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1、,八年级(上),冀 教 版,Its fun! Its easy!,学练优八年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Lesson 12,My Favourite School Subject,Unit 2,UNIT2,Lesson 12 Karens Hair Stood Up!,学习目标,objectives,To learn to talk about your favourite subject with the words and expressionsremind sb of sth finally discussionTo use the pronouns correctly:mine you

2、rs his hers its,ron. 我的,Words,mineoceanremindfinallydiscussion,n. 海洋,v. 使想起,提醒,adv. 最后,终于,n. 讨论,Lead in,Appreciation of somephysical experiments, Have you done anything interesting this week? What have you done in your favourite class?,Pre-reading,Read Brians diary and fill in the chart.,P29,1,art,T

3、hey each brought a painting to the class.,social studies,physics,They showed the class some physics.,P.E.,Danny played basketball. Lisa showed some exercises.,Bill showed many photos of Beijing. Jenny played some Chinese music,While-reading,Listen to the statements and match the names with the pictu

4、res.,2,I miss everyone at home!我很想念家里的每一个人。Pop music is very popular at home and abroad.流行音乐在国内外都很受欢迎。Sorry,Ileftmycredit cardathome.对不起, 我把信用卡落在家里了。,at home “在家,在国内”,在国内外可以说at home and abroad。,Language Points,2. Today at school, we talked to the class about our favourite subjects.今天在学校,我们向全班同学谈论了我们

5、最喜欢的科目。Our English teacher talked to us about how to learn English well.我们的英语老师和我们谈论怎样学好英语。,talk to sb. about sth. 和某人谈论某事,3. We each brought a painting to class.我们每个人带了一幅画到班里。Each/Every student has his own dictionary. (作形容词)= Each of the students has his own dictionary. (作代词)每一个学生都有自己的字典。,each是代词,意

6、为“每个”,强调个体。each也可作形容词,作定语修饰名词。every也有“每一,每个”之意,但every只可作形容词,强调全体或全部。,4. The picture always reminds me of that holiday. 这张照片总是使我想起那个假期。The toy car reminds me of my happy childhood.这辆玩具车使我想起了我幸福的童年。Miss Lemon remind her boss of two appointments.莱蒙小姐提醒她的老板有两个约会。,remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,5. We had a go

7、od discussion about how to stay healthy. 我们认真讨论了如何保持健康。I hope the weather will stay fine.我希望天气能持续晴朗。They understand better than anyone how to stay healthy.他们比任何人都懂得如何保持健康。,stay healthy “保持健康”,stay作系动词,表示“保持,持续”,后跟形容词,与keep同义。,形容词性物主代词的基本用法: 形容词性物主代词一般位于名词前,用作定语,限定该名词的意义。 My name is John Green. 我叫约翰格

8、林。 Excuse me, is this your car? 对不起,这是您的车吗? His parents are in England. 他的父母在英国。 They wash their faces every day. 他们每天都洗脸。,名词性物主代词的基本用法: 名词性物主代词在句中独立使用,即不后接名词,其句法作用相当于一个名词。 Ours is a great country. 我们的国家是一个伟大的国家。(用作主语,一般用于正式文体) I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours? 我忘了带词典,我可以用一下你的吗?(用作

9、动词的宾语),He wasnt in my room. He might be in his. 他(刚才)不在我的房间。他可能在自己的房间。(用作介词的宾语)Whose book is this? Its hers. 这是谁的书?是她的。(用作表语),Look and say,We always have a _ in English class.,discussion,Post-reading,I_beatherinthat match.,finally,Doing exercises regularly can help us _ _.,stay healthy,My mom _ me t

10、o get out of bed every morning.,reminds,Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,discussion surprised finally mine,Your schoolbag is new, but _is old.2. All of the students are interested in the _. They are talking to each other.3. Tom got up late this morning. He had breakfast quickly and hurr

11、ied to school. _ he got to school on time.4. Everyone was _ when Jim worked out the difficult maths problem.,mine,discussion,3,Finally,surprised,Time for reflection,at hometalk to sb. about sth.remind sb. of sth.stay healthy,在家,在国内和某人谈论某事提醒某人某事保持健康吧,Practice,Practice,. 从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。,final,

12、I, discuss, surprise, time,1. I have been to Shanghai three _.2. They felt very _ when they heard of the news.3. Can I use your comb? _is broken.4. The boys family was too poor. _, he had to leave school.5. Ms. Liu encouraged us to join in the _ yesterday.,times,surprised,Mine,Finally,discussion,. 用

13、括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. I _(read) this book. Its boring. I dont want to read it again.2. Last winter, my mother _(buy) a pair of gloves for me.3. Mr. Zhang is too busy. He_ (not finish) this report yet.4. Our English teacher made us _(introduce) ourselves in English.5. I am happy _(help) if you need me.,h

14、ave read,bought,hasnt finished,introduce,to help,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 比尔不擅长交新朋友。Bill isnt good at_ _ _.2. 这首歌总让我想起那个故事。The song always_ _ _ that story.3. 下个月我将要去北京旅游。I am going to _ _ _ _ Beijing next month.4. 我的头发都竖起来了,你能帮我梳梳头吗?My hair stands up. Can you help me_ _ _?5. 丽莎正在跟凯特谈论她们的假期计划。Lisa is_

15、_Kate_ their holiday plan.,making new friends,reminds me of,take a trip to,comb my hair,talking to,about,. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. I want to know how I can deal with it. (改为同义句) I want to know how_ _ _it.2. I have written down something important.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ written down _ important?3. I came to Beijing

16、 five days ago. (改为同义句) I _ _ in Beijing for five days.,to deal with,Have you,anything,have been,4. report, you, do, your, bring (连词成句) _?5. presented, favourite, Bill, subject, his (连词成句) _.,Do you bring your report,Bill presented his favourite subject,Preview the words and expressions in Lesson 13 Write a short passage about your favourite subject according to the following questions. 1) What is it? 2) Why do you like it? 3) What do you do in the class?,Homework,Homework,


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