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1、托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:推理题和预测题 今天给大家带来托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:推理题和预测题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:推理题和预测题推理题托福听力推理题是让考生根据所听内容进行推理从而选出答案的题型。常见的提问方式包括:What does the woman imply about the new medical research?What can we infer from the professors comment on the New England system?在做题时,考生首先需要仔细读清楚选项。因为推理题的答

2、案一般不会在录音材料中给出,而是需要考生对材料内容进行进一步引申,得出更深层次的内容。所以,考生往往只有在读完选项之后才能知道答案对应的内容。同时,推理题虽然考查的是录音材料的细节之处,但是其考查内容还是围绕着全文主题展开的。因此在做题时,考生如果实在不知道选哪一个,那么就可以去选和全文主题最接近的选项,这样的选项大多数都是正确的。预测题预测题是对长对话或讲座结束后将会发生何种事情的猜测的考查。这种目有一个鲜明特征,就是在题干中经常会出现will这个表示将来时态的助动词。预测题常见的提问方式有以下几种:What will the man do after the conversation?Wh

3、at will the student include in his assignment?What kind of assignment will the professor give?考生在解答预测题时首先要注意,预测题有一个十分常见的情况,就是它的答案一般都出现在一篇录音材料的结尾。同时,预测题的答案在出现时一般都是由讲话人使用一个提出建议的句子来给出。因此,考生只要在*结尾听到提出建议的句子,一定要将其中所提出的建议记下来,这往往就是预测题的答案。表示建议的常见句型:How about/What about/Why not/Why dont you/Would you mind/Wou

4、ld you please/I have a suggestion for you./You need to/You should/Youd better2020托福听力练习:膝关节响声或为患者康复提供帮助The sound of a cracking knee isnt particularly pleasant.But it gets worse when you listen up close.It does for most people. But for me, it just makes me excited.Omer Inan, an electrical engineer at

5、 Georgia Tech.I actually feel like theres some real information in them that can be exploited for the purposes of helping people with rehab.Inans experience with cracking knees goes back to his days as an undergrad at Stanford, where he threw discus.If I had a really hard workout, then the next day

6、of course Id be sore, but Id also sometimes feel this catching or popping or creaking every now and then in my knee.A few years later, he found himself building tiny microphones at a high-end audio company.So when he got to Georgia Tech and heard the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA,

7、 wanted better tech for knee injuries, he thought:Why not strap tiny microphones to peoples knees, to eavesdrop as their legs bend? What we think it is, is the cartilage and bone rubbing against each other, the surfaces inside the knee rubbing against each other, during the movements.He and a team o

8、f physiologists and engineers built a prototype with stretchy athletic tape and a few tiny Mics and skin sensors.And preliminary tests on athletes suggest the squishy sounds the device picks up are more erratic, and more irregular, in an injured knee than in a healthy one.Which Inan says might allow

9、 patients and doctors to track healing after surgery.Details appear in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.The primary application were targeting at first is to give people a decision aid during rehabilitation, following an acute knee injury, to help them understand when they can perform

10、 particular activities, and when they can move to different intensities of particular activities.A useful thing to take a crack at.膝盖裂开的声音肯定不是令人特别愉悦。但是你靠近听时,声音就会更刺耳。“很多人都是这样的感觉,但对我而言,这种声音只会让我更为兴奋。”佐治亚州理工学院的一名电气工程师奥默尔?伊恩楠说道。“实际上我认为这些声音中包含的一些的信息可以为患者所用并且有助于他们康复。”伊恩楠的膝盖创伤经历要追溯到他在斯坦福大学的学生时代,他就是在那里开始讨论这项


12、无规律可循。伊恩楠表示这项技术可能会让病人及医生手在术后进行追踪治疗。这项研究已在IEEE生物医学工程杂志上发表。“我们进行这个项目的主要目标人群是患者的膝盖受到严重创伤后,首先要让他们知道,在康复期间何时可以进行特殊活动及何时可以增加强度。这种追踪会非常有用。1.listen up 听好了例句:All right! I need everybody to listen up!好了!大家都听好了!2.each other 互相,彼此例句:They support each other in their work.他们在工作中互相支持。3.move to 移动到例句:It may also be

13、 a good move to suggest she talks things over.建议她把事情谈开了也许是不错的做法。4.appear in 出现在例句:New programmes will appear in the fall on television.秋季将有新节目在电视上出现。2020托福听力练习:改善室内空气质量的绿色方案Air pollution outside is easy to spot, hanging over the city, or sputtering from a tailpipe. But theres lot of indoor air pollu

14、tion, too, even if its not as obvious. Its caused by volatile organic compounds, or VOCs.They can come from building materials like paints, carpet, adhesives, vinyl floors, varnishes, solvents, etc. Vadoud Niri, an analytical chemist at the State University of New York, Oswego. And also they can com

15、e from home and personal care products, cleaning chemicals, air freshener, cosmetics.And that cosmetics part. is what caught Niris attention. One day when I went to a nail salon with my wife, I noticed the smell of, specifically, acetone in there. And since I was doing air analysis at that time, I t

16、hought maybe we can do something about this. Acetone can irritate your eyes, skin, nose and throat and at high concentrations can cause nausea, headaches and other nervous system problems.Niri figured one way to get rid of acetone might be with houseplants. So he reviewed decades of literature in th

17、e field of plants as environmental cleanup agentswhich is called biofiltration or phytoremediation. He then ran his own experiment, using an airtight chamber, eight VOCs, in concentrations similar to those found in nail salons, and five common houseplants: a jade plant, a spider plant, a bromeliad,

18、a Caribbean tree cactus, and whats known as a Dracaena plant.Turns out, after a twelve-hour test, it was the bromeliad that scrubbed the most chemicals from the air. But as for his original quest, removing acetone from nail salons? The Dracaena beat out the others, sucking up 94 percent of the offen

19、sive compound. He presented the results at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Philadelphia.Niri hasnt worked out all the details on the nail salon solution yetthats next. But for a house or apartment, he says, use a variety of plants to make sure you take all types of VOCs from your indo

20、or air. Plus, theyre an energy-free alternative to other air cleaning devices. In other words, a truly green solution.室外空气污染很容易看出来,污染物悬浮在城市上方,或者从排气管溅射出来。但是,虽然并不明显,但是室内也存在大量的空气污染。室内空气污染的源头是挥发性有机化合物(简称为VOCs)。“它们可能来自油漆、地毯、粘合剂、地板革、清漆、溶剂等等建筑材料。”瓦杜德尼里是纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校的分析化学师。“它们也可能来自家居和个人保健产品、清洁剂、空气清新剂、化妆品。”这其


22、的测试结果表明,凤梨最能吸收空气中的有毒气体。但是,至于最初的疑问,去除美甲沙龙里的丙酮?在这个问题上,龙血树是最厉害的,它吸收了94%的有害物质。尼里在费城举行的美国化学学会上发表了自己的研究结果。尼里并没有完全解决美甲沙龙的问题。但是尼里表示,对于房屋或者公寓来说,“可以用多种植物来吸收室内空气中的各种挥发性有机化合物。”而且,这种方法是可以替代其他空气清洁设备的零能源方法。换言之,这是真正的绿色解决方案。重点讲解:1. get rid of 摆脱;甩掉;赶走;例句:We have to get rid of the mud and dirt on the road.我们必须把路上的烂泥和

23、脏物除去。2. beat out 打败;击败;战胜;例句:Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.印第安纳波利斯从近百座城市中胜出,成为美国联合航空公司大型维护中心所在地。3. work out 想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜);例句:She finds it difficult to work out the problem.她发现解决这问题有困难。4. in other words 换言之;换句话说;也就是说;例句:In other words, our forces, although small at present, will grow very rapidly.这就是说,现在虽只有一点小小的力量,但是它的发展会是很快的。托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解:推理题和预测题


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