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1、Basic Capillary Design Rules (劈刀基本设计规则),Basic Capillary Design Rules,The Free Air Ball FAB is centered inside the capillary chamfer . (金球被真空吸入劈刀内切角处),Bonding Sequence(焊线顺序 ) Cycle 1(第一步):,The Free Air Ball FAB is cen,Ball Bond Formation (球形形成),Bonding Sequence (焊线顺序 ) Cycle 2 (第二步) :,Ball Bond Forma

2、tion,After looping formation, cycle performs stitch bond profile. (弧度形成后,焊接 第二焊点),Bonding Sequence(焊线顺序)Cycle 3 (第三步) :,After looping formation, cycle,Tail Formation(尾丝形成),Bonding Sequence(焊线顺序) Cycle 4(第四步):,Tail Formation(尾丝形成)Bonding Se,Detach tail from the stitch.(从第二焊点处拉断尾丝),Bonding Sequence (焊

3、线顺序) Cycle 5(第五步):,Detach tail from the stitch.(从,Free Air Ball FAB Formation(打火烧球形成金球),Bonding Sequence (焊线顺序) Cycle 6(第六步):,Free Air Ball FAB Formation,Capillary Travel Path Forming a Typical Loop Profile(劈刀行程路线形成弧度形状),Looping Formation(弧度形成):,Capillary Travel Path Forming,Capillary dimensions aff

4、ects the ball bond formation(影响第一焊点的劈刀尺寸参数):,T,FA,H,CD,OR,1st Bond (Ball) (变形后的金球),CA,Capillary dimensions affects t,Hole Size (H)(孔径),H,WD,H(孔径)= WD (线径)+ 40%10%Recommended(推荐): H = 1.4WD For Fine Pitch(小间距): H = 1.3WD (min),Hole Size (H)(孔径)HWDH(孔径)= WD,Chamfer Diameter (CD)(内切角直径):,CD MBD(变形后的金球直

5、径)/1.2 (BPO铝垫开窗 -*10m)/1.2 H孔径+10m,*10m clearance includes machine/operator error, capillary tolerance( 10m包含设备/操作者的误差,劈刀尺寸的公差),CD,MBD,Chamfer Diameter (CD)(内切角直径):C,Chamfer Angle (CA)内切角角度:,CD,MBD,MBD,CD,CA(70),CA(120),Bigger(大) CA - Bigger MBD,*With the same(相同) CD, H, FAB & WD,Smaller(小) CA - Sma

6、ller MBD,Chamfer Angle (CA)内切角角度:CDMBDM,Inner Chamfer IC Function (内切角的作用),FAB Centering(金球定中心),Resultant from US Transfer(与超声波传递的界面),Inner Chamfer IC Function,T,FA,OR,Capillary dimensions affects the stitch bond formation (影响第二焊点的劈刀尺寸参数) :,2nd Bond (Stitch),TFAORCapillary dimensions affe,Stitch Len

7、gth formed by T, CD and OR(鱼尾长度由T, CD and OR形成),WD,OR,SL,T,Stitch Length formed by T, CD,OR - FA Combination(结合):,Smaller(小) FA Bigger (大) OR,OR,OR,FA,FA,Bigger (大) FA Smaller (小) OR,OR - FA Combination(结合):Sm,Stitch Profile based on Outside Radius (OR)(第二焊点形状基于外切角半径):,Reduced weld (stitch) length f

8、or big OR (大OR减少鱼尾长度),WD,OR,OR,Stitch Profile based on Outsid,Maximum Computed OR (最大的计算OR),OR(max) = (T-CD)/2cos(TA/2)/cos(TA/2+FA)tan(90+TA/2+FA)/2,OR(max),(T-CD)/2,TA/2,FA,Maximum Computed OR,OR based on( 基于)Tip Diameter (T):,OR,FA,WD,T OR,360m330-300m250-200m180-165m150-130m120-110m100-75m70m,T,

9、=75m=64m=51m=38m=30m=20m=12m=10m,OR based on( 基于)Tip Diameter,CD Termination(终止) of the Stitch (鱼尾):,CD Termination(终止) of the,First Bond (Ball Formation):第一焊点形成,Free Air Ball,Mashed Ball,First Bond (Ball Formation):第一,Free Air Ball空气球 = Mashed Ball变形球:,Free Air Ball,Mashed Ball Diameter,FAB,MBD,Vol

10、体积FAB = Vol体积MBD,VolFAB,VolMB,Free Air Ball空气球 = Mashed Ball,Free Air Ball空气球 = Mashed Ball变形球(体积),FAB,VolFAB = VolMB,CD,CA,H,MBD,1,2,3,VOL2,VOL3,+,+,VOLFAB,=,VOL1=3H2(H-WD)/16,VOL1,VOL2= (CD3-H3)/24tan(0.5CA),VOL3= MBD2(MBH)/4,MBH,WD,VOLFAB=FAB3/6,+,+,=,Free Air Ball空气球 = Mashed Ball,FAB=MB Volume

11、Equation综合:,VolFAB = VolMB,FAB,FAB3/6 = 3H2(H-WD)/16 + (CD3-H3)/24tan(0.5CA) + MBD2(MBH)/4,=,FAB3 = 18H2(H-WD)/16 + (CD3-H3)/4tan(0.5CA) + 3MBD2(MBH)/2,FAB=MB Volume Equation综合:VolFA,Critical(临界) Loop Height (CLH):,CLH,BNA,High Reverse Loop,Normal Loop,Critical(临界) Loop Height (CLH),Tip Diameter (T)

12、:,T,T(max) = 2BPP-WD-(2LH-WD)tan(TA/2)-24,BPP,WD,LH,TA(MTA or BNA),Tip Diameter (T):TT(max) = 2BP,Tip Diameter (T):,T,T CD+ 2OR,BPP,WD,LH,TA(MTA or BNA),OR,Tip Diameter (T):TT 2BPP-WD-,Tip Diameter (T):,TA/2,WD + clearance (e),T/2,a,b,BPP,LH - MBH,T/2 = BPP - a - b,T(max) = 2BPP - (WD+e)cos(TA/2) - 2LH-2MBH-WD-e+(WD+e)sin(TA/2)tan(TA/2),T/2 = BPP - (WD+e)/2cos(TA/2) - LH-MBH+(WD+e)/2+(WD+e)/2sin(TA/2)tan(TA/2),Tangential assumption.,TA/2,(WD+e)/2,Tip Diameter (T):TA/2WD,


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