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1、翻译资格考试经验分享 翻译资格考试经验分享,谁说实务很难通过?今天给大家带来了翻译资格考试经验分享,希望可以帮助到同学们。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。翻译资格考试经验分享:谁说实务很难通过?现将自己的备考方法以及复习方式跟大家分享。1. 三笔综合能力部分首先澄清一下,综合能力的题型全是单选,并不是像三笔综合能力的教材和辅导练习中的题型那样给首字母填空或是联系上下文填单词。题型有:1)10个单词单项选择(联系上下文选择合适单词)2)10个近义词单项选择3)10个改错的单项选择 每个题1分4)3个阅读理解,每个题10个小题,每题2分5)1个完形填空(20个小题)每个0.5分。共100分。什么难

2、度呢?专四通过的话,综合能力是没问题的。因为这一块我可以说基本没有准备,只把三笔综合能力的历年真题和我能在图书馆找到的模拟题都做了一遍,自己评分都是过了的,因此就没怎么将心思用在这。我认为这是考基础的部分,即使是准备,三两个月,也不会有明显的效果,所以我认为更多的精力应该是放在实务这里,实务才是看翻译功夫的地方。2. 三笔实务部分1)对于复习资料, 我自己将其分为精读和泛读两部分。精读的是CATTI三笔的教材和教材辅导书。泛读的书基本都是从图书馆借来的笔译理论的书。后者是建立主干、框架,目的是让自己在迷乱复杂各式各样的翻译方式中知道自己在用什么方法,处于什么位置,在用什么方法翻译,这些都要清楚

3、。如果一开始就是在“跟着感觉译”,对翻译方式方法心中没数,糊里糊涂的话,就会越来越没有头绪。前者是为后者添枝加叶,有着主干的大方向的指导,即使再接触不同的材料和句子也不会迷糊,再接触不同句子材料中讲解的相同句子的不同翻译方式的时候,也会相应对号入座,在心里有所分类。即使翻译错了也不会彷徨,因为有着大框架的指导,也知道错在哪,为什么错,怎么改。2)先读懂, 才能谈得上翻译。读懂,不是指将生词查出就懂了这么简单的,如果翻译的难度是建立在生词之上,那CATTI的笔译考试都是让带词典的(CATTI考试选用什么字典上考场? ),为什么还不好通过呢?很显然,不是单词的事。英语多长句,一句话好几十个词是经常

4、的事。怎样将这绕来绕去的,或者说像葡萄串一样的句子断成竹节一样的句子(地道的汉语多短小句,像竹节一样),这就是读懂与没读懂的分水岭。准确地切分句子,考验是英语语法的功底。很多人说,即使英语语法一知半解也不耽误英语说的好。但是,如果想翻译得对,没有坚实的语法功底一定是不行的,如果正确地翻译都达不到,何谈翻译得好呢。因此,英语语法,有必要好好夯实。3)要10篇*翻译10遍, 也不要100篇*翻译1遍。如果你练习多了就会发现:其实英语句子的形式的种类是有数的。如果一篇*涵盖不了,那10篇总差不多了。关键是把每一篇都反复琢磨至少十遍以上,你看100篇其实也就是不同的话题而已,表达方式都差不多的。毕竟三

5、级笔译的*话题只是日常性的,像报纸新闻、历史描述等等,并不是像二级笔译那样专业性那么强。考察的更倾向于翻译的基本功和翻译方法。这一阶段并不用广泛的涉猎专业领域,平时适当地看一些新闻报纸就行,而且是当做休息的时候。4)总结, 再总结就像中学时代的错题本一样。哪句翻错了,怎么错的,错哪了,正确的是什么样,这句子有什么特点,下次遇到这样的句子应该怎么注意。时常看看,过了几天就会发现,以前的症结再过几天就不算什么了。5)关于翻译课程有的人会问,需不需要报一些课外的班。这一点,如果有有经验的老师指导,是必然会少走很多弯路的。所以这种情况下应该是奔着老师去。有经验是倾向于有丰富的实际翻译经历的经验。当然,

6、很多有名辅导机构的老师也是很有经验的,或者说很有经验的老师也会在有名的培训机构。但即使是有名师指导,也要踏踏实实地练功才能有成果。很多人觉得翻译很枯燥,在准备的过程中分秒煎熬。但由于我对此很有兴趣,因此很享受这个过程。所以也不觉得烦。要是一时一晌地做某件事,有没有兴趣的人大都可做下去。但是如果想长久下去,兴趣起的作用就异常强大了。最后,祝大家顺利通过!2020年catti笔译三级强化试题举世闻名的长江三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的总称,它西起重庆市奉节县白帝城,东至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,全长193 公里。The world- famous Three Gorges is the joint na

7、me for Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge. It extends from the White Emperor s Town in Fengjie County, Chongqing City in the west to the Nanjin Pass in Yichang City, Hubei Province in the east, with a total length of 193 kilometers.万里长江在这里切开崇山峻岭,夺路东下,两岸峭壁插天,高峰入云;All the way along, the Yangtz

8、e River cuts through high mountains and surges eastward, with precipitous cliffs and towering peaks reaching to the skies on both sides.峡内急流汹涌,泡漩翻腾,云飞雾绕,景象万千,以雄、险、奇、幽著称于世,是长江风景旅游线上最奇秀、最集中的旅游资源Rapid torrents twist and turn, roaring through the gorges against curling clouds and whirling mists, present

9、ing a great variety of majestic scenes. For its being magnificent, perilous, grotesque and tranquil at the same time, the Three Gorges is well- known as the major tourist attraction on the traveling route of the Yangtze River.风景名胜如同颗颗明珠,由金色的长江串联起来,成为海内外游人十分向往的旅游热线。(164 字)Scenic spots and historic si

10、tes shine like a string of pearls on the golden River, offering a hot traveling route eagerly taken by tourists at home and abroad.词汇表:Pass /p?s/关口;要隘Precipitous /pr?s?p?t?s/ 险峻的; 陡峭的Grotesque /r?t?sk/ 奇形怪状的,怪诞的Perilous /?p?r?l?s/ 险恶的Majestic /m?d?st?k/ 壮丽的; 雄伟的Tranquil /?tr?kw?l/ 宁静的Whirl /w?l/ 快速旋

11、转2020年catti笔译三级强化试题上海博物馆展出一件“透光镜”,它是西汉时期的珍品,直径为11.5厘米。这面铜镜与普通铜镜一样,背面有图案,还有铭文。In Shanghai Museum, one finds a treasure of the Western Han period, the penetrative bronze mirror, measuring 11. 5 cm in diameter. Like ordinary bronze mirrors, it bears patterns and inscriptions on the back.奇怪的是,当一束光线照到镜面,

12、反射投影在墙壁上,墙上的光亮圈内竟出现铜镜背面的图案和文字,好像是从镜背“透”过来的,故称“透光镜”。But what amazes people is that when a bundle of rays is projected onto the surface of the mirror, which, in turn, reflects the light onto the wall, the patterns and inscriptions on the backside are shown in the ring of the light, as if they had pene

13、trated the whole thickness of the mirror. Hence the name of the mirror.对于这种现象,在过去很长的时间里,科学家们都感到惊奇,人们把它称作“魔镜”。For a long time in the past, even scientists were so puzzled at the phenomenon that it was called a magic mirror.今天,我国已可仿制出售,作为旅游纪念品,很受外国游客的欢迎。我国古代常把铜镜当作随葬品。Today, reproductions of this mirro

14、r are being made and sold as souvenirs and they appeal very much to tourists. In ancient times, bronze mirrors were very often used as sacrificial objects.在古墓中,往往发现铜镜放置在死者的头顶或胸侧。有时把铜镜和木梳一起放在漆匣内或小荷包里。In the ancient tombs, one can always expect to find bronze mirrors placed on top of the head or besid

15、e the chest of the dead. Sometimes, bronze mirrors and combs were put together in lacquer boxes or small pouches.在发掘古墓时,还发现有的铜镜放在墓顶上方,据说这是为了“辟邪”和“降妖”。(245字)In unearthing ancient tombs, bronze mirrors were sometimes discovered on the inner topsides, in order to keep away evil spirits and subdue demon

16、s, so it was said.2020年catti笔译三级强化试题中国同湄公河五国山水相连,传统友谊世代相传,是天然的合作伙伴和紧密的友好邻邦。China and the five Mekong River countries share the same mountains and rivers. We are long-standing friends, natural partners and close neighbors.中国同湄公河五国都建立了全面战略合作伙伴关系,利益紧密交融,合作基础扎实。China has established comprehensive strate

17、gic partnerships with all the five countries. Our interests are closely intertwined, and our cooperation is solidly-based.20XX年,中国同五国贸易总额达1939亿美元,双边人员往来超过1500万人次。中国是柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国和越南的第一大贸易伙伴,是柬埔寨、老挝和缅甸的第一大投资国。In 20XX, Chinas total trade with the five countries reached US$193.9 billion, and mutual visits

18、exceeded 15 million. China is now the largest trading partner of Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, and it is the top investor in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar.创建澜湄合作机制可以说是水到渠成,有利于发挥六国地缘相近、人文相亲、经济互补性强的优势,激发各国的内在发展潜力,也将为亚洲发展和民生改善注入新的活力。Against this backdrop, the Lancang-Mekong cooperation mecha

19、nism has been launched to better leverage the geographical proximity, cultural affinity and economic complementarity of our six countries and generate great domestic development potential. Such a timely move will also help to inject fresh impetus to development and to betterment of peoples lives in

20、Asia as a whole.亚洲的发展离不开和平稳定的地区环境,澜湄次区域国家也是受益者,这是我们谋发展、促合作的前提。For Asia to achieve development, there must be an environment of peaceand stability. Such an environment brings benefits to Lancang-Mekong countriesand provides the basis for Lancang-Mekong cooperation and development.中国与湄公河五国唇齿相依,有着互尊互信、

21、和睦相处、守望相助的良好传统,这也是我们开展合作的优势。China and the five Mekong River countries are as closely linked as lips and teeth. We enjoy the fine tradition of mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual assistance and harmonious coexistence. This puts us in a favorable position for cooperation.中国和湄公河国家地理相近、文化相通、人民相亲。赴湄公河五国

22、的中国游客人数逐年攀升,20XX年达到1280万人次,中国已成为泰国和越南最大旅游客源国。China and Mekong countries enjoy geographical proximity, cultural affinity and close people-to-people ties. The number of Chinese tourists traveling to the five Mekong countries has been growing each year to reach 12.8 million visits in 20XX. China has be

23、come the largest source of tourists for Thailand and Vietnam.近年来,湄公河国家年轻人学习汉语的热情高涨,20XX年中国和湄公河五国互派留学生总数已超过6万人。In recent years, young people in Mekong countries have become more enthusiastic about learning the Chinese language. In 20XX, China and the five Mekong countries exchanged over 60,000 studen

24、ts in total.开展产能合作将进一步巩固澜沧江湄公河国家业已紧密的经济纽带。各成员国应通过开展产能合作共享机遇、共迎挑战,实现可持续发展和共同繁荣,让产能合作成果惠及各国民众。Production capacity cooperation will further strengthen the existing close economic ties among the Lancang-Mekong countries. Member countries will enhance production capacity cooperation to share the opportun

25、ities, meet common challenges, achieve sustainable development and common prosperity to the benefits of our people.加强澜湄国家软硬件联通,改善澜湄流域线、公路线和铁路线网络,推进重点基础设施项目,在澜湄地区打造公路、铁路、水路、港口、航空互联互通综合网络。加快电力网络、电信和互联网建设。落实贸易便利化措施,提升贸易投资,促进商务旅行便利化。Step up both hardware and software connectivity among the LMC countries

26、. Improve the Lancang-Mekong rivers, roads and railways network, push forward key infrastructure projects to build a comprehensive connectivity network of highway, railway, waterway, ports and air linkages in the Lancang-Mekong region; expedite the construction of network of power grids, telecommuni

27、cation and the Internet; implement trade facilitation measures, promote trade and investment and facilitate business travel.澜沧江-湄公河发源于中国青藏高原唐古拉山脉,流经中国、缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨和越南六国,在越南胡志明市注入南海,是世界第六长、亚洲第三长河流,被誉为“东方多瑙河”。澜沧江-湄公河在中国境内称澜沧江,流出中国国境后被称为湄公河,干流全长约4880公里,是亚洲唯一的连接六国的国际河流,90多个民族依河而居,流域面积约80万平方公里,流域总人口约3.26

28、亿。2020年catti笔译三级强化试题中国是一个人口大国,国情复杂,在推进农业现代化的进程中,我们将坚持家庭经营在农业中的基础性地位,推进多种形式的农业经营方式创新。China is a big populous country with complex national conditions. In the process of agricultural modernization, we will stick to the fundamental role of family farming in agriculture and continue to promote multi-for

29、m innovative ways of agricultural operation.在严格保护农民土地权益、尊重农民意愿的基础上,鼓励有条件的农户流转土地经营权,鼓励农民联合与合作。On the basis of effectively protecting farmers land rights and interests and respecting their will, we encourage farmers, as their conditions are ready, to transfer their land management right to others; we

30、also encourage farmers union and cooperation.这几年,中国家庭农场已增加到87万家,平均规模达到13公顷(200亩),农民专业合作社数量超过110万家,成为农业现代化的重要力量和发展方向。In recent years, the number of Chinese household farms has increased to 870,000, with an average scale of 13 hectares (or 200 mu), and farmers cooperatives, exceeding 1.1 million in nu

31、mber, have become an important force and development direction in agricultural modernization.以家庭经营为基础,推进适度规模经营,发展现代农业,有利于更好地“供养中国”,也会对世界粮食安全作出贡献。To promote farm operation with an appropriate scale and develop modern agriculture on the basis of family farming will help better feed China, thus contrib

32、uting to world food security.人人有饭吃,是人类最基本的生存权利,是一切人权的基础。全球农业发展取得了长足的进步,但饥饿和贫困依然是一种“无声的危机”,是深深困扰全人类的“阿喀琉斯之踵”。Food for all is, for mankind, the most fundamental right of survival, which serves as the basis for all other human rights. Great progress has been made in the global agricultural development.

33、 Yet hunger and poverty have remained a silent crisis. They are like the Achilles heel, deeply troubling all human beings.中国与世界各国特别是发展中国家的农业合作发展很快。近些年,我们在亚洲、非洲、拉美、太平洋等地区近100个国家,建立了农业技术示范中心、农业技术实验站和推广站,先后派遣农业专家和技术人员3万余人次,同时帮助这些国家培养了一大批农业技术人员。Chinas agricultural cooperation with other countries, in pa

34、rticular developing countries, has been on the fast track. In recent years, we have set up agricultural technology demonstration centers, experimental stations and promotion stations in nearly 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific. We have sent over 30,000 agricultural expert

35、s and technicians to these countries and helped them to train a large number of technicians of their own.我们这一代中国人经历过饥饿的痛苦,我们与仍处在饥饿状态的人们感同身受,我们希望看到饥饿和贫困在全球被消灭,我们愿意与各国分享农业技术、经验和农业发展模式。中国的杂交水稻良种已经使很多国家受益。The Chinese of my generation had suffered from hunger, so we share the feelings with people who are still suffering from hunger. We hope to see hunger and poverty eliminated in the whole world and we are willing to share with other countries agricultural technologies, experience and development models. In fact, Chinas improved hybrid rice strains have already benefited many countries.


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