
上传人:小飞机 文档编号:1352164 上传时间:2022-11-12 格式:PPTX 页数:10 大小:993.08KB
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1、-written by NANPAISANSHU(南派三叔),The graver robbers chronicles,50 years ago , a Ghoul in Changsha unearthed Warring States silk, recorded a peculiar Warring States tomb position.,五十年前,一群长沙土夫子盗墓贼)挖到一部战国帛书,残篇中记载了一座奇特的战国古墓的位置。,After 50 years, the ghouls grandson found a secret in the note,then his uncle

2、gathered a group of experienced grave robbers to find the treasure.,五十年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在先人笔记中发现了这个秘密,他和一批经验丰富的盗墓高手前去寻宝。,The content is a story of some tomb raiders. In their explorations,they encountered a lot of strange things .There were many doubts and suspicions. And various mystery was filled in he

3、ros heart. They experienced a lot of risk which you can never think of. Such as monsters,stratagem ,traps , poison and so on.,这本书的内容是一些盗墓者的故事。在他们的探索中,他们遇到了很多奇怪的事,有许多疑团充满各种神秘的英雄的心。他们经历了很多你永远无法想到的风险。比如怪物,战略,陷阱,毒药等。,WuXie is the owner of an antique shop (古玩店) . In former, he has never worried about his

4、 life, just like the one who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. (含着金汤勺出生) He is so silly, so innocent, so they call him “tian zhen wu xie”.,Zhang Qiling is a man that has some special abilities . Such as displace the bricks(砖) only with his slender fingers , and things spread on his blood wo

5、nt be bitten(咬) by insect which are eaten cadaver(尸体). But he is very strange, being silent and disappearing is his specialty(拿手好戏). I dont know whether he is honest or not, but he always save others life .,Fatty wang is a person who love money rather than his own life. Brave and thinking things in

6、a direct way is his advantage. He is very loyal(忠诚) to his friends.,In the underground palace(地下宫殿), Wuxie has made a deep friendship with fatty Wang and Zhang Qiling. They went through fire and water together for many times. With secrets emerging(涌现) from the water, they became mature (成熟).,END,I think this novel is fantastic. If you enjoy reading novels ,you shouldnt miss it.,Thank you!,


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