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1、托福阅读高分攻略之备考阅读必需要明白这些 托福阅读高分攻略, 备考阅读必需要明白这些,今天给大家带来托福阅读高分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读高分攻略 备考阅读必需要明白这些一.做托福阅读不要记笔记阅读部分时间本来就很紧,而且做题时*是有显示的,不像听力听过的信息不会再出现(除了listen again题型会重复两句),所以阅读一般都不用记录笔记。二.提前习惯上机考试这就是对屏读的熟练程度了,多练就好了。其中Delta的话,虽然PDF版不如纸质书籍清楚,但是可以开设两个窗口,一个窗口显示阅读*,一个窗口显示题目,也就是“模拟”成考试界面来训练。三.读不懂*就



4、我们需要找出一个内容不正确或答非所问的选项。选非题也有两种基本的解题技巧,一是根据主题词去原文中寻找并列,二是通过选项到原文中定位排除。第一,根据主题词去原文中寻找并列。选非题在原文中一般是有并列结构存在的,因此我们首先选用的方法是根据题干中的主题词去原文定位,看看是否有并列存在。并列分两种情况,第一种是在原文中集中列举,如 including A, B, C and D。第二种是在原文中分散列举,如first.second.third.;或者.moreover/in addition.,当你发现有moreover或者in addition这样的字眼时,就要知道在这之前肯定还有别的并列内容,在

5、原文找到这些并列内容之后,就可以跟选项一一对应,选出原文没有提到的,或者与原文相反的,或者虽然是原文提到的正确信息但是答非所问的选项。下面我们就来具体看一个具体的托福阅读题例子。Paragraph 3: The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current sl

6、ows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. Sediments are also dropped where a river slows on entering a lake or the sea, the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor at first, but will be located inland at some future

7、 date, when the sea level falls or the land rises; such beds are sometimes thousands of meters thick.6. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as places that sediment-laden rivers can deposit their sediments EXCEPTA mountain valleyFlat landA lake floorThe seafloor首先根据题干中的关键词sediment-laden

8、定位至原文第一句说river or stream emerges from a mountain valley,说明a mountain valley是河流的发源地而不是积累沉淀的地方,因此直接就可以选出A。后面说了emerges from .onto relatively flat land, dropping its load,即是将load留在了flat land上,对应选项B;接着下一句说also dropped说明后面紧跟的也是河流积累沉淀的地方,the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloor,说明沉淀也会留在l

9、ake floor或者sea floor,分别对应选项C和D。第二,通过选项到原文中定位排除。当在原文中找不到明显的并列内容,或者原文的段落很长选项也很长,或者通过题干关键词无法定位的话,我们就会选择用选项到原文中进行定位,一一排除正确选项,选出错误选项。通过选项进行定位时还是要根据我们之前在细节题中讲过的定位方法进行定位。下面我们来看一个具体的例子。Paragraph1: The greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three cultural areas: Melanesia, Micrones

10、ia, and Polynesia. Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific, contains the large islands of New Guinea, the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia. Micronesia, the area north of Melanesia, consists primarily of small scattered islands. Polynesia is the central Pacific area in the great triangle defined by H

11、awaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands in the two largest cultural areas, Polynesia and Micronesia, together contained a population estimated at 700,000.1. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true statements about Melanesia, Micronesia, and

12、 Polynesia EXCEPT:Collectively, these regions are traditionally known as Oceania.These islands of Micronesia are small and spread out.Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand mark the boundaries of Polynesia.Melanesia is situated to the north of Micronesia.这个托福阅读题目的题干中有三个地点,但是我们通过这三个词去原文定位发现整个段落都是讲这三个

13、地点,因此我们不能用它们来进行准确定位,而且在原文中也没有发现明显的并列关系,所以我们就需要利用选项进行定位。A选项根据Oceania定位至原文第一句,跟选项对应,A排除;B和D选项共同可以利用 Micronesia定位至第三句,发现原文说的是Mi在Me的北面,D选项正好与原文相反,所以就可以选出答案D。C选项根据 Polynesia定位至原文第四句,选项跟原文一致,C也排除。因此最终答案选D。可以看出这种托福阅读试题如果掌握了正确的方法解决起来就简单多了,每个托福阅读题都有自己的方法,所以希望大家能认真对待,争取在托福阅读上有所突破。托福阅读题型之图表题解析托福阅读题型:图表填空题例题解题方

14、法:12. Directions: Complete the table below by indicating which features of fishes are associated in the passage with reducing water resistance and which are associated with increasing thrust. This question is worth 3 points.Features of Fishes1. The absence of scales from most of the body2. The abili

15、ty to take advantage of eddies3. The ability to feed and reproduce while swimming4. Eyes that do not protrude5. Fins that are stiff, narrow, and smooth6. The habit of swimming with the mouth open7. A high, narrow tail with swept-back tips本题要求对比*中的某两个部分的内容,有的*是全文的对照对比,有的托福阅读*是重点段落的对照对比。这种托福阅读题目需要先识别要

16、求对比的内容,并且从原文中搜寻对应的*段落。本题要求对比REDUCING WATER RESISTANCE和INCREASING THRUST,因此我们先通过读每段的关键句来确定对比内容所在段落。通过检索我们发现以下两个段落对应本题:第三自然段:Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form. Their bodies are sleek and compact. The body shapes of tunas, in fact, are nearly ideal from an enginee

17、ring point of view. Most species lack scales over most of the body, making it smooth and slippery. The eyes lie flush with the body and do not protrude at all. They are also covered with a slick, transparent lid that reduces drag. The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut

18、drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours. Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight for the same reason.本段重点陈述了减少水阻力的几种设计,通过对于本段的精读我们发现阴影处信息可对应选项145.第八自然段:There are adaptatio

19、ns that increase the amount of forward thrust as well as those that reduce drag. Again, these fishes are the envy of engineers. Their high, narrow tails with swept-back tips are almost perfectly adapted to provide propulsion with the least possible effort. Perhaps most important of all to these and

20、other fast swimmers is their ability to sense and make use of swirls and eddies (circular currents) in the water. They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by pushing off the eddies. Scientists and engineers are beginning to study this ability of fishes in the h

21、ope of designing more efficient propulsion systems for ships.托福阅读最好不留检查时间做完托福阅读考试题之后,那么留下托福阅读检查时间在托福真题实战中是不太科学的,这样说的原因有这么几个:托福阅读考试的时间是按篇来给的,也就是每篇托福阅读*只给你20分钟的时间完成,提早完成了第一篇,并不会给你下一篇留有更充足的时间。所以,即使你能提前做完一篇也只能检查刚刚做完的这一篇,而一般情况下,这样短的时间是检查不出来什么错误的,因为你的思维还是停留在写答案的时候。所以在托福阅读考试中,我们应该尽量争取一次做对,阅读时候速度可以比平时放慢一些,耐心读取题目的中心句。另外可以在考试过程中对一些提问关键信息作下笔记,帮助你更迅速定位题目,因为*本身是会高亮标明一些问题中涉及的句子和要求解释的单词,所以有的时候连笔记都可以省掉。另外大家要注意的就是时间来不及的情况。这就要求大家平时训练时候,还是坚持一次性原则为好,尽量把答完一篇*的时间控制在16分钟内,这是一个参考标准,如果达不到这个阅读速度,面临真题时候就会遭遇很大的难度,根本来不及检查。综上所述,在托福阅读备考中,不提倡大家留托福阅读检查时间。这样也可以促使大家在做题的时候比以前更加集中注意力,托福阅读考试的正确率也就会有所增加


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