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1、托福口语备考中如何练好发音 托福口语练习中,发音练习是非常重要的一项。那如何才能练好口语发音呢?发音练习是英音好还是美音好呢?下面就和大家分享托福口语发音练习,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语发音练习 口语备考中如何练好发音?一.托福口语发音遵照怎样的标准考生在备考的时候,背单词的时候,一定要配合着官方的音标来练习,或者,结合语音内容来练习,一般词汇书籍都是配有读音的发音的光盘的,这些都是很基本的东西,积累词汇的时候,发音标准是最基本的了,发音都不标准,在口语考试该怎么应对啊,难度会更大,阅卷老师都听不懂你们在说什么,分数自然就会很低了。其次,发音的时候,跟着一块读,也就显得很重要了


3、是在看英文电影电视剧等,都是需要自己跟读,跟读的练习在备考的时候,是很重要的,这样就能改掉自己的一些不正确的发音,最重要的是,考生一定要选择合格的材料才行,不能盲目的去选择自己的口语练习材料,这样只会适得其反。托福口语发音练习的时候先要打好基础了解单词的正确发音,音调选择可以根据自己的爱好,做跟读练习的时候注意改掉自己的错误的发音。把握好这些方面,你的托福口语发音一定会有很大提升。托福口语:关于“生气”的表达Blow off steam:发泄情绪He went to the party to blow off steam after failing the exam.Boiling point

4、:怒点(让人愤怒的后一个时刻)My boiling point is singing, so dont sing unless you want a black eye.Chew someone out:愤怒责骂I chewed him out when he said he wouldnt come to the party.Fly off the handle:愤怒Im sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but theres no need to fly off the handle.Give someone a hard time:很受难为I

5、ndeed he would have a very hard time to give an explanation and make his apologies.Give someone a piece of ones mind:责骂某人Ill give him a piece of my mind if he is rude to you next time.Go bananas:发疯The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy.Hot under the collar:发疯Your nagging is

6、 making me hot under the collar.Lose ones cool: 沉不住气Dont lose your cool, man. Youre a gentleman, remember?托福口语:风俗类话题练习风俗话题关键词汇、短语和句型主要传统节日: carnival狂欢节(狂欢节是一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。狂欢节的日期根据复活节的日期推定,但必须是2月的星期一);Christmas圣诞节(纪念耶稣基督诞生的节日, 12月25日);Easter Sunday (耶稣)复活节 (3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天);Fathers Day父亲节(每年

7、6月的第三个星期日);Mothers Day 母亲节(在美国为五月的第二个星期日);Thanksgiving Day () 感恩节(11月的最后一个星期四);Valentines Day情人节(2月14日);Lantern Festival元宵节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;New Years day元旦;Spring Festival春节;etc.其它词汇: Christmas cake / card / present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time, colored lights, compliment

8、s, customs, fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons(缎带,丝带), rose, Santa Claus, shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths(花环,花冠),etc.常用短语: appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societ

9、ies, go Dutch, manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs, the Thanksgiving feast, etc.常用句型:1. Custom required our dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参加宴会穿礼服。2. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody.3. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off

10、 their shoes when they get into a hall.4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter.5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.6. So many countries, so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少习俗;百里不同风。7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country.8. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.9. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas.10. When in Rome do as the Romans.托福口语备考中如何练好发音


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