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1、,Section A 第一课时(1a -1c),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,survey n.调查,standard n.标准;水平,row n.一排;一列;一行,keyboard n.琴键;键盘,1a,Check() the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list.,Well, junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memor

2、ies?,I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,At junior high school, I remember:_winning a prize_being a volunteer_doing a school survey_a friend helping me with a problem_,_Mary a. did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacher _Frank b. remembers losing a schoolbag_Sarah c. reme

3、mbers meeting this group of friends_Peter d. has enjoyed every year of junior high school,1b,Listen and match the memory with the person.,1c,List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.,Memories and experiences,I remember. scoring two goals in a raw

4、 during a soccercompetition. _,Memories and experiences,I have. learned to play the keyboard in music class. _,1. _ doing a school survey survey 作可数名词,意为“调查;测量”,复数形式为surveys 。如:The results of the survey made fascinating reading. 调查结果令人读起来饶有兴味。The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%. 测量的误差幅度为2.5%。Th

5、e current survey will have a wider geographical spread. 当前的调查将在更广泛的地域范围内进行。,Language points,survey还可作动词,意为“测量土地;调查;勘测”,过去式为surveyed ,过去分词为surveyed, 现在分词为surveying ,第三人称单数为surveys。如:The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them. 勘探者爬上土丘去勘测周围的土地。They have started to survey the country t

6、hat the new motorway will pass through. 他们已开始测量这条新公路将要通过的农村。,Language points,2. did homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacherstandard 作可数名词,意为“标准;水平”,复数形式为standards。如:The standard rate of income tax was cut to 23p in the pound. 所得税的标准税率削减到了每英镑23便士。The paper was of non-standard siz

7、e. 这种纸的大小不标准。I try to live up to the high standard of the school.我力求达到这所学校的高标准要求。,Language points,3. Scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition. in a row意为“连续几次地;成一行;一字儿”。如: How do you account for losing five games in a row? 你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport groun

8、d. 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。Count and see how many trees there are in a row. 数数看一行有多少棵树。The team notched up their third victory in a row. 该队连续三次获胜。,Language points,【拓展】row作可数名词,意为“一排;一列;一行”。如:a row of identical houses 完全一样的一排房子 a row of trees 一行树木A row of small windows jutted out from the roof. 有一排小窗户从房顶上突出

9、来。Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows. 几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。,Language points,1. I remember _ first prize. A. to win B. won C. winning2. He _ the film before. A. saw B. sees C. has seen,C,C,3.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 The current s_ will have a wider geographical spread.4. The _ of len

10、gth in France is the meter. A. message B. standard C. diary D. sentence5. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 这队一连五次取得胜利。 The team has chalked up its fifth win _ _ _.,urvey,in a row,B,完成课后提升作业。,Section A 第二课时(2a -2d),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,instruction n.指示;命令,double v. 加倍;是.的两倍 adj. 两倍的

11、;加倍的,_ Someone didnt like P.E._ Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher._ Someone had a health problem._ Someone joined the school band.,2a,Listen to the conversation. Check () the facts you hear.,2b,Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.,Yeah, he.,Do yo

12、u remember Mr. Hunt?,Of course! Hes a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during P.E. Class.,2c,Role-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.,Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Clara?,Ms Lee and Mr. Brown.,2d,Role-play the conver

13、sation.,I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class.,Yes, and Mr Brown guided me to do a lotbetter in science.,He always took the time to explain things to me clearly Whenever I couldnt understand anything. Who will you miss?,She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matte

14、r how difficult they were.,Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?,Ms Griffin. She encouraged me in English class. She always told me, “You can do it!” Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.,Good idea. Lets go shopping tomorrow!,1.He gave really clear in

15、structions during P. E. class. instruction 作可数名词,意为“指示;命令”,多用复数形式,复数形式为instructions。常可接动词不定式或that从句作定语或同位语。也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用。,Language points,如:The instruction should be carried out without any reservation. 应当不折不扣地执行这个指示. Theyll radio for instruction. 他们要通过无线电去请示. Youll get nowhere

16、if you follow his instruction. 要是你按他的方法去做,将会一事无成. He gave the instruction for the document to be sent by messenger. 他下令由通信员送出文件。,Language points,2. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled. double 可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,意为“加倍;是的两倍”。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常与as ,for等介词连用,还常与back,

17、up等副词连用。如:The modern equipment enables them to doubletheir production.现代化的设备使他们能把产量翻倍。,Language points,If you should be off guard, you would double the loss. 如果你粗心大意,你一定会加倍损失。The measures will enable us to double our output of bicycles. 这些措施能使我们的自行车产量加倍。,Language points,double还可作形容词,意为“两倍的;加倍的”,后面可接

18、名词、数词、代词,在double与被修饰的名词之间有时还可用定冠词the或物主代词。如:Ill give you double pay for working overtime. 你加班我付你双倍工钱。The output is double that of last year. 产量比去年增一倍。,Language points,1. The problem is a little difficult. Can you _. A. work out B. work it out C. work on D. work on it2. _ difficult they are, we can w

19、ork hard to solve it. A. No matter what B. Whatever C. Whenever D. No matter how3. The price of the book has risen. It _. A. doubles B. doubled C. increase two D. is doubled,B,D,B,根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我们已经收到了指示我们将每月见两次。 We have received _ _ we are to meet twice a month.2. 五加倍就是十。 _ you _ five, you make ten

20、.,instructions that,If double,完成课后提升作业。,Section A 第三课时(3a -4b),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,make a mess弄得一团糟,graduate v.毕业;获得学位,caring adj.体贴人的;关心他人的,senior high (school)高中,text n.课文; 文本,1. What kind of writing is this? 2. What is the main subject of this writing? 3. W

21、ho do you think the writer is?,Poem.,The memory of the junior high school.,A student in Grade 3.,3a,Read the passage and answer the questions.,fear,pass,understand,cool,teachers,3b,Read the poem again. Write the wordsthat rhyme with the words below.,3c,Have you experienced any of the following thing

22、s? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them?,1.trying to be on time for morning readings?2.running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings?3.training for sports day4.starting the first day in Grade 7,5.slowly making some new friends6.helping classmates with homework7.preparing for

23、art festivals8.going to New Years parties9.learning English,GrammarFocus,GrammarFocus,_When I get to senior high, I will join the school swim team. 1 My time in junior high school has been enjoyable._In Grade 8, I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English. I had problems with pronunciati

24、on and reading texts. So the next year, I worked much harder and got better grades.,6,3,4a,Number the sentences to make a paragraph.,_Next year, I will be in senior high school. I cant believe how fast the time went by!_This year, with Mr. Trents help, my English level has been improving and I hope

25、to get good grades at the end of the year._In the first year, I didnt work very hard in class, but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.,5,4,2,6 1 3 5 4 2,1. What do you remember about Grade 7?2. What happened in Grade 8 that was special?3. What did you use to do that you dont d

26、o now?,I remember being friends with Jack in Grade 7.,I learned to play piano.,I used to fly kites but I dont do it now.,4b,Write your own answers to the questions.,4. How have you changed since you started junior high school?5. How do you think things will be different in senior high school?6. What

27、 are your plans for next year?7. What are you looking forward to?,I become much mor outgoing/happy/hard-working.,May be there will be a lot of difficulties.,I will go to Peking.,Im looking forward to learning English well.,1.Pride of overcoming fear overcome可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,意为“战胜,克服”。 如:She was try

28、ing to overcome her physical repugnance for him. 她努力克制对他非常强烈的反感。 We need a confident leader to overcome these difficulties. 我们需要一个有信心的领导者来克服这些困难。,Language points,2. And making a great big mess make a mess意为“弄得一团糟;弄得一塌糊涂”。如:He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing. 他挖空心思反而把事情全盘弄糟了。 He managed t

29、o make a mess of it. 他真不错,把事情弄得一团糟。 She always makes a mess of things; shes a prize idiot. 她总是把事情弄糟;她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋。If you cook, please just dont make a mess. 你要是做饭的话, 拜托别弄得一团糟。,Language points,3.And now its time to graduate graduate可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,意为“毕业;获得学位”,为非延续性动词,现在完成时的肯定式不与表示一段时间的状语连用。graduate作动

30、词表示“从毕业”用from,表示某科的毕业生用in,表示所获学位或成绩情况多用as 或with。如:He graduated at Oxford.他毕业于牛津大学。It is three years since he graduated.他毕业三年了。The university graduated 1500 students last year.该大学去年有1500位学生毕业。,Language points,4. Im trying to keep my cool. 我试图保持冷静 keep ones cool 意为“沉住气;保持冷静”。如:One of Hals great streng

31、ths is the ability to keep cool when start to go wrong. 哈尔最大的优点之一就是出问题时,他能保持沉着、冷静。At this moment of truth, you must keep cool. 在这紧急关头,你要保持镇静。John couldnt keep cool when he met his rival. 约翰见到他的对手就不能冷静下来。,Language points,5. And our kind and caring teacherscaring 作形容词,意为“体贴人的;关心他人的”。如:Hes a very carin

32、g person. 他是个非常体贴人的人。 Youre very lucky to have a caring family. 你很幸运有一个温馨的家庭. Are children and young people in school mastering the art of caring? 在校的孩子和年轻人是不是在掌握关心他人的艺术 呢 ?,Language points,1. There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot _. A. conquer B. defeat C. win D. overcome2. -Tom

33、my, dont _ in your room. - OK, mum, I will put away my toys at once. A. take out B. make a mess C. play with D. look for,D,B,完成课后提升作业。,Section B 第四课时(1a -1e),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,If you are graduates, todayis your last class. How do you feel? What do you thinko

34、f your teachers? What do you want to do in the future?What do you hope to do?,I feel excited.I like.,I feel sad. I want to.,Lets listen to the tape and learn about Bob.,degree n.学位;度数;程度,manager n.经理,believe in信任;依赖,1. get a business degree and become a manager 2._ _3._ _,want to become an spacegirl

35、.,go a famous university.,1a,Write about what you would like to do in the future.,What do you hope to do in the future?,I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.,1b,Talk about what you hope to do in the future.,1c,Listen to a class discussion. Check () the hopes you hear.,Today is the st

36、udents last class. Bob feels _ about it and thinks Mrs. Chens classes have been _. The students talk about what they want to do in the future. Bob hopes to_ the exam to get into senior high school.,1d,Listen again. Complete the passage.,Shirley wants to get into a _ school. Ken is good at _and he wo

37、n a _for it. So he wants to be a(n) _.Mrs. Chen believesin all of them and tells them to “_”. To celebrate the end of junior high, they are having a _. They ask Mrs. Chen to come, and she is happy to accept the invitation.,How have you changed since you started junior high school?Who has helped you

38、most?What advice have your parents given you?What will you do after you graduate?What are you looking forward to?,1e,Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you . Present your speech to your group.,1. I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.(1)degree作名词,意为“(大学)学位

39、;度数;程度”,复数形式为degrees。degree用作温度的“度数”时,是可数名词,常与介词at连用,表示“零摄氏度以上”;与介词of连用时,表示“零摄氏度以下”。作“程度”解时可作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词,受不定冠词a修饰,指“在某种程度上”时,常与介词to连用。指“某学科的学位”时,是可数名词,常与介词in连用。,Language points,如:a degree in computer science 计算机科学学位 a high degree of climatic seasonality 明显的季节性气候变化 What was your first degree in? 你

40、的学士学位是哪一科? The university conferred its highest degree on the statesman. 该大学将其最高学位授予了这位政治家。He spent three years reading for a degree in history. 他花了三年时间攻读历史学的学位。,Language points,(2)manager可以指一个企业、公司、球队的“经理”,也可指演员、运动员等的“经纪人”,还可指“善于理财管家的人”。 manager的阴性名词为manageress。如:The manager let us cut the cackle.

41、经理让我们不要闲谈。 I want to speak to the sales manager. 我想找营业部经理。 You could talk with the related manager of the school about the issue. 你可以和学校相关管理人员说说这事。,Language points,2. Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “_”. believe in意为“相信;信赖; 信仰”。如:Do you believe in a cosmic plan? 你相信冥冥中的安排吗? He di

42、d not believe in flaunting his wealth. 他不赞成摆阔。 Do you believe in God ? 你信仰上帝吗? Do you believe in a life hereafter? 你相信有来世吗?,Language points,invitation,believe in,1. Thank you for your _ (invite).2. He doesnt _ _ (信任) me.3. 你相信魔术吗? Do you _ _ magic?,believe in,4. They appointed a new _ to coordinate

43、the work of the team. A. actor B. scientist C. manager D. doctor5. I dont _ it! What are you doing here? A. suppose B. agree C. believe D. believe in,C,D,完成课后提升作业。,Section B 第五课时(2a -3b),Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,gentleman n.绅士;先生,graduation n. 毕业,ceremony n. 典礼;仪式,

44、2a,What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school ?Discuss the question with a partner.,1. What kind of text is this? Is it a story, a speech or a notice?2. Who do you think wrote it?3. Who is it for?,A speech.,The headmaster of NO.3 Junior High School.,The students of Grade

45、 3.,2b,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What were the students like in Grade 7? 2. How have the students changed?,They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.,They become talented young adults who are full of hope for the future. Theyve all grown up so much.,2c,Read the pa

46、ssage again and answer the questions.,3. Who should the students thank and why?4. What will senior high be like?,They should thank people in their lives who helped and supported them-their parents, their teachers and their friends.,It will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of yo

47、u.,5. How should the students deal with the future?,They should choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.,1. It is time to say goodbye, but _ of us want to leave.,none,2d,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,2. It is always hard to separate from t

48、hose whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. However, we are still excited to _ on a new journey when we enter senior high school.3. The teacher can see in our eyes that we _ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.,set out,are thirsty of,4. We will _

49、 the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us. 5. Our teachers and parents will _ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.,attend,be proud of,2e,Underline the sentences you like in the passage. Tell your partner what theymean and why you lik

50、e them.,3a,Think of a person or an event from junior high school that you will never forget. Make some notes about how this person or event changed your life in some way.,Who is the person? / What is the event?When and where did you first meet this person? / When and where did this event happen?How


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