided into two groups: shade-tolerant species and shade-intolerant species. This classification is commonly used in forestry and horticulture. Shade-tol

23、erant plants have lower photosynthetic rates and hence have lower growth rates than those of shade-intolerant species. Plant species become adapted to living in a certain kind of habitat, and in the process evolve a series of characteristics that prevent them from occupying other habitats. Grime (19

24、66) suggests that light may be one of the major components direrting these adaptations. For example, eastern hemlock seedlings are shade-tolerant. They can survive in the forest understorey under very low light levels because they have a low photosynthetic rate.Questions 34-40Complete the sentences.

25、Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet.34Day length is a useful cue for breeding in areas where . are unpredictable.35Plants which do not respond to light levels arc referred to as . .36Birds in temperate climates assoc

26、iate longer days with nesting and the availability of .37Plants that flower when days are long often depend on.to help them38Desert annuals respond to.as a signal for reproduction.39There is no limit to the photosynthetic rate in plants such as . .40 Tolerance to shade is one criterion for the horti

27、culture of plants in forestry and horticulture.答案与解析:长难句练习:1.Breeding seasons in animals such as birds have evolved to occupy the part of the year in which offspring have the greatest chances of survival.参考译文:例如鸟类等动物的繁殖期占据了一年中他们后代生存几率最大的时间。知识点:句子主干Breeding seasons主语, have evolved to occupy 谓语,the pa

28、rt of the year宾语,in animals定语,in which引导限定性定语从句在句中做时间状语因为in which=when。Breeding seasons繁殖期,繁殖季节;evolve逐步进化;offspring后代2. Long-day plants are adapted for situations that require fertilization by insects, or a long period of seed ripening.参考译文:长日照植物会选择适宜昆虫受精或种子成熟周期较长的时期。知识点:Long-day plants长日照植物,are ad

29、apted for适宜,fertilization by insects昆虫受精,seed ripening种子成熟 句子主干Long-day plants主语 ,are adapted for谓语被动态 ,situations宾语,that限定性引导定语从句修饰 situations。3.The simultaneous production of masses of bamboo seeds (in some cases lying 12 to 15 centimeters deep on the ground) is more than all the seedeating animal

30、s can cope with at the time, so that some seeds escape being eaten and grow up to form the next generation.参考译文:大量的竹子同时孕育的种子产量(在一些例子中,种子在地下12-15厘米深),超过了这一时期以种子为食的动物所能吃掉的数量,所以,一些种子就能存活下来,长成下一代。知识点:主句主语是production,more than表语后加了一个对比关系的句子 all the seedeating animals can cope with at the time; so that引导结果状语从句。雅思阅读10大常见问题解答


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