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1、,一、认读 Read and learn di tu ti tu d lu t lu k f k k d y d y y x f x mi ho mi li,复习,第二课 汉语不太难,an,This sound is a combination of two sounds. The first sound is similar to the a in bats .The n is held lightly in position until the sound has completely finished.,en,This sound is a combination of e and n

2、.It sounds like the un in under.,ang,This sound is a combination of a and ng as in tongue. Remember to open your mouth wide to produce a clear a. The ng sounds is held lightly in position until the sound has been completed.,eng,This sound is a combination of e and ng as in the words hung ,sung , run

3、g .The e is unstressed.,ong,This sound is a combination of u and ng sounds. The o is pronounced like the u. The ng is held lightly in position until the sound has completely finished.,The neutral tone,The 1st tone is high level and the neutral tone pitch is lower. ki le zhu zi sn ge t de,The neutral

4、 tone is very short and unstressed. However, the neutral tone does have pitch in relation to the other four tones.,The neutral tone,The 2st tone rises to the 1st tone pitch and the neutral tone pitch drops slightly to a lower one. fng zi li le mng zhe shu de,The neutral tone,The 3st tone dips and ri

5、ses, and the pitch on the neutral tone syllable is higher. ho a y zi w ge n de,The neutral tone,After a 4st tone ,the pitch on the neutral tone syllable is lower . li le kui zi s ge zu zhe,The half 3nd tone,生词 New Words,1忙 mng busy2吗 ma a modal particle 3. 很 hn very4. 汉语 hn y Chinese language5. 难 nn hard, difficult6. 太 ti too7爸爸 b ba dad,生词 New Words,8妈妈 m ma mum 9. 哥哥 g ge elder brother10. 弟弟 d di younger brother11. 妹妹 mi mei younger sister 他 t he, him 她 t she, her14. 男 nn male, man,A:你 忙 吗? N mng ma?B:很 忙。 Hn mng. A:汉语 难 吗? Hny nn ma?B:不 太 难。 B ti nn.,


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