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1、whom的用法总结大全 whom的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来whom的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。whom的用法总结大全whom的意思pron. (who的宾格)谁whom用法whom可以用作代词whom是who的宾格,在正式文体中常作宾语,用作疑问代词或连接代词时非正式文体往往用主格代替,若紧跟在介词之后则只能用whom。若在从句中用作表语则只能用who,不能用whom。whom用作关系代词引出定语从句修饰指人的先行词时意思是“他,她,他们”,在定语从句中作宾语,通常被省略或用who, that代替。whom用于非限制性定语从句中作动词或介词的宾语时不能省略

2、。whom用作代词的用法例句I dont know whom he has in mind for the job.我不知道他想让谁来做这项工作。From whom did you learn that he was ill?你从谁那儿知道他生病了?whom用法例句1、I want to send a telegram. Fine, to whom?“我想发份电报。”“好的,发给谁?”2、Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来。3、Elizabeth met other

3、 Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomis world.伊丽莎白结识了其他一些牛津大学的学者,其中有几位娜奥米也认识。搞定who和whom的用法今天早上我们来进行语法的分享,相信大多数人都知道的两个词汇whom,who1 两个词汇可以在定语从句中充当关系代词当然who可以代替主语 (黄色定语从句中的主语)He is the man who can swim really fast他就是那个游泳非常快的人whom可以代替宾语 (黄色定语从句中的宾语)He is the man whom I met in the park yester

4、day他就是昨天我在公园中遇到的那个人两者均只用于人,从理论上说,who 为主格,whom为宾格:Wheres the girl who sells the tickets? 卖票的女孩在哪里?The author whom you criticized in your view has written a letter in reply. 你在评论中批评的那个作者已写了一封回信。但实际上,除非在正式文体中,宾格关系代词 whom 往往省略不用,或用who或that代之:The man (that, who, whom) you met just now is called Jim. 你刚遇见

5、的那个人叫吉姆。不过,在以下几种情况值得注意:1. 直接跟在介词后面作宾语时,只能用 whom,而且不能省略:She brought with her three friends, none of whom I had ever met before. 她带了3个朋友来,我以前都没见过。2. 引导非限制性定语从句且作宾语时,who 和 whom均可用,但以用 whom 为佳,此时也不能省略:This is Jack, who whom you havent met before. 这是杰克,你以前没见过。who,whom和whose用法总结who, whom和whose死记单词不会用,哑巴英语

6、不开口。精研例句,定有收获!whohu:pron. 谁;什么人疑问句:Who are they?他们是谁?Who was paying for this?是谁付钱的?Who will sing us a song?谁来给我们唱首歌?Who made the earth and the seas, and everything?是谁创造了地球、海洋和一切?名词性从句:Are you going to tell me who he is?你要告诉我他是谁了吗?I wonder who he is.我不知道他是谁。Let us see who is the strongest.让我们看看谁最有力气。

7、定语从句:The boy who sits beside him is his son.坐在他身边的男孩是他的儿子。One day a friend of his who lived in Boston came to see him.有一天,住在波士顿的一个朋友来看他。In those times there were even some kings who could not read.那时甚至有些国王也不识字。All who reach old age must lose their strength and become feeble and gray.人凡是上了年纪,都会失去力量,变

8、得虚弱头发花白。whomhu:mpron. 谁(who的宾格)But to whom should I say that?但是我该对谁说呢?From whom did you get this?你从谁那里得到了这个?See whom she looks like!看看她长得像谁!I have many far-off friends whom I have never seen.我有许多素昧平生的远方朋友。You are the only one to whom I mention this.你是唯一一个我提到这事的人。定语从句中,现代英语也多用who指代被修饰词在从句中做宾语whosehu:zpron. 谁的;那个人的,那些人的;他的,他们的whose books are these?这些是谁的书?Tell him whose cookies youll make first.告诉他你先做谁的饼干。There was once an old farmer whose name was Carl.从前有个老农夫,名叫卡尔。I buy my eggs from a farmer whose chickens roam free.我从一个农民那里买鸡蛋,他的鸡是放养的。whom的用法总结大全


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