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1、介词,介词的分类与语法功能介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,表示某个人、事物/东西、事件与另一个之间的关系。常见的介词宾语:名词、代词、动名词、从句、 介词分为:简单介词,如at、in、for等; 合成介词,如within、inside、onto 短语介词,如according to、out of、 because of、by means of、 双重介词,如from behind / above / under、 分词介词,如considering、including、,(一)考查表示时间的介词1)in, on, at, a

2、fter in用于较长一段时间, 星期, 月份, 季节, 年, 朝代世纪或非特指的早、午、晚等。eg: in 1988, in the 21st century, in winter, in March, in the day, in the morning, at night, at noon / on具体某一天或具体某一个早、午、晚。on Saturday evening, on the May seventh, on a windy night, on the afternoon, of October 31st,at在某一点时间或某个瞬间。at eight oclock, at the

3、 end of, at this moment, at this time, at times / at a time / at one time, at the age of,【拓展考点1】in+一段时间,表示一段时间之后,与动词将来时连用。after则常用于过去时。比较:He will be back in two days. He came back after two days.易错题: -_ will the film start? -In ten minutes.How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far,【拓展考点2】On+具体某一天

4、/节日易错题:-When were you born? -I was born _ the morning of May 7th, 1995. A. in B. at C. on D. by,常见的搭配还有on a cold morning/on a sunny afternoonon a hot summer night,另外注意:在时间词(morning , afternoon , evening ; Sunday)前有last, next , this , that时,不再用介词. tomorrow, tonight前也不用介词。eg. I will go(A) to the cinem

5、a(B) in(C) this evening. _,B 去掉in,注意:at night= in the night at noon at this / that time at Christmas 区别 on Christmas Dayeg. 1._ the morning 2._ Monday morning 3. _ a rainy evening 4. _3:50 5._ 2002 6._ the morning of April 10 7._ spring 8._ night 9._ this time 10. _ March,in,on,on,at,in,on,in,at,at,

6、in,2)for + 一段时间常表示“持续了一段时间”,since + 时间点/ + 完成时during则表示在期间+ 一般时态He has been in Beijing for 3 years. He has been in Beijing since 3 three years ago I was in Beijing during last summer.since,for常与现在完成时连用,提问时用how long.,3)表示时间的since和from:since表示从过去到现在的一段时间的过程,常与现在完成时连用。from表示从时间的某一点开始,不涉及与现在的关系。 一般多与现在时

7、、过去时、将来时连用。I hope to do morning exercises _ today. We have not seen each other _ 1995.Since then, she _ as a teacher here.From then on, she _ as a teacher here.,from,since,has worked,worked,4)till、untiltill (until)与持续动词连用一般用于肯定句中,与短暂动词连 用一般用在否定句中。如:He waited for me till twelve oclock.He didnt get up

8、 till (until) 10 a.m.但注意:在句首出现或强调句型中一般不用till而用until。如:Not until 10 a.m. did he get up.,他等到我12点.他直到10点才起床,5)in、after、laterin + 一段时间:表示说话时为起点一段时间之后, 与一般将来时连用; 但表示“在之内”时,用于各种时态。after + 一段时间表示:“在过去一段时间之后”,用于一般过去时; +一点时间时,用于各种时态。The doctor will be with us _ six minutes.We will meet again _ two weeks.He r

9、eceived her letter _four weeks.He will receiver her letter _ 2 oclock.另外,in + 一段时间 + s + time 与 within + 一段时间的用法如下:in a weeks time = in a weekThey will arrive in three days time.(与将来时连用),in,=within,in,after,after,6). 具体时间用不同的介词:,在放假期间 _the holiday三天之后 three days _持续了五个月 last _ five months,during,lat

10、er,for,(二)考查表示地点的介词1) in/ on / atat与小的地点连用, 有“在某一点”的含义。 at the station/ airport / at the cinema/ arrive at a villagein与大的地方连用或表示在一个立体空间内”的含义。in the room/ arrive in a big cityon 表示沿途/ 沿着边on the side of the road/ on the right/ lefton the bank of the river,eg. 1)He arrived _Shanghai yesterday.2)They ar

11、rived _a small village before dark.3)There is a big hole _ the wall.4)The teacher put up a picture _ the wall.,in,at,in,on,易混淆介词及词组归类 1 in the east of (在范围之内的方向) to the east of (在范围之外又互不相连) on the east of (在范围之外但紧密相连) 2 in the tree (表示树上不能生长的东西) on the tree (表示能在树上生长的东西) 3 in the wall (在墙的内部) on the

12、 wall (在墙的表面),(三) 表示方位介词1)in/ to/ onin 表示一个地方在另一个地方的范围内to 表示两地相隔 on- 表示两地相邻China is in the east of Asia. Guangdong Province is on the southeast of Guangxi. Japan is to the east of China.,in,on,to,2)in front of, in the front of in front of 表示“在某人或某物的前面”,在某个范围以外; in the front of 表示“在的前部”,在某个范围以内。例如: T

13、here are some tall trees in front of the building.在大楼前有一些高树。The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom.老师坐在教室前面,3)Across / throughAcross表示从一端至另一端横跨横渡; 在物体表面上的通过,与on有关through则表示在三维空间内部“穿过”。与in 有关; 表示透过,通过带洞的物体.It took them 6 weeks to walk _ the great desert.I walked _ the forest / the crowd

14、.The moonlight went _ the window.He studied the sky _ the telescope.He swam _ the river within 5 minutes.,across,across,through,through,through,(4) between: 在(两者)之间 among :在(三者以上)之间 1)A big crowd of people were waiting for Li Lida on the beach. _ them were his parents. 2)Tom sits _Lucy and Lily.注意:课

15、间休息 _,Among,between,break time between classes,5)表示“在的上面” 的on, over,above:On:在物体表面上,相接触的.反义词:beneathover表示“正上方; 还可表示“越过”覆盖”. 反义词是underabove只表示“在上方”但不一定在“正上方”。反义词是 below 还可表示温度、水位等“高于”There is a bridge _ the riverOur plane flew _ the clouds.There is a picture _ the wall.,over,above,on,6)below与under都可

16、表示“低于”,under 主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而 below 则不一定表示正下方(可以是正下方或非正下方)Look in the cupboard _ the sink. 到洗碗池下面的柜子里找一找。The climbers stopped 300 meters _ the top of the mountain. 登山队员们在离山顶 300 米处停了下来。换句话说,表示正下方,两者都可用;不表示正下方,则通常用below。,below under,below,below与under 2. 两者均可表示数量方面的“少于”,但在现代英语中,以用 under 为多见。如:There were

17、 _ forty people at the meeting. 参加会议的人不足 40 人。注:在现代英语中,below 表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况。如:This place is _ sea level. 此地在海平面以下。The temperature is two degrees _ zero. 温度是零下 2 度。,under,below,below,below与under 3. 表示职位、级别等关系时,用 under 表直接关系,用 below 表非直接关系。比较:Mr A is _ Mr B. A 先生是 B 先生的部下。Mr A is _ Mr

18、B. A 先生比 B 先生职位低。,under,below,This problem is _ me / my understanding.这个问题我无能为力。He may think himself above others.他也许自以为高人一等。,4. 在程度或限度等方面“超过”、“超越”等,这类短语 通常用作表语,above/beyond,7)Beyond表示位置“在的那一边;在更远处”。_ the river stood a power station过了这条河就是一个发电站。表示范围、水平、限度、能力等“超出;为所不能及”。 固定搭配beyond doubtbeyond contro

19、lbeyond comparisonbeyond all praisebeyond belief,Beyond,无容置疑,确实地 无法控制 无以伦比 赞不绝口难以置信,(8) over, above与on表示“在上”的区别。over指没有接触面的正上方, 反义词是under。above指没有接触面的上方, 在高一些的位置, 反义词是below。on指有接触面的, 在的表面上。The plane is above the clouds.The bridge is over the river.The cup is on the table.,9)towards与to的区别以wards结尾的词表示

20、方向的还有:forwards朝前;backwards朝后;upwards朝上;downwards朝下towards 与 to的区别to侧重于到达;而towards强调方向,如:Shewaswalkingtoward(s)townwhenImether。WhenIgottotown,itwasalready11oclock.,(三) of/ to/ for表示事物之间的关系of - 所属关系。如:The door of the roomThe friend of my fathersto - 两物之间的联系The key to the exercise 这个练习的答案The key to the

21、 door 门的钥匙The answer to the questionfor 表示用途The tickets for the game,(四) with /in 表示穿衣。in+ 颜色表示穿衣/带帽With + 具体衣服/眼镜等The girl in green looks very beautiful.The girl with green skirt looks very beautiful.The lady with glasses is Lucys mother.The boy in the hat is my neighbour.,(五)表示方式、手段、工具的介词 with , i

22、n, by:With:表示用具体的工具, 或用身体的某部位In:使用语言、材料、声音;具体的确交通工具等By: 表泛指的交通工具方式、或其它手段; 通过做(by doing)_ telephone (radio),但_ the phone/the radio/_ TV(电讯器材),_ hand 但 _ ones hands_ bus (road) /car/by bike但_ the red bus, _ my car , _ his bike , _foot_ a pen / pencil但 _ ink / pencilHe killed the dog _ a stone _ hittin

23、g it.The novel was written _ easy English.另外:by means of 用方法, by way of 经由,取道于,by,on,on,by,with,by,in,in,on,with,in,with,by,in,with 的其他一些用法1)在.下 with her help2) 随着 with the development of China.,(六)表示“除之外”的几组常用介绍比较:besides :除以外,(还有)。作副词时意思是“而且,更何况”。except:除去,除之外(不再有)。except for:除了(对句子主题进行细节校正或附加说明)

24、后接名词、代词或what从句except +从句: 除了一点以外。,It was too late to see a film, and _, I was tired.We all went _ John. He was very clever _ carelessness.He has not changed _ he is wearing dark glasses.,besides,except,except for,except that,I can speak Japanese, _ English and Chinese.What did you want _ these?I go

25、to school every day_ Sunday .Nobody came_ me.Your picture is good _ some of the colours.Smith is a good man, _ his bad temper. The movie was good _ the ending.,除了这些东西外,你还要什么?(包括these),除星期天之外,我天天上学。,除了我之外没人来,你的画很好,除了有些颜色不好,史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人。,这部电影除了结尾之外都很好。,除了英语和中文,我还会说日语。,besides,besides,except,except,except for,except for,except for,By +时间/ by the end of +过去时间,常与过 去完成时连用。,


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