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1、Recycle1第一课时(P32-33),Recycle1第一课时(P32-33),Sharp eyes快闪快读,Sharp eyes快闪快读,play ping-pong,go swimming,pick apples,do morning exercises,eat breakfast,play sports,eat dinner,go for a walk,go to work,play ping-ponggo swimmingpick,小组活动1,在学习小组内互相询问对方做某事的时间并回答:A:When do you get up?B: I usually get up at. Whe

2、n do you.?C: I usually.at.,小组活动1在学习小组内互相询问对方做某事的时间并回答:,Sarahs weekend,It is Saturday morning. Sarah is calling her friends. Listen and write the names.,Sarahs weekendIt is Saturday,听力原文,1.Mike: Hello. Sarah: Hi, Mike. This is Sarah. Mike: Hi, Sarah. Sarah: I will play ping-pong tomorrow morning. Wou

3、ld you like to come? Mike: Sorry. I will pick apples with my grandpa. Sarah: No problem.,听力原文1.Mike: Hello.,2.Sarah: Hi, Wu Yifan! This is Sarah. Wu Yifan: Hi! Sarah: I will play ping-pong tomorrow. Will you come? Wu Yifan: Sorry. I will go swimming. Sarah: Thats OK. See you Monday. Wu Yifan: See yo

4、u.,2.Sarah: Hi, Wu Yifan! This is,3.Amy: Hello.Sarah: Hi, Amy. This is Sarah. I will play ping-pong tomorrow morning. Can you come?Amy:Sure. I am free.Sarah: Cool!,3.Amy: Hello.,小组活动2,Call your friends and plan your weekend.(给你的朋友打电话计划你们的周末)A:Hello.B: Hi, Oliver. This is. Are you free this.?A: Sorry

5、. I will./ Sure. I am free.,小组活动2Call your friends and pla,Read and complete,It is Sunday morning. Sarahs father is home after work. Sarah is still asleep, but Robin is up. Read and complete the dialogue.(星期日的早上,Sarah的爸爸下班回家,Sarah还在睡觉,但是Robin起床了。读对话并补全对话内容。),Read and completeIt is Sunday,五年级英语下册Recy

6、cle1第1课时课件(人教版PEP),阅读要求,1.自己默读熟悉对话大体意思。2.小组内讨论共同完成练习。由小组长进行汇报,比一比哪个组做的最好。3.划出重点句型,小组内练习朗读对话,注意语音语调。五下英语Recycle1Recycle1 read and complete.swf,阅读要求1.自己默读熟悉对话大体意思。,小组活动3,Find out your parents timetables and role-play with your parter. My s timetable get up cook breakfast go to work go home cook dinner

7、,小组活动3Find out your parents ti,当堂练习,一、选择正确的答案。( )1.My mother is a teacher. She goes to school_7:00_the morning. A.at;on B. at; at C. at; in( )2._do you get up? I usually get up at 7:00. A. What B. When C. Which( )3._? I go to school at 7:30.A.When do you go to school?B.When do you get up?C.How do yo

8、u go to school?,C,B,A,当堂练习一、选择正确的答案。CBA,二、连词成句。,1. do, exercises, you, do, when, morning ?2.go, lunch, to, we, back, school, after .3. usually, play, I, at, 4:30, sports .4.do, Sundays, you, what, do, on ?,二、连词成句。1. do, exercises, you,Homework,1.熟读33页对话3遍,读给家长听。2.完成配套练习册习题。3.预习34-35页内容。,Homework1.熟读33页对话3遍,读给家长听。,


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