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1、International Business Etiquette,国际商务礼仪,Definitions(定义),Etiquette includes manners and behavior considered socially acceptable by people of the culture.礼仪包括被其他文化成员所接受的符合社会准则的行为方式。,Although the world seems to be shrinking in some ways, the necessity of respecting and observing the etiquette of anothe

2、r country is as important as ever. You need to know enough about the correct behavior of a particular country so that you do not unintentionally offend its customs.,从某些方面来说,我们的世界虽然正在变小,但观察并尊重另一个国家的礼节却仍然非常重要。对某一特定国家中的正确行为方式,你需要有足够的知识,这样你才不会在无意中违反它的习俗。,Topics:题目,Introductions:介绍Business Card Exchange:

3、交换名片Position and Status: 职位与身份Electronic Communication Etiquette: 电子通讯的礼节Dining Practices: 用餐的惯例Tipping: 付小费Gift Giving: 送礼Travel Etiquette: 旅游礼仪,Introductions:介绍,In the U.S. first names are used almost immediately; Titles are used infrequently. 在美国,几乎一开始就用名字称呼对方。在一般的交际场合中,头衔使用得不频繁。In Britain, peopl

4、e who have been knighted are addressed as Sir with the first name only. 而在英国,对已被授予爵位的人,应只称其为“某某爵士”。 In Germany, use titles.在德国,要使用头衔。,Business Cards:名片,In Japan, present a business card with both hands; in Arabic countries, use the right hand only.在日本,要用双手将名片递给对方;在阿拉伯国家,要用右手。Treat the business card

5、with respect; place the card before you on the desk or conference table to properly refer to title, rank, and name.对待名片要有礼貌;将名片放在你前面的桌上,并使用合适的头衔和名字来称呼对方。Print a translation of all identifying information on the back of the card in the language of the country you will visit.在你名片的反面用你所去国家的文字印上所有的识别信息。

6、,Include your name and full title. Titles carry greater significance in other cultures than in the U.S.印上你的名字和完整的头衔。在其他国家,你头衔的意义比在美国要大。Include your companys address and telephone numbers; include foreign headquarters, as appropriate.包括你公司的地址、电话;合适的话,还可以包括国外总部的联系地址。Include your fax number and e-mail

7、address.写上你的传真号和电子邮件地址。Avoid colored type and paper. Choose white with black ink for both sides. If in doubt, be conservative.避免使用彩色字体和纸。双面都用黑白两色。如果没有把握,就用保守的颜色。,Business Cards:名片,In the U.S. limited respect is shown for rank and authority; U.S. is not considered a nation of classes, but classes exi

8、st.在美国,人们对于级别和权威的尊重是有限的。美国不是一个等级制的国家,但等级是存在的。,Position and Status:地位与身份,Distinctions are made by how much money you have and where the money came from; (Drug dealers may have a lot of money, but no style or class); distinctions are made by whether the money is inherited vs. earned money.区别就在于你有多少钱,以

9、及钱是从什么地方来的(毒贩子有很多钱,但没有社会地位);钱是继承的,还是挣来的。,Position and Status:地位与身份,Status is associated with educational level and a persons occupation. Surveys show that medical doctors and college professors have high status in the U.S. 地位与教育水平和个人的职业是联系在一起的。调查显示,医生和大学教授在美国有很高的社会地位。India has a caste system determi

10、ned at birth. Interaction between castes is limited.在印度,等级在出生时就已决定了。不同等级之间的交流是很有限的。Gender is related to position and status. Women are considered as equal to men in the U.S. In other cultures (the Middle East), women are not considered equal.性别与地位和身份有关系。在美国女性被认为和男性一样平等。在其他国家(中东)女性就不平等。,Position and

11、Status:地位与身份,Age and hierarchy are important in such countries as Japan. Age takes precedence over rank, but rank is important. The higher the rank of the person you are introduced to, the lower you bow. The person of lower rank bows first and lowest; junior persons stop bowing first. You are also e

12、xpected to sit and to go through the door in rank order. 在像日本这样的国家,年龄和社会阶级是很重要的。职位级别很重要,但年龄更重要。越是将你介绍给职位比你高的人,你鞠躬就要鞠的越低。职位低的人要先鞠躬,而且要鞠得低并先停止鞠躬。坐下或进门的时候也要讲究级别。,Position and Status:地位与身份,Electronic Communication Etiquette电子交流的礼节,When communicating by telephone, the initial impression is formed more on

13、 vocal quality than on words spoken.用电话交流的时候,更多时候第一印象是由声音的质量而不是说出来的话决定的。Good telephone manners include answering the phone promptly, identifying yourself properly, and being courteous at all times.好的电话风格包括,立即接听电话、用适当的方式说出自己的身份、保持通话时的礼貌。When leaving a voice mail message, be brief but complete.留言的时候要简

14、洁、完整。When using e-mail, avoid negative or personal information.使用电子邮件时,避免发送消极的或个人的信息。,FAX Transmissions:传真,Call ahead to confirm fax number and to alert the person that you are sending a message; message should follow within 15 minutes.先打个电话过去确认传真号码,并通知对方你将要发送传真。传真应在15分钟之内发送。Avoid faxing certain doc

15、uments: 避免发送:Lengthy documents of more than 10-12 pages 超过10-12页的文件Personal/confidential information个人的/秘密的资料Negative news坏消息Avoid using the fax when impressions are important, such as resumes and proposals.如果印象很重要就不要用传真,例如简历或方案。,Good table manners are always a sign of breeding and education. Table

16、manners reveal much about a person; those who are insecure, disorganized, greedy, insensitive, or ill at ease will reveal these qualities in their dining behavior.好的就餐习惯总是体现出良好的教养和教育。餐桌上的习惯可以反映一个人的特点。不可靠、没有条理、贪婪、麻木、不安的缺点都会在就餐习惯中反映出来。,Dining Practices:就餐习惯,In the U.S., the main meal is in the evening

17、; in Mexico, the main meal is from 2 to 4 p.m.在美国,晚餐是一日的主餐;在墨西哥主餐在下午2点到4点之间。In the U.S., salads are served first; in Italy and France, salads are served after the main course.在美国,色拉先上;而在意大利和法国,色拉是在主食之后上。In the U.S., informal meals have 2 or 3 courses. In Latin American countries, even informal meals

18、 usually have numerous courses.在美国,非正规的一餐饭有2到3道菜;而在拉美国家,就是非正规的一餐饭也有很多道菜。,Dining Practices:就餐习惯,Unusual U.S. Dining Practices不一般的美国就餐习惯,Serving a glass of ice water in restaurants餐厅提供一杯冰水Offering coffee at the beginning of a meal餐前提供咖啡Giving people a choice of regular or decaffeinated coffee提供普通或不含咖啡

19、因的咖啡Designating sections in restaurants as smoking/nonsmoking餐厅划分为吸烟和不吸烟区Having breakfast business meetings采用商务早餐,Eating Styles:就餐风格,U.S. eating style is called “zigzag” 美国的用餐风格称为“锯齿”Cutting meat with the knife held in the right hand and fork in theleft, then placing the knife on the plate, shifting

20、 fork to the righthand, and eating.用右手握刀、左手握叉的方式切肉。然后将刀子放在盘中,将叉子换到右手,再开始吃。,Eating Styles:就餐风格,Continental (European) style大陆(欧洲)风格Placing the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right, then using the knife to push food onto the back of the fork and moving the food into the mouth, with fork ti

21、nes down.左手拿叉,右手拿刀。用刀将食物推到叉子的背后,再将食物送到嘴里,叉尖朝下。,Asians use chopsticks, especially for eating rice, but may use a spoon for some foods.亚洲人用筷子,特别是用来吃饭,但也用勺吃其他的食物。Tahitian food is eaten with the fingers; in the Middle East eat with your fingers if the host does, but use the right hand only.塔希提的食物是用手拿着吃的

22、。在中东,如果主人用手拿东西吃,你就也用手拿,不过要用右手。,Eating Styles:就餐风格,In Bolivia you are expected to clean your plate, but not in the U.S.在玻利维亚,你应该将盘子清干净,但在美国就不需要了。When eating something strange looking in another culture, never ask what it is; cut it in small pieces and swallow quickly; pretend it looks like chicken.当在

23、另一个文化中吃到看起来很奇怪的东西时,不要问是什么东西,将它切成小块,迅速吞下去,装着看起来吃的好象是鸡肉。,Eating Styles:就餐风格,Tipping:给小费,People communicate nonverbally by their tipping practices.人们通过小费进行非语言交流。Those who are basically stingy and those who are basically generous will reveal these traits by their tipping behavior.通过支付小费的行为可以分辨出小气和大方的人来。

24、“Insult tipping” (leaving a few coins) shows a lack of breeding and is inappropriate regardless of how poor the service was.“侮辱性小费”(留下几个硬币)是没有教养的表现,而且无论服务如何不好,这样做都是不合适的。Although a tip of 15% of the bill used to be considered generous in fine restaurants, 20% is now closer to the norm when the servic

25、e is excellent.虽然在比较好的饭店,15%的小费已经是很大方的了,但如果服务非常好,一般要给20%的小费。,Traveling in the U.S. involves numerous tipping situations including cab drivers and service personnel who may carry your luggage. 在美国旅行,有很多场合都要付小费,包括出租车司机、行李搬运工。Tipping in a nontipping culture can offend the people of that culture. In Jap

26、an, tipping is frowned upon; the Japanese consider carrying your luggage a gesture of hospitality.在没有小费的文化中支付小费会得罪该文化中的人。在日本人们不喜欢小费;日本人认为,给你搬运行李是好客的表现。In many places (Europe) a service charge is added to your restaurant/hotel bill; you need not leave an additional tip.在欧洲很多地方,服务费已经包括在餐厅/酒店的的费用中了,你无须

27、额外支付小费。,Tipping:给小费,Gift Giving:送礼,Each country has its seasons and occasions for giving gifts. Gift giving in some cultures is an art and is an integral part of building intercultural professional/social relationships.每个国家都有需要送礼的时节。在有些国家送礼是一种艺术,而且是建立跨文化专业/社会关系不可缺少的一个部分。U.S. business gifts are modes

28、t in price; the rule because of tax regulations is to limit the price to $25. 美国的商务礼品价格不高;由于税收的规定一般限制在25美元。Gifts in the U.S. are opened in front of the giver, admired, and thanks are expressed orally and in writing.在美国,礼物要当着送礼人的面打开,并且用口头或书面的形式表示赞扬和谢意。,Avoid gifts of liquor or wine in Islamic culture

29、s; alcohol is illegal.在伊斯兰教文化中,要避免送酒,因为酒是非法物品。Avoid gifts of a handkerchief or knife in Latin America. The knife is interpreted as a wish to sever a relationship; the handkerchief is associated with tears.在拉美国家要避免送手绢或刀。刀被理解为割断友谊。手绢是和眼泪联系在一起的。,Gift Giving:送礼,In Korea business gifts are usually given

30、at the beginning of formal negotiations.在韩国,商务礼品一般在正式谈判之前送。In Germany business gifts are seldom exchanged at the beginning of negotiations but may be given at their conclusion.在德国,很少在谈判前交换商务礼品,礼品可以在谈判结束时送。In Latin American countries, present gifts only at the conclusion of negotiations.在拉丁美洲国家,礼物只在谈

31、判结束时送。,Gift Giving:送礼,Gift Giving in Japan:在日本送礼,Gift giving is very important; they give gifts to customers as appreciation for business. They reward employees at two major times July 15 and December with large bonuses.送礼是很重要的。日本人送礼物给顾客感谢他们关照生意。Wrapping of the gift and presentation are important. T

32、he color of wrapping should be consistent with the occasion: red, gold, and white for happy events; black and purple or black and white for other occasions.礼物的包装也是很重要的。外包装的颜色要和礼物的时节一致。对于愉快的场合用红色、金黄色和白色;对于其他的场合用黑色、紫色或白色。,Japanese do not open a gift in front of the giver; dont open your gift in their

33、presence. 日本人不当送礼人的面拆开礼物;你也不要当着他们的面拆开礼物。Avoid giving a gift with someone else present.避免当着别人的面送礼物。Dont surprise your Japanese host; mention the gift ahead of time.不要突然送礼去;提前告诉对方你有礼物要送去。Favorite gifts for the Japanese are imported liquor, designer-made products (Gucci), also musical tapes and CDs.日本人

34、喜欢的礼物有进口酒、名家设计的产品(Gucci),还有音乐磁带和CD。,Gift Giving in Japan:在日本送礼,Case study 案例分析,Mark was in charge of a negotiation team sent to Japan. Upon learning the importance of gift giving to a successful business relationship in this culture, prior to departure he asked his secretary to wrap these gifts: a c

35、lock with the company logo, a leather briefcase, a country ham, and a pen and pencil set marked “Made in Japan”. His secretary wrapped the gifts attractively in bright red paper and with matching bows and mailed them to his Japanese host. What rules for appropriate gift giving in this culture have b

36、een followed? Which have been violated?,Global Gift-Giving Guidelines适用于全球的送礼指南,Avoid giving a clock as a gift in the Peoples Republic of China; it is considered a symbol of bad luck.在中国要避免将钟作为礼物送,因为它是背时的象征。Avoid gifts of perfume or wine to the French; those are their specialties.不要送香水或葡萄酒给法国人,因为这些都

37、是他们的专长。Do not give gifts of cowhide to people in India; the cow is sacred.不要送牛皮做的礼物给印度人,因为牛在印度是神圣的。,When dining in a persons home in Western Europe, present your gift when you arrive so that it does not appear to be intended as payment for the meal.在西欧人家里吃饭时,在到达的时候拿出你的礼物,这样就不会让礼物觉得是付饭钱。Gifts to Germ

38、ans should not be wrapped in black, brown, or white.送给德国人的礼物不要用黑色、棕色或白色的包装。A striped tie is not a smart gift to a British man; it may be a copy of a British regiment other than his own.对英国人来说,带条纹的领带不是什么好礼物。它代表的也许不是英国本身,而只是它的殖民地。,Global Gift-Giving Guidelines适用于全球的送礼指南,In Islamic countries avoid admi

39、ring personal possessions; you will probably find yourself the recipient of the object you have admired.在伊斯兰教国家,要避免称赞别人的财物。也许你会收到你称赞过的东西。Good international U.S. gift choices include art or jewelry, videotapes of U.S. movies, U.S. made sports equipment, or food that is uniquely U.S., such as candy or

40、 nuts.好的美国国际礼物包括,艺术品、珠宝、美国电影录像带、运动设备或者典型的美国食品,例如糖或花生。,Global Gift-Giving Guidelines适用于全球的送礼指南,Travel Etiquette:旅行的礼节,Dress appropriately; strangers will judge you first on your appearance.着装适宜;陌生人首先会根据你的外表来判断你。Pack conservative business attire: dark suits for men and women, classic leather shoes, an

41、d good quality accessories and luggage.着保守的商界服装:男、女都穿黑色上衣、古典皮鞋、使用质量好的附属品和箱子。Treat airline personnel courteously.对待航空公司的工作人员要有礼貌。,Proper Behavior During a Flight飞机上合适的举止,Refrain from wearing strong perfumes.不要用气味强烈的香水。Respect the preferences of those seated next to you related to conversations.尊重坐在你身

42、边那个人谈话时的喜好。Do not place your seat in a reclining position when traveling in the main cabin without first asking permission of the person seated behind you.如果你是坐在主机仓中,在没有询问坐在你后面那个人之前,不要把你的位置调整到卧式的位置。,Proper Behavior During a Flight飞机上合适的举止,Stay out of the aisles as much as possible, limit time on the

43、 telephone and in the bathroom, and do not permit children to disrupt or offend others. 尽量不要占住过道、限制打电话和使用洗手间的时间、不要让孩子打扰别人或惹人生气。Handle problem situations appropriately and politely.用合适的方法礼貌地处理问题。,A helpful rule to remember in most cultures is to follow the lead of the people in the other culture. If they shake hands, so do you. Eat what they eat and when they eat. If the other person gives you a gift, be prepared to reciprocate.在任何国家都可以记住的一条有帮助的规则是,向那个文化中的人学习。如果他们握手,你也握手。他们什么时候吃什么东西,你也什么时候吃什么东西。如果那个人送你一件礼物,你就要准备回送礼物。,


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