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1、gre考试词汇难度这么大吗 gre考试的情况大家都非常关注,究竟gre考试难点是什么?今天给大家带来gre考试词汇难度这么大吗,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试词汇难度这么大吗?gre考试难点一:gre考试词汇量大gre考试词汇是什么?根据总说明,它将给出2万个答案。但是20000是什么概念?通过比较,我们可以帮助你理解,如果你高中毕业,你的英语词汇应该有2000-3000的积累。这2000-3000字相对简单,很多都是is、do、run等简单的字。如果你通过四级考试,你将有大约4000个单词。如果你通过六级,它将达到6000字。如果你考过托福或雅思,你的词汇积累



4、的难度可以说是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。GRE词汇涉及大量的学术和专业正式词汇,具有字母多、词汇长、拼写复杂等特点。同时,也有许多拼写相似的词,在词义上也有许多相似但不同程度的褒贬。例如:拒绝、蔑视、假设、消费、简历、简历、假设等。看着一堆通常由近10个字母组成、拼写和含义相似的单词,我想没有人会认为GRE词汇是简单的。新GRE词汇盘点:obviateobviate:v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要1)to prevent or make unnecessary through anticipationOur careful preparations for the move obvi

5、ated the expense of having the movers help us pack.The river was shallow enough to wade across at many points, ehich obviated the need for a bridge.Synonyms: avert, hinder, preclude(v.)to make unnecessaryThe invention of cars has obviated the use of horse and carriage.A cure for the common cold woul

6、d obviate the need for shelf after shelf of cold remedies.obviate:unnecessary =reduce:smallerobviate:unnecessary =emulate:exemplary 排除 不需要的=仿效 模范的obviate necessitate新GRE词汇盘点:garrulousgarrulous:饶舌的, 多嘴的, tiresomely talkative1)talkative, generally in a rambling or annoying way2)tending to talk a lot3)

7、extremely talkative, wordy4)啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的: given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative5)verbose;talkative;rambling: We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor.Synonyms: garrulity, diffuse, verbose, wordy;talkative, chatty, loquacious, volublegarrulous laconic, straightfor

8、ward, taciturn;reserved, reticentgarrulous:talkative1.garrulous traveling companions 多话的旅伴2.I was hoping to rest during the flight, but unfortunately I was seated next to a garrulous young man.fussy: careful =garrulous: talkative 吹毛求疵的:仔细的=话多的:健谈的考法 1 adj.啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:given to excessive and often tr

9、ivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkativegarrulous: talkativegarrulous/loquacious: words=prodigal: money 多话的说说话=浪费的多花钱(正面特征)garrulous: talkative=fussy: careful 话多的:健谈的=吹毛求疵的:仔细的(褒贬关系)prodigal: money=garrulous/loquacious: words 浪费的多花钱=多话的多说话(正面特征(反)garrulity taciturnity 啰嗦 沉默寡言新GRE词汇盘点:ambiguousamb

10、iguous:模棱两可的, having two contrary meanings, equivocal1)ill-defined or uncertain;possible to be understood in different ways2)not clear;uncertain;vague3)vague;subject to more than one interpretationSynonyms: cryptic, enigmatic, indefinite, indeterminateambiguous:perception ambiguous obvious, straight

11、The forensics expert ascertained the bodys age based on the degree to which the facial structure had ambiguous.Her habitual sarcasm rendered her statement ambiguous;no one could tell if she really meant what she said.The ambiguous law did not make a clear distinction between the new and old land bou

12、ndary.有多种理解方式的;不确定的:open to more than one interpretation;doubtful or uncertain【例】Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.学生们为他们在世界中的角色感到迷茫。Frustrated by ambiguous instructions 因为不明确的指示而受挫【近】doubtful, equivocal, unclear, uncertain【反】distinct, pellucid, patent, blatant, explicit, lucid, perspicuous 清楚的,明显的gre考试词汇难度这么大吗


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