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1、第三节 线虫杀虫剂,主要内容,一、昆虫病原线虫的形态特征二、线虫杀虫剂的发展历史三、昆虫病原线虫的种类及致病机理四、昆虫病原线虫的特点五、线虫杀虫剂的应用前景六、主要线虫杀虫剂产品,一、昆虫病原线虫的形态特征,线虫又称蠕虫,是一类较低等的动物,其体长仅毫米级大小,分类上属于无脊椎动物线虫动物门,线虫纲。已知的线虫约有42000多种。根据它们的食性可分为3类:腐生线虫、植物寄生线虫和动物寄生线虫。专性寄生在昆虫身体上的线虫,即虫生线虫,已知有1000多种。,一、昆虫病原线虫的形态特征,昆虫线虫:是寄生于昆虫体内的线虫,也称嗜虫线虫。可分为三类:寄生共生机械联合作用:调节昆虫种群和抑制害虫的作用,

2、一、昆虫病原线虫的形态特征,身体半透明,呈细长的圆柱形,体表覆盖一层非细胞的弹性角质层,有横条纹或外环纹,但没有真的分节具排泄、神经、消化、生殖和肌肉系统,但无循环和呼吸系统消化道由位于前端的口、口腔、食道、肠、直肠等组成,肛门开口于腹面雌雄异体,行两性生殖寄主范围:多于3000种,分属31科,可寄生鳞翅、鞘翅、直翅、双翅、膜翅目等20目的数千种昆虫,二、线虫杀虫剂的发展历史,第一个有关线虫寄生昆虫的报道:18世纪中期1929粘Glaser从日本的一种丽金龟中得到了格氏斯氏线虫,标志利用昆虫病原线虫防治害虫的开始19401960年处于低潮19601970年,再次引人关注。 如小卷蛾斯氏线虫、异

3、小杆线虫,三、昆虫病原线虫的种类,已知的昆虫病原线虫有1000多种,其中应用较多的有:索线虫科斯氏线虫科异小杆线虫科,无尾感器纲 Adenophorea 咀刺目 Enoplida索科 Mermithidae四线科 Tetradonematidae尾感器纲 Secernentea 尖尾目 Oxyurida尖尾科 Oxyuridae 小杆目 Rhabditida 小杆科 Rhabditidae双胃科 Diplogasteridae头叶科 Cephalobidae斯氏线虫科 Steinernematidae异小杆科 Heterorhabditidae 垫刃目 Tylenchida 垫刃科 Tylen

4、chidae腊肠线虫科 Allantonematidae新垫刃科 Neotylenchidae滑刃科 Aphelenchoididae园线虫科 Sphaerulariidae,动物界 Kingdom Animalia 线虫门 Nematoda (2纲13目),索科线虫 (Mermithidae),形态:成虫幼虫体形相似,丝线状,体白色,0.230 cm入侵过程 :卵孵化出感染期索线虫主动寻找昆虫寄主,借口针和酶入昆虫体节间膜入侵。进入体腔后发育,一般游离于体腔内,有时达神经组织。症状:开始不表现明显病症,后行动迟钝、腹部异常膨大、食量减少或不取食。虫体异常透明,可从病虫外看到线虫寄主:昆虫、甲

5、壳动物、蚯蚓、软体动物和蜘蛛等200种以上,索科 (Mermithidae),索属 (Mermis):蝗虫水索属(Hydromermis):摇蚊巴索属(Bathymermis):水生昆虫湖索属(Limnomermis):摇蚊无性索属(Agamermis):蝗虫六索属(Hexamermis):陆生昆虫对索属(Allomermis):土壤昆虫腹索属 (Gastromermis):蚋两索属 (Amphimermis):稻螟、蛾类、蜻蜒泥索属(Psammomermis):六月鳃角金龟兰索属 (Lanceimermis):水生昆虫里索属 (Reesimermis):各种蚊类细索属 (Disimermis

6、):按蚊镒索属 (Perutilimermis):盐泽伊蚊新中索属 (Neomesomermis):蚋,Female Mermis (索线虫属) quirindiensis, a mermithid parasite of grasshoppers in Australia, ovipositing on vegetation during a rainy period. (G. Baker),Egg of Mermis quirindiensis. (G. Baker),Habitat of mermithid (地丝虫属、索科) nematodes in Northeastern Aust

7、ralia. (G. Baker),Coiled adult mermithid nematodes in soil. (G. Baker),The grasshopper, Phaolacridium vittatum, dissected to show parasitism by mermithid nematode. (G. Baker),Female Mermis nigrescens (蝗索线虫), a mermithid parasite of grasshoppers in North America. The black color of the mermithid nema

8、tode is to the eggs in the females body. (J. Capinera),Locust dissected to show Mermis nigrescens juveniles in the cavity. (R. Gorden),Locust with Mermis nigrescens post parasite emerging from the region. (J. Capinera),Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, larva showing mermithid juvenile nematode in

9、situ. (M. Klein),Mermithid post parasite emerging from Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, larva. (M. Klein),Upper Left: Terminal abdomen of black fly larva with mermithid juvenile in situ. Lower Left: Mermithid post parasite emerging from black fly larva. Upper Right: Mermithid post parasites emerg

10、ing from black fly larva. (R.Gordon),Romanomeris culicivorax (食蚊罗索线虫) juvenile coiled in the thorax of Aedes aegypti. (R. Gordon),Romanomeris culicivorax post parasite emerging from the thorax of Aedes aegypti. (R. Gordon),垫刃目: 园线虫科 Sphaerulariidae,有3属通过生殖器伸进寄主体腔侵染能杀死寄主或使成虫不孕寄主:鞘翅目、双翅目、膜翅目等,垫刃目: 园线虫

11、科 Sphaerulariidae,Sphaerulariopsis adult, a nematode parasite of bark beetle, with everted uterus. (Drawn by R. Giblin-Davis),垫刃目: 腊肠线虫科 Allantonematidae,Contortotylenchus juveniles emerging from Ips (小蠹) adult bark beetle (树皮甲虫). (D. Kinn),小杆目:小杆科 Rhabditidae,多营自由生活,许多种与昆虫发生各种类型的携带关系幼虫偶进入昆虫体腔,并在体腔内

12、成熟交配,但大多雌虫不能在寄主体内产卵,寄主只在受到严重威胁时才死亡寄主:如天牛等,小杆目:小杆科 Rhabditidae,Deroceras reticulum (field slug 蛞蝓) feeding on a seeding of oilseed rape (canola). (M. Wilson),Deroceras reticulum in the foreground infected by the nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Note character-istic swollen mantle of the infect

13、ed slug in comparison to the healthy slugthe back-ground. (M. Wilson),Deroceras reticulum five days after death following infected by Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, showing densely populated cadaver being fed upon by adult nematodes. (M.Wilson),Deroceras reticulum one day after death following infec

14、tion by Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, showing adult nematodes spreading and feeding on entire cadaver,斯氏线虫科 Steinernematidae,仅一个属,斯氏线虫属 (Steinernemati)在生活史中形成特殊的“带鞘”的侵染期幼虫发育有两处阶段:寄生阶段和腐生阶段侵染期线虫体内携带共生细菌;昆虫发生败血病而死亡寄主:鞘翅目、双翅目、同翅目、膜翅目、等翅目、鳞翅目、脉翅目、蜻蜒目和直翅目,致病机理:昆虫病原线虫消化道内携带共生细菌,当线虫从昆虫消化道或体壁侵入,进入昆虫血腔后,共生菌

15、从线虫体内释放出来,在昆虫血液内增殖,使寄主患败血症迅速死亡。,生活史:斯氏线虫科 Steinernematidae 异小杆科 Heterorhabditidae,The mutualistic bacterium, Xenorhabdus bovienii, in a vesicle of the nematode, Steinernema feltiae (夜蛾斯氏线虫) (=bibionis). (R. Akhurst),Stained specimen of Steinernema feltiae showing the mutualistic bacterium, Xenorhabd

16、us bovienii, in the vescle. (R. Akhurst),Phase I (blue-green) and phase II (pink) bacterial colonies of Xenorhabdus nematophilus (嗜线虫致病杆菌) on NBTA plate. While phase I bacterial colonies are blue-green in this slide, when colonies are actively growing this color would appear dark green instead (M. A

17、. Hatab),Cyclocephala hirta infected with the nematode Hetero-rhabditis bacteriophor (red grub) and healthy grub (white). The red color is due to pigment production by symbiotically associated bacterium, Photor-habdus luminescens. (J. Clark),Encapsulated Steinernema glaseri (格氏斯氏线虫) shortly after pe

18、netrating through the gut wall of the house cricket. (Y. Wang),ncapsulated Steinernema glaseri (格氏斯氏线虫) shortly after penetrating through the gut wall of the house cricket. (Y. Wang),Encapsulated Steinernema feltiae (=bibionis) (斯氏属芜菁夜蛾线虫) juvenile dissected from Tipula (大蚊) obracea. (D. Gouge),Stei

19、nernema feltiae (=bibionis) mating. (D. Gouge),Spodoptera exigua (非洲贪夜蛾) pupa dissected to show Steinernema carpocapsae (小卷蛾斯氏线虫) juveniles. (A. Hara),Steinernema carpocapsae (小卷蛾斯氏线虫) infected juvenile in a typical resting mode in water. Note J shaped tail. (A. Hara),Commercial preparation of Stein

20、ernema carpocapsae in a wettable dispersible granule (WDG). (R. Georgis),Steinernema carpocapsae infected juvenile encapsulated in calcium alginate. Most nematodes are in the center of the alginate capsule. (H. Kaya),Cross section of a wettable dispersible granule (WDG) with steinernematid nematodes

21、 in the center. (R. Georgis),Diagram for production of wettable dispersible granules (WDG) containing entomopathogenic nematodes (e.g. steinernematids). (R. Georgis),异小杆科 Heterorhabditidae,只有一属,异小杆属(Heterorhabditis)经消化道和气孔进入虫体。 3-4天后雌雄同体的雌线虫产下幼虫,再过2天后幼虫发育成雌虫和雄虫交配后雌虫体内产卵,发育成第二期或侵染期线虫携带共生细菌,寄主由于细菌存在而死

22、亡寄主:夜蛾科、象甲科、金龟科等,Galleria (蜡螟) larva infected with the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophor (嗜菌异小杆线虫), demon-strating bioluminescence in the dark. (R. Stuart),Galleria larva infected with the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophor in the light. Companion slide for Slide 187. (R. Stuart),Rosette of H

23、eterorhabditis bacteriophora (异小杆线虫). Common phenomenon observed when this nematode is stored in water where the nematodes aggregate around a particle. The aggregation can be dispersed by the addition of weak calcium carbonate. (B. Jaffee),Antibiotic production by Phase I Photorhabdus luminescens (异

24、小杆线虫消化道内的一种发光杆菌) showing clear zone preventing the growth of Beauveria bassiana. The other plate overgrown with B. bassiana contained phase II of the bacterium. (M. Barbercheck),四、昆虫病原线虫的特点,寄主范围广,寄生杀虫效果好,致死速度快,不产生抗药性在土壤中有较好的生存能力、扩散能力对害虫具有主动搜寻能力,特别是对土栖性及钻蛀性害虫使用方便,对人、畜、环境安全,五、线虫杀虫剂的应用前景,1. 线虫的大量繁殖首次人工

25、培养,1931年寄主昆虫活体培养单菌半固体培养基培养液体发酵罐培养培养基:水、乳化剂、酵母、植物油、蛋白质,2. 线虫的质量稳定性施用的简便性有效性生产时间(市场需要决定),3. 线虫的贮存侵染期线虫的货价寿命由贮存能量和利用率决定贮存能量:脂类理想的贮存方式:半干燥和脱水状态,4. 线虫的应用技术能与化学杀虫剂、生物杀虫剂混合使用不同搜寻方式的两种线虫制剂能共同使用可适用于几乎所有的地面或空中喷洒装置,5. 应用情况,国外应用情况: 已成功应用于防治葡萄黑喙象甲、蝼蛄、金龟子、苹果桃小食心虫、竹直锥大象虫、荔枝钻蛀性害虫、香蕉扁黑象甲以及蔬菜黄曲条跳甲灯多种难以用化学农药防治的农林害虫。,国内应用情况:20世纪80年代后期应用异小杆线虫属的一种防治苹果桃小食心虫,地下虫蛹死亡率达到90%92%20世纪90年代初,应用芜菁夜蛾线虫防治心叶期玉米螟虫,幼虫死亡率达80.4%90.5%广东昆虫研究所开发出了“昆虫病原线虫液体生产系统”,六、主要线虫杀虫剂产品,小卷蛾斯氏线虫、夜蛾斯氏线虫、格氏斯氏线虫、蝼蛄斯氏线虫、嗜菌异小杆线虫、大异小杆线虫等,作业,1. 试斯氏线虫和异小杆线虫的致病机理?并比较它们的异同点?,


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