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1、托福口语备考7个实用技巧分享 托福口语备考中考生如果只是埋头做题,其实进步并不会很大,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考7个实用技巧盘点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。【高分先刷】托福口语备考7个实用技巧盘点托福口语备考实用技巧:多练真题大量的做真题和模拟题,可以从题目中摸清出题人的思路,把握做题规律,明白人家出这个题是想让你答什么,这个要诀是重中之重,说白了,没有一定量真题经验的累积,其它要诀都是虚招。托福口语备考实用技巧:舍长句而取短句ETS托福网考基于实际应用的角度,更加注重语言的人性化,所以,在做口语题的时候学生应该学会多用名词动词,少用形容词副词,多用简单句短句,少用复

2、合句长句。这样不仅可以满足“表达清晰易懂”的评分条件, 同时还能满足“语法准确”的要求,可谓一石二鸟之计。当然,中间适当点缀一两句烂熟于胸的经典俚语,效果自然事半功倍。托福口语备考实用技巧:经典五要素法所谓经典五要素,是WHO WHAT WHY WHERE HOW。“谁,在什么时间什么地点做了什么事情,理由是什么?”在做第3、第4题的时候,由于增加了课堂对话和场景演讲,要在做笔记的时候将这些要素点记下来,然后在答题的时候将这些要素组织起来,就是一段逻辑性强、主题明确、结构完整的口语答案了。ETS对于口语表达的谋篇结构不会苛刻的要求,只要条理清晰,逻辑完整就会得到不错的分数。托福口语备考实用技巧



5、。托福口语范文 人生的哪个时期最幸福托福口语题目:Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult.托福口语范文:I think being a teenager is the hardest for the following reasons. First, its hard being a high school student. What we learn in high school is hard! We are studyin

6、g so many different subjects all at the same time. There are endless assignments and tests to worry about. If I dont get them right, I cant face my teachers and parents. Second, theres too much peer pressure being a teenager. People compare with each other about the clothes we wear, the shoes we put

7、 on and the grades we get. Teenagers have to try so hard to fit in to avoid being alienated at school.托福口语范文 好老师应该具有的特质What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have?Sample answer:In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics.First, a good teacher should be faithfu

8、l and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial(偏向) and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart.Another most important characteristic of a good teacher

9、is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way.Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discove

10、r the beauty of the teaching profession.托福口语范文 你最喜欢哪个科目托福口语题目:Talk about a subject you enjoy studying, explain why you enjoy this subject in details.托福口语范文:The subject I enjoy learning the most is English. First, we do lots of fun activities in class. We are alway having class discussions, forming g

11、roups to create short conversations and act them out. I rarely get bored in my English class because our teach never fail to come up with new ideas that keep us interested and active. Second, English is the one subject that Im really motivated to work hard on. If I speak good English, one day Ill be

12、 able to go abroad to receive a better education, find a decent job, and live a good life.托福口语范文 室内活动or室外活动托福口语题目:Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, others enjoy doing outdoor activities. Which do you prefer? Explain why.托福口语范文:I prefer to do indoor sports for the following reasons. First, w

13、orking out indoors means I can exercise regardless of the weather. For example, I can have fun playing badminton with my friends, it doesnt matter how hard it snows or rains outside. During summer days that are crazy hot, we can exercise without getting sun burnt indoors. Second, indoor activities are less intensive. That mean we dont get injured that easily comparing to doing outdoor sports like skiing or snowboarding. Indoor sports like yoga are more soothing, or relaxing.


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