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1、托福阅读细节题是送分题 托福阅读细节题是送分题?掌握应对技巧才能避免出错。今天给大家带来了掌握应对技巧才能避免出错 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读细节题是送分题?掌握应对技巧才能避免出错托福阅读细节题考什么?在学习托福阅读细节题的解题思路之前,我们首先要了解细节题对于考生的能力考查到底在哪里。在看来,细节题考查的核心要点是大家在*阅读过程中对于细节信息的敏感度以及考生准确返回原文定位到细节的能力,这种能力在考生以后研究生阶段学业中需要阅读大量文字类资料并准确寻找到其中关键性信息时会很有价值,因此细节题可以说就是针对考生是否具备这种能力而设置的题型。托福阅读细节题

2、出题思路实例分析托福阅读细节题从提问方式上主要可以分为两类,第一类难度较高,要求考生对问题的所有选项都进行返回原文查找的步骤从而得出正确答案。这类题目称为多选项返回定位题,比如以下这道题目就是如此:Asia is the largest land mass on Earth. It contains one-third of the worlds land. Much of the land is uninhabited. But Asia holds more than 60% of the worlds people. It has 48 different countries, incl

3、uding China and India. They are the most populous countries in the world. Asia is also the birthplace of the worlds five major religions. They are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Which of the following is true of Asia?A. It is the largest continent on Earth.B. One-third of the w

4、orlds population lives there.C. It takes up 60% of the worlds land massD. It is the home of 48 different religions.可以看到这道题目本身并没有给出任何解题线索和关键词,考生需要把四个选项逐一返回原文核对查找以后,才能得出正确答案。这类题目之所以难度较高,就是因为它会消耗大家比较多的时间,本身考试时间不足答题节奏落后于原定进度的同学面对这类题目很容易因为心浮气躁,想要加速又加不了而出现错误。而且这类题目有个特点,那就是哪怕选项A就是正确选项,考生也会忍不住再去把其它选项也逐一核对确认

5、一下再做出选择,这其实就是利用了考生患得患失的解题心理。以上题为例,A选项It is the largest continent on Earth.和*第一句Asia is the largest land mass on Earth.其实就是一个意思,但哪怕考生心中已经比较有把握,也还是需要再看完其它选项才行。这样的题目相当消耗时间,大家如果遇到请务必注意时间分配方面的问题。第二类细节题难度就比较低了,这类题目会给出明确的提示性线索和关键词,考生根据关键词直接返回原文就能找到对应题目的正确答案,在较短时间内就能做完。这类题目称为明确线索定位题,比如下面这道:A routine vaudevi

6、lle show usually began with a silly act, such as acrobats or trick bicyclists. This allow audience members to arrive late and find their seats. The show peaked in the middle with the “headliner”. This act was usually the best in the show. The show would conclude with a “chaser” act. This act was con

7、sidered good enough to feature but dull enough to make audiences leave the theater.According to paragraph 2, why did a vaudeville show usually start off with a silly act?A. Because the audience needed time to arrive and find their seats.B. Because the audience preferred to begin with silly acts.C. B

8、ecause silly acts got the audience ready for serious ones.D. Because that was the only type of act the theater owner could find.这道题目不仅给出了关键词线索a silly act,而直接给出了对应内容所在的段落位置,对于考生来说定位返回就变得相当简单了,考生只要带着问题读一下原文,找到答案以后再从选项中寻找出相应的内容就可以顺利解题。比如上面这道题问的是威慑呢么杂耍表演开场都要先来个silly act?考生从原文第二句This allow audience membe

9、rs to arrive late and find their seats.就可以直接找到答案,甚至不用读完整段内容就能获得自己需要的信息,接下来看到选项A也正好符合要求,那么答案一下子就能确定出来,整个解题过程不会超过30秒。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:非洲冶金技术发展托福阅读长难句实例Unlike in the Americas, where metallurgy was a very late and limited development, Africans had iron from a relatively early date, developing ingenious f

10、urnaces to produce the high heat needed for production and to control the amount of air that reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron.句子分析本句的主句是Africans had iron from a relatively early date,句首出现unlike.提示了比较关系,这里是美洲与非洲作比较,在Americas之后有where引导的定语从句作修饰。而主句之后的developing ingenious furnac

11、es则是现在分词作状语。本句还有两个不定式结构,分别是to produce the high heat和to control the amount of air,它们是前面furnaces的补语。句末that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的the amount of air。词汇总结metallurgy指的是“冶金术”。ingenious表示“巧妙的“,比如:an ingenious way of making money 赚钱的妙法,an ingenious gadget 巧妙的小玩意,本句ingenious furnaces指的是“精巧的熔炉”。大家还要记下它的名词ingenuity,表示“心灵

12、手巧;足智多谋”。句子翻译美洲的冶金技术发展得非常晚,而且有限。而非洲人则完全不同,他们从相对较早的时期开始就有了铁,并制造出了精巧的熔炉来产生冶金所需要的高温,熔炉还能控制与碳和铁矿石接触的空气用量以满足冶金的需要。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:古生物学家新理论托福阅读长难句实例In 1972 paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge challenged conventional wisdom with an opposing viewpoint, the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis,

13、which posits that species give rise to new species in relatively sudden bursts, without a lengthy transition period.句子分析本句的主语是Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge,谓语动词是challenged, 宾语是conventional wisdom。而the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis则是an opposing viewpoint的同位语,用来进一步解释这个反对的观点。在

14、同位语之后,有which引导的定语从句,修饰前面的equilibrium hypothesis,这个定语从句的谓语动词是posits。词汇总结conventional作形容词,表示“传统的;习惯的;常规的”,比如:She is a respectable married woman with conventional opinions. 她是一位可敬的观念传统的已婚妇女。We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms. 我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器来降

15、低战争的危险。conventional是托福阅读词汇题所考查的高频词汇,与“traditional”, “customary”意思相近。opposing作形容词,表示“相反的,对立的”,比如:The opposing armies were already preparing for war. 反对派的军队已经在备战了。May and Joe have opposing vies on the purpose of going to preschools. 玛丽和乔对于上学前班的目的持截然相反的观点。punctuate作动词,表示“不时打断”,比如:The game was punctuate

16、d by a series of injuries. 那场比赛因不时有人受伤而中断。equilibrium作名词,表示“平衡,均衡”,比如:The main task now is the maintenance of social equilibrium. 现在的主要任务是维持社会平衡。本句中的punctuated equilibrium是一个生物学科词,表示“间断平衡理论”,该理论认为:物种的进化是先处于一段时间的稳定状态,然后经历突然被打断的变化,最后再次恢复平衡。posit作动词,表示“假定”,比如:He posited that the world economy is a syst

17、em with its own particular equilibrium. 他假定世界经济是一个有其自身某种平衡的体系。give rise to的意思是“引起,导致”,是写作可以经常使用的词组,比如:Our addiction to cellphones has given rise to many social problems. 我们对手机的沉迷引起了很多社会问题。burst作名词,表示“爆发”,比如:bursts of violent temper 突然发大脾气。lengthy作形容词,表示“(时间)过长的,冗长的”。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:太平洋岛屿火山托福阅读长难句实例A

18、 glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean reveals that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoesmany no longer active, some overgrown with coralthat originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate that forms the Pacific seafloor.句子分析本句的主语是a glance,谓语动词则是re

19、veals,在这个谓语之后由that引起了宾语从句。这个宾语从句比较长,在理解时,可以把破折号之间的插入语跳过,先理清楚三个定语从句,第一个that的定语从句,用来修饰前面的many islands,破折号之后that引导的定语从句,用来修饰前面的volcanoes,而本句最后还有一个that的定语从句,则是修饰前面的the Pacific Plate。读明白以上这些后,再读插入语,它其实只是对前面volcanoes作补充说明而已。词汇总结glance作名词,意思是“一瞥,看一眼”,比如:He gave her a quick glance as she walked into the roo

20、m. 她走进房间时,他朝她看了一眼。take/give/show a glance at sth.是常用的词组,表示“看一眼”。reveal作动词,表示“显露;揭露”,是托福阅读词汇题所考查的高频词汇,与“show”的意思相近,比如:The curtains opened to reveal a darkened stage. 大幕拉开,露出一片漆黑的舞台。The newspaper story revealed a cover-up of huge proportions. 报纸的报道揭露了一件掩饰真相的事件,此事牵连甚广。volcano作名词,表示“火山”。overgrown作形容词,意思

21、是“长满的”,比如:The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back. 我们回来的时候,花园里将是杂草丛生。originate作动词,表示“发源;创始”,比如:a custom originating in Chinese culture 源自中国文化的一种习俗。interior作形容词,表示“内部的”,比如:The interior lighting is not adequate. 内部照明不足。plate在地理中指的是“板块”。句子翻译扫一眼太平洋的地图就能知道那里有许多在大海深处的岛屿,那些岛屿其实都是火山,

22、其中许多已经不活动了,有一些还长满了珊瑚,这些火山起源于当时太平洋板块内部的地质活动,这样的板块形成了太平洋的海底。句子翻译1972年,古生物学家史蒂芬杰伊古尔德和奈尔斯埃尔德用相反的论点挑战了传统的认知,即间断平衡理论,该理论假定物种演变为新的物种是通过相对突然的爆发,而并非通过长时间的过渡时期。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:公路通行费的作用托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Tolls on roads became high enough to finance what has been called a road revolution , involving new surfac

23、es and bridges, new passes through the Alps, and new inns and hospices for travelers.结构分析:复合句。句中包含what引导的宾语从句。句子分析:Tolls on roads主语, became high enough为系表结构, to finance 为结果状语。在结果状语中,finance为动词,what为宾语从句,其中,what充当主语,has been called a road revolution 为谓语部分。本部分意思:公路通行费足以资助所谓的道路革命。involving后置定语修饰revolution, new surfaces and bridges作involving的并列宾语1, new passes为宾语2,through the Alps为定语, new inns and hospices为宾语3,for travelers 为定语。本部分意思:包括新的路面和桥梁,穿过阿尔卑斯的新关口,以及为旅客新提供旅馆和收容所。参考翻译:公路通行费足以资助所谓的道路革命,包括新的路面和桥梁,穿过阿尔卑斯的新关口,以及为旅客新提供旅馆和收容所。


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