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1、Unit 5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,八年级 英语,复习,单元语法,定义:表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作。构成:was/were动词ing形式(第一人称单数和第三人称单数用was,其余用were)句型结构肯定句:主语was/were动词ing形式其他否定句:主语was/werenot动词ing形式其他一般疑问句:Was/Were主语动词ing形式其他?回答:Yes,主语was/were;No,主语wasnt/werent.,过去进行时,常用的时间状语at that time,this time yesterday,

2、at the time of.,when一般过去时的时间状语从句等。与一般过去时的区别过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内发生的动作,强调动作正在进行;一般过去时表示过去发生的动作,多侧重于动作已经完成。,When与While引导的时间状语从句When引导的时间状语从句:说明一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行;也可表示正在进行某一动作时,另一动作发生了。,当老师走进教室时,我们正在读英语。When the teacher came into the classroom,we were reading English.当凯特正在放风筝时,她发现地上有个钱包。When Kate was fly

3、ing a kite,she found a wallet lying on the ground.While引导的时间状语从句:表示某个动作正在进行的同时,另一动作也在进行之中,这时主从句都用进行时态,有对同类的两个动作进行对比的意味;也可表示某个动作正在进行时,另一动作发生了(该动作用一般过去时)。我在弹钢琴,她在跳舞。While I was playing the piano,she was dancing. 当她正在看书时,电话铃响了。While she was reading,the telephone rang.,知识点拨,1.What were you doing?是过去进行时的

4、特殊疑问句。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某个时间段内正在进行的动作,谓语动词由“was/were动词的现在分词”构成。昨晚8点钟我们在看电视。We were watching TV at 8:00 yesterday evening.2. go off的用法意为“发出响声”。枪突然走火了。The gun went off suddenly.意为“(灯)熄灭;停电”。如果房间里没人,灯会熄灭。Lights will go off if no one is in the room.,3.begin动词,意为“开始”,其后既可接动词不定式,也可接动词ing形式,意为“开始做某事”。【注意】当出现以

5、下三种情况时必须使用动词不定式:当主语为物时。当begin后的动词是表示心理活动的词,如know,think,understand等时。当begin在句中是“beginning”的形式时。【拓展】begin with.以开始;用开头4.suddenly副词,意为“突然地”,其形容词形式为sudden,意为“突然的”。5.strange形容词,意为“奇特的;奇怪的”,其名词形式为stranger,意为“陌生人”。,6. With no light outside,it felt like midnight.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。with no light outside是介词短语,在句

6、中作状语,表示伴随的情况。那个男孩手里拿着苹果跑了进来。The boy ran in,with an apple in his hand.feel like感觉像好像马上要下雨了。It feels like rain soon. 【拓展】feel like还可意为“想要”,后常接动词ing形式,意为“想要做某事”。,7.against介词,意为“倚;碰;撞”。他把梯子靠在墙上。He put the ladder against the wall. 【拓展】against作介词,还可意为“反对”,此时其反义词为for(赞成),表示“强烈反对”一般用副词strongly来修饰。表示“与相对,反对”

7、时,常与动词play,fight,protect,argue等动词连用。,8.【辨析】beat与winbeat动词,意为“敲打;打败;战胜”,后常接的是比赛的对手,即指人或参赛队的名词或代词。在昨天的比赛中女孩打败了男孩。The girl beat the boy in yesterdays match. win动词,意为“赢,战胜”,后常接的是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金等名词。他在数学竞赛中赢得了第一名。He won first prize in the math competition.,9. by的用法介词,意为“在旁边”。介词,意为“到时(为止);不迟于”,其后常接表示时间的名词或短语。晚

8、上10点之前我必须回家。I must get home by ten oclock at night. 介词,与表示交通工具的名词连用,意为“乘;骑”。介词,意为“沿;位于;从旁边经过”,表示移动方向。他从我旁边经过,没有注意到我。He passed by me without noticing me.介词,意为“由;靠”,表示方法、手段。我通过听收音机学习英语。I learn English by listening to the radio.,10. leave的用法动词,意为“离开;留下”。常用短语:leave for.动身去某地;leave sb.by oneself把某人单独留下。他

9、明天要动身去天津。He is leaving for Tianjin tomorrow. 动词,意为“忘记”。常用短语:leave sth.sw.把某物落在某地。11. get to意为“到达”,后常接表示地点的名词。当后接地点副词如home,here,there等时,to要省略。【拓展】英语中表示“到达”的还有:arrive at小地点arrive in大地点reach地点名词,12. realize动词,意为“理解;领会;认识到”。汤姆意识到他的书包在家里。Tom realized his bag was at home. 13.【辨析】for example与such asfor exa

10、mple一般用于列举同一类人或事物中的一个例子,作插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末。我喜欢水果,例如,我经常在晚上吃香蕉。I like fruit,for example,I often eat bananas in the evening.such as一般用于列举同一类人或事物中的几个例子,但必须少于前面所提及的总数,位置只能在所列名词之前,可与and so on连用。他知道好几种语言,如英语和汉语。He knows several languages,such as English and Chinese.,14. remember动词,意为“记住”。其反义词为forget“忘记”,二者意

11、义相反,但用法相同。【辨析】remember to do sth.与remember doing sth.remember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”,此事还未做。remember doing sth.意为“记得曾经做过某事”,此事已做完。15.On this day,Dr.Martin Luther King was killed.这一天,马丁路德金博士遇害了。was killed意为“被杀害”,表示的是被动关系。英语语法上将这种现象称为“被动语态”,我们将在九年级具体学习这一语法现象。这座桥是去年建成的。The bridge was built last year.,lete

12、ly副词,意为“彻底地;完全地”,其形容词形式为complete,意为“完整的;完全的;彻底的”。这个问题我彻底理解了。I understand completely about this question.【拓展】complete还可作动词,意为“完成”。,重点短语,忙于做某事醒来洗澡接电话;捡起;拾起 一片(块,张)确保起初;当初进入梦乡;睡着逐渐变弱;逐渐消失在去的路上看一看,be busy doing sth.wake uptake a showerpick upa piece ofmake sureat firstfall asleepdie downmake ones way to

13、have a look,单词拼写,1Something is wrong with my a_Could you help me fix it up?Sure.2What time do you start your lessons every day?Classes b_ at eight oclock.3The people here are busy rushing home before the _(暴风雨) comes.4She was walking along the road when a car _(突然) hit a tall tree.5He looks funny wi

14、th a _(奇特的) coat.,alarm,begin,rainstorm,suddenly,strange,6Its autumn. There are f_ leaves everywhere on the ground.7They welcome the new year with the first l_ of the sunrise.8The weather r_says there will be much rain in most areas in the south.9Im strongly a_ smoking because it may cause many kind

15、s of illnesses.10We raised money for the children in poor a_,fallen,light,report,against,areas,11Whats the d_ today?Its March 22nd.12Her little brother is a p_ in primary school.13There is one p_ from the newspaper.Tell me the main idea of it after you finish reading.14I _ (近来) heard a story about a

16、 famous scientist.15When you go to London,remember to visit the _(塔) Bridge.,date,pupil,passage,recently,Tower,16Please close all the w_There is a strong wind outside and it is going to rain.17The strong l_ from the car made his eyes uncomfortable.18There are many pieces of w_ outside the small hous

17、e.It is easy to catch a fire.19We all know that the sun r_ in the east and sets in the west.20Our team b_ other teams in the soccer game yesterday.,windows,light,wood,rises,beat,词形变化,1I sent you a text (短信息) last night but you didnt answer.Sorry,Grace.I _(watch) I Am a Singer when the phone rang.2I

18、didnt see you at the beginning of the party last night.I _(work) on my biology report at that time.3Susan and Lily _ (pick) tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm at this time yesterday.4I _(do) my homework when my mother _(come) in.5I saw Ken in the meeting room,and he _(interview) Joe for the s

19、chool magazine.,was watching,was working,were picking,was doing,came,was interviewing,6Im sick and dont feel like _(eat) anything.7People used _ (match) to make fire in the past.8Lets join them _(clean) up the park.9The smile brought my friend and me _(close) together than before.10It was too late b

20、efore the driver could stop his car from _(hit) the tree.,eating,matches,to clean,closer,hitting,11Be careful when you drive on the _(ice) road.12Its so noisy and crowded.Lets go to see what _ (happen)13When mom _ (get) home,I was making a model plane.14It rained so _ (heavy) that I was wet from hea

21、d to foot.15He wanted to be over the hill before the sun _(rise),icy,is happening,got,heavily,rose,16Do you guess what we _(do) from 5:00 to 6:30 this morning?17When I got home yesterday afternoon,it _(rain) hard.18Lisa,I called you just now.What were you doing?Sorry,I _ (take) a shower.19They _ (wa

22、it) for the train at the time of the rainstorm.20What were you doing when I _ (call) you this morning?,were doing,was raining,was taking,were waiting,called,21To tell the _(true),I dont agree with you.22One of the most important _(event) in the modern Olympic Games is the Marathon race.23Compared wi

23、th five years ago,our hometown has _ (complete) changed.24I remembered _ (see) him somewhere in Shanghai.25This present has the special _(mean) to all of us.,truth,events,completely,seeing,meaning,26After such a tiring day,Mr. Green fell _(sleep) quickly without eating dinner.27The workers came and

24、took the _ (fall) tree away from the road.28I felt _(shock) when he told me that he saved an old man yesterday.,asleep,fallen,shocked,句型短语,1下大雨时,你和你的朋友们在干什么?What were you and your friends doing _the heavy rain?2当我们听见有人喊救命时,我们正在等公共汽车。We _ for the bus _we heard someone shout for help.3这些孩子们如此兴奋,没有注意到一

25、场大雨就要来临。The children were _excited _they didnt notice a heavy rain was coming.4我起床晚了,因此最终没有赶上公共汽车。I got up late _ I _ the bus last.5那时我父亲正在看报纸而我母亲正在做饭。My father was reading newspaper _my mother _at that time.,at the time of,were waiting,when,so,that,so,missed,while,was cooking,6确保一切准备就绪。_ that every

26、thing is ready.7起初我妈妈不允许我去购物,但是后来她改变了主意。_ my mother didnt allow me to go shopping,but later she changed her mind.8那股强风会逐渐减弱。The strong wind will _9那部电影太乏味了,以至于我看到一半就睡着了。The movie was so boring that I _ half way through it.10你的卧室很乱,你最好打扫一下。Your bedroom was _Youd better clean it up.,Make sure,At first

27、,die down,fell asleep,in a mess,11昨天他在学校发生了什么事情?_ him at the school yesterday?12过马路之前,你应该看看路的两边。You should _ at both ways before crossing the road.13凯特看见一位老人坐在路边。Kate saw an old man sitting _ of the road.14当他们走过去的时候,你为什么不打个招呼?Why dont you greet them when they_?15那位老人正费力地走向门口。The old man _ to the doo

28、r.,What happened to,have a look,by the side,walk by,is making his way,16恐怖分子在2001年摧毁了纽约世贸中心。Terrorists _ the World Trade Center in New York in 2001.17为什么在聚会上她静静地坐着不和其他人交谈?Why did she sit _ instead of talking with others at the party?18看到周围这么多动物,这个女孩吓得几乎不能动弹。The girl was _ scared _ she could _ move w

29、ith so many animals around.19迈克现在很难思考这个问题,因为他太紧张了。Now Mike has _ about the question because he is much too nervous.20当听到这则新闻时,他正在和父母吃晚饭。He _ dinner with his parents _ he heard the news.,took down,in silence,so,that,hardly,trouble thinking,was having,when,21聚会之后我们把所有的装饰物都拆下来。We _ all the decorations

30、after the party.22他凭借努力迈向成功。He _ to success by working hard.23父母的爱像阳光般,于无声无息中温暖了我们。Parents love is like the sunlight to warm us _24你会发现刚开始有点难,但坚持下去就会好些了。Youll find it hard _,but itll be better if you stick to it.25昨晚他回来的时候,我正在看电视。I _ TV when he _ home last night.,took down,made his way,in silence,at

31、 first,was watching,returned,26I was doing the housework at this time yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ doing the housework at this time yesterday?27My parents were sleeping when I came back.(改为否定句)My parents _ when I came back.28The Greens were drinking tea in the living room.(对画线部分提问)_ the Greens _ in the livi

32、ng room?29Linda has breakfast at 7:00 every morning.(用yesterday morning代替every morning改写句子)Linda _ breakfast at 7:00 yesterday morning.30I was walking in the street. I found a wallet on the ground.(合并为一句)While I was walking in the street,I found a wallet on the ground./I was walking in the street wh

33、en I found a wallet on the ground.,Were you,werent sleeping,What were,doing,was having,单项选择,( )1.Look!Whats on the ground?Oh,its my sweater.Please _ for me.(2016,龙东)Apick up itBpick it upCpick it out( )2.It rained _ and lasted for a long time.Thats terrible.Even some streets were full of water.(2016

34、,鄂州)Ahardly Bstrongly Cheavily Dlightly( )3.When I walked past the park,I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji.Ado Bdid Care doing Ddoing,B,C,D,( )4.My father was reading a newspaper while my mother _ dinner.Ais cooking Bcooks Cwas cooking Dwill cook( )5.The firecracker (烟花) _ in the sky.It was so be

35、autiful.Awent off Bgave off Cturned off Dcut off( )6.Sally took a photo of her friends while they _ computer games.Aplay Bare playing Chave played Dwere playing( )7.We _ them and _ the football match yesterday evening.Abeat;won Bbeat;beat Cwon;beat Dwon;won,C,A,D,A,( )8.Why do you always sleep _ the

36、 light on?Because Im afraid of the dark.AbyBwithCletDhave( )9.My sister was writing an email _ I was watching TV at this time yesterday.Auntil Bafter Cwhile Das soon as( )10.After the heavy rain,the river _ a lot.Abeat Bpushed Creported Drose,B,C,D,( )11.Dont _ the chance when you can catch it,or yo

37、u will regret.(2016,孝感)AguessBmissCrememberDallow( )12._ we came back to school,Dale was playing the violin.AWhen BWhile CUntil DAfter( )13.After a serious illness,he finally _ the importance of health.Arealized Bmeant Cadded Dimpressed,B,A,A,( )14.Were you at home at 9:00 last night?Yes,I _ at that

38、 time.Atake a shower Btook a showerCwas taking a shower Dam taking a shower( )15.Sally,Im going to drive all the way to Tibet from Nanjing by myself!What?_!ANo problem BGood ideaCHave a good time DYoure kidding,C,D,( )16.In Western countries,people start celebrating the New Year _ 31st December.AinB

39、atConDfor( )17.How do you like the movie Kungfu Panda 3?It is _ exciting _ Id like to see it again.(2016,咸宁)Aso;that Bsuch;that Cenough;to Dtoo;to( )18.Last Thursday when I got to the station,I _ I had left my ticket at home.Aunderstood Brealized Cbelieved Dseemed,C,A,B,( )19.On that day,Dr. Martin

40、Luther King _,but we didnt know who _ him.Akilled;was killed Bkilled;killedCwas killed;was killed Dwas killed;killed( )20.Do you remember _ at this time yesterday?Awhat were you doing Bwhat are you doingCwhat did you do Dwhat you were doing,D,D,( ) 21Get ready,boys!_ news on TV said _ new storm was

41、coming soon.AThe;aBAn;aCThe;/DAn;the( ) 22Sam always asks some _ questions.Thats probably why Mr. Zhang dislikes him.Ainteresting Bstrange Cimportant Denjoyable( ) 23The news on TV _ that the ISIS terrorists killed at least 129 people in Paris.Areported Brealized Creturned Drefused,A,B,A,( ) 24When

42、we went in,we saw Tina sitting on the floor _ the wall and crying alone.Aabout Bover Cagainst Dwith( ) 25“The fire is _Please get more wood,” Pierre shouted.Adying down Bturning downClooking down Dtaking down( ) 26As soon as we got home,it began _We were so lucky.Arains Brained Crain Dto rain( ) 27I

43、 was late for school because my alarm didnt _Ago off Bgo out Cgo back Dgo away,C,A,D,A,( ) 28You dropped the litter here. Would you mind _?Ato pick up Bpicking it upCto pick it up Dpicking up it( ) 29When I walked past the classroom,I saw some students _ in it.Aread Breading Cto read Dto reading( )

44、30Could you tell me what he said just now?Sorry,I _ what was happening outside.Ahave thought Bwas thinkingCthought Dthink,B,B,B,完形填空,It happened on National Day of last year.I _1_ to Ningbo to visit my best friend in the late afternoon.There was an accident on the way.So when I _2_ Ningbo,it was alm

45、ost midnight.The _3_ bus had already left.I felt terrible and I had no _4_ of what to do,because I didnt _5_ my friend that I would go there.I wanted to give her a _6_I walked along the street alone.Suddenly,I _7_ that there was a man following me.I felt so scared that I ran into a small store.There

46、 was a woman in the store.She looked _8_ me and asked me what happened.I told her the whole thing.She asked me if (是否) Id like to _9_ in her store and sleep with her for one night.I _10_Then she asked me to sit down to watch TV while she was making a bowl of noodles for me.The next day,we said goodb

47、ye to each other.That evening taught me that we should help people who are in need.The small things you do may make a great difference to others.,( )1.A.wanted Bwent Ctook Dused( )2.A.got to Bcared about Cwaited for Dgot off( )3.A.first Bsecond Cthird Dlast( )4.A.fact Bmind Cluck Didea( )5.A.think B

48、tell Ccatch Dsend( )6.A.surprise Bproblem Ctalent Dhand( )7.A.happened Bimagined Cnoticed Dexpected( )8.A.for Bup Cback Dat( )9.A.join Bstay Cbreak Dappear( )10.A.understood Brefused Cagreed Dbelieved,B,A,D,D,B,A,C,D,B,C,阅读理解,AIt was December 24th yesterday.In the English class today,Mrs. Wu asked t

49、he students what their family were doing from seven to nine last night.I ate out with my parents.There were so many people in the restaurant.We got there at 6:30.But we didnt have our meal until 7:40.I was very hungry and ate a lot.When we finally got home,it was almost ten.Ding MinI was shopping wi

50、th my mom from seven to nine.Lots of things were on sale.I bought a skirt.Mom got a dress for herself and a jacket for Dad.But when we got out of the shopping mall,we found there was heavy traffic.It took us one hour to get home.Zhang Li,My family didnt go anywhere last night.I was reading from seve


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