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1、,Module 1,WY 五年级上册,Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?,最新外研版五年级英语上册Module 1-Module 5 教学课件全套,1.Listen and chant.,met/met/v.(meet 的过去式)遇见,碰上,知识点 1,He met his friends in the park.他在公园里遇到了他的朋友们。,let(vt.)让,例句:,形近词:,字母 e 在单词中发/e/,类似发音的单词有next,fell。,发音:,拓展,动词过去式的变化规则:(1)一般直接在词尾加 ed。例如:playplayed,cookcooked

2、(2)以不发音的字母 e结尾的动词在词尾直接加 d。例如:livelived,ikeliked(3)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,应先双写该辅音字母,再加 ed。例如:stopstopped,dropdropped(4)“以辅音字母+y”结尾的词,先变 y 为 i,再加ed。例如:carrycarried,studystudied,动词过去式“一改、二多、三少、四刚刚好”。一改,以“y”结尾,把“y”“去掉改为“I”再加“ed”,如:study studied;二多,重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母再加“ed”“,如:stop stopped;三少,以不发音字母“e”结尾的动词,可直接加上“

3、d”,如:live lived;四刚刚好,就是直接加上“ed”,如:work worked。,魔法记忆:,拓展,(5)不规则动词的过去式。例如:arewere,havehad,2.Listen,read and act out.,Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.Amy:Hello,John.How are you?John:Im fine,thank you.Youre back from China!Amy:Yes,were home.John:Did you come back yesterday?Amy:No,we came back las

4、t Sunday.This is our Chinese friend Lingling.John:Hello,Lingling.Lingling:Hi,John.Do you live in London too?John:Yes,I live near Amy and Sam.Lingling:Amy,look at those ice creams!Lets buy some.,2.Listen,read and act out.,John:This is your ice cream,Lingling.Lingling:Thank you!Sam:Were going home now

5、,John.Come with us.Amy:Theres our bus!Finish your ice cream,Lingling.Lingling:Wait for me!John:Hurry up,Lingling.Run!Lingling:Oh no!I dropped my ice cream!John:Oh no!My new shoes!,be back from.从返回,知识点 2,这里 be 动词不仅随人称代词的变化而变化,还要随句子的时态进行相应的变化(如一般过去时用was 或 were),from 后跟的是表示地方或国家的词。,用法:,例句:,You re back

6、from China!你们从中国回来了!,典例,She back from Beijing yesterday.A.isB.wasC.areD.were,B,We came back last week.我们是上周回来的。,辨析:,例句:,be back强调结果come back 强调动作,Did you come back yesterday?你们是昨天回来的吗?,知识点 3,一般过去时的一般疑问句的基本结构为“Did+主语+动词原形+其他?”,用来提问过去发生的动作。在一般过去时的一般疑问句中,句首用助动词 Did,后面用动词原形。其回答形式:肯定为“Yes,主语+did.”;否定为“No

7、,主语+didnt.”。,易错点提示,在含有实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句中,前面有助动词 did,后面必须用动词原形,千万不能用动词过去式。例句:Did you go to school yesterday?昨天你去学校了吗?,.We came back last Sunday.我们是上周日回来的。,知识点 4,例句:,last Sunday 上周日,I went there last Sunday.我上周日去了那里。,拓展,由last和时间名词构成的短语有:last year去年,last month 上个月,last week 上周,lastSunday/Monday上星期天/星期一,

8、易错点提示,句中有由“last+时间名词”构成的时间状语时,句子要用一般过去时。,典例,We football last Sunday.A.playedB.playC.plays,A,句式用法:一般过去时态的肯定句,此句是典型的一般过去时态的肯定句,基本结构是“主语+动词过去式+其他”,其否定句式是“主语+didnt+动词原形+其他”,表示在过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用,常见的过去时间状语有:yesterday/lastSunday/lastnight/lastyear/lastweek等。,Do you live in London too?你也住在伦敦吗

9、?,知识点 5,此句是由 do 引导的一般现在时的含有实义动词的一般疑问句,其句型结构是“Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他?”表示对事情、状态、特征、喜好等的提问,其肯定回答为“Yes,主语+do/does.”“否定回答为“No,主语+dont/doesnt.”。,易错点提示,当用 does 提问时,后面的动词要用动词原形,不能用动词的第三人称单数形式。,典例,Tom does homework every day.(改为一般疑问句)_,Does Tom do homework every day?,those/z/pron.&adj.那些,知识点 6,例句:,Look at those

10、people.看看那些人。,that 那个,对应词记忆法:,把意义相对应的单词归纳在一起记忆单词的方法就是对应词记忆法。如:those(那些)these(这些),those 的单数形式:,us/s/pron.(宾格)我们,知识点 7,例句:,Come with us.跟我们一起走吧。,all of us 我们全部,减法记忆法:,就是一个单词是在另一个单词的基础上减去一部分字母组成的。利用减法记忆法能让同学们更好、更快地记住单词,熟练掌握单词的音、义、形。如:bus(公共汽车)-b=us(我们),短语:,us(宾格)we(主格),词形变化:,finish/fn/v.吃完,喝完,用尽,知识点 8,

11、例句:,Finish your ice cream,Lingling.玲玲,吃完你的冰激凌。,finish(完成),其他意义:,过去式 finished现在分词 finishing,词形变化:,词语辨析:,易错点提示,for后面直接跟宾语,构成wait for sb./sth.等待某人/某物。若接人称代词时需用宾格。,wait for 等待,知识点 9,例句:,He is waiting for you outside the house.他正在房屋外面等你。,字母组合ai在单词中发/e/,类似发音的单词还有rain。,wait/wet/v.等待,等候,发音:,过去式 waited,现在分词

12、waiting,词形变化:,hurry up 快点,知识点 10,Hurry up!Were late!快点!我们迟到了!hurry是“匆忙”的意思,与up连用,主要用于催促别人“快点”。也可以用“Please hurry.”。,拓展,短语:in a hurry 迅速,赶快,例句:,用法:,dropped/drpt/v.(drop 的过去式)(无意中)使掉落,知识点 11,I dropped my ice cream.我的冰激凌掉了。,拓展,drop 是末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,其过去式要双写最后一个辅音字母 p 再加-ed,即 dropped,类似变化的词还有 stop stopp

13、ed。,例句:,3.Listen and say.,John:Did you come back yesterday?Amy:No,we came back last Sunday.,Lingling:Oh no!I dropped my ice cream!,最佳导游三人一组表演对话,在全班展开比赛,看哪一组表演得最好!,4.Practise.,小小调查员六人一组,首先准备好表示日常活动的图片,小组成员轮流调查其他成员昨天的日常活动,并记录下来。在规定的时间内,看谁调查的人最多!,一、单项选择。1.He his teacher last week.A.visits B.visited C.v

14、isiting2.How you,Bill?A.is B.are C.am3.Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?_A.Yes,she did.B.No,she did.C.Yes,I did.,B,B,A,4.Do you _?Yes,I do.A.play the piano B.played the pianoC.plays the piano,B,点拨:,在含有实义动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句中,前面有助动词Do,后面必须用动词原形。,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.We(come)back last month.2.Lets(take)some

15、 photos.3.Let(we)go to the zoo.4.He(stop)smoking a long time ago.,came,take,us,点拨:,此句的句式为“Lets动词原形其他”,意思为“让我们吧。”是一种提建议的方式。,点拨:,Let 后面用人称代词宾格。,stopped,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:met,those,us,finish 重点短语:be back from,waiting for,hurry up重点句式:Did you come back yesterday?,Thank you!,Mo

16、dule 1,WY 五年级上册,Unit 1Did you come back yesterday?,一、火眼金睛。找出不同类的一项。【分类记忆法】()1.A.met B.waitC.Dropped()2.A.whose B.thoseC.These,A,B,点拨:,A、C两项是过去式,B项是动词原形。,点拨:,those和these都是指示代词,whose是特 殊疑问词,故选A。,()3.A.my B.your C.us()4.A.here B.at C.there()5.A.finish B.ground C.come,B,C,B,点拨:,my和your是形容词性物主代词,us是人称代词的

17、宾格形式。,点拨:,A、C两项是动词,B项是名词。,二、单项选择。()1.We _ back last SeB.cameC.Coming()2.Does she _ in Beijing?A.liveB.livesC.lived,A,B,点拨:,句子中的时间是上周日,动词通常用 过去式,come的过去式came,故选B。,()3.Im back _ school.A.ofB.onC.from()4.This is our _ friend,Lingling.A.ChinaB.ChineseC.London,B,C,()5.Please wait _ me.A.toB.for C.at()6.I

18、 went to the supermarket _ bus.A.onB.byC.in,B,B,点拨:,wait for为固定用法。,()7.We _ noodles yesterday.A.have B.hasC.had()8.Come with _.A.us B.weC.our,A,C,三、核心素养练判断下列图片与句子内容是否相符,相符画,不相符画。,1.,2.,Theres our bus,Hello,John.How are you?Im fine.Thank you.,3.,4.,Finish your ice cream,Lingling.,Hurry up!Run!,I drop

19、ped my apples.,5.,四、给下面句子选择合适的应答语。()1.Hurry up,Amy!()2.Do you want to come with us?()3.Did Lingling come back?()4.Did you have noodles?()5.This is your ice cream.,C,Thank you.No,I had rice.Wait for me!Yes,I do.No,she didnt.,D,E,B,A,五、根据图片及首字母提示填空,完成句子。We have to f our homework first(首先).My mother w

20、for me outside(在的外面)the school yesterday.,1.,2.,inish,aited,3.These books are Damings,and t books are Sams.4.Yesterday I m my old friend in the street.5.I like eating i.,3.,4.,hose,et,5.,ce,creams,六、核心素养练请读一读,根据上下文内容选择合适的选项补全对话。Lucy:Hello,Lily.How are you?Lily:Im fine.1._Lucy:Yes,Im home.Lily:2._Luc

21、y:No,I came back last Sunday.,Did you come back yesterday?Did you have fun in Beijing?Yes,I like it very much.I want to visit Beijing next year.You are back from Beijing!,E,A,Lily:3._Lucy:Yes.I had fun in Beijing.Lily:Do you like Beijing?Lucy:4._ Lily:Great!5._,B,C,D,Did you come back yesterday?Did

22、you have fun in Beijing?Yes,I like it very much.I want to visit Beijing next year.You are back from Beijing!,七、根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Yesterday was Sunday.My mother and I went to the park.In the park,we met my mothers friend,Li Hui.We said hello to her.She talked to my mother for a short time.She liked me

23、 very much.Then we walked in the park.We saw many people and many flowers.We took lots of photos.We were very happy.Then we went home by bus.,()1.Today is Saturday.()2.Yesterday my mother and I went to the supermarket.()3.In the park,there were many people.()4.We took many photos.()5.We went home on

24、 foot.,F,F,T,T,F,Thank you!,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 1,WY 五年级上册,Unit 2 We bought ice creams.,Do you like ice creams?,1.Look,listen and say.,send you an email 给你发电子邮件,知识点 1,Did

25、he send you an email?他给你发电子邮件了吗?,例句:,send/send/v.发送,寄,例句:,Lets send an email to Dad.咱们给爸爸发一封电子邮件吧。,字母e 在单词中发/e/,类似发音的单词还有leg,desk,well 等。,发音:,加法记忆法:,s+end(结局)=send(发送)加法记忆法就是一个单词在另一个单词的基础上加上一部分字母组成的。利用加法记忆法能让同学们更好、更快地记住单词,熟练掌握单词的音、义、形。,过去式sent,现在分词 sending,词形变化:,send.to.发送到,短语:,联想记忆法:,一些不规则动词的过去式,是把

26、动词末尾的“d”改成“t”。如:spend spent,build built,email/imel/n.电子邮件,例句:,I can write an email now.现在我会写电子邮件了。,字母e 在单词中发/i/,类似发音的单词还有he,me。,发音:,复数emails,词形变化:,易错点提示,表示“一封电子邮件”时,用“an email”,不用“a email”,类似的用法有:an apple 一个苹果,an orange 一个橘子。,2.Listen and read.,Dear Daming,Yesterday I went to the park with Sam andAm

27、y.We met John in the park.Hes Sam and Amys friend.We bought ice creams.Then we went home by bus.I ran to the bus 18.And I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes!I was very sorry.Love 19,Lingling,ran to the bus 跑向公共汽车,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,We ran to the bus.我们跑向公共汽车。,用法:,“动词(或动词过去式)+to+名词”表示一种动作,如walk to sch

28、ool 步行去学校。,例句:,ran/rn/v.(run 的过去式)跑,典例,I to school yesterday.A.run B.ran C.runs,B,I ran to the bus.我向公共汽车跑去。,例句:,字母a 在单词中发/。,发音:,love/lv/n.爱你的,知识点 3,字母o 在单词中发/。,发音:,形近词:,live(v.)居住,词语辨析:,3.Now answer the questions,Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?_Did she meet John?_Did they buy ice creams?_Did

29、 they go home by bike?_Did Lingling walk to the bus?_Did Lingling drop her ice cream?_,Yes,she did.,Didnt.They went home by bus.,Yes,she did.,Yes,they did.,No,she didnt.She ran to the bus.,Yes,she did.,寻读法,知识点 4,这是一种根据题目从阅读材料中迅速查出所需信息的阅读方法,带有明确的目的性。例如,第1 小题问的是玲玲昨天去公园了吗,那我们就需要去原文中查找:玲玲昨天去了哪里?是不是公园?带着

30、疑问去材料中寻找答案。这样目的性就很强,事半功倍了。,4.Listen and repeat.,字母(组合)e,ea,I,a 在单词中的发音规则,知识点 5,5.Listen and say.Then sing.,6.Follow and say.,7.Look and say.,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Here are two(email)from Amy.2.Did she(send)you an email?,emails,send,点拨:,Did后的动词要用原形。,二、选出下列每组中画线部分发音不同的一项。()1.A.metB.tellC.live D.well()2.A.e

31、mailB.weC.send D.Chinese()3.A.finishB.iceC.ship D.big()4.A.backB.ratC.came D.apple()5.A.loveB.thoseC.old D.home,C,C,B,C,A,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:email,love 重点短语:send you an email,ran to the bus重点句式:Did she send you an email?I ran to the bus.,Thank you!,Module 1,WY 五年级上册,Unit 2W

32、e bought ice creams.,一、读读下面的单词,选出画线部分发音与众不同 的一项吧!()1.A.headB.meatC.ice cream()2.A.giveB.iceC.finish()3.A.cameB.appleC.cat()4.A.metB.tellC.we()5.A.parkB.postcardC.warm,A,B,A,C,C,二、花落谁家。1.I went to the park _ my mum.2.Heres a letter _ Lingling.3.I ran _ my school.4.We went home _ bike.5.I dropped my i

33、ce cream _ the ground,with,from,to,by,on,三、认真想一想,用所给单词的正确形式填空。【找关键信息法】,方法点拨:,此类题目为动词时态的考查,适用于找关键信息法,此类题目中多有提示句子时态的关键词,如第一小题中的Did,它出现后,提示此句为一般过去时,且其后面出现的动词使用原形。第二小题中的Last Sunday,第三小题中的yesterday等都是提示时间的关键词,可以让我们快速判断出句中动词的形式。,1.Did you _(phone)Amy?2.Last Sunday I _(go)to the farm.3.We _(buy)ice creams

34、yesterday.4.I _(meet)Tom last night.5.Amy _(drop)her pen.,点拨:,由时间状语Last Sunday可知,动词用过去式。,dropped,met,bought,went,phone,四、根据图片补全句子。1.2.1.I want to _ _ _ to Daming.2.We met our teacher _ _ _.,send an email,near the,park,3.We _ _ the bus yesterday.4.The postcard says,“I _ you,Mum”.5.Yesterday I bought

35、_ _ _.,1.2.3.,ran to,love,an ice cream,五、情景交际。()1.你想知道John是不是住在伦敦,你可以说:A.Do you like London?B.Do you live in London?C.Do you come from London?,B,()2.当你想告诉朋友你们要坐的公交车来了 时,可以说:A.his is the bus.B.Theres our bus.C.Here is their bus.,B,()3.你想告诉朋友你上周五去了上海,可以说:A.I went to Shanghai last Friday.B.I went to Sh

36、anghai last Sunday.C.I go to Shanghai on Friday.,A,()4.当你想知道对方昨天去了什么地方时,可以问:A.When did you go there?B.Where did you go yesterday?C.How did you go there yesterday?,B,()5.你想知道亮亮昨天是不是步行去学校的,可以问:A.Did Liangliang walk to school yesterday?B.Where does Liangliang go?C.What does Liangliang do?,A,六、Mary正在和朋友

37、谈论昨天做的事情。选择合适 的选项补全对话。Mary:1._ John:No,I didnt.I went to the park.Mary:2._,B,A,A.Did you send an email to your friend?B.Did you go to the zoo yesterday?C.No,I didnt.I went home on foot.D.Yes,I did.,John:Yes,I sent an email to Mike yesterday.Mary:Did you go home by bike?John:3._ Did you buy an ice cr

38、eam yesterday?Mary:4._,D,C,A.Did you send an email to your friend?B.Did you go to the zoo yesterday?C.No,I didnt.I went home on foot.D.Yes,I did.,七、按要求改写句子。1.Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?(作否定回答)_ 2.Did they go home by bike yesterday?(作肯定回答)_,No,she didnt.,Yes,they did.,3.We met John in the

39、park.(改为否定句)_ 4.We went home by bus.(对画线部分提问)_ 5.They came back last Sunday.(对画线部分提问)_,When did they come back?,How did you go home?,We didnt meet John in the park.,八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Last Sunday,I went to the West Lake with my parents.We went there by train.It is very beautiful.We saw many people there

40、.hey walked around the lake.We also saw many boats on the lake.I bought a nice kite near the lake.We ate good food and took many pictures there.We had a good time.,()1._,I went to the West Lake with my parents.A.Last Saturday B.Last SundayC.Last Monday()2.We went there _.A.by bus B.by plane C.by tra

41、in,B,C,()3.Many people walked around _.A.the parkB.the lakeC.the zoo()4.We also saw many _ on the lake.A.peopleB.ducksC.boats()5.I bought a nice _ near the lake.A.kiteB.pictureC.postcard,B,C,A,Thank you!,Module 1,WY 五年级上册,四步法描述假期活动,题目:暑假你去哪儿了?玩得高兴吗?向同学们说一说。要求50 词左右。,四步法描述假期活动,第一步,确定时态。本文描述暑假游玩的事情,时态

42、以一般过去时为主。第二步,整理思路。时间、地点、人物和游玩路线,描述了先去了哪里,看到了什么,然后又 做了什么,最后感觉如何。,第三步,知识储备。必备词汇:parents(父母亲)visit(参观,拜访)lovely(令人愉快的)必备句型:“人go to地方某时”(某人在某时去了某个地方)第四步,连词成句,连句成篇。,Last summer holiday,I went to Qingdao with my parents.We went there by bus.We saw the sea.The sea was blue and beautiful.We swam in the sea.

43、Then we visited Zhongshan Park.At last,I visited my friend,Zhang Peng.I played football with him.I had a lovely time there!,范文:,去年暑假,我和我的父母一起去了青岛。我们乘公共汽车去的那里。我们看见了大海。大海又蓝又美丽,我们在大海里游泳。然后我们参观了中山公园。最后,我拜访了我的朋友,张鹏。我和他一起踢足球。我在那里过得很愉快!,译文:,小练笔:,上个周末,你去哪里玩了?玩得高兴吗?快给大家说一说吧。词数50左右。,Last weekend,I went to the

44、 zoo with my mother.We went there by bus.I saw a little monkey.It was very cute.Then I saw a panda.It was very big.I took photos of the monkey and the panda.My mother took a photo of me.,参考例文:,Thank you!,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

45、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 2,WY 五年级上册,Unit 1 What did you buy?,1.Look,Listen and say.,Mr Smart:Sam,go and buy some fruit,please.Heres the list.Sam:OK.Mr Smart:What did you buy?Where is the fruit?Sam:Er.Here!I ate it all.,Heres the list.这是清单。,知识点 1,讲解来自点拨,Here s.=Here is.,当句

46、子中的名词为单数时,be动词用is,当句子中的名词为复数时,be 动词用are。,Heres a postcard for you.这儿有一张给你的明信片。,例句:,Heres 的用法,讲解来自点拨,Lets make a list!让我们列个清单吧!,例句:,list/lst/n.清单,字母i在单词中发/,类似发音的单词还有:big,finish,bit。,发音:,shopping list 购物单,短语:,lost v(lose 的过去式)丢失,形近词:,减法记忆法:,listen(听)-en list(清单),What did you buy?你买什么了?,知识点 2,讲解来自点拨,Wh

47、at did+某人+buy?用来询问某人买了什么。,句型结构:,回答:,某人+动词(短语)的过去式+其他.,讲解来自点拨,What did your mother buy for you?你妈妈为你买了什么?She bought a book for me.她给我买了一本书。,例句:,2.Listen,read and act out.,At HomeMs Smart:We need food for our picnic.Mr Smart:Ill make a shopping list.Ms Smart:First,we need six bananas.Amy:Lingling like

48、s apples.Ms Smart:OK,we can buy four apples.At the SupermarketMr Smart:Oh no!I lost 6 the list.How many apples did your mum say?Amy:Four apples.Mr Smart:How much cheese did she say?Amy:I dont know.,2.Listen,read and act out.,At HomeMs Smart:What did you buy?Mr Smart:We bought some apples.Amy:We also

49、 bought four pears.Ms Smart:How many bananas did you buy?Mr Smart and Amy:We didnt buy any bananas.We bought twelve eggs.Ms Smart:Twelve eggs?Oh no!,need/nid/v.需要四会,知识点 3,讲解来自点拨,(1)need sth.需要某物例句:We need some books.我们需要一些书。,need 的用法:,形近词记忆法:,归纳词形相近的单词,把它们放在一起记忆的方法就是形近词记忆法。如,need 需要feed 喂养,讲解来自点拨,(2

50、)need to do sth.需要做某事例句:He didnt need to come last night.昨天晚上他不需要来。,need 的用法:,need(n.)需要,必要,词性变化:,first/fst/adv.&num.首先,第一四会,知识点 4,讲解来自点拨,He was the first man to come.他是第一个来的人。,例句:,字母组合ir 在单词中发/。,发音:,last(adv.)最后,反义词:,at first 首先,短语:,can/kn/aux.可以四会,知识点 5,讲解来自点拨,We can play football in the park.我们可以


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