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1、Module 5,Shopping,Unit 2,You can buy everything on the Internet.,To understand the passage, know about the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping2. To learn to predict the meanings of the passage,Objectives:,小调查,Where will you buy things? A Taobao B shops2. Do you like shopping online? A Ye

2、s B No3.What do you usually buy on the Internet?,advantageanyoneanythinganywherecomparepaypostproductreceivesafe,n. 有利条件;优势pron. 任何人pron. 任何东西;任何事情adv. 在任何地方v. 比较v. 支付;付钱n. & v. 邮寄n. 产品v. 收到;接到adj. 安全的,Words and expressions,severalonlineshoppingwayone ofalmostsomethinglateropen,adj. 几个;一些adj. 在线的n.

3、购物n. 方式;道路 之一adv. 几乎,差不多pron. 某事物;某种东西adv. 后来;以后adj. 营业的;开放的,Words and expressions,outgo outoverone dayone,adv. 外出;离开 外出;游玩prep. 通过;超过 总有一天pron.(同一群人或 物中)一个,Words and expressions,Look at the title of the passage. Think about the questions about online shopping. 将下列中文标注,advantage anyone anything anyw

4、here compare everything pay post product receive safe several,将下列中文标注,Advantage anyone anything 优点 任何人 任何事情anywhere compare everything 任何地方 比较 每样事情pay post product 支付 邮寄 产品 receive safe several接收 安全 几个,What can you buy?I can buy _ on the Internet.,everything,2 How do you pay for(支付) it?,I pay for it

5、 _.,over the Internet 通过网络,3 How is it changing (改变) our lives?,1.You will be able to buy _ on the Internet.,anything,2.You will be able to _ product _ in the world at any time(任何时间)。,receive,anywhere,4 Is it good or bad?,阅读第一段填空1.You can buy _ on the Internet .2. How do you receive your produce?,al

6、most everything,By post.,阅读第二段填空1.How many advantages does the online shopping have?2. What are these advantages?,There are 2 advantages .,advantages,Shop at any time,Need a computer and a mouse( easy),Can compare the prices of the same products,Save moneySave time,阅读第三段填空1.Why some people dont like

7、 shop on the Internet?2. Is paying pver the Internet safe?,Because_ _,Thet cant see the product or try the clothes on .,No, paying over the Internet isnt always safe.,阅读第三段填空第三段说明了网上购物的缺点,大家能总结一下有几点吗?,Disadvantages缺点,cant see the products or try the clothes on,isnt always safe,阅读第四段填空1. Why no one w

8、ill go to the shop any more?,Youll be able to buy anything on theInternet, and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time.,Because_,Read the passage and check the true sentences.,1 Online shopping is a new way of shopping.2 You pay for online shopping before you receive it.3 On

9、line shopping is very difficult.4 Its very safe to shop over the Internet.5 Our way of life is changing because of online shopping.,Complete the passage with the words from the box.,later out pay receive,Internet shopping is easy. You buy something online, you(1)_ for it, then a few days (2)_ you (3

10、)_ it by post. But going (4)_ and shopping with friends is much more fun!,pay,receive,later,out,Work in pairs. Complete the table.,You can shop at any time.You only need a computer and a mouse to shop on the Internet.You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot,Paying over the

11、 Internet isnt always safe.You cant see the product or try the clothes on.,Write sentences describing the advantages with first and second.,First, you can shop at any time Second, ,Now write sentences describing the disadvantages. Introduce the first disadvantage with but.,But many people like going

12、 out,Write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket.,Begin like this: Supermarket shopping is not difficult. First, you choose the things on your shopping list List the advantages. List the disadvantages. Finish like this: Shopping at a supermarket is fun.,Language points,anythinganything 作代词,其常见

13、用法有:(1)用于肯定句,意为“任何事物、任何事情”,作all或everything解。如:You can buy anything you like. (2)用于疑问句或条件句中,意为“什么事情、什么事物”。如:Is there anything in that box? (3)用于否定句,意为“任何事物、任何事情”。如:I dont know anything about it.,【拓展】everything作代词,意为“每样事物、每件事、所有事物”。not anything 表示全部否定,noteverything表示部分否定。 【练习】选择填空。I dont have _ to tel

14、l you. Thats over (结束). something B. anything C. nothing D. everything,receivereceive作动词,意为“收到、接到(信件、礼物、电话等)”,后面可直接跟名词。常用句型:receive sth. (from sb.) 如:You will receive a letter from Jenny. 【练习】翻译句子。三天后你会收到礼物。_,You will receive the present in three days.,safesafe 作形容词,意为“安全的”,常用作定语、表语,其反义词是dangerous,意

15、为“危险的”。如:Its dangerous to play football in the street. = Its not safe to play football in the street. 【练习】单词拼写。Dont swim in the river. Its not s_.,safe,I. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出正确的单词。1. The restaurant is o_ (营业的). Lets eat something in it. 2. Where are you going? I m going to p_ (邮寄) a letter. 3. The things h

16、ere are free. You can take a_ (任何东西). 4. How many students like football in your class? A_ (几乎) all of the boys like football. 5. I often r_ (收到) presents from my friends on my birthday.,receive,open,post,anything,Almost,注: word 文档点击此处链接,Quiz,II. 根据汉语及关键短语提示,写出正确的句子。 他们中的一个人来自英国。(one of)2. 你不再是一个孩子了

17、。(notany more)3. 总有一天我会有一所大房子。(one day),One of them is from England.,You arent a child any more.,I will have a big house one day.,4. 这只钢笔你想支付多少钱?(pay for) 5. 张琳经常在周日和朋友外出。(go out),Zhang Lin often goes out with her friends on Sundays.,How much do you want to pay for the pen?,1. To preview the Wh-questions and “How many/much?”2. To practise the new vocabulary,Preview,Thank you!,


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