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1、2022广西中考时间公布须知 2022广西中考时间公布6月24日26日;百色:6月24日27日;中考英语复习备考章节练习题一、词汇。A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限填一词。punish,miss,popular,repair,necessary1.Its necessary for us to learn English well.2.Who helped you repair the car?3.British Museum is one of the most_popular museums in London.4.The teacher punished the

2、noisy children by making them stay after school yesterday.5.I cant find my missing cat.Could you help me,Tom?B.根据电子邮件内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。(20XX,嘉兴)Dear Annie,Everyone thinks I am so lucky to have parents who are always 6.spending(度过) their time with me.I dont feel that way,though.Mum and

3、 dad have made many 7.rules(规则) at home.For example,they dont allow me to have fun with friends on weekends.8.Instead(代替),I have to stay at home,busy with endless 9.homework(家庭作业).They are watching over me all the time.I want to 10.join(加入) the after-class activities Im interested in,and not the one

4、s they think are 11.useful(有用的),but I have to obey them.Can you tell me what I should do?TomDear Tom,Thank you for your message.It 12.seems(似乎) that your parents want to protect you,though you may feel uncomfortable sometimes.Why dont you have an 13.honest(诚实的) chat with them?Show your parents that

5、you are old enough to take 14.care(照料) of yourself and make your own decision.Express your feelings to them.Then,work 15.together(一起) to reach an agreement.Be patient,and Im sure things will be better from now on.Annie二、语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Betty and I share bi

6、rthdays on the _16_ day,so we plan our birthday party together.While we were planning,my mom came and asked:“Dont forget _17_(invite) John.” John came to our class this term,but he is getting better grades in math than anyone else.“Mom,he wears the same _18_ to school every day.He wont have money fo

7、r a suit.” Mom said nothing.Later,Mom gave me a shopping card and said,“Why _19_ give this to John?” But how?We didnt want to make John embarrassed(尴尬的).We discussed it for a long time.Finally,Betty and I had a good idea._20_ the day of our party,John arrived,still in the same pants as usual.Before

8、_21_ (eat) the birthday cake,Betty said in a loud _22_,“Now its time for the great prize game.” It was a math game._23_(no) of us were surprised when John came _24_ with the right answer first and got the shopping card.Everything went _25_ (good) as we planned.John wore a new pair of pants the next

9、week.He felt happy.So did we.16.same 17.to_invite 18.pants 19.not20.On 21.eating 22.voice 23.None24.up 25.well三、完形填空。(20XX,安顺)Hearing is very important to all of us.We can _26_ beautiful music,nice songs of birds,the laughter of people or other different kinds of _27_ in the world with our ears._28_

10、 we must try to protect our ears.The following will tell you _29_ protect ears.Listening to _30_ music a lot can be bad for ears,_31_ when headphones (耳机) are used.So _32_ the volume(音量)when youre wearing headphones or try not to wear headphones.You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing h

11、eadphones.Before swimming,remember _33_ earplugs(耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water _34_ into your ears.If you are going to a concert,wear earplugs to protect your ears _35_ the terrible music!_36_,special earplugs can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musi

12、cian yourself.See a doctor if your ears _37_._38_ some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so._39_ the advice above now and you wont be saying “what?” when you are getting _40_.( B )26.A.listen B.hearC.listening D.hear of( A )27.A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.barks( C )28.A.Because B.AlthoughC.So D.B

13、ut( D )29.A.what B.how C.what to D.how to( A )30.A.loud B.aloud C.loudly D.quiet( D )31.A.specially B.especialC.special D.especially( C )32.A.turn on B.turn offC.turn down D.turn up( B )33.A.put B.to putC.putting D.to putting( D )34.A.get B.to getC.with getting D.from getting( B )35.A.for B.from C.w

14、ith D.at( A )36.A.In fact B.In shortC.In general D.In a word( D )37.A.break B.sick C.ill D.hurt( C )38.A.Drink B.Eat C.Take D.Have( C )39.A.Listen B.Hear C.Follow D.Fetch( B )40.A.young B.old C.sick D.tired 四、阅读理解。(20XX,金华)Childhood is a time of fun and games.Many people still remember when they wer

15、e young,they often played games like hide-and-seek and chess.Playing teaches children how to get along with others,and it also helps to exercise the mind and body.However,children today spend most of their playing time in front of the computer,playing video games.A recent survey found that in the US

16、.Children between 8 and 12 spend at least 13 hours a week playing video games or “gaming”.Boys of this age spend even more time,almost 16 hours a week.Although some people will say that gaming is helpful,it brings many problems as well.One big problem is that kids who spend most of their time on gam

17、es might have difficulty communicating with real people.They might have trouble sharing and resolving (解决) problems because they do not practise these skills when sitting alone at a computer.Another problem is about health.Game players usually sit for hours without doing any exercise.And they might

18、not eat healthily.As a result,they might be out of shape.Next,game players might have trouble with their lessons.Many of them spend more time playing games than working on their homework.In the end, _.Finally,it is always possible that the gamers become addicted (成瘾).Some people play four or five ho

19、urs a day or even all day.This happened to a 28-year-old Korean man.He spent about 50 hours playing an online game without sleeping or eating well.He died while gaming!This is one example of the dangers of video gaming.It tells us that video gaming,like everything else,should not be done too much.A

20、few hours a week should not hurt,but several hours a day just might be dangerous to your health.41.Children of 8 to 12 in the US spend at least _A_ hours a week playing video games.A.13 B.16 C.28 D.5042.How many problems about playing video games are mentioned in the passage?_C_A.Two. B.Three. C.Fou

21、r. D.Five.43.Which of the following is the right sentence for the blank(空白处) in Paragraph 5?_D_A.they might become illB.they might lose their friendsC.they might stop playing gamesD.they might get lower grades at school44.What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?_B_A.Video gaming

22、 has quite a lot of advantages.B.Video gaming might be a dangerous thing.C.Childhood is a time of fun and games.D.Children should learn how to get along with others.五、书面表达。(20XX,衢州)根据要求补全或完成相应的句子。要求:(1)句子内容必须与问题相关;(2)句子要完整、准确。小明英语成绩一直不理想,他非常懊恼。请你给他提些好的建议。Youd better listen_to_English_songs.Why dont

23、you ask your English teacher for help?How about reading English newspapers every day?You_should_always_speak_English_in_class.中考考试技巧1、讲求规范书写,力争即对又全卷面是影响评分的一个重要因素。因此,要保证做对、写全和规范。会而不对,令人惋惜;对而不全,得分不高;表述不规范、字迹不工整都会造成失分。因为字迹潦草,会给阅卷老师形成不好的第一印象,进而使阅卷老师认为考生学习不认真、基本功不过硬,“感情分”也就相应低了,此所谓心理学上的“光环效应”。“书写要工整,卷面能得



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