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1、Unit 1 Gender and SocietyAnalytical listeningListening 1 A Lecture A | & B |OK, so today were going to continue on the topic of how children are socialized. Well be looking at gender socializationin other words, how, how children learn their gender roles. Gender is something that we learn first from

2、 our parents, then from our peers, from school, and from the culture we live in. OK, lets start with our parents. Generally, our gender roles are pretty clear to us by the time were around three years old. So how do we, how do we learn these roles so quickly? Well, one way is simply by what our pare

3、nts say to us. Parents give female children a lot of compliments on how they lookon their appearance, right? We say things like, “What a pretty girl!” or“Thats a nice dress youre wearing.” Girls might get compliments on other things, too, but they, they soon learn that being feminine has something t

4、o do with being attractive or pretty, right? Boys, in contrast, are complimented on what they do. We say things like, “Look how fast little Timmy can run! Good for you, Timmy!” So over time, boys learn that being, being masculine has something to do with their behaviour and with being active.Our pee

5、rs, when were childrengirls and boys around the same age as we arealso teach us about gender roles, and sometimes theyre not very nice about this either. They make fun of children who arent following the rules. Can you remember kids from your childhood who didnt follow the gender rules? Schools cont

6、inue, schools continue the process of gender socialization. Some schools have separate classes for girls and boys, and, um, of course school uniforms are different pants for boys, and skirts or dresses for girls. Finally, the culture we live in has a lot to teach us about gender roles. C |As you kno

7、w, one of the first questions when a baby is born is, “Is it a boy or a girl?” We think its important to know this because when children grow up, their role in the world depends on their genderat least to some degree. But nowadays, gender roles are changing, and besides, there have always been a few

8、 people who are not average, who do not follow the usual gender pattern. One person from history who did not follow her usual gender role was Hatshepsut. Around 150 years before Tutankhamen ruled ancient Egypt as pharaoh, or king, Hatshepsut ruled for 21 years as the female king of Egypt. Thats righ

9、tfemale king, because there was no such thing as a queen as leader. A few women had filled the role of leader when their sons were too young to rule, but Hatshepsut stayed in power even after her stepson, Tutmose III, was old enough to rule. And she accomplished a lot while she was king! Up and down

10、 the Nile River we can still see the monuments and buildings that were constructed or repaired while Hatshepsut was king. It seems that she did not want to be forgotten.Besides the buildings and monuments, we have a lot of art from the time of Hatshepsut. And whats interesting is that at first, Hats

11、hepsut is shown with female characteristicsshe was clearly a woman, but with the clothing and symbols of a king. For example, in one statue, she is seated and has the body of a woman but is wearing the headdress of a king. In later years, we see the reverse. All of the later artwork shows her as a m

12、an, with male characteristics. Were not sure why Hatshepsut had her artists do this, but it may have helped her to keep power. It might have been easier for Egyptians to accept a man as kingor at least someone who looked like a man. Listening 2A Conversation Between ClassmatesA |Mia: Hey, Dylan! Lon

13、g time, no see!Dylan: Yeah, its been ages! I was gone all summer. I had a job working for my uncle, so I stayed with him in Toronto for two months. What about you, Mia? Howve you been?Mia: Great! I just spent the time right here because I was taking a course in summer school. I want to graduate earl

14、y.Dylan: Wow, youre really working hard! So,. What do you think about this class were in?Mia: Oh, I think its going to be great! Its such an interesting topic“Gender and Sociology”. Dylan: Hmmph. I suppose. I can see that Professor Henley is very knowledgeable on the subject. But I can also see that

15、 I disagree with her about a lot of things.Mia: Such as. ?B |Dylan: Well, I think some jobs just arent good for women like firefighters for instance.Mia: What? You think women arent brave enough or something?Dylan: Hey, I never said that! But, well, they arent as strong physically, I mean. Do you th

16、ink a woman could carry me out of a burning building? Come on, everyone knows men are stronger than women.Mia: Ha! So, you think youre stronger than the female athletes in the Olympics, just because youre a man?Dylan: Well, no, of course not .Mia: Then you cant say that all men are stronger than all

17、 women. Here, let me draw you a graph .Dylan: Whats that?Mia: Its from my summer school class. We had to do some research on gender differences, and similarities. OK . now . look at this . This line here shows how it looks if you make a graph of how strong women are, by how much weight they can lift

18、. Here. A small woman cant lift more than 20 pounds. And a woman athlete can lift 200 pounds. Right?Dylan: I dont know, I guess so.Mia: Now, what about men? Can all men lift 200 pounds?Dylan: Well, no, probably not.Mia: Can you lift 200 pounds? Hmmm?Dylan: (laughter)Mia: So, maybe a really small man

19、 can only lift, oh, 50 pounds. And a really big man can lift 200, so not all men are equal in terms of physical strength either . There are different levels of strength within the genders, too . So, the line for men looks like this . Do you see what I mean? In fact, its true that most men are strong

20、er than most women . so there is a gender gap when it comes to physical strength. But you cant conclude that all men are stronger than all women. And if you have to lift, say, 150 pounds to be a firefighter, then some women can do the job.Dylan: Well, I suppose so.Mia: Besides, most women are smalle

21、r than most men. So possibly they can go into smaller spaces to rescue people.C |Dylan: It sounds like you just want women to compete with men and take their jobs away. Mia: No, I dont! There are lots of good jobs that only women used to do, and now men are hired for them, too.Dylan: Hmm. I cant thi

22、nk of any!Mia: Well, look at flight attendants. For a long time people thought that only women had the ability to be helpful on planes.Dylan: Yeah, back when they still used to call them stewardesses, right?Mia: Yeah! My aunt was a flight attendant or stewardesswhen she was young, and she said it us

23、ed to be just awful. They were required to be very thin, and they werent allowed to keep their jobs if they gained weight! Oh, and they were forbidden to get married, and they had to stop working when they were 32can you imagine? But now thats all changed, fortunately, and the airlines encourage men

24、 to become flight attendants, too. There are lots of men who are flight attendants now. Dylan: It sounds like a great job to metraveling every day and meeting so many people. I cant imagine why the airlines didnt want men. Mia: Well, they thought that all women were more helpful than all men!Dylan:

25、Now, thats a stupid idea. And hey, men can lift heavier bags for the passengers! Remember? “Most men are stronger than most women.”Mia: Dylan, youre impossible!Viewing the WorldWodaabe Narrator: For 51 weeks of the year, the Wodaabe, a nomadic African tribe, eke out a living on a parched strip of la

26、nd in West Africa. In the 52nd week, they dance. This is far more than an ordinary dance, though. Part beauty pageant and part mating ritual, this dance is part of a seven-day festival that gives the men in the tribe the opportunity to show off for the women. For Wodaabe men, this is the time to wea

27、ve the web of enchantment. For psychologists, the Wodaabe festival provides insight into the impact of appearance on attraction and social behavior.All the Wodaabebut especially the menpride themselves on their physical beauty. Light skin, thin lips, a long nose and jawline. The Wodaabe consider the

28、se to be the ideal features, and they accentuate them with carefully applied makeup.Wodaabe Man: If a man puts black color on his lips, it makes his white teeth stand out, and this is very attractive to women. If a man puts yellow on his face, it brings out his charm and personality and makes him ir

29、resistible.Narrator: The first part of the dance, known as the yaake, begins in the late afternoon. The dancers face the setting sun so its golden rays will enhance their beauty.The object of the yaake is to make oneself as irresistible as possible to the group of eligible women who are monitoring e

30、very move and expression. Narrator: The three most beautiful women of the clan act as judges. They express their approval of certain dancers by a tap on the chest without making eye contact. It is taboo for them to look directly at those they find attractive. The yaake ends just before sunset. Slowl

31、y the dancers disperse to prepare for the nights festivities.After a rest period, preparations for the second part of the dance beginthe sacred dance of physical beauty called the geerewol. Unlike the yaake, in which the men are evaluated on charm and personality as well as looks, the geerewol dance

32、rs will be judged on the basis of beauty alone. Only the most handsome men dare to compete. Narrator: Normally the geerewol would be danced throughout the night, but a drought has shortened the supply of drinking water, so the Wodaabe elders call a halt to the dancing shortly before midnight. By the

33、n, many of the members have paired up. The women have chosen the men they find most attractive and appealing.Shortly after sunrise on the final night, the Wodaabe prepare to leave the celebration site. After a week of dancing, they are once again nomads. Further ListeningListening 1 Kabuki is a trad

34、itional form of singing and dancing theater that is still popular in Japan. One unusual characteristic of kabuki is that all the roles of women are played by male actors called onnagata. These actors spend many years studying womens behavior and activities, such as sewing. Some people say that the a

35、ctors are more feminine than real women are!There are many examples of male actors who play roles of the opposite gender, but the reverse doesnt happen very often. The Year of Living Dangerously is a famous movie from the 1980s. Its about an Australian journalist who meets a news photographer during

36、 a time of terrible violence. Many people didnt notice that the star who played the role of Billy Kwan, the photographer, was actually a woman. Linda Hunt won an Academy Award for her acting in the movie. She gave Billy Kwan many characteristics that people think are masculine, especially courage.In

37、 the time of William Shakespeare, women were generally not allowed to appear on a theater stage. In Shakespeares plays, female characters like Juliet (in Romeo and Juliet) were played by young boys. Some of them became very famous, like Nathan Field. When their voices changed and they grew older, th

38、ese actors had to start playing mens roles. Listening 2 Question: Timis County is located in the western part of which European Country? Eric Yang knew the answer. “Romania!” he said, and became the winner of the National Geographic Bee. Every year, thousands of young people compete in this internat

39、ional contest of geographical knowledge. Three winners from each country go on to the world championship. For years, however, the contests organizers have wondered about a question of their own: An equal number of girls and boys enter the contest at the school and regional levels. Why are so many of

40、 the national winners boys? In the United States, Erics home country, only two girls have won the top prize since 1989. Gender may also be a factor in success at the world championships, too. When the National Geographic World Championship was held in Mexico City, a team of three boys from Canada be

41、at 16 other national teams. The second prize went to three boys from the U.S.A., and the third prize to three boys from Poland. As in the past, most contestants were male, and two scientists investigated the reasons for this. They concluded that there is in fact a small gender gap in geography, but

42、they couldnt find the cause. Possibly, boys are taught to be more assertive than girls, or they might feel more pressure from their parents. Maybe boys have a better ability to use maps. Or maybe teachers encourage boys more in geography classes. Listening 3 For most of the year, the Wodaabe are nom

43、adic, moving from place to place to find grass for their cattle. For one week each year, however, its festival time for the Wodaabe. Its called the geerewol, and its a chance for Wodaabe men to show off for the women. The geerewol is a kind of beauty pageant, and the men who participate wear makeup

44、to emphasize the features that are considered beautiful by the Wodaabe: long noses, strong white teeth, and large eyes, among other characteristics. The geerewol is all about attractionboth physical beauty and charm. While the men dance, the women watch and carefully evaluate the mens appearance. Wh

45、en an available woman finds a man who is irresistible to her, she lets him know with small gestures. With many women watching, the pageant has many winners.Unit 2 Human MigrationAnalytical ListeningListening 1 A PowerPoint LectureA |Professor: OK, could someone please turn off the lights? Good, than

46、ks. Now, can everyone see the slide? Good. Now, weve been talking about emigration from one country to another. But emigration isnt always from a country. In this first slide, you see a map of the state of North Dakotain the U.S. Were going to focus on this part of the statewestern North Dakota. One

47、 hundred years ago, North Dakota had something that many immigrants were looking for. What do you think it was?Student: Was it farmland? Professor: Thats right. North Dakota had land, and that land attracted many immigrants from Europe especially from Norway and Germany. They left their native count

48、ries and moved abroad. In North Dakota, they planted wheat, and they built houses and new towns. Nowadays, however, more and more people are leaving North Dakotaespecially the rural areasand moving to other states in the U.S. But before we get to that, lets look more closely at the reasons immigrants left their original countries and went to North Dakota in the first place. B | & C |Professor: OK, could someone please turn off the lights? Good, thanks. Now, can everyone see the slide? Good. Now, weve been talking about emigration from one country to another. But e


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