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1、Rhetorical Devices (修辞手段),语体文体修辞学:(Stylistics)语体部分研究语言在不同的交际领域中所形成的功能分化,如科技语体、公文语体、新闻语体、法律语体、口语语体等;文体部分则研究文学语言与风格,包括个人风格与时代、流派风格。 人文修辞学:(Rhetoric)重点研究控制读者或听者反应的技巧,具体包括:语言符号在各种交际活动中的影响力,深化认识和影响感情的手段,劝说的各种论辩技巧,表达内容与表达方式之间的关系等。,Parallelism. You begin or end a series of clauses or sentences with the sam

2、e words, in order to emphasize a similarity or parallelism in the ideas being stated. With calm confidence we began the speech course. With calm confidence we did each exercise, gave each speech, took each exam. With calm confidence we await our final grades.,Parallelism. Fondly do we hope, ferventl

3、y do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. You are right. But your patch is not big enough,Periodic sentence (掉尾句,圆周句). When a speaker wants to arouse mild curiosity and then satisfy it with a sense of natural finish within a sentence, he can make the climax of meaning and

4、 the end of the sentence coincide. To impart an impression of crisp control in speaking we use periodic sentences. In any case, avoid the indefinite loose sentence, in which even shifts in thinking are connected by “and uh”as if the speaker feared his life must end with the end of the sentence. At t

5、he end of the sentence, stop. Then start the next sentence. Periodic sentences achieve forcefulness by suspense. The essential elements in the sentences are withheld until the end. Yesterday while I was walking down the street I met him. Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our a

6、id.,Next came the Court of Women, followed by the Court of Israelites, the Court of the Priests and , above all, the massive sacrificial altar. To this should be added a faithful collection of the revenue, a strict accountability to the Treasury for every dollar collected, and the greatest practicab

7、le retrenchment in expenditure in every department of Government.,Ellipsis. In giving a series of details, you can produce a greater sense of energy or urgency by leaving out “and” or other grammatically normal words. “ The abandoned dog was starved, flea-ridden, scared.” “He had a quick, sarcastic

8、mind; a master of the put-down.” The audience participated by mentally filling in the missing words, such as “he was” in the middle of the latter sentence.,Metaphor (暗喻): One object is likened to another by speaking of it as if it were that other. The world is a stage. The devices ubiquitous eye,sen

9、sing where people are at all times.“These magical beasts”, as they have been called, are assisting hassled, often incompetent teachers.,Metonymy(换喻): The name of one thing is applied to another thing with which it is closely associated.Have you read much Shakespeare?The English simply worship the cr

10、own.For the wonder and the horror of the Web is not that it takes you out into the world; on the contrary, it brings the world into your home.,Allusion (典故/引喻): it is a casual mention or an indirect reference to some person,fact, idea, event, either historical or fictional. The purpose is to make or

11、 arouse association and vivid imagination. Those same kids on line are just a few key strokes away from Pandoras hard drive. It just makes it forbidden fruit. The microelectronic revolution promises to simplify life in ways undreamed of even by the utopians.,Parody(模仿): using the words, thought, or

12、style of an author, but by a slight change adapting them to a new purpose or ridiculously inappropriate subject;the imitation or exaggeration of traits of style so as to make them appear ludicrous.Britannia rues the waves (comes from a well-known line,”Britannia Rules the Waves”,of the famous Britis

13、h navy song )Brave New Web (from Huxleys Brave New World),Synecdoche (提喻/举隅): A part of something is used for the whole or the whole for the part.We need 20 hands to build the pool.How many heads were counted at the dance.This tidal wave of downloading stretched the seams of both AOL and MSNBC.,Onom

14、atopoeia(拟声): A word resembles the sound it describes or the use of words that suggest their meaning when pronounced. E.g. The buzzing of the bees was a magic sound. . the Nazi war machine, with its clanking, heel-clicking, dandified Prussian officers, Simile(明喻): two unlike things are compared, the

15、 comparison being make by the use of the introducing like or as. E.g. Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. I see the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.,Euphemism(委婉): it is the conveying of a harsh or an unpleasant truth gent

16、ly.E.g. die- pass away; depart; go to heaven stupid people- slow learnerIrony(反话): is a figure of speech which consists in saying one thing but meaning the opposite.,Beginning two or more words in a series with the same sound is a novelty that has mild interest effect. We began our trip in a car tha

17、t was a rusty, rattling wreck. Heavy use of alliteration calls attention to itself, but can, like a catchy jingle, help make an idea memorable: My opponent for office is a cornered, conniving, con-artist.,Alliteration(头韵 ).,Rhetorical question(反诘). The speaker in the preceding example might have ask

18、ed, “Do you want to elect a cowardly con-artist?” to which presumably the listeners mentally answer, no. When a question is used as a transitional device, the speaker usually also provides the answer. In the use of a rhetorical question, however, the audience is expected to supply, mentally, the fai

19、rly obvious answer. the listeners become actively involved, and thus more interested, in a sort of mental dialogue with the speaker. By mentally supplying the anticipated answers to the speakers questions, audiences also may help persuade themselves. Are you not more easily convinced if you think yo

20、u are deciding the answers yourself?,4. Antithesis(对照 ). This can be used when you want to stress the contrast or opposition between two ideas. The clauses or sentences in which the opposing ideas are stated are similar to each other in structure. This similarity in structure focuses the listeners a

21、ttention on the direct contrast in ideas. Two contrasted words, phrases or ideas are balanced. A friend exaggerates a mans virtues, an enemy his crime. Dumb car buyers look at the paint job. Smart car buyers look at the power train.,Repetition: saying the same thing again, though perhaps with a diff

22、erencee.g . They die for liberty; they die for us. The more you write, the more you can write.,Sarcasm is a cutting remark, a verbal sneer. Sarcasm pretends to disguise its meaning, but does not intend to be misunderstood. “Oh, youre really a great friend, arent you?” (addressed to one who wont lend

23、 the speaker 5 yuan.),Satire It generally refers to a piece of literary work-prose, poetry or drama-generally not to a single sentence. It uses ridicule to expose and to judge behavior or ideas that satirist finds foolish, or wicked, or both. Ridicule is instance of being made fun of Bryan mopped hi

24、s bald dome in silence.,Transferred epithet (转类形容词): a figure of speech in which an adjective or descriptive phrase is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong, most commonly from a person to a thing or an idea.e.g. I can not forget the happy d

25、ays of my childhood. A murderous knife (a knife used by a murderer or a person with that intention); A careless shoe-string (a shoe-string tired in a careless manner).,Transferred Epithet (修饰语移置;或称 移就)a figure of speech in which the epithet is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify another

26、to which it does not really belong. Common examples are: a sleepless night; the condemned cell; a happy day. It is a very common poetic device, as in these lines from Part One of T.S.Eliots The Waste Land: Winter kept as warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers

27、. Clearly, the snow is not “forgetful”, but rather conceals, muffles, “shrouds” the earth, so that for a time we forget what the earth looks like.,Examples of transferred epithet:1.He crashed down on a protesting chair. (portesting 常说明人的行为,此移用来修饰具体事物chair,意为:椅子好像在提抗议似的.)2. After an unthinking moment

28、, I put my pen into my mouth. ( unthinking 常修饰人,此移用来修饰抽象的moment)3. All the time the creeping fear that he would never come back to her grew stronger within her. (creeping可表示人的动作,此移用来修饰抽象的fear)4. Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. (baking 本指烤面包,此移用来修饰court,意为“气氛紧张,异常闷热的法庭。)5. Hans shrugged

29、a scornful shoulder. (scornful 本用来描写人的心理状态,此移用来修饰 shoulder.),Oxymoron (矛盾修饰法 ): a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce an epigrammic effect, such as a wise fool; cruel kindness; bitter sweet; victorious defeat; sweet sorrow. e.g.1. the glorious messiness o

30、f English: “glorious” and “messiness” are apparently contradictory in meaning, but the phrase makes good sense here. This kind of rhetorical device is called oxymoron. 2. Intimate strangers: an expression of oxymoron, meaning “people we think we know yet actually we dont”.,Hyperbole (夸张法): is a cons

31、cious exaggeration for the sake of emphasis, not intended to be understood literally. The wave ran mountain high.,Irony is a figure of speech which consists in saying one thing but meaning the opposite.反语,就是说反话。通常使用与本意相反的词语表达其本意。多数情况下用于批判和揭露,可以使表达具有讽刺、辛辣、幽默的效果,增强文章的感染力。1. This hard-working boy seldo

32、m reads more than an hour per week. (一周读书不超过一小时而形容为hard-working,言与意反,实际表达的是lazy.)2. Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act. ( 抢劫寡妇的存款而被称为“高尚”,实际上所表达的是:这是一种disgusting act.)3.“Why do you come so soon? You used to come at ten oclock, and now you come at noon.”,Pun is a play on words b

33、ased on similarity of sound and sharp difference in meaning Seven days without water make one weak. If we dont hang together, we shall assuredly hang separately.,Paradox (雋语) 雋语辞格指似是而非的俏皮话。表面上,自相矛盾,不合逻辑,实际上,内涵深刻,颇有道理。其语言凝炼,意义深刻,发人深思。The child is father of the man. (proverb)More haste, less speed. (p

34、roverb)Failure is the mother of success. (proverb)The more you give, the more you have. (proverb)This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last. (Oscar Wilde)His main feature is his featurelessness. (Augus Deming),Climax(渐进): A rising arrangement of parts so that the greatest strength or chief point of interest is at the end.He is good-looking; he is successful; he could have just about any woman he wants in the whole world.,


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