1、托福阅读词汇背不完 托福阅读词汇背不完?掌握猜词技巧从此不怕生词。今天给大家带来托福阅读词汇背不完 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读词汇背不完?掌握猜词技巧从此不怕生词托福阅读猜词技巧一 根据文中释义猜We all know that ants are ferocious eaters. They differ widely in their diets and may be carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous, meaning that some eat meat; others eat only plants whi
2、le others eat a combination of both.由后面的解释我们可以得知:“carnivorous”的意思是“食肉的”;“herbivorous”的意思是“食草的”;“omnivorous”的意思是“杂食的”。托福阅读猜词技巧二 结合同位语猜词Today, Id like to talk about some of the changes land can undergo, specifically desertification, process through which land becomes part of a desert.后面的同位语告诉我们“desert
3、ification”的意思是“沙漠化。”Since the fossil of the Anchaeopteryx, the first bird, was discovered in Germany in 1861, there has been continuous disagreement as to whether or not it could actually fly.Anchaeopteryx the first bird: “始祖鸟”托福阅读猜词技巧三 根据文中例子猜After breakfast, many people go to church; but the child
4、ren will be playing with their new toys, and the mother will probably be preparing the Christmas dinner. This includes poultry for the main course (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, breads, and vegetable, and features a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings, and ice cream.“chick
5、en, turkey, duck, goose”同属“poultry:家禽”。托福阅读猜词技巧四 通过对比关系猜Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.“while”是一个显示对比的信号词,“reticent”与“talking”相对应,“reticent”:沉默的。Most of us agreed; however, Bill dissented.“agreed”与“dissented”形成对比。托福阅读猜词技巧五 通过文中比喻猜The hot-air balloon took off.
6、 It was as buoyant in the air as a cork (软木塞) in water.把热气球比作水中的软木塞,说明“buoyant ”的意义:“漂浮;浮力。”托福阅读猜词技巧六 通过替代词猜Venus rotates retrograde, or “backwards”, spinning in the opposite direction of its orbit around the Sun.由“backwards”这一替代词得知“retrograde”的意思:“向后的。”托福阅读猜词技巧七 通过常识猜The door was so low that I hit
7、my head on the lintel.门太低,我的头撞在“lintel门楣”上了。He got on the motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion, and we roared off into the night.由经验得知“pillion”是motorbike的“后座、后鞍。”托福阅读猜词技巧八 通过构词法猜More recently, scientists have documented an alarmingly high occurrence of frogs with malformations.form是词根, formati
8、on“形式”,mal-:构词前缀,可表示“坏、恶、不良”,还可表示“不、不正常、不当、非法。”malformation的意思就应该是“畸形。”更多的例子如:malnutrition: 营养不良;malconduct:(公职人员的)胡作非为;maladjustive: 引起失调的;不利调节的。托福阅读素材:美国人爱上了英国腔Downton Abbeys Lady Mary is now the most in-demand British voice in America, new research has revealed.有新研究指出,唐顿庄园里大小姐玛丽的声音已经成为在美国最受欢迎的英国声
9、音。Actress Michelle Dockerys cut glass English tones beat the likes of quintessential English actor Hugh Grant and current James Bond Daniel Craig, to become the most requested UK accent for the US voiceover industry.女演员米歇尔?道克瑞那精致的英音击败标杆人物英国演员休?格兰特和新晋邦德演员丹尼尔?克雷格,成为美国配音行业最受欢迎的英国口音。Voiceovers are big b
10、usiness in America covering everything from TV ads to recorded birthday greetings and at the moment famous British - and Irish - voices are particularly popular.配音在美国是一个非常庞大的行业,包括电视广告到生日祝福录音等领域。现在英国和爱尔兰名人的口音尤其受欢迎。From Nigella Lawsons sultry tones to Liam Neesons Ulster brogue and even Gordon Ramsays
11、 angry rants, demand has more than doubled in the past year.去年,妮格拉?罗森性感的声音和连姆?尼森的爱尔兰口音,甚至是戈登?拉姆齐的愤怒咆哮,这些声音的需求量都成倍增长。Copycat versions of these, and others from Hugh Grant to Keith Lemon, are used for all kinds of things including online guides, training videos and even automated voicemails.这些声音的模仿版本,
12、以及模仿休?格兰特,基思?柠檬的声音被用于多个方面,包括在线指引,训练视频和自动语音邮箱。And Lady Marys cut-glass upper-class accent is the most popular of the lot, according to PPHs analysis of 5,000 job adverts requesting British-sounding voices in the USA.根据全球自由职业者市场网站PeoplePerHour(PPH)在美国对5000份英音招聘启事的分析报告显示,玛丽精致高贵的口音在众多声音中最受欢迎。It does not
13、 even mean using the real voice of Ms Dockery who plays the aristocrat in the successful series, said PPH boss Xenios Thrasyvoulou.这并不意味着要使用大小姐玛丽扮演者道克瑞女士的真实声音,PPH的老板Xenios Thrasyvoulou如是说。Instead, a good impression will do as it will for others on the top 20 list including Daniel Craig and Helen Mir
14、ren - familiar to Americans for playing James Bond and The Queen.相反,一个好的印象非常重要,比如其他位列前20名的人,包括丹尼尔?克雷格和海伦?米伦,这两位因扮演詹姆斯?邦德和女王而被美国观众所熟知。All the Americans want is an English-speaking voice that sounds like the star or, sometimes, more generically they will ask for a BBC News or a Downton Abbey accent, a
15、ccording to research by global freelance marketplace PeoplePerHour (PPH).PPH研究发现,美国人想要的是一个听起来像玛丽说英语的声音,或者,有时是想要一种“BBC新闻”或者“唐顿庄园”那样的口音。Colin Farrell, the Irish actor who is a Hollywood A-lister is high in the list alongside Scot James McAvoy, who has also had success in American movies.好莱坞一线演员、来自爱尔兰的
16、科林?法瑞尔与在电影方面有极大成就的苏格兰演员詹姆斯?麦卡沃伊都在英国腔热门榜上名列前茅。Surprisingly, Cheryl Fernandez-Versinis Geordie accent is often requested, even though her failure as a US X-Factor judge was attributed to US audiences unable to understand her.出乎预料的是,谢丽尔?费尔南德兹-维西尼的口音需求也很旺盛,虽然她在美国X音素(X-Factor)中担任评审的失败被归咎于美国观众听不懂她说话。Ameri
17、cans request British and Irish voiceovers more often than that of any other nation, said Xenios Thrasyvoulou and it is fast becoming a major UK export across the Atlantic.美国人对英音和爱尔兰口音的配音需求比对其他国家的都要大,Xenios Thrasyvoulou说。这也迅速成为英国跨越大西洋的主要出口业务。Often they will request a Downton accent or a Hugh Grant or
18、 even a BBC News accent when advertising for the service, said PeoplePerHours research.PeoplePerHour研究报告显示,在需求广告中,他们通常会提出想要一种“唐顿庄园”、“休?格兰特”或者一种“BBC新闻”的口音。It may be for promotional or training videos made by private companies or even for novelty purposes like a celebrity voicemail on a mobile or land
19、line telephone.这些声音可以被私人公司用于推广或者训练视频,甚至可以由一些新奇的用途,比如给手机或固定电话的语音信箱加一段“名人”语音。Around 10.4 million Americans regularly tuned in to watch the last series of Downton Abbey shown over there and similar numbers enjoy Sherlock and Doctor Who.大概有1040万美国人会定期追看唐顿庄园,以及神探夏洛克和神秘博士。But it is not just America. PPH f
20、ound requests for British voices from countries as far afield as Australia and India to Mexico, Egypt and even Germany.这个现象不仅仅发生在美国。PPH发现对英音的需求还来自澳大利亚,印度,墨西哥,埃及甚至德国等国家。Xenios Thrasyvoulou said: The original British export was manufacturing then it was financial services now it seems to be the Britis
21、h accent.Xenios Thrasyvoulou说:“英国起初的出口是制造业,随后是金融业,现在是英式口音。”With more companies than ever across the world utilising videos for promotional purposes, voiceover artists from the UK are cashing in on the popularity of their accents.“随着世界各国各个公司更多地使用视频资料来做宣传推广,英国配音演员也因他们的口音而获益颇丰。”Its not just companies e
22、ither, it seems that people from America, Australia and the UAE are also hiring voiceovers for novelty projects like birthday messages.“而且不仅仅是公司方面的需求,美国,澳大利亚和阿拉伯联合国酋长国的人们都在用新奇的方式使用英国腔,例如录制生日祝福语等。The is potentially driven by a new wave of British programmes that are becoming hugely popular in the US
23、and other countries across the world.“英国的电视节目在美国和其他各国都越来越受欢迎,而这种对英音的需求正是其内在驱动的结果。”TOP TWENTY MOST IN DEMAND BRITISH ACCENTS IN AMERICA美国最受欢迎的英音前20位1. Lady Mary (Downton Abbey)2. Hugh Grant3. Daniel Craig4. Colin Farrell5. James McAvoy6. Helen Mirren7. Cheryl Fernandez-Versini8. Hugh Laurie9. Idris E
24、lba10. Sean Connery1.大小姐玛丽(唐顿庄园)2.休?格兰特3.丹尼尔?克雷格4.科林?法瑞尔5.詹姆斯?麦卡沃伊6.海伦?米伦7.谢丽尔?费尔南德兹-维西尼8.休?劳瑞9.伊德瑞斯?艾尔巴10.肖恩?康纳利11. Liam Neeson12. Simon Cowell13. Keira Knightley14. Gordon Ramsay15. Benedict Cumberbatch16. Matt Smith17. David Beckham18. Nigella Lawson19. Jason Statham20. Keith Lemon.11.连姆?尼森12.西蒙?
25、考威尔13.凯拉?奈特莉14.戈登?拉姆齐15.本尼迪克特?康伯巴奇16.马特?史密斯17.大卫?贝克汉姆18.妮格拉?罗森19.杰森?斯坦森20.基思?柠檬Vocabularycut glass 精致的quintessential 典型的sultry 迷人的brogue 土音托福阅读背景知识:美国文学类黑人文学战后黑人文学更趋成熟。拉尔夫埃利逊 (1914- )的小说看不见的人和鲍德温的散文,均已达到第一流文学的水平。他们对种族不平等的抗议采取了更细腻、更深刻的表达方式。他们希望人们认识到黑人是具有全部人性的人。这个时期里,女诗人关德琳布鲁克斯(1917-)的诗得到普遍好评;女剧作家洛伦亨斯
26、伯利(1930-1965)的剧本太阳下的葡萄干(1959)首创了黑人戏剧在百老汇上演的记录。勒鲁伊琼斯(1934- )是新一代的黑人诗人,他给自己另外起了一个穆斯林名字,表示他对美国文化的鄙弃。南方作家南方文学这个时期仍有发展,老作家福克纳、波特(1890-1980)、威尔蒂(1909- )仍有重要作品问世。新作家也不断涌现,著名的有斯泰伦(1925-)、奥康诺(1925-1964)、麦柯勒斯(1917-1967)等。他们不再从历史的传奇里寻找题材,而是关心现实生活中南方人精神上的苦闷。坦威廉斯(1914-)是战后享有盛名的南方剧作家,他的玻璃动物园等作品通过人物的性变态心理表现生活的不幸与空
27、虚。纽约作家纽约的作家不象南方作家那样具有某种共同的心理因素。人们把他们归在一起,是因为他们都为纽约的几家杂志(党派评论、纽约书评与纽约人)写作,这几家杂志上发表的评论与小说往往对美国文学的时尚产生影响。利特里林(1905-1975)与玛麦卡锡(1912- )是很有见地的评论家,约翰契弗 (1912- )与厄普代克(1932-)的小说用含有诗意又带有嘲讽的细腻的笔触探索大城市郊区居民的心理和意识,为东北部的中产阶级描绘了一幅幅工笔精致的风俗画。个性化的诗歌这个时期,美国陆续出现了不少诗歌派别,如“垮掉派”、“黑山派”、“纽约派”、“具体派”、“自白派”和“新超现实主义派”。这些派别各有主张,但
28、其共同点是企图摆脱艾略特的“非个性化”的影响。新一代的诗人直抒胸臆,突出个人因素,具有一种“现时性”。他们强调美国特色,不再视伦敦为英语诗歌中心;他们干预政治,不再以超然物外而自傲;他们反对权力机构,蔑视传统规约,他们的诗歌描写吸毒、.(包括同.)、精神分裂与对自杀的眷恋。这一切,可以看作对西方机械化、标准化、非人性化的社会的一种反叛。理论与批评战后,“新批评派”的势力逐渐衰落。到了60年代,随着各种激进运动的此起彼落,加上欧洲传来“新左派”的思潮,学术界重新研究马克思主义,又出现把马克思主义与弗洛伊德心理学融合的理论主张。同时,结构主义的理论也开始在学术界流行。这个时期里,文学家传记这种样式比较繁荣,出现了许多详尽的评传,较有代表性的是5卷本的亨利詹姆斯传(1953-1972),作者是里艾迪尔(1907- )。托福阅读词汇背不完