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1、托福口语备考3种高效训练方法指点 托福口语备考3种高效训练方法指点, 高分考生都用过它们。今天给大家带来了托福口语备考3种高效训练方法指点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语备考3种高效训练方法指点 高分考生都用过它们口语材料巧准备针对托福口语的第一题,我们常把它称作独立任务。应对这样的托福口语考试题目,我们可以准备一些常用的口语段子,大家可以根据不同话题准备几个属于自己的口语段子,这样在需要时就可得心应手。针对托福口语的2-4题,大家可以做出问题的基本框架,利用这个框架来帮住自己理清思路。把听到的内容填进空中,再在相关的地方填上自己的看法,这样答案便可轻松得到了。模


3、以看草稿回答。因此有没有充分的准备也影响着你的发挥。备考资料:托福IBT考试口语特训5. TV and filmThe program: SeinfeldThe reasons you chose the program:-funny-mix of characters-everyday situationsI like to watch the TV program Seinfeld because it is a funny show about ordinary people like my friends and me. None of the characters on the sh

4、ow are perfect people. Each one takes a turn getting into some trouble on screen. Sometimes they help each other out while other times they just make each feel silly for their mistakes. My friends and I try to see every episode. In fact, we often talk about the most recent episode when we see each o

5、ther. I can really identify with the show because the characters are so similar to my friends.6. MusicThe type of music: rock musicThe reasons you chose the music- like beat- sound of a generation- music for a better life and a better societyI like all kinds of music but if I had to choose one type

6、of music it would be rock. It was the lively beat of change for a whole society. Moreover, one of the leaders of this change was Jimi Hendrix. When I listen to his masterful electric guitar style, I can hear the energy of his generation. The music has a soul and an appealing sound. It has inspired m

7、any people to work for a better life for themselves and for a better society around them. Rock music has soul and has stood the rest of time.7. BookThe book: the Catcher in the Rye by J. D. SalingerThe reasons you chose the book:- identified with the character- challenges of my age group- interestin

8、g point of viewWhen I read The Catcher in the Rye, By J. D. Salinger, it was already an old book, but I liked it because I identified with Holden Caulfield, the young man who was the main character. He was not always correct in his judgments about the way life was, although he had strong opinions. I

9、 liked to read about how he felt and what he understood. His constant wry observations about what he encounters, from teachers to phonies, capture the essence of the eternal teenage experience of alienation. In many ways, we still have the same challenges in life since the times of The Catcher in th

10、e Rye.8. SubjectThe subject: mathThe reasons you chose the subject- difficult to understand- not relevant to my life- no time to catch upMy worst subject in school was mathematics. I didnt understand it as well as other subjects. Furthermore, it was hard for me to see the relevant of math in my life

11、. I just never saw the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seem so abstract. I think I could have been good in math if my teacher were to have taken more time to explain it to me. Maybe I needed a different approach to math. In as much as I was weaker in math, I was stronger in art

12、, literature and even biology so there was balance in my subjects and in my marks.9. sportThe sport: golfThe reasons you chose the sports:- good exercise- have fun and relax- play to winI recently took up golf because I though it might be a sport that would be fun and useful. So far, I have discover

13、ed that golf requires a lot of time and a lot of walking. This, however, adds to the fun and relaxation of a round of golf. Golf has also taught me to concentrate and to take many factors into account, such as wind and slope. Although I like to play to win, even if I dont beat my partner, I know I h

14、ave played well if I have improved my own score. I think by choosing golf I have found a good way to do business in the future as well as have fun learning it now.备考资料:托福IBT考试口语特训10. giftThe gift: music boxThe reasons you chose the gift:- sentimental- thoughtful- usefulMy favorite gift is a music bo

15、x. It has a great amount of sentimental value. It was given to me as a gift for my first dance recital with my ballet class. I was only seven years old and my family planned a dinner celebration. At the table, my father presented me with a little jewelry box. When I opened it, music played and a sma

16、ll plastic pink ballerina burned in a mirror. My family knew how much I loved ballet and understood my dream of becoming a ballet dancer. I didnt become a ballet dance, but I still use my favorite gift because it reminds me of my parents thoughtfulness.11. MottoThe motto: honesty is the best policyT

17、he reasons you chose the motto:- personal philosophy- easier to live with- overall moral goodMy motto is “honesty is the best policy” because life is easier when we tell the truth. I have felt this way ever since I read the story of Pinocchio, the little marionette whose wooden nose grew whenever he

18、 told a lie. It just seems better to deal with the truth. As a result, there are no surprises or stories that dont match up. It also helps people treat themselves with more self-respect and in turn, others will treat them in a more dignified manner. Lying to others is lying to oneself. If everyone w

19、ere honest, we would all fell better in our personal lives and in dealing at work.12. CriticismThe criticism: how I lookedThe reasons you chose this:- lazy, careless in my attitude- attracting undesirable people- but appearance did not mean everythingWhen I was in school, I was criticized because of

20、 how I looked. I had long hair of many colors often a mix of black, blond and blue. My clothes were big and baggy; nobody saw my shoes because my pants were so long and dragged on the ground. I felt comfortable in this way. It was a way of expressing my feelings about the world around me. However, m

21、y family didnt agree with this. They said it made me look lazy and careless in my attitude. People thought I didnt care about my parents either. They were worried about me and about my appearance attracting undesirable people. I know they were just trying to show their love to me. I was the top stud

22、ent in my class, so to me, looks and appearance didnt mean everything.13. Embarrassing MomentThe moment: sending an email by mistakeThe reasons you chose this moment- careless moment- revealed personal information- lost peoples trustMy most embarrassing moment came when I recently sent an email care

23、lessly to the wrong person. A friend revealed personal information to me in an email and asked for my advice. At first, I concentrated on answering him, but then the phone rang and I mistakenly sent it off on another friend in my address book. I sent off a friends confession about how he had cheated

24、 on his girlfriend, not once, but twice in the same day. The friend who received it happed to be a good friend of the guys girlfriend. In this one embarrassing moment I carelessly revealed private details and might have lost the trust of both friends. I also revealed my stupidity and lack of care pe

25、rsonally very embarrassing.14. GameThe game: skippingThe reasons you chose the game:- nostalgia- group singing- regular recess activityIn the schoolyard I liked skipping as a child because everyone could be included in the same game at the same time. The older girls at school taught us all the songs

26、. Every time we had recess we would all run out to the yard and take turns turning the rope and all the other girls would sing and jump in and out together. We were together singing songs and exercising; it was a lot of fun. As we grew up and got to be the older girls, we would teach the songs we le

27、arned. Skipping was a schoolyard activity that we could all enjoy together and pass on to younger students.备考资料:托福IBT考试口语特训15. ColorThe reasons you chose the color:- happy color- looks good on me- goes with all my outfitsIn my closet I have clothes of many colors but my favorite color is pink. Pink

28、strikes me as such a happy color. For this reason I feel that I always look good and I feel good when I wear pink. When it is rainy in the winter, I like to wear my pink silk and wool sweater. It makes me feel so warm inside. Pink appears in separate pieces of clothing as well as in some of my acces

29、sories such as scarves, hairpins and belts. Gradually I have added pieces to my collection of clothes but they all go together with each other and with the color pink. My wardrobe is coordinated around a color that both flatters me and makes me feel good.16. IngredientThe ingredient: ground meatThe

30、reasons you chose the ingredient- cheap and easy to buy- suit a lot of recipes- stores wellThe most useful ingredient in my fridge for cooking at home is ground meat because it is inexpensive and suitable for many recipes. It used to be called hamburger meat and was usually beef. Now, it is sold all

31、 over as ground turkey, veal, chicken or pork as well as beef. I use it to make my favorite, meatball. Sometimes I use ground meat to make a meat sauce for pasta and then there are meals when I stir fry it into vegetables and put it all on a bed of rice. I even use it in soups. It can be fried, gril

32、led and baked in hundreds of different recipes. Meatloaf is just one of the dishes I can prepare ahead of time with ground meat to have ready for company or when I am busy. Ground meat is the most useful ingredient because it doesnt cost a lot and cook easily for freshly made meals or to store in fr

33、eezer for later use.17. HobbyThe hobby: model airplane buildingThe reasons you chose the hobby:- like to work alone and figure out the parts- learn about engineering- touch adventure and historyI like building model airplanes as my hobby because it gives me a change of pace from my busy schedule. I

34、have been building model airplanes since I was 10, when my father gave me one as my birthday present. It takes time and concentration to match and glue the small parts and although some people dont have the patience to do this, I find it very relaxing. Each model teaches me about design and engineering. Sometimes I go to a club where there are others who share my interests. This hobby lets me touch a bit of history and I can imagine the adventure of the original flyers.


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