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1、八年级英语期末复习题一、根据句意及提示将单词补充完整。10分1. I have a t and I must see a dentist.2. Youd better take some m , then youll feel better.3. I cant open the door with so many things in my hands, could you please do me a f.4. You mustnt read in strong s , its bad for your eyes.5. I u go to school at si* in the mornin

2、g.6. The old woman cant find the place, she looks very w .7. Li Lei isnt in now, can I take a m for him?8. Lily taught h one the internet.9. Tomorrow afternoon, Class One will play a Class Two.10. Basketball is my f sport.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。10分1. I have to walk carefully when it is raining, because I am

3、 afraid of (fall) down.2. Hello. This is Mary (speak). Is that Tom?3. I know he often goes (hike) with his classmates.4. Just then I saw them (swim) in the river.5. Ienjoy (watch) TV very much in the evening.6. I know they are planning (hold) a party ne*t week.7. I would like to go there at once. (I

4、), too.8. The girl often helps me (do) my homework.9. He told me he began to teach (him) English in 2000.10. Can you tell me where the (late) newspaper is?三、在横线上填入适当的词,使句子与原句意思一样。10分1. Athens held the 2004 Olympic Games.Athens the 2004 Olympic Games.2. Idont know he does so well in English.Idont kno

5、w he is so English.3. My mother is ill, I must look after her.My mother is ill, I must her.4. Stay in bed and rest well.Stay in bed and .5. I think you dont need to do it at once.I think you it at once.四、根据要求转换句型。10分1. He seldom goes to school late. (对划线局部提问)Does he to school late?2. Youd better see

6、 the doctor. (变成否认句)Youd see the doctor.3. A: I hope hell be all right soon. (根据A句完成B句) B: .4. Ann likes playing tennis very much. (对划线局部提问) Ann playing tennis?5. Ill stay in Londonfor a month. (对划线局部提问) will you stay in London?五、给以下句子排序,使其组成一段完整的对话。5分A. Could you tell her Tom Gray called?B. Id be g

7、lad to.C. sorry, but shes out.D. Hold one, please.E. Hello. Can I speak to Yolanda, please?F. Thank you.六、单项选择。20分( )1. What do you do living?A. With B. about C. for D. in( )2. I dont know what ne*t.A. to do B. does C. doingD. do( )3. What will the weather tomorrow?A. like B. be like C. likes D. goi

8、ng to tike( )4. He in the reading room now.A. maybe B. may C. may be D. may is( )5. Liu *iang ran in the Olympics last time.A. faster and fast B. fast and fastC. fast and faster D. faster and faster( )6. I think Ill have fun English ne*t tern.A. learn B. learning C. learns D. learned( )7. I enjoy al

9、l over the world.A. travel B. travels C. traveling D. to travel( )8. Would you mind down the music?A. turning B. to turn C. turns D. turn( )9. Were sure ne*t time.A. winning B. wins C. won D. to win( )10. He spends at half an hour running everyday.A. little B. less C. least D. the least( )11. Mary g

10、ot in the last basketball game.A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting D. to hurt( )12. Im sorry you that you didnt pass the e*am.A. tell B. telling C. tells D. to tell( )13. should I take these pills? .Three times a day.A. How B. What oftenC. How often D. How soon( )14. There is going to a football game on the

11、 playground tomorrow afternoon.A. have B. be C. has D. is( )15. Please tell Jim after himself when he is out.A. looking B. looks C. looked D. to look( )16. do you prefer, tea or coffee? Coffee.A. What B. Which C. How D. Why( )17. Tom is good at basketball.A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing( )18.

12、 He feels like English loudly in the morning.A. reading B. read C. reads D. to read( )19. Tom heard his father to his teacher when he walked pass the teachers office.A. talkB. to talkC. talksD. talking( )20.that they will leave Beijing at once. A. Its a pityB. Its their pityC. Theyre very pityD. It

13、will be a pity七、完形填空10分PeterandPaulpassedbyasmallhouseontheirwayhomelateatnight.Theysawthick1ingoutofitswindows.Itsonfire!saidPeter.Wemustgethelp.Thetwobrothersran2theroadshoutingFire!Fire!They3onthedoorofthene*thouse.Theyaskedthemto4thepoliceandthefiremen.Theyranbacktothehouse.Theysaw5thewindowanol

14、dladysittinginanarm-chair.She 6 notmove.PeterandPaultriedhardtocarryheroutofthe 7 !Someneigh-bours(邻居)cameandhelpedtakesomethingsout.Innotimethefiremen 8 .They put 9 the fire. The old lady was not hurt. She 10 Peter, Paul and her neighbours.()1.A.snowB.cloudsC.smokeD.air()2.A.overB.alongC.atD.with()

15、3.A. hitB. knockedC. playedD. looked()4.A.tellB.sayC.callD.see()5.A.atB.throughC.aboveD.on()6.A.wouldB.shouldC.mustD.could()7.A.armchairB.windowC.houseD.road()8.A.arrivedB.wentC.leftD.returned()9.A.noB.offC.up D.out()10.A.toldB. thankedC. pleasedD. said八、阅读理解。15分ARodgers and Simon were Americans. On

16、ce they travelled in Spain西班牙. One day they came into a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish, and the waiter did not know their American English, either. They wanted the waiter to understand that they asked for some milk and bread. At first Rodgers read the word “milk many times. T

17、hen Simon spelled it on the table. But the waiter could not understand them at all. At last Rodgers took out a piece of paper and began to draw a cow The waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. “How clever you are! Simon said to Redgers, “He understood us at last! After some time, the wai

18、ter came back. He brought no milk with him , but two tickets for a bull-fight down on their table! 1. Where does the story take place?A. In AmericaB. In SpainC. In ChinaD. In Japan2Rodgers and Simon went into a restaurant _.Ato buy two tickets for a bull-fight Bto draw a picture of cow Cto have lunc

19、h Dto buy a cow 3The waiter did not understand Rodgers and Simon, _.Abecause he ran out of the restaurant Bbecause he did not know American English and they did not know Spanish Cbecause they wanted some milk and bread Dbecause they drew a cow on a piece of paper 4Why did the waiter give them two ti

20、ckets for a bull-fight? ABecause Rodgers drew a cow not a bull 公牛. BBecause the waiter was foolish. CBecause the cow drawn by Rodgers looked like a bull. DBecause Rodgers drew a bull, not a cow. 5How many people are there in the story? AThree. BTow. CMany. DMore than three.B WANTED: B ABY-SITFER(临时保

21、姆) Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoon? We need a baby-sitter for our son. Hes si* years old. Hours are 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you will work at weekends. You can get $ 10 per hours. For the job, you will: Watch our son Read to him Play with him You

22、 will work in our house. We live in Taipei, near the Zhongshan underground station. Please call 02-29678954. Ask for Miss Zhang. ()1. On Friday, the baby-sitter will_ A. not work B. work three hours C. earn $10 D. spend the whole day with the child()2. What is NOT a part of the job? A. Cooking for t

23、he child. B. Playing with the child. C. Reading books to the child. D. Taking care of the child.()3. The baby-sitter must_ A. go to Miss Zhangs office B. drive, a car to work C. work every Saturday and Sunday D. work from Monday to Friday()4 Which sentence is TRUE? A. Pay is more at weekends. B. The

24、 baby-sitter must work si* days a week. C. The person must first call Mr Zhang. D. The child is si* years old.()5. A good baby-sitter_A. cannot read story books B. is busy on Wednesday afternoon C. wants $15 an hour D. enjoys playing with childrenC Dogs like living with people. They are veryfriendly

25、. They can do many things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, someothers help people to find lost children. And s0me of the dogs can help the blind (盲人). Many years ago there was a very good dog. It was a seeing eye dog(导盲犬). Now we can see seeing eye dogs all over the world. They

26、 are working for the blind. A seeing eye dog is strong and easy to train (训练). It helps the blind to walk. Before a dog bees a seeing eye dog, it mustgo to a training school for about three months. Firstthe dog has to learn to sit or stay When he hears the trainers (训练者的)call. It also learns to take

27、 his trainer across busy streets. In the end it must take some tests (测试). After passing the tests, the dog can help blindpeople. The new master may be a man, a woman, oreven a child. It takes ,the dog and his blind masterabout a month to learn to live together.( )1. We can see seeing eye dogs_ A. o

28、nly in big cities B. only in small cities C. all over the world D. only in China( )2. A seeing eye dog can_ A. look after sheep B. find lost children C. help blind people D. take tests( )3. Ifyou want a dog to bee a seeing eyedog, you must take him to_ A. a middle school B. a training school C. an e

29、vening school D. a police station( )4. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears_ A. the telephone call B. the dogs call C. the owners call D. the trainers call( )5. How long does it take the dog and his blind master to learn to live together? A. About a month. B. Half a year. C. One y

30、ear. D. About three months.九、书面表达10分根据下面的汉语提示和要求完成英语日记。提示:1、时间:2005年11月6日。2、天气:阴3、喜欢体育运动,保持身体安康,每天长跑半小时;今天没参加,感冒,看医生,吃药,每天三次。要求:语法正确,语意连贯,词数60左右。一、根据首字母和中文提示填空所缺的单词。1. You should eat less meat and more f.2. You must be very tafter a long walk.3. I think you should join in sports to keep h.4. My brot

31、her had a football match last week. And I went to chim on.5. He often (锻炼) on the playground with his classmates.6. Idont know what really (引起) the big fire.7. There are many kinds of clothes in the shop , and I have to make a (选择) which to buy.8. dont you know this kind of disease (传播) easily?9. I

32、like to learn Chinese but my (最喜爱的) subject is English.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. You must have enough water in summer to keep (health)2.(stay) up late is bad for your health.3. Wed better (walk) there on food.4. Its her duty (save) the patients.5. Do you enjoy (read) English in the morning?6. I see him (play

33、) football almost every day.7. Were planning (climb) Mountain Tai.8. It took me three hours (finish) the work.9. Would you mind (open ) the window?10. Im sorry for what I(do).三、在以下各句的空白处填上适当的介词1. As we all know, the USA stands the United States of America. 2. he told me he sold cars a living.3. They

34、 are making a plan the school sports meeting.4. you can throw the ball the basket if you watch carefully.5. People all over the world like to play football.6. All of our teachers care our health very much.7. You have lost a match again. Shame you. 8. Will your volleyball team play theirs ne*t week?9

35、. The students in their class will leave Shanghai for a trip ne*t moth.10. Do you think smoking is bad your health?四、单项选择( )1.You look ill, what is with you? A. matter B. trouble C. wrong D. the wrong( ) 2.Li Ping, I have a terrible headache today. A. Really? B. Never mind. C. Thank you D. Thats too

36、 bad.( )3. I think you try to help each other in English study. A. may B. can C. should D. would( )4. Can I go out to play now?Youd better out and play now. You must finish your homework first. A. not to go B. not go C. go not D. not going( )5. Ill take some medicine and see how it will A. go B. e C

37、. do D. make( )6. You are iii and cant move today. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( )7.How are you today?Im feeling better now. A. many B. much C. very D. a lot of( )8. He often up late into the night to learn English to pass the e*am. A. stays B. gets C. goes D. sleeps( )9. we all k

38、now, China is a beautiful country with a long history. A. As B. What C. That D. Like( )10. I dont think your English is , youstill have to study hard. A. good enough B. enough well C. enough good D. well enough( )11. Dont you think puter is helpful to us in many ? A. grounds B. ways C. roads D. land

39、s( )12. Mary, can I use your book for a while? A. Go ahead B. Go away C. Youre wele D. Never mind( )13. Dont close the window, please keep it A. open B. opened C. opening D. to open( )14. I think that you should tell your child hard. A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied( )15. is it to water t

40、he flowers in the garden? A. What duty B, Whos duty C. Whose duty D. Which duty( )16. He told me that he the football team ten years ago. A. joined in B. took part in C. attended D. joined( )17. He often me a favor in my English study. A. does B. gives C. makes D. takes( )18. Would you mind the musi

41、c so loud? I want to sleep. A. not play B. not to play C. not playing D. playing not( )19. Dont feel so sad, your spirit, you still have hope. A. take up B. keep up C. pick up D. make up( )20. He climbed to the top of the mountain he could look farther. A. so that B. because C. for D. such that五、完形填空 When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There was an Englishman in the bar, too. Andhe 1 the Irishman, The 2 are very clever,arent they? They are


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