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1、,UNIT4 Whats best movie theater?,Section A,How often do you go to movies?Do you like going to a movie?How do you choose a movie theater?,I like the movie theater that has the best qualities.,quality n. 质量,品质,theater n. 戏院,剧场,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,big screens,comfortable seats,H

2、ow do you choose a movie theater to go to?,new movies,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,best sound,is close to my home.,home,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,buy tickets quickly,has the short

3、est waiting time,How do you choose a movie theater to go to?,popular,How do you choose which movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under “Important” or “NotImportant”.,知识点 be close to 接近于; 在 . 的近旁 The population of the city is close to a million. 这个城市的人口接近一百万。 My home is close to the c

4、inema, so I often go to see a film. 我家离电影院很近,所以我经常去看电影.,Town Cinemais _ to my home than UME Movie City.,Movie World is close to my home.,home,0.5km,2km,Screen city is _to my home.,closer,3km,the closest,The tickets to Town Cinema are _.,The tickets to Movie World are _.,The tickets to Screen City Th

5、eater are _.,cheaper,the cheapest,cheap,¥60,¥50,¥30,has a big screen.,Movie World,Screen City,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,Town Cinema,big,is popular.,Town Cinema,Screen City,is more popular.,is the most popular.,Movie World,Screen City,Movie World,more comfortable,has comfortable se

6、ats.,has _ seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,Town Cinema,comfortable,Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters.,Town Cinema,Movie World,Screen City,Screen City,Movie World,Lets try! Talk about Taian Theatre.,Taian Theatre is _(离最近) Mount. Tai. Its_(最大的影院) in the city. It has _(最舒适

7、的座位). It also has _ (最短的等待时间). It is in _(城市的繁华地段),the closest to,the biggest cinema,the most comfortable seats,the shortest waiting time,the fun part of the city,Practice the conversation. Then talk about the movie theaters you know.,A: Whats the best movie theater?B: Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest.A

8、: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.,Preiod 2,A: Who is the student in our class?B: ,the smartest, the tallest, the heaviest, the friendliest, the thinnest, the most beautiful, the busiest, the funniest, the most popular ,Free talk,Step 4 Production,Talk about the movie theater

9、s you know.,A: Whats the best movie theater?B: Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest.C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: For me, E: In my opinion, ,It has the biggest screens.Its the most popular.Its the closest to home.Its the cheapest.It has the best sound.It has the most comfort

10、able seats.,In all the subjects, which is the most interesting subject?In all the subjects, which is the most difficult subject?,Lead-in,回答下列问题:,1. Which is the closest supermarket? 2. Which is the worst supermarket? 3. Which is the best supermarket? 4. Who is the singer you like best? 5. Which radi

11、o station plays the best songs? 6. Which cinema has the most comfortable seats?,Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy. Circle the boys answers.,Green City Survey1. Which is the best clothes store?a. Millers b. Blue Moon c. Dream Clothes2. Which is the best radio station?a. 970 AM b. 97.9 FM c. 107

12、.9 FM,Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement.,a. Millers b. Blue Moonc. Dream Clothes,Clothes stores_ Its the most expensive._ It has the best clothes._ Its the worst store._ You can buy clothes the most cheaply there.,b,a,a,c,a. 970 AMb. 97.9 FMc. 107.9 FM,Rad

13、io stations_ It has the worst music._ They play the most boring songs._ The DJs choose songs the most carefully._ Its the most popular.,a,c,b,b,Student A, you are the reporter. Student B, you are the boy. Role-play a conversation.,PAIRWORK,A: Hello! Im a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? B: Su

14、re. A: Whats the best clothing store in town? B: I think Millers is the best. A: Why do you think so? B: Well, Millers has ,Role-play the conversation.,1. What is the _ _ _ (最好的电影院) to go to?2. Town Cinema. Its the _ _ _ (离家最近).,Grammar Focus,closest to home,best movie theater,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,3. And

15、you can buy tickets _ _ _ (最快地) there. 4. Which is _ _ (最差的) clothes store in town? 5. Dream Clothes. Its _ _ (差一些) Blue Moon.,the most,quickly,the worst,worse than,Grammar,形容词比较级一般用在比较两个人或事物的时候。形容词最高级表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较, 其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加the,后面通常带of (in)短语来说明比较的范围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间范围

16、)。,the tallest,他在我们班最高。 He is _ ( tall) in our class.,of,玛丽是这三个学生中最小的。 Mary is _ (young) _ the three students.,of,the youngest,funny,funnier,the funniest, is funny. is funnier. is the funniest of the three.,构成规律:,单音节词和部分双音节词,一般加 est , 如: strongstrongest,fastfastest,以不发音的e结尾, 加-stnicenicest, large- l

17、argest,以辅音加y结尾, 改y为i, 加-esthappy happiest,辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写末尾的辅音字母,加-estthin thinnest,多音节词, 和部分双音节词, 在词的前面加the mostoutgoing the most outgoing,规则变化,常用的不规则形容词比较级和最高级变化形式,最高级规则变化口诀,最高级,很容易,一般词尾加est。 (cheap-the cheapest) 词尾若有哑音e, 直接就加st。 (close-the closest) 重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。 (big-the biggest) 辅音字母若加y, 记得把

18、y变为i。 (friendly-the friendliest) 多音节,考考你,the most到底加哪里? (popular-the most popular),形容词的原形、比较级和最高级,双写再加-est的词:,大热(天),胖(子)湿(了), 瘦(子)红(了),big , hot, fat, wet, thin, red,biggest ,hottest,fattest,wettest,thinnest,reddest, ,形容词的最高级常用“the + 最高级+ 比较范围”结构, 比较范围为短语或从句。She is the tallest one in her class. 她是班里

19、最高的一个。The dog is the best present that I have ever received. 这只狗是我收到过的最好的礼物。,形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the。例如:The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。形容词most前面没有the,在句中不表示最高级的含义,只表示“非常”。例如: It is a most important problem. = It is a very important problem. 这是个很重要的问题。,副词的最高级的用法,1. 最高级用于三者或

20、三者以上的比较,副词最高级前定冠词the 可以省略,后面可以带of (in) 短语来说明比较的范围。 句型为:“A+ 动词+ (the) + 副词最高级+of (in)”。例如: She runs fastest of the three. 她是三人中跑得最快的。 She works (the) hardest in her class. 她是她们班上学习最用功的。,2. Which (who) +动词+(the) +副词最高级, A, B or C? 表示三个或三个以上的人或事物中“哪一个最”。例如: Which runs fastest, a car, a train or a plane

21、? 汽车,火车和飞机,哪一样跑得最快?,写出下列单词的比较级和最高级,1. good2. comfortable3. big4. happy5. cheap6. many7. difficult8. little,1. good better best2. comfortable more most 3. big bigger biggest4. happy happier happiest5. cheap cheaper cheapest6. many more most7. difficult more most 8. little less least,Back,1. Lily is _

22、 (early) than Lucy. 2. Who goes _ (slowly), Tom or Jim?3. This book is _ (interesting) than that one.,earlier,more slowly,more interesting,Exercises,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,4. She is _ (careful) in her school.5. Who is _ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack?6. I think beef noodles is _ (delicious) of all.,the most careful

23、,the latest,the most delicious,3a,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,1. We went to the _ (bad) restaurant in town last night. The menu had only 10 dishes and the service was not good at all!2. Blue Moon is _ (good), but Millers is _ (good) in town.,better,wo

24、rst,the best,3. The Big Screen is _ (expensive) than most cinemas, but Cinema City is _ (expensive).4. Movie City has the _ (bad) service, but we can sit the _ (comfortably) there.,more expensive,the most expensive,worst,most comfortably,5. Johnny Depp acted the _ (good) in that movie. Hes much_ (go

25、od) than other actors at finding the _ (interesting) roles.,better,best,the most interesting,Jonny Depp,Pirates of the Caribbean,Captain Jack,沃尔玛 家乐福新一佳家润多 步步高麦德龙,Wal MartCarrefourA . bestRT-MARTJoindoorBetter LifeMetro,3b,Think of three stores that sell similar things in your town and fill in the c

26、hart. Then write six sentences using the information in the chart.,A Best,Metro,Metro,A Best,Wal Mart,Metro,1. Metro has the best service in town. 2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _,has the best quality in town.,A Best has the worst service in town., has the worst quality in town., is the cheapest in town., is th

27、e most expensive in town.,Section B,Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.,funniest most creative quietest best,quietest,best,funniest,Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a.,PAIRWORK,My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know.,Jeff Green is the

28、 quietest person I know.,Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers.,Eliza _ Vera _Steve _ Dennis _The Math Teachers _,d,a,e,c,b,Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear.,best, excellent

29、, great,funniest,creative, most creative,worst, terrible,loudest,Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation.,Who was the best performer?, was the best performer.,Who knows the most?,Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰) is the _ mountain in the world.,highest,2. Changjiang River is the _ river in Chin

30、a.,longest,3. Pacific Ocean (太平洋) is the _ ocean in the world.,largest,4. The falls of Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟瀑布) are the _ falls in the world.,cleanest,5. Blue Whale (蓝鲸) is the _ animal in the world.,biggest,6. Giraffe is the _ animal in the world.,tallest,7. Hummer (蜂鸟) is the _ bird in the world.8. The

31、Great Wall is the _ wall in the world.9. Humans(人类) are the _ animal in the world.10. China has the _ people in the world.11. Paris is one of the _ cities in the world.,most beautiful,most,cleverest,smallest,longest,period4,Talking,Whos the most talented person you know? What can he/she do? Talk abo

32、ut it.,2a,I think Li Fei is the most talented person.,What can she do?,She can stand on her head.,Reading,2b,Read the passage. Which three talent shows are mentioned?,1. American Idol 美国偶像,3. Chinas Got Talent 中国达人秀,2. Americas Got Talent 美国达人秀,Read the passage again and find the answers to the ques

33、tions.,1. What do talent shows have in common?2. Who decides the winners?3. Why do some people not like these shows?4. Why do some people like these shows?5. What do you think of these shows?,2. Who decides the winner? _,Thats up to the people who watch it.,1. What do talent shows have in common? _

34、_ _ _,They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on.,3. Why do some people not like these shows? _ _4. Why do some people like these shows? _ _,Because some people think that the lives of the performers are made up.,Becau

35、se if people dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.,5. What do you think of these shows? _ _,I think they can give people a way to make up their dreams come true.,I like the shows because they make me feel relaxed, and the performers are talented.,I dont like the shows because t

36、he performers make up their lives.,拓展:talent (名词) talented (形容词)有才能的;有才干的,1. talent n. 天资;天赋,e.g. Do you like yesterdays talent show? 你喜欢昨天的才艺表演吗?,李小姐是最有才能女演员。Miss Li is the most talented actress.,New words,beautiful (形容词) + ly beautifully (副词)serious (形容词) + ly seriously (副词)它们的最高级形式都是前面加most。,2. b

37、eautifully adv. 美好地;漂亮地 seriously adv. 严重地;严肃地;认真地,e.g.在我们班,玛丽唱得最优美Mary sings most beautifully in our class. 。,常用词组:win / get a prize 获奖,4. prize n. 奖;奖品;奖金,e.g.琳达在英语比赛中获奖。Linda got the prize at the English competition.,不定代词,相当于everyone,作主语时当单数看,谓语动词用单数形式。,5. everybody pron. 每人;人人;所有人,e.g.每个人都有一个梦想。

38、 Everybody has a dream.,常用词组:give sb. sth. / give sth. to sb. 给某人某物,6. give v. 提供;给,e.g. Please give your uncle these tickets. = Give these tickets to your uncle, please. 把这些票给你的叔叔。,e.g. What do these two planes have in common? 这两架飞机有什么相同之处?,7. have in common 有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方)相同,8. all kinds of 各种类型的;

39、各种各样的,e.g. Therere all kinds of trees on the hill. 山上有各种不同种类的树。,9. be up to 由决定;是的职责在英语中,be up to somebody 是一个习惯用语,用来表示“由某人做出抉择”,句子的主语通常为it, 有时也用this或that。,e.g. You can join the club once or twice a week it is up to you.你可以一周参加一次或两次俱乐部的活动这由你定。,e.g.李老师让学生们编个故事。Mr. Li asks the students to make up a st

40、ory.,10. make up 编造(故事;谎言),11. for example 例如,e.g.例如:他们很聪明,擅长艺术。For example, theyre smart and good at art.,12. take seriously 认真对待 ,e.g.我们必须认真对待老师说的话。We must take the teachers words seriously.,Period 5,比较级和最高级的几点用法说明1. 越来越more and more +多音节词的原级more and more popularmore and more interesting more and

41、more beautiful单音节词比较级+and+ 单音节词比较级better and better taller and tallerfaster and faster higher and higher stronger and stronger,2. the +比较级, the +比较级 越 ,就越The more, the better.The harder you study, the better grades you get.The more you eat, the fatter you are.3. 最高级前可用序数词,the + 序数词+形容词最高级+名词单数The Ye

42、llow River is the second longest river in China.4. one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数最之一He is one of the smartest students in our class.,Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them.,best singer: In my class. Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast son

43、gs very well.,most talented dancers: Jenny is the most talented dancers because she can dance like a fish/peacock.,most exciting magicians: Liu Qian is the most exciting magicians because he can play the funniest magic.,funniest actor: Linda is the funniest actor because she can sing like a parrot.,

44、Lead-in,Whats your favorite place to go on weekends? Why is it?,The Childrens Center is the best place to go on weekends. Because I can play tennis and play ping-pong. I can speak English with friends.,The best place to go is Center Park. Because I can swim and climb the hill. I can fly kites and ta

45、ke a walk in the woods.,Reading,Read the article about Greenwood Park. Fill in the blanks with the correct superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the box.,3a,Greenwood Park is _ place to go on weekends. I always finish my breakfast _ on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park b

46、efore 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. The park is _ place on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers.,fastest,the most crowded,crowed, creative, good, fast, quietly,the best,Some people think they are boring, but I think they are _ people. However, the place where you

47、 can enjoy your time _ is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park.,the most creative,the most quietly,Think about some of the best places/things in your town. Why are they the best?,Writing,3b,Best super-market,Me

48、tro Supermarket,the best qualitythe best service,Xiangya Hospital,best park,The best doctors, the best service,Lieshi Park,best theater,The most beautiful lake, flying kites,Wanda 3D Theater,best hospital,biggest screenmost comfortable seats,I live in a beautiful town near the Liuyang River. _,Write

49、 about your town and the best places/things there.,Writing,3c,I live in a beautiful town near the Yellow River. _,One possible version:,The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it is the most beautiful. The best supermarket is Metro Supermarket because it has the best quality things and the be

50、st service. The best park is Lieshi Park because it has the most beautiful lake and I can play kites there.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,The best hospital is Xiangya Hospital because it has the best quality and the best service. The best movie theater is Wanda 3D Theater because it has the biggest screen and it ha


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