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1、1,北京经济技术开发区,2,. BDA Overview概况,3,Basic information 基本信息,Established in Apr.1992, the only State-level Economic and Technological Development Area in Beijing. 1992年4月开始建设, 北京市唯一国家级经济技术开发区2019 approved as a State-level High-tech Industrial Park 2019年被国家批准为中关村科技园区亦庄科技园Total area: 46.8 km 总面积46.8平方公里Jan

2、.2019 Beijing Master Plan: BDA is the core area of e-Town new city with a total area of 105 km. 2019年1月北京城市总体规划将开发区规划为北京重点发展的新城之一,面积约105平方公里Development goal: Top-ranked Industrial New City发展目标:国际高端产业新城,4,Till Mar. 2019, 2611 companies have invested in BDA with a total investment of over US$ 20 billi

3、on 截止到2008年3月底, 全区累计入区企业2611家,投资总额超过200亿美元 FIE: 568 companies with a total investment of US$ 14.354 billion 其中:三资企业568家,投资额143.54亿美元 Hi-tech enterprises: 597 高新技术企业597家 F500: 66 companies, 84 projects; Multinationals: over 100 66家世界500强企业投资了84个项目;国际跨国公司100多家,Basic information 基本信息,5,E-town new city

4、planning 亦庄新城规划,By 2020, 到2020年Planned area 规划面积 212.7 k ;Area for construction建设面积:100 k ;Population人口:70万 700,000.,6,Pillar Industries 主导产业,Information Communication Technology 电子信息 Bio-tech and Pharmaceuticals 生物医药Automobile 汽车制造Equipment Manufacturing 装备制造,7,ICT Industry 电子信息产业,NOKIA and “Xingwa

5、ng Industrial Park” 诺基亚与星网工业园 SANYO, FOXCONN,RFMD, IBIDEN, AMC, PERLOS, ELCOTEQ, BGKI,Flextronics 三洋,富士康,威讯联合半导体 ,揖斐电电子,阿莫斯电信,贝尔罗斯电信,艾科泰电子,金长科电子, 伟创力Xingwang Pattern (StarNet Pattern) has realized the goal of shortening process, zero inventory, optimizing resources and lower cost.星网模式实现了缩短流程,零库存,优化资

6、源, 降低成本的目标。,8,9,ICT Industry 电子信息产业,SMIC: The first 12 inches wafer maker in China中芯国际:全球第四大芯片制造商,中国第一座“12英寸晶圆制造厂” BOE (Beijing Oriental Enterprise): 17 inch Liquid Crystal Display京东方广电科技是位于全球领先地位的TFT-LCD制造商(17寸液晶) Corning: the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics. 康宁:特殊玻璃和陶瓷材料的全球领导厂商,10,Bio

7、-tech & Pharmaceuticals Industry生物医药产业,BDA is home to over 100 enterprises of this industry and has formed complete industry chain covering from drug discovery, R&D, Production, and validation. 开发区聚集了100多家生物医药类企业,已经形成完整产业链,内容涵盖新药开发,研发,生产及应用。,11,Auto Industry 汽车产业,Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler Automot

8、ive Co. Ltd. (BBDC)北京奔驰-戴克汽车有限公司,Produce Mercedes-Benz E and C Class主要生产梅赛德斯-奔驰E级和C级两个系列,12,Equipment Manufacturing 装备制造业,ABB ABB高中压 Panasonic 松下电工CORNING 康宁光缆 BOSCH 博世SCHNEIDER 施耐德SMC 日本SMC,13,Future Industry Plans 未来新产业规划,数字电视产业 Digital TV Industry绿色能源产业 Green Energy Industry文化创意产业 Cultural Creati

9、vity Industry航空产业 Aviation Industry,14,II. BDA Advantages我们的优势,15,BDA Advantages 我们的优势,1. Convenient Transportation 交通便捷2. Completed Infrastructure Facilities 基础设施完善3. Top Talents Concentrated 高端人才聚集4. Perfect Environment for Businesses and Living 环境宜业宜居5. Complete Matching Facilities 完善的配套设施,16,Con

10、venient Transportation 交通便捷,South-east of Beijing 位于北京东南部Between the 5th and 6th Ring Road 城市5环路6环路之间16.5 km to Tian-An-Men Square 距天安门广场16.5公里 500m to the Entrance/Exit of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway 京津塘高速公路北京端出入口 500米,17,Air 航空 25km to Capital International Airport (Intl/Dom) 距离首都国际机场25公里 4k

11、m to Nan Yuan Airport (Dom)距离南苑机场4公里,Rail 轨道交通12km to Beijing Railway Station 距北京火车 站12公里7km to Cargo Railway Station 距北京货运站7公里The e-Town elevated Light Rail Line started its construction in 2019 and will be open to traffic in 2019. 亦庄轻轨于2019年开工建设,预计于2019年竣工通车The Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway is

12、 open to traffic in 2019 with a BDA station. 北京至天津的高速城际轨道交通于2019年通车并设有亦庄站。,Convenient Transportation 交通便捷,18,Sea 海运140km to Tianjin seaport, the biggest seaport in Northern China 距中国北方最大的综合性国际贸易港-天津新港140公里Road 公路3 trunk lines to downtown 三条主干道通往中心市区Over 20 bus routines linked with city 20多条巴士路线与城区相连

13、2 km to International Logistics Center 距国际物流中心2公里,Convenient Transportation 交通便捷,19,Completed Infrastructure 基础设施完善,10 Accesses and 1 level 10通1平Road 道路Rain Pipelines 雨水管线Sewage Pipelines 污水管线Tap Water 自来水Natural Gas 天然气Electric Power 电力Telecommunication 电信Heating 热力Cable TV 有线电视Wireless Network 无线上

14、网Level earth surface 土地平整,20,Tap Water: link with city water distribution network with capacity 150,000t/d 自来水:与市政管线相连,日供水量15万吨Electric Power : connection with North China Power Grid; Substation: One 220KV site; Five 110KV sites 电力:与华北电力系统相连, 1座220KV 5座110KV变电站Heating Supply: 4 heating supply plants

15、: 700 t/h 热力供应: 四座集中供热厂,热力蒸汽供应量700吨/小时Natural Gas: 200,000m3/h 天然气供应量20万立方米/小时Sewage treatment, capacity: 120,000t/d 污水处理:日处理污水12万吨,Completed Infrastructure 基础设施完善,21,Top Talents 高端人才聚集,Beijing has unparalleled advantages in human resources and advanced technology with over 200 universities and acad

16、emies. The university graduates in Beijing in 2009 will be over 210,000, 28% of which are postgraduate students. Thus, BDA can provide enterprises with high-qualified academic staff. 北京在人才和科技方面具有独一无二的优势,汇集了200余所高等教育学府与科研院所。2009年北京市大学毕业生大约20万人,28%为研究生。开发区依托首都人才优势,能够保障企业对大量高素质科研人员的需求。 BDA Branch Cente

17、r of Beijing Overseas Scholars Center 北京海外学人中心开发区分中心By the end of 2019, over 140,000 people work in BDA. The labor cost in BDA is lower than that in Shanghai and Guangzhou. 截止到2007年底,已经吸纳超过14万人在园区就业。劳动成本低于上海和广州。,22,Environment 环境优美,Green coverage in BDA exceeding 30% BDA绿化率超过30%,23,Villa Changxin长新花

18、园别墅,Town Jindi金地格林小镇,Xinkang Homestead新康家园,Living 居住条件,24,Complete Facilities 完善的配套设施,BDA has been equipped well with service agencies and various living facilities. 北京经济技术开发区具备完善的配套服务机构和生活配套设施,建有海关,税务,药监局等政府服务机构,还有金融服务,邮局,学校,医院,体育场等生活配套设施。 Customs house Tax bureau Medicine supervision, inspection &

19、 quarantine service agencies Schools Hospitals Sports fields,25,BDA Customs House&Commodity Inspection Bureau开发区海关和商检局,BDA Branch of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce开发区工商分局,Complete Facilities 完善的配套设施,26,Bank of China 中国银行Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行China Construction

20、 Bank中国建设银行Agricultural Bank of China中国农业银行Bank of Communication交通银行Bank of Beijing 北京银行,Bank 银行,27,Health care 医疗条件,Tongren International Hospital同仁国际医院,Community Hospital社区医院,28,Education 教育,BDA Vocational Education Park: 6 Vocational schools with 15,000 students 6所BDA在职教育机构,15000名学员BDA Experiment

21、al School BDA职业技术学校Beijing International Management Institute 北京国际管理专修学院 Primary school 亦庄小学Middle school 亦庄中学Yaw-haw international education park 耀华国际教育园,29,III. Investment Costs and Government Service投资成本和政府服务,30,Making investment and building facilities 投资建厂 Usage term: 50 years, Price: 550 RMB/M

22、2 工业类土地出让年限:50年, 土地价格:550元/平米Renting standard workshop 租用标准厂房 Price: 35-45RMB/M2.month 租金: 35-45元/平米.月 Entering incubators and business buildings, etc. 进驻孵化器或者商务楼宇等 Price: Office Building 66-120RMB/M2.month 租金:商务楼宇66-120元/平米.月,Investment Forms 投资载体,31,Human Resources Cost 人力成本,32,One-stop service: 一

23、站式服务 including project approval, business registration, taxation registration, custom house, inspection and quarantine, foreign exchange agent. 一站式服务:立项、许可、工商、税务、海关、检验检疫、外汇代理等 Entrepreneurs healthcare project, Capital airport VIP channel 企业家健康工程、首都机场空港贵宾通道服务 The project manager from Industry Promoti

24、on Bureau will provide free consulting services through the whole process. 产业促进局指派项目经理对投资项目提供全程跟踪免费咨询服务。,Governmental Service 政府服务,33,Science & Technology Bureau 科技局,Administrative Committee of BDA北京经济技术开发区管委会,Social Security Bureau 人事劳动和社会保障局,Construction Development Bureau建设发展局,Land & Building Bur

25、eau房屋和土地管理局,Social Development Bureau社会发展局,Environment Protection Bureau环境保护局,Finance Bureau 财政局,Industry PromotionBureau产业促进局,Development & ReformBureau发展和改革局,Governmental Agencies 政府机构,Planning Bureau规划局,34,BDA Incentive Policies产业扶持和鼓励政策,The Rules of BDA on Industrial Support and Encouragement (T

26、entative) 北京经济技术开发区产业扶持和鼓励办法(试行)Management Rules on Special Fund for Science and Technology Innovation of BDA (Tentative) 北京经济技术开发区科技创新专项资金管理办法(试行)Provision of BDA on Encouraging Senior Talents to Enter the Area 北京经济技术开发区鼓励高级人才入区的规定,35,BDAThe best destination for your business in China! BDA您投资中国的最佳地点!,36,Thank You!,Website:bda.gov,


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