1、Intercultural Communication,Cultures in Contrast: Case Studies,Intercultural Communication,Cultures in Contrast: Case Studies,Lecture One Communication across CulturesLecture Two Intercultural PerceptionLecture Three Intercultural Understanding Lecture Four Intercultural Adaptation,Lecture Four Inte
2、rcultural Adaptation,Lead-in,How do you usually feel when you begin to live in a new place?Do you like moving from place to place or staying in a place for long? Why?What are the biggest challenges do you think people usually encounter when they are in a new environment?,CULTURE SHOCK is a common ex
3、perience of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. It refers to phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and crisis. It is associated with feelings in the person of estrangement, anger, hostility, indecision, frustration, unhappiness, sadness, loneliness, home
4、sickness, and even physical illness. The person undergoing culture shock views his new world out of resentment, and alternates between being angry at others for not understanding him and being filled with self-pity.,I Warming-up Activities,An American woman was staying overnight for the first time w
5、ith a Japanese family. After dinner, she and her hosts sat in the living room and discussed a variety of things: the familys trips abroad, things the guest should be sure to see while in Japan, etc. As the night wore on, the hosts politely and repeatedly asked if she wanted to take ker bath. The gue
6、st replied that she was in no hurry and could wait until later. As a result, across-cultural misunderstanding arose.,Read the following and answer the questions below.,Questions,Why did the Japanese hosts repeatedly ask the American woman to take her bath?The Japanese didnt like to have someone stay
7、 overnight at their home without thoroughly cleaning him- or herself.Taking bath is usually one of the important ways the Japanese entertain their guests.The guest should take her bath first so that the family members could take theirs and then retire.The Japanese thought that the American woman was
8、 just being polite when she replied that she could wait until later.What did the American woman fail to realize?,II Case Study,Case 1: The danger in good deeds,Ping Huang was meeting Ming Zhou, an old university friend from China in the street of New York City. When she was about to cross the street
9、 to get to the place where they had agreed to meet, an elderly American woman asked her whether she would hold her arm and help her cross the road. Ping Huang could tell that the old woman was very frail and could not say “No” to her. As they walked slowly to the other side of the road, Ping Huang c
10、ould see that Ming Zhou was waiting there with a very worried look. After Ping Huang helped the elderly woman to the sidewalk and said good-bye to her, Ming Zhou angrily asked, “What made you want to help that old woman?” “Dont you see she needed help?” Ping Huang was surprised that Ming Zhou asked
11、such an unkind question. Thank God nothing happened to her. You know what? If she fell while you were holding her, you could get into real trouble. Youre not here long enough to know this is not China.” “What do you mean? People dont get punished for helping others!” Ping Huang was getting very upse
12、t. She hadnt seen Ming Zhou for a long time, and never expected their greeting would turn out to be an argument. “OK, OK, lets not argue. But take my advice. Dont ever try to help the weak or the handicapped here, if you dont know them. Sometimes, kindness can get you into real trouble instead.”,II
13、Case Study,Case 1: The danger in good deeds,- Chinese perspective,Helping the old, the physically weak, or disabled people has always been nice Chinese tradition. It is not uncommon for young and healthy people to give their seats to elderly people, to pregnant woman, to women with babies, to handic
14、apped people on a crowded bus. If the former do not do so while the latter are around, other people may make very unfavorable comments or even make them do so. Refusing to help someone who needs assistance, turning a blind eye to someone less fortunate is considered to be unkind or rude. The people
15、being helped would most likely accept the offer gratefully. As a result, the overwhelming majority of Chinese would do what Ping Huang did, and Ming Zhous comment seemed cruel and uncaring.,II Case Study,- Westerners perspective,Case 1: The danger in good deeds,Sadly, Ming Zhous advice is based on r
16、eal experience in many large North American cities. In the US, especially, people are very quick to sue someone else if anything goes wrong. If the elderly woman fell, she, or a member of her family, might indeed have sued Ping Huang. There are incidents in the US where physicians who stopped to tre
17、at a person involved in an accident but, because of the emergency situation, they could not do as much as if they were in a hospital or clinic. Sometimes, as a result, there may be complications in the healing process and the injured person would sue the physician. The fact that the injured person w
18、ould have been much worse off or maybe even died had no bearing on the decision to sue.,II Case Study,- Westerners perspective,Case 1: The danger in good deeds,Not every North American, of course, would fail to help someone clearly in distress or difficulty. Many people still give seats on buses or
19、in waiting rooms to pregnant woman or elderly persons. They hold doors for people in wheelchairs or whose arms are too full to open the door themselves. But, nonetheless, they also have heard stories where people like themselves have attempted to help strangers only to be attacked, robbed, or sued.
20、It is good to help those less fortunate, but one has to be sure not to put oneself in personal danger needlessly.,II Case Study,Case 2: Unacceptable Curiosity,Mr. and Mrs. Peterson came to China with a tour group. One evening, they decided to take a walk outside their hotel. They soon noticed that q
21、uite a few people stared at them. One man even quickly walked past them and then turned back to look at them several times. Both Mr. and Mrs. Peterson felt uncomfortable about the staring and went back to the hotel sooner than they had planned.,II Case Study,Case 2: Unacceptable Curiosity,- Chinese
22、perspective,China has been a one-nation country in the sense that its 55 minorities live primarily in remote areas and make-up only about 5 percent of the population. In addition, the majority of the minority groups look exactly like the Han Nationality, which is the largest group of Chinese. Since
23、foreign visitors came to China after the opening of the country in the early 1980s, they had been attracting a lot of attention from the average Chinese. Some people never seem to get over their curiosity. The fact that they cannot communicate with foreigners make them even more curious. And their c
24、uriosity shows in the way they stare at foreigners. Staring is undesirable in China. However, the odd sight created by a foreigner offers just too great a temptation. To a degree, staring may be most common among those Chinese who have had little formal education and no opportunity to be exposed to
25、people from other parts of the world.,II Case Study,- Westerners perspective,Case 2: Unacceptable Curiosity,Discovering that you are suddenly not just a minority but even an object of curiosity can be very disturbing for foreigners traveling in China. A stranger staring at you can be signaling hosti
26、le intent. The person might be a mugger, a thug, or a terrorist, interested in your money, in harming you, or both. At least, these are the reactions that occur to an American the first time he/she has the experience of being stared at in a country where he/she stands out as being ethically, linguis
27、tically, and culturally foreign. Such curiosity is not unique to Chinese. Many Westerners have expressed similar sentiments when they first encountered someone of a dramatically different race and culture in Africa. However, as the people become more exposed to different ethnicities and cultures, th
28、ey begin to slowly understand the tremendous diversity and richness that is humanity. Until then, though, each of us is another persons curiosity and photo subject.,III Group Discussion Group Work,With the world becoming smaller, many young people decide to continue their studies abroad. Studying in
29、 a different country is something that sounds very exciting to young people. Many of those who leave their home to go study in another country think that they are going to have a lot of fun. Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings them the opportunity of discovering new things and a feeling
30、of freedom. In spite of these advantages, however, there will also be some problems and difficulties. The following are some potential problems you may encounter when living and studying in a new culture. Please indicate with a tick () how difficult you think it would be for you to deal with each on
31、e of them.,III Group Discussion Test Yourself,Certain skills, attitudes, ways of responding, and styles of behaving are often considered to be helpful in the overseas adjustment process. Now try to rate yourself if the following on a scale of 1 (very low), 2 (low), 3 (medium), 4 (high), and 5 (very
32、high), to see if you are well equipped to adapt to new cultural environments.,Motivation Self-reliance Tolerance for ambiguity Tolerance for differences Non-judgementalness Open-mindedness Sense of humor Perceptiveness Warmth in human relationships Flexibility, adaptability Empathy Communicativeness
33、 Curiosity Ability to fail Low goal / task orientation Strong sense of self (not self-centeredness),Now total your score. If you scored higher than 65 you are probably well equipped to handle the adjustment to living in a different culture. However, if you scored less than 55 youve got some serious
34、work to do before you go abroad for a considerable length of time.,III Group Discussion Categorization and discussion,The person holds a hostile and aggressive attitude toward the host country.The person begins to open the way into the new cultural environment.The person now accepts the customs of t
35、he country as just another way of living.The person is fascinated by the new environment.,The following sentences describe different stages of cultural shock. Put them in chronological order.,B. Now group the signs of culture shock according to the categories given in the following.,Possible signs o
36、f culture shock,IV Performance,Analyze the given situation and perform it by adding a reasonable and acceptable ending.,Telephone Courtesy Mr. Liu is an experienced worker sent to work in an American factory. As he has always done before in China, he works very hard in the United States, too. Althou
37、gh he knows some English, Liu doesnt speak much. He just listens when his boss explains something or when his American fellow workers discuss their work with him. Liu rarely asks questions, and when he is asked a question, he usually answers with as few words as possible or sometimes just keeps sile
38、nt. There was no problem when he behaved like that back in China, where he was regarded by many as a model worker. But in the United States, things seem to be different. His boss and his American fellow workers feel very unhappy about it.,V Exercises 练习,Answer the following questions: Have you ever
39、experienced something like culture shock when you come to stay in a new place?How does culture shock affect people who are exposed to a new cultural environment?Why do individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them?,V Exercises 练习,2. Read the following carefully and tra
40、nslate it into Chinese.,Culture hides much more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants. Years of study have convinced me that the real job is not to understand foreign culture but to understand our own. I am also convinced that all th
41、at one ever gets from studying foreign culture is a token understanding. The ultimate reason for such study is to learn more about how ones own system works. The best reason for exposing oneself to foreign ways is generate a sense of vitality and awareness an interest in life which can come only whe
42、n one lives through the shock of contrast and difference.,V Exercises 练习 3. Writing,Foreigners who go to live in a new country should give up their own habits and adapt to the new country as soon as possible.English should be accepted as the universal language of the world.Minority members of any population should conform to the customs and values of the majority.,Read the following statements. What do you think of them? Now write a short essay in about 200 words on one of them.,