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1、M3-M4 语法复习,提示: 1】认真听课,高效复习。2】在笔记本上标出不熟悉的语法,课后问老师或再把语法研究一遍,务必掌握。3】先复习,做练习,再研究错题,复习效果翻倍。,M3语法复习1】数字one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen , sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety

2、, hundred.,M3语法复习1】Whats your classroom in England like? 你在英国的教室是什么样子的?be like = look like 看起来像2】 a lot of = lots of 许多 a lot of / lots of 后接可数名词复数时,等于many; 后接不可数名词时, 等于much.3】furniture 家具(总称); food ; drink; information 信息,这些词都是不可数名词,用is,M3语法复习1】some / any 一些 Some : 用于肯定句(表示请求和建议,希望对方肯定回答的句子)Would y

3、ou like some milk? What about some milk? Can I have some milk?any: 用于否定句和疑问句中例如:I havent got _ (some/any) apples. Would you like _ (some/any) apples.,M3语法复习1】on the wall / in the wall 在墙上/在墙里例如: a door is _ a map is _2】with / and 的区别with 和 and 都有“ 和”的意思with 强调前者。 例如: Jack with his father _(go) to pa

4、rk.and 强调两者都。例如: Jack and his father _(go) to park.,M3语法复习1】There be 句型There be 表示“有”( there is / there are ) 含义: 表示某地存在某人/某物(have: 强调某人/某物拥有) 句型: (1)肯定句 : There is / are + 某人/某物(2)否定句 : There isnt / arent + 某人/某物(3)疑问句: Is / Are + there + 某人/某物? Yes, there is . / No, there isnt.4. 就近原则: is 和are 的选择

5、由最靠近它的名词的单复数决定。例如: There _ a pen and two books. There _ two books and a pen.,M4语法复习1】food/drink 不可数名词(1)drink “饮料”,是不可数名词,用is(2)drink : have a drink(3)drink: “喝”, drink tea.2】too much /too many 太多(1)too much + 不可数名词(2)too many + 可数名词复数(3)much too + 形容词( much too big),M4语法复习1】kind 种类(1)a kind of 一种(2

6、)different kinds of 不同种类的(3)be kind to sb. 对某人和蔼2】health / healthy 健康/健康的(1)I t is good for your health, please keep healthy.(2)stay healthy; keep healthy; healthy food.,M4语法复习1】a bit 一点She has _ money. = a little2】remember 记得remember to do sth. 记得去做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事3】or 或者; 还是在肯定句中: 表示或者

7、在否定句中: 表示“和”: I havent got a pen or a book.在并列句中:表示“否则”:Hurry up, or you will be late.,M4语法复习1】have got/has got 句型定义: 拥有。 have got = have has got =has2. 句型:肯定句: 主语+ have got /has got +其他否定句: 主语+ havent got /hasnt got +其他疑问句:Have /Has+ 主语+ got + 其他? Yes, 主语+have/has. No, 主语+havent/hasnt.3. There be 和

8、have got 的区别,M4语法复习1】特问词what (什么) where (哪里) when (何时) who(谁) which (哪一个) How (方式或状态)What time (什么时刻) How old (多大)What colour (什么颜色) How often (多少次)Once / twice / three times2】is good for 对有益反义词 is bad for对有害,M4语法复习1】名词可数名词单数变复数规律:(1)一般情况:加s(2) 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾: 加es(bus , box, wathch)(3)以“辅音+y”结尾的,变

9、y为i, 加es. (body, baby, family )(4)以f/fe 结尾: 把它变成ves. (leaf, wife, knife)(5) 以o结尾,记口诀: (photo)Negroes and heroes like potatoes and tomatoes.黑人 和 英雄 喜欢 马铃薯 和 西红柿。(6)man men; woman- women; child- children,M4语法复习1】名词可数名词单数变复数规律:(7)oo-ee: foot-feet; tooth-teeth; goose-geese(8) 单复数同型:三人: Chinese; English;

10、 Japanese三物: fish; deer; sheep(9) 特殊单词Mouse- mice ; ox- oxen; German - Germans,M4语法复习1】名词2. 不可数名词(1)分类:液体类: water; tea; milk 等肉类: meat; fish; beef 等其他类: chocolate; bread; money; sugar; paper; work; homework; time; food; drink 等(2)用法1. 不可数名词,不用a/an,不加s /es 变复数2. 不可数名词,看作单数,和is 搭配3. 和 a little / little / a bit of 搭配4. 和 much 搭配,精诚所至,金石为开,


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