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1、考研英语图画作文第一段写作,大作文段落写作(描述段),大作文写作思路三段论,(英语二)图表作文第一段,一、有图作文思路,(1)写作三段论Introduction图画描述段,引言段,起始段Body主体/拓展段,意义阐释段Conclusion结论段,建议措施段,2022/11/16,Writing,3,消极寓意类,积极寓意类,(2)三段安排 等边六边形结构三段论,2022/11/16,Writing,4,首段3-4句,中间段5-6句,尾段3-4句,三至四句(50-55词):1. General description:总体描述 寻找出图画的中心事物,确定中心事物 的位置,从动作和状态两方面来描述画

2、面中的中心事物;2. Details:挖掘细节词,联结成句寻找中心事物周围相关的事物,并进行简单的描述 ( 细节描述)3.Caption:文字说明若图画下方有 caption,可将其翻译为英语,5,二、图画描述段的写法,段落写作描述段写法,2010,确定关键词:,中心,细节,火锅,Hot pot,文化名人,文化元素,Cultural celebrity,Cultural elements/ingredients/terms,提示语的翻译,The caption reads, “Cultural hot pot, both delicious and nutritious”,文化“火锅”,既美味

3、又营养,Line of text below the picture reads, “Cultural hot pot, both delicious and nutritious”,连词成句,宏观概述+细节描述,一个大大的火锅,火锅里有很多东西方文化元素的名字,比如:莎士比亚、孔子、京剧、天鹅湖等。,(改善表达) In the picture stands a hot pot, which contains /containing /in which we can see a variety of/various cultural terms/ingredients/elements of

4、both western and eastern background, such as Shakespeare, Confucius, Beijing Opera, Swan Lake and so on.,There is a hot pot in the picture. In the hot pot we can see many cultural terms, such as.,(宏观概述)In the picture above is /stands a large hot pot,(细节描述)which contains a variety of/various,and east

5、ern background, such as Shakespeare, Confucius, Beijing Opera, Swan Lake and so on.,(提示语翻译),The caption reads, “Cultural hot pot, both delicious and nutritious”,(结尾套话)By carefully,examining this picture, we find a deeper social message is transmitted to us.,cultural terms/ingredients/elements of bot

6、h western,林志玲,生于1974年,身高175cm,是台湾的一位超级名模。2003年,林志玲取代萧蔷当选“台湾第一美女”。,补:句子的提升,Lin Chi-ling was born in 1974.Lin Chi-ling is 1.75 m.Lin Chi-ling is a supermodel in Taiwan.Lin Chi-ling was selected as “Taiwans Beauty” in 2003.Lin Chi-ling replaced Stephanie.,Born in 1974 and with a height of 1.75m, 伴随状语 介

7、词短语Lin Chi-ling ,a supermodel in Taiwan, 同位语was selectedto replace Stephanie 不定式as “Taiwans Beauty” in 2003. 时间状语,There is a pretty American girl in the picture. The girl is in Chinese traditional costume and wears necklace. She is smiling happily.,(改)As is vividly shown in the photo, in the sunshin

8、e stands a pretty American girl, (who is) in traditional Chinese costume, wearing necklace and its like, with a sweet smile on her face.,倒装,非谓语动词/非限定性定语从句,With结构,2008,扔下拐杖,相互搀扶,向前奔跑,help/support each other with firm hands,running/walking/striding forward,两腿绑在一起,crutches left behind,legs bound togeth

9、er,细节,残疾人,disabled/handicapped men,确定关键词:,中心,legs bound together,crutches left behind,caption,running/walking/striding forward,两个残疾青年 ,抛开拐杖,两腿绑在一起,相互搀扶正在向前奔跑。 Two disabled young men, with crutches left behind and legs bound together, are supporting each other with their firm hands and running forwar

10、d on the ground. Two handicapped young men are striding forward on the ground. Crutches left behind and legs bound together, they are supporting each other with their firm hands.,连词成句,宏观概述+细节描述,你一条腿 我一条腿 你我一起 走南闯北,The caption reads, “You have only/merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we c

11、an travel all around”,提示语的翻译,The caption indicates that they can travel north and south extensively with combined legs.,(宏观概述)As is vividly depicted in the picture, there are two disabled/handicapped young men running / walking /striding forward (现在分词伴随状语)on the ground/in the fields.,(细节描述)Legs boun

12、d together,and crutches left behind, they are supporting each otherwith their firm hands,.(提示语翻译)The caption reads,“You have only/merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we can travel all around”.,(结尾套话)By carefully,examining this picture, we find a deeper social message is transmitted to us

13、.,描述段写法总结:第1句:宏观概括 (图画最直观信息,中心事物)第2-3句:细节描述(中心事物周围相关的事物)第4句:提示语翻译第5句:结尾套话,4句左右,描述图画,如图所示,在椅子上有一个年轻人,希望理发师把自己的头发理成贝克汉姆的样子。As is vividly drawn in the picture, in the chair sits a young man, having his hair cut as cool as David Beckham.,描述图画,如图所示,黑暗中有一盏小小的油灯,它向周围散发着光亮。As is shown in the cartoon, in the

14、 darkness happily stands a candle. It spreads brightness around itself.As is shown in the cartoon, in the darkness happily stands a candle, spreading brightness around itself.,描述图画,As is shown in the cartoon, on the playground runs a young man, rushing to the final, which is defined as another start

15、 one.,2009,网络的“近”与“远”,(2009)As is illustrated in the cartoon,1 each (every) person sits in their own work room. In front of them is a computer. Everyone looks at the screen carefully, and communicates with their colleagues through the net instead of talking face to face. Their work places are placed

16、 like a net.2 And below the cartoon, there is a topic which says: the near and far among the Internet.3 66words,2022/11/16,Writing,28,描述段写作套路与表达,(宏观概括) As is vividly depicted/portrayed in the picture, 中心事物动作或状态 +(细节描述) with/ing/ed/which/who+ (提示语翻译) The caption indicates that/reads:“”+(结尾套话) By care

17、fully examining this picture, we find a deeper social message is transmitted to us.,第一段常用首句写法,1.The picture/drawing/cartoon/ above vividly/interestingly/humorously describe+名词这幅图生动地/有趣地/幽默地描述了。,2. Indicated above is a picture that portrays+名词如图所示, 上面的图画描述了。,3. As is shown/ depicted in the above pict

18、ure, 如图所示(后接完整单独句子描写图画) 。,4. There are, according to this vivid picture, a young boy ,第一段常用末句写法,But is this what the author means to tell us? Certainly not.但是这真是作者想要告诉我们的吗?当然不是了。,2. Funny (Simple) as the picture is, the symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean.尽管图画很有趣(简单),图画的含义确如大海一样深。,3. The authors re

19、al purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceburg.作者的真实目的不是图画本身, 而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后究竟隐藏着什么。,Exercise,以上的照片生动地显示出来,相貌英俊的英国足球巨星贝克汉姆在年轻人中广受欢迎。在 第一张照片中,贝克汉姆的名字出现在一个年轻人的额头上,文字表明:对偶像的崇拜写在了脸上。在第二张照片中,这个年轻人正在理发店中做贝克汉姆的时髦发 型。我们得到的信息是他正花300元来模仿偶像的发式 (2006年),As is vividly dep

20、icted in the photos above, Beckham, the handsome British football superstar, is enjoying a striking popularity among young people. In the first photo, Beckhams name appears on a young mans face. The caption indicates that worship for the idol is written on the face. In the second photo, this young m

21、an is doing Beckhams chic hairstyle in a barbershop. We are informed that he is spending 300 yuan imitating his idols hairdo.,正如图画形象地描绘,一个男人和女人,可能是一对情人,在游览的小船上享乐,并把各种各样的垃圾扔进湖里,如:鱼骨、套餐、塑料袋等。图画下写着说明文字:“旅途之余”。(2011年),As is vividly sketched out in the drawing, a man and a woman, probably a couple, are e

22、njoying themselves in a sightseeing boat, throwing various rubbish into the lake, such as fish bones, food containers, and plastic bags. Written below the picture is the caption: “The leftovers of the Journey”.,图表作文,一、基本框架 第一段:描写图表2-3句话,40 词左右 第二段:阐释含义主题句+论证句+总结句,5-7句话,80-90词左右 第三段:作出评论个人倾向+建议措施+展望未

23、来,3-4句话,40词左右,2.图表类型介绍,柱状图: bar/column chart (1997, 2010 ,2011-2014年英语二) 饼状图 pie chart 曲线图 line chart/graph(1999), 表格 table,柱状图bar/column chart,看横轴年代看纵轴-数据找到主要的变化看标题当图画中的数字过多时,要找出应有变化规律、变化趋势private car is playing an increasingly important role in peoples means of transportation.,饼状图 :pie chart,侧重于各个

24、部分的数值和所占百分比、即体现整体和局部的关系。所有图表中最简单地一种,掌握下列词组:由组成:consist of , be made up of , be composed of 占比例:account for, make/take up,静态图:pie chart,The total is divided into four parts, with A, B, C and D making up % % % and % respectively.The total is divided into four parts, with A and B making up % totally.,表

25、格 table,特点:数据多,点到为止,use as few figures as possible策略:(1)首尾呼应法。只看第一点和最后一点数据,只点首尾,说清即可。中间的非典型性数据不用提及,(2)找规律,找显著数据,在图表中,存在几个变量,就有几个规律,即:男女对比,年龄变化,已婚未婚三个规律.,Percent living with parents (Canada),Unmarried,Married,(a): Number of TV watchers (b): Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),曲线图(lin

26、e chart/graph),1.看横轴年代 看纵轴-数据2.侧重数据变化趋势,A,B,1. Interpret the following pictures. 2. Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons.,1997,第一段,As is shown in the bar chart, the total production of tobacco in the world decreased/shrank form 14.363 billion pounds in 1994 to 14.2 billi

27、on pounds in 1995. According to the figures given in the pie chart, the number of smokers accounts for 20 percent of the world population.,(2010) 1. Interpret the chart 2. Give your comments,第一段,According to the figures given in the bar chart, the mobile phone subscriptions in developed countries in

28、creased slightly from 0.8 billion in 2000 to 1 billion in 2008. Meanwhile the mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries soared from 0.5 billion in 2000 to 4 billion in 2008.,effect of the countrys growing human population on its wildlife 2. possible reason for the effect 3. your suggestion

29、for wildlife protection,第一段,As is shown in the left line chart, the US population added up to 250 million from 1800 to 1990. In the right line chart, the number of wild species no longer existing increased from 10 in 1600 to 70 in 1900. It is obvious that the extinction of wildlife resulted from the

30、 population explosion. (effect),2010年大纲样题,1) describe the table and 2) state your opinion drawn from it.,第一段,The table above clearly reflects the statistics of accidents happening in a Chinese city. The number of accidents that resulted from drivers turning out due care increased 10 percent to 108,

31、which is highlighted on the first row of the table. Accidents related to drivers driving under the influence of alcohol rose by 15%, which is the greatest rise among the listed 5 causes. In comparison, those pedestrians who were careless when crossing roads also led to 411 accidents. By analyzing th

32、ese factors displayed in the diagram, we may draw the conclusion that both drivers and pedestrians have little respect for traffic regulation.,补充:1. 常用表示变化的动词,1) 增加:increase, grow, expand, rise, multiply, on the rise (be on the rise), soar (剧增) 急剧上升: grow sharply; 急剧增长: rapid increase 2)减少: decrease

33、; fall; drop; decline; on the decline(前面加系动词,即 be on the decrease) 3)水平:level off (动词短语), remain as much / high/many as, 例:The number levels off in the 3 months. 4) 波动:fluctuate between and,逐渐:gradually;smoothly;steadily6)总数量:the total number of 总数达:add up to,2.常用的开篇句型(即概述图表内容时常用的表达法), According to

34、the table/pie chart/line graph/bar graph, we can see/conclude that 根据该表/图,我们可知 The table/graph reveals (shows/indicates/illustrates/ represents/points out) that 该表/图表明 As can be seen from the line/bar graph As is shown (illustrated/indicated) in the pie chart 如表/图所示, The table shows the changes in t

35、he number ofover the period fromto该表格描述了在年到年间数量的变化。,3. 描述增减变化常用的句型,Compared with is still increased by The number of grew/rose from to In the number remains the same/drops to There was a very slight (small/slow/gradual) rise/increase in 2011. There was a very steady (marked/sharp/rapid/sudden/ dramatic) drop (decrease/ decline/ fall/ reduction) in 2008/ compared with that of last year.,


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