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1、Module 2 No Drugs,1.used to do过去常常做某事be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于be used to do 被用来做【注意事项】(1)疑问式:Used you to?/Did you use to?(2)否定式: used not to/usednt to/didnt use to,【活学活用】(1) _ and take an hours walk before breakfast. 我过去常常早起, 并且在早餐前散步一小时。(2) He _ in the country. 他已习惯于住在乡下。(3) Bamboo _. 竹子可以被用来造

2、纸。,I used to get up early,is/has got used to living,can be used to make paper,2. One day, he offered me some crack cocaine.,offer sb. sth. 主动提供某物,精神or物质offer sth to sb. provide sth for sb. v.提供,供应 provide sb. with sthsupply sth to sb. v. n. 提供,供应supply sb. with sth【活学活用】1. He _ his life to the count

3、ry.2. They _ food for the hungry children.3. The government decided to _ the refugees with houses.,2. One day, he offered me some crack cocaine.,offer sb. sth. 主动提供某物,精神or物质offer sth to sb. provide sth for sb. v.提供,供应 provide sb. with sthsupply sth to sb. v. n. 提供,供应supply sb. with sth【活学活用】1. He _

4、his life to the country.2. They _ food for the hungry children.3. The government decided to _ the refugees with houses.,offered,provided,supply,3.be in danger 在危险之中 be out of danger 脱离危险 at the risk of 冒着.危险【活学活用】(1)Childrens lives _ every time they cross this road. 孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。(2)He rescued

5、the child at the _ of his own life. 他冒着生命危险把那个孩子救出来了。,are in danger,risk,4.addictn. 入迷的人,有瘾的人(1) addictive adj. 使人上瘾的;使人着迷的addicted adj. 入迷的,有瘾的addiction n. 瘾,入迷,嗜好(2) be/get/become addicted to 热衷于;对上瘾 【活学活用】She is so _ of Korean soaps that recently she began to study Korean.A. addicted B. fondC. cr

6、azy D. interested,5.break into sth. 强行闯入 break in 强行闯入;打断, 插嘴 break into tears/laughter/cheers 突然大哭/大笑/欢呼起来 break away from 逃走;逃脱 break down (机器等)出故障坏掉;(身体)垮掉, (精神)崩溃;失败;划分;使分解(为) break out 突然发生 break through 突破,冲破;克服, 战胜 break up 粉碎,分裂;(婚姻等)结束,【活学活用】根据语境选择break合适的短语填空 (1)The thieves _ when they wer

7、e away on holiday. The thieves _ the office and stole some money. (2) Please dont _on our conversation.(3) He _and cried when he heard the news.(4) Scientists think they are beginning to_ in the fight against cancer. (5) Their marriage has _. (6) Our car _ on the way home.(7) I was in a nightclub in

8、 Brixton and a fight _.,broke into,break in,broke down,break through,broken up,broke down,broke out,broke in,6.As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks.因此,结果(1) as a result of +原因 as a result, 结果(2)result in+结果result from +原因,【活学活用】(1) _the pilots strike, all flights have had to be ca

9、ncelled.由于飞行员的罢工, 所有的航班都取消了。(2) He had his leg injured. _, he had to stay in bed for two weeks. 他的腿受伤了, 结果不得不在床上躺了两周。(3) His failure _carelessness. 他的失败是由于粗心造成的。,As a result of,As a result,resulted from,短语检测1与有关系2破门而入 3与共享 4处于危险中 5对上瘾 6处于痛苦中 7听取某人的建议 8为了 9提高(价格等) 10因为,由于的结果,be related to break into

10、share with be in danger be addicted to be in pain take ones advice so as to/in order to put up as a result of,7.so as toin order to为了(P14)【温馨提示】 so as to 不能放于句首, 而in order to 或不定式to短语则可以放于句首。so as to 为了, 表目的。【活学活用】(1)He ran _ catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。,fast so as to/in order to,【活学活用】(1) _

11、make her father angry, Jane didnt tell him her poor grades.A. In order to not B. So as not to C. So as to not D. In order not to (2) _the project on time, they were working at weekends.A. Completing B. CompletedC. To have completed D. To complete,结果状语从句,so + adj./adv. + that 结果such + a/an+ (adj.)+ n

12、.单 + that 结果 (adj) + ns复注意 such a/an adj. n.单 that soadj. a/ann.单that【活学活用】1. The night of the lake was _ beautiful that we didnt want to go home.2. It was_ _ dangerous drug that he nearly died. It was _ dangerous _ drug that he nearly died.3. They were _ dangerous drug dearlers that people had to a

13、sk the police for help.,so,such a,such,so a,【活学活用】(1)His plan is such a good one _ we all agreed to accept it.A. so B. and C. that D. which (2)How did you get into _ trouble? A. such a B. a suchC. so much a D. so a (3)We were in _ when we left that we forget our airline tickets.A. a hurry so anxious

14、 B. a such anxious hurryC. so an anxious hurry D. such an anxious hurry,如果名词前有many/much/few/little等词表示多少时,需用so.that.结构,即:so + many/much/few/little + n. + that【活学活用】1. There are _ many people in _ a small room that it is crowded now.A. such, so B. so, suchC. such, such D. too, to2. They are _ little

15、children that you are not able to look after _ many of them.A. so, so B. such, soC. such, such D. so, such,Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possesive love that grabs at what it can.,当so以及所修饰的部分置于句首时,主句部分要半倒装,that后面的从句部分语序不变。1. He run so fast that no one could ca

16、tch up with him.So fast did he run that no one could catch up with him.2. He was so attracted by the game that he forget time.So attracted was he by the game that he forgot time. 【活学活用】1. So _ that she just couldnt fall asleep.A. excited the little girl was B. excited was the little girlC. the littl

17、e girl was excitedD. was the little girl excited,不定式表结果,too.to. 太.而不能.adj. enough to. 足够.以至于.so.as to 如此.以至于.only to. 结果(出乎意料)【活学活用】翻译1. He is too young to do the job.2. Thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.3. He was so late as to miss half of the lecture.4. Tom returned af

18、ter the war, only to find out that his wife had left him.,【活学活用】(1)He made _ that everyone admired him. 他做了如此精彩的演讲, 所有的人都很佩服他。(2)There were _ a lot of people _ we didnt have enough seats for everyone. 人太多了, 没有足够的座位给每个人坐。(3)_ the force of the explosion that windows were broken.爆炸的威力相当大, 窗子都碎了。,such a

19、n excellent speech/so excellent a speech,such,that,So great was,9.likely (Page16 )adj. (probable)很可能的 adv. 或许, 很可能(1)unlikely adj.不太可能的(2)be likely/unlikely to do sth. 很可能/不太可能做某事It is likely/unlikely that 很可能/不太可能,【易混辨析】 likely, possible和probable(1)意义上:likely 和probable表示的可能性都较大, possible表示的可能性则较小。(

20、2)搭配上:sb./sth. be likely to do It is likely/possible/probable thatIt is possible (for sb.) to do sth.,【易错警示】likely的主语既可以是物, 也可以是人, 但不能说It is likely (for sb.) to do; probable和possible的主语则必须是形式主语it。如:He is likely to take the job.It is likely/probable/possible that he will take the job.It is possible f

21、or him to take the job.他(很)可能接受这份工作。,【活学活用】(1)The war _ continue. 战争很可能会继续。(2)Is it _ to get tickets for the game?有没有可能弄到比赛的票?,is likely to,possible,10.affect(P18)vt. (to produce an effect or change)影响;(to touch or move)感动;(of disease) to attack; to infect(疾病)侵袭 be deeply affected by被所深深感动【易混辨析】affe

22、ct, effect和influence三个词都含“影响”的意思。,(1)affect v. 指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”, 着重“影响”的动作, 有时含有“对产生不利影响”的意思。(2)effect n. 效果, 影响, 作用, 常用于短语 have an effect on 中。(3)influence n&v. 影响, 指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响”。作名词时可以构成短语have an influence on。【温馨提示】 effect作名词时表示“影响, 作用”, 而作动词时意为“使发生,实现,引起”。 学生容易混淆。,【活学活用】(1

23、) Your opinion will not _ my decision. 你的意见不会影响我的决定。(2)What _ do you think the changes will have _ you?你认为这些变化会给你带来什么样的影响?(3) _ by a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine. 在一位高中生物老师的影响下, 他开始从事医学研究。,affect,effect,on,Influenced,11.ban(P18)vt. to officially forbid (sth.) 明令禁止n.

24、禁止, 禁令 (1)ban sb. from (doing) sth. 命令禁止某人做某事a ban on sb./sth. 对的禁令(2)forbid sb. from doing sth./forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事prevent/stop/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,【易混辨析】 ban和forbid(1) ban指官方正式地禁止危险的、危害公众的事物, 含谴责或不赞成的态度。(2) forbid是普通用语, 表示清楚地、态度强硬地直接禁止某人做某事,用于较小事物, 或由个人、上级、官方、长辈发出的正式规定或规则, 或

25、客观条件不允许。,【活学活用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子(1)Charlies been _ for a year. 查理被禁止驾车一年。(2) We have put a _ smoking. 我们已颁布了禁烟令。,banned from driving,ban on,2. 单项填空 The rain _ us to go out yesterday. Abanned Bforbade Cprevented Dmade 【解析】 B考查动词辨析。句意:下雨阻止了我们出去。此处指客观条件不允许,因此用B。prevent 要用于搭配prevent sb. from doing。,12.I cou

26、ldnt agree more. 我非常赞同。【句式点拨】此句中, “couldnt比较级”表示肯定意义, “再不过了;非常”。在比较级中, 经常用比较级和否定结构结合表示最高级含义或表示肯定强调。如:We couldnt have found a better place for a picnic. 我们不可能找到比这儿更适合野餐的地方了。(即:这是我们所找到的最适合野餐的地方。)I have never seen a more interesting film. 这是我看过的电影中最有趣的。,13recognizevt. 认出, 识别;认可, 承认;公认;赏识(1)recognition

27、n. 认出, 识别;承认;公认 recognizable adj. 可辨认的, 可识别的;可承认的(2)recognize _ 公认为;承认是 It is recognized that人们承认【易混辨析】recognize和knowrecognize意为“认出, 辨别出”, 强调从外表上辨认出, 指一时性的动作;know是状态性动词, 表示知道某个人并认识他, 在一定程度上还对他有所了解, 指长久性的一种情况。,as,【活学活用】(1)I _ him, but I could hardly _ him when I saw him last night. 我认识他, 但当我昨晚看到他时, 我

28、几乎认不出他了。(2)He _ a talented writer. 他被公认为是一个有天分的作家。(3) _ the project was much harder than expected. 人们认识到这个工程比预料的要难得多。,know,recognize,is recognized as,It was recognized that,.单项填空12010陕西卷 Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for l

29、ong hours.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure 【解析】 A考查形容词的用法区分。根据句子意思表示可能性,排除D;另外,sb. is likely to do sth.这一句式中,不能用possible和probable,它们可用于:It is possible/probable that。,2Scientists have been worried for years about the _ of air pollution on the earths natural conditions.Aeffect Breason Caccoun

30、t Dcause 【解析】 A考查名词辨析。根据语境“担心空气污染对地球自然状况的影响”,选A。,3Every weekend, Mrs Green asked her daughter to visit the museum to _ her interest in science. Agrow Bdevelop Cmake Dbuild 【解析】 Bdevelop意为“培育;使形成”,符合句意。,4It was _ that the tourists wanted to spend more time taking pictures outdoors. Aso fine weather B

31、such fine weather Cso fine a weather Dsuch a fine weather 【解析】 Bweather是不可数名词,因此要用such,而不能用so。,5The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching information on the Internet. Abroke down Bbroke out Cbroke up Dbroke in 【解析】 A考查break短语辨析。 break down意为“(机器)损坏”;break out意为“逃脱;逃出;突然发生”;break up意为“分裂;

32、结束;解散”;break in意为“闯入”。,6. _ that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. ASo successful her business was BSo successful was her business CSo her business was successful DSo was her successful business 【解析】 B考查sothat句型的倒装形式。在so/suchthat结构中,如果把so或such所修饰的形容词或副词提前,主句要倒装,因此答案为B。,7Yao Ming was r

33、ecognized _ one of the best basketball players in China. Aas Bfor Cwith Dlike 【解析】 Abe recognized as意为“被认为是”。句意:姚明被认为是中国最伟大的篮球运动员之一。,8The couple finally bought the house they wanted, for they _ enough money. Ahad saved Bwere saving Cwould save Dwere to save 【解析】 A考查时态。句意:夫妇俩终于买了他们想要的房子,因为他们已经攒了足够的钱。

34、“攒钱”是在“买房子”之前,所以用过去完成时。,9The matter _ your fate(命运) can not be taken for granted. Ahas to do with Brelated to Creferred to Dconnecting with 【解析】 B考查relate短语。related to 作后置定语,相当于connected with。,10It is not a good idea to go hiking on such a day. _ It looks like rain. AYes. BWhy not? CCertainly. DAbsolutely. 【解析】 D考查交际用语。Absolutely可以表示同意,意为“当然,对极了”。,


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