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1、,Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂,Revision,1.到达 2.许多 3.说明的原因 4.使某人想起某事5.对感到惊奇 6.承认做某事7.在之上 8.一堆 9.受的限制,phrase,words,1.卸货 2.木制的 3.发生 4.非常 5.使惊讶 6.羊毛的 7.商品 8.承认9.发现 10.关在,thirsty adj 贪杯的,喝的be thirty to death 渴得要死bethirstyfor= behungryfor渴望得到(如饥似渴)Iamthirstyforthebook.,New words and expressions,haunt v

2、(鬼)来访,闹鬼haunt visit(不适用于人的拜访,只用于ghost)Theghosthauntedthehouse. 这个房子闹鬼The castle is said to be haunted . 据说那座城堡有幽灵出现。a haunted house 闹鬼的房子,block v 堵The door was blocked by chairs .Thepipewasblocked furniture n 家具(不可数名词)apieceoffurniture一件家具asetoffurniture一套家具whisky n 威士忌酒wine 果酒,如葡萄酒,石榴酒等beer 啤酒brand

3、y 白兰地,suggest vt 建议,提议 suggest + that 从句 I suggest that we meet at the restaurant . suggest + doing sth I suggest meeting at the restaurant . vt 暗示,表明 His silence suggested that he knew something about the man .,1. A public house which was recently bought by Mr. Ian Thompson is up for sale.,ublic ho

4、use 酒馆、酒店,口语中缩略为pubbe up for 有待于, 为了某一目的be up for sale 有待出售,供出售This problem is up for discussion at the next meeting . 这个问题拟在下次会议讨论。,on sale: (廉价)销售,特卖、降价处理The coat is on sale. 这件上衣在降价特卖.for sale:表示一种出售中的状态。Excuse me, are these for sale? 打扰了,这些东西卖吗?,2. He told me that (he could not go to sleep one n

5、ight because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.)他告诉我有天夜里他怎么也睡不着,因为他听到酒吧里传来一阵奇怪的响声。,(1)that引导宾语从句,其中because引导的原因 状语从句说明为什么睡不着的原因。(2)coming为现在分词,它引导的短语修饰noise, 为宾语补足语。,go to sleep= all asleep入睡go to bed去睡觉,在一些表示感觉的动词如see,hear,feel,watch,notice 等之后,往往用宾语+宾语补足语这个结构,其宾语补足语既可以是不定式(通常不加to),也可以是现

6、在分词,两者在意义上区别不大,现在分词表示动作正在发生,不定式则表示动作发生了:I heard someone knocking at the door.我听到有人正敲门。I heard you sing this song yesterday.昨天我听到你唱这支歌。,3. Though Mr. Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.虽然汤普森临睡觉时把灯关了,但早晨灯却都亮着。,on 为形容词,表示“开着的,接通的”, 其反义词为 offturn on tur

7、n off be on be off 1. When he arrived home , he found that all the lights were on/ off. 2.Is the TV on ? I thought I had turned it off.,4. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.他还说他发现了5只空的威士忌酒瓶子,这肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的。,must :表推测。对已发生的事表示推测,因此

8、must后面要用完成时。,the night before 前一天晚上 last night 昨天晚上the week before 前一个星期 ast week 上个星期the day before 前一天 yesterday 昨天the next day 第二天 tomorrow 明天,直接引语变间接引语的时间状语要改变 nowthen, todaythat day tonightthat night two days agotwo days before/ earlier tomorrowthe next/ following day last nightthe night before

9、等。,5. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr. Thompson shook his head.,for :表目的(如:go home for lunch )a free drink 免费饮料shake ones head, 摇头,表示异议nod ones head 点头,apublichouse酒吧upforsale有待出售be haunted 闹鬼go to sleep 入睡the next morning 第二天早上turnoff关闭a free drink 免费的饮料s

10、hakeoneshead摇头evenif即使giveaway捐献,免费的送,本课需要掌握的词组,If you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner.(第40课)非真实对的条件句:if从句过去式,表示一种虚拟语气。主句是过去将来时。真实条件句:if从句一般时,主句将来时。Youll miss the train if you dont hurry.,Must, Have to and Need.(第41课)must表示“必须”做某事。have to是表示“不得不”做某事。must be结构表示一种推测。He must b

11、e a fool.must have done结构表示“对过去事情的推测”。Marys score on the test is the highest in her class.She must have studied very hard.,need:1.实义动词。表示“需要”。He needs a car.He doesnt need a car.Does he need a car?2.Neednt否定形式做情态动词。表示“不必要、没必要”。mustnt进行区别。mustnt表示“不应该”。We mustnt buy things we dont need.【经典的句子】,Have.(

12、第42课)“have+名词”的结构可以用来代替普通动词:have a walk=walkhave a talk=talkhave a drink=drinkhave a look=look,Can and Be able to.(第43课)都可以表示“能够”做某事。但是be able to更加强调一种“个人能力”,包括智力、体力、技能方面。can表示的能力可以是没有做过的事情。而be able to所说的“能够、能力”是实践过的,其实也就是一种所谓“个人能力”的表现。be able to有比can更多、更灵活的时态运用。要表示一个动作已经成功的在过去完成的时候,我们必须使用was able to,而不能使用could。He didnt agree with me at first but I was able to persuade him.他开始不同意我的观点,但我最终说服了他。,A large sum of money had been lost.(第45课)过去完成时的被动形式:had been done.,


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