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1、影视英语口语:看电影 英语在生活和就业中的重要性已经越来越显著了,日常口语交际的常用语是大家必须掌握的。今天给大家带来影视英语口语:看电影,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。影视英语口语:看电影你想去看电影吗?Would you like to go to a movie? .ould you like to.? 表示“你想吗?”、“要不要?”的意思,是比较有礼貌地表示邀请和提议的句型。Would you like to go to a movie? (你想去看电影吗?)Sure, Id love to. (当然,我很想去。)What do you say to going

2、to a movie? .句和上句的意思一样,但是这种说法比较随便。今天晚上放什么电影?Whats on tonight? .n用来表示“电影、戏剧的上演和活动的举行”。Whats playing tonight?What are you showing tonight?你想看什么电影?What movie do you want to see?我想看.I want to see.哪儿演.?Where is. playing?.演到什么时候?How long is. playing?How long will. play?这部电影是谁演的?Who is in this movie?演多长时间?

3、How long does it last? .ast“持续,继续”。How long will it last?How long is it?下一场几点开演?What time is the next showing?When is the next showing?几点演完?What time will it be over?What time will it end?我买两张成人票。Two, please.Two tickets, please.Two adults, please.前边的人挡着,我看不见。I cant see because of the person in front

4、 of me.That person is blocking my view.That person is in my way.我们怎么坐得这么靠后呀?We are way in the back, arent we?我们坐到前面的座位上吧。Lets sit closer up front.真太有意思了,是不是?That was interesting, wasnt it?That was interesting, wasnt it? (真太有意思了,是不是?)It sure was. (确实。)这电影真没劲。That was boring, wasnt it?That was dull, w

5、asnt it?太让人感动了。I was moved. .ove“使感动”。How was the ballet? (芭蕾舞怎么样?)I was moved. (太让人感动了。)It touched me.It was a touching movie. (这是一部感人的电影。)影视英语:卷福写给“圣诞老人”的一封信英国人对于文学的热爱和对书信的依赖从历史一直延续到现在:他们到现在还会有很多阅读会,包括有一个盛会叫Letter Live, 是请名人来朗读书中的片段。明年3月1015日这个盛会又要在伦敦开幕,于是为了庆祝盛会归来,组织者在12月7日,也就是英国国家写信日,邀请了一些名人名士写一封

6、信给我们大家最熟悉的老爷爷Father Christmas 圣诞老人。其中就包括本尼迪特Benedict Cumberbatch,我们最熟悉的夏洛克Sherlock的饰演者。卷福在手写信中写道:“我希望你能让孩子们更多地享受童年天真烂漫的时光,让魔法和欢笑的日子延长,让他们远离疯狂的现实世界,笑容灿烂、远离眼泪。”另外,他还说会给圣诞老人留波特酒和肉馅饼,希望自己能得到一把光剑。Benedict Cumberbatch has written a letter to Santa Claus asking him for a little more time for children to be

7、 children.He was writing to promote the Letters Live event next March, which celebrates the power of literary correspondence.The Sherlock star wrote:This is what Id like to ask you to help with. A little more time for children to be children. Stretch the moment of magic and playfulness. Distract the

8、m from the realities of a world gone mad so that they can laugh with their breath rather than sob with their tears.Especially those caring for family members, or suffering illness, hunger or poverty. Especially those hiding in buildings as bombs rain down, or being handed shaking with fear or cold i

9、nto a boat to escape environmental disaster or war. Please help to light up their worlds with a moment of joy and hope.Spare a thought too for those millions who want to write to you but through illiteracy cant. Hear their words and help to give them the time and chance to learn how to read and writ

10、e so they can better their lives and escape their impoverished beginnings.He signed off promising to leave some extra port and mince pies for the man in red, and asked for a lightsaber.Cumberbatch was among a number of stars who penned letters to Santa including Annie Lennox, Radioheads Thom Yorke,

11、Thandie Newton and Russell Brand - who thanked him for Jeremy Corbyn, Charlotte Church and the new series of Peep Show.影视英语:水果姐变身天气预报员,呼吁关注气候变化International pop star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry has released a special report on man-made climate change - and its likely way hotter than yo

12、u expect.近日,国际流行歌星、联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)亲善大使凯蒂佩里发布了一段关于人为气候变化的特殊播报视频全球气候可比你想象的要热多了。In a mock TV news bulletin, the “Hot and Cold” singer shines a spotlight on the devastating effects extreme weather patterns are having on millions of children around the world.在一段模仿电视新闻播报的视频中,这位曾演唱忽冷忽热的歌星着重介绍了极端天气模式对全球数百万

13、儿童的毁灭性影响。As a California Girl, Im not the only one experiencing drought, the superstar says.这位巨星说道:“虽然我来自干旱的加州,但并不是只有我才体会过旱灾。”Wearing a red suit reminiscent of Anchor Man character Ron Burgundy, the songstress takes viewers on a 60-second global tour, beginning in the Philippines, where tropical cyc

14、lone patterns have wrecked havoc on the region.视频中,佩里身穿红色套装,不禁让人们想起电影王牌播音员中的朗伯甘蒂。佩里带领观众来了一趟为期60秒的环球旅行。旅途起点是菲律宾,那里的热带气旋气候给当地带来了严重破坏。From there she goes to Bangladesh, where flooding has left millions of children and families without homes.之后,她又带大家来到孟加拉国,那里泛滥的洪水让数百万儿童和家庭流离失所。In East Africa, mosquito-b

15、orne malaria continues to spread while an astounding 800 children die by the disease every day, she notes.然后在东非,她指出,通过蚊子进行传播的疟疾继续蔓延着,每天有800名儿童因此死亡,数量惊人。And the forecast is: conditions will worsen,” Perry somberly concludes.佩里严肃地总结道:“未来的发展是:情况会更遭。”“Lets encourage our world leaders to take this issue

16、seriously,” she said in a release accompanying the video. “Share your story on how you are helping reduce climate change with the hashtag #FightUnfair. Together we can help change the forecast for millions of children.”她在随视频发布的新闻中说:“让我们一起呼吁世界各国领导人重视这个问题。也欢迎你在推特上分享你对减缓气候变化所做的贡献,以FightUnfair为标签。只要我们携起

17、手来,就能改变数百万儿童的未来。”The reports jarring findings are among UNICEFs latest report on climate change, released in November.播报中提及的让人震惊的数据源自UNICEF在11月发布的一篇关于气候变化的最新报告。The videos release on Sunday comes as world leaders convene in Paris at COP 21, the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties. There, mo

18、re than 190 nations have gathered to discuss a potential new global agreement on climate change.这段视频发布于12月6日,恰逢世界各国领导人在巴黎召开联合国第21届气候变化大会之际。此次会议,190多个国家齐聚一堂,共同商讨制定全新的气候变化协定。The Dark Horse singer was appointed ambassador to UNICEF in 20XX. That same year, she traveled to Madagascar where she spent time teaching and playing with children attending UNICEF programs at the Ilaiko Child Protection Centre.曾演唱黑马等歌曲的佩里20XX年被任命为UNICEF亲善大使。同年,她前往马达加斯加,在艾莱科儿童保护中心与参加UNICEF项目的儿童一起玩耍,并传授他们知识。影视英语口语:看电影


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