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1、Cultural differents between USA and UK,Contents,01.,02.,03.,04.,Language,Food,Clothing,Education,01.Language,Although,AmericanandEnglandareallEnglishspeakingcountries,theyallhave its ownkindofEnglishafteralongtime,andwecallthemBritishEnglishandAmericanEnglish.,1.1Pronunciation,BritishEnglishisconser

2、vativeandrigorous.Inmanycases,there isnocorrespondencebetweenthepronunciationandspelling,andBritisharewillingtofollowtheruleinthiswaytoshowtheir kindofrecognitionandrespectfortheirlanguage.However,Americanshaveanotherconcept.Theydoeverythingunderthepreconditionofconvenience,andtheytendtofollowthereg

3、ular pronunciationratherthanirregular pronunciation in BritishEnglish.AmericanschangetheirregularpronunciationsinBritish Englishintoregularones.,1.2 Spelling,ThewayofspellinginAmericanEnglishismoreconciseand practicalthanthatinBritishEnglish,theywouldignorethe letterinwritingiftheletterwasnotpronoun

4、ced,whichmakeswordsshortandeasytospell.Takeanexample,iftheletter L endinginawordwasnotunstressedsyllable,Americanpeopleseldom end the word with double L, such as councillor, Americanwillspellcouncilorinstead,andtravelerinsteadof traverller,andsoon.,1.3 Vocabulary,The differences between British Engl

5、ish and American Englishalsoexistintheirvocabulary.,02.Education,2.1 American education,Fromthe educational philosophy of the educationsystemintheUnitedStates,there arethecharacteristics ofdiversityand openness,internationalandflexibility,which enabletheU.S.Departmentof Educationtoensureeducationale

6、quity andequalityof opportunitytoreceive education,andtake fulladvantageofthestrengthsofeducationalobjects,soeducationisthedynamic,vibrant in American.Italsoreflectswhatthe Americanshavebeeninpursuit,the freedomandequality.,2.2 British education,Britisheducationhasarigorousstyleofstudyand impeccable

7、theeducationsystem.TheUKhasa strictqualitycontrolsystem,theteachingquality evaluationandtheresearchAssessmentfromall theschoolinEnglandareannouncedtotheworld,highereducationinstitutionsintheUKwillbe checkedinaregularroutine.Thisrigorousattitudeisalsoreflectedintheassessmentofthestudent.Manystudentsc

8、antgetadegreeiftheyfailin passingtheassessment.EthicsandprofessionalismofEnglishteachersensurethequalityofits education.BritisheducationalsoreflectsBritish conservativeandrigorouscharacter.,03.Clothing,3.1British clothing,Scottish kilt (基尔特),The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear,

9、 originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. Since the 19th century it has become associated with the wider culture of Scotland in general, or with Celtic heritage even more broadly. It is most often made of woollens cloth in a tartan pattern.,

10、3.1British clothing,Tailcoats originated in the United Kingdom, in the 18th century, evolved from the cavalry service. The historical reason that coats were cut this way was to make it easier for the wearer to ride a horse. But it is extremely beautiful. This makes the other branches to follow up. T

11、hus, cavalry clothing had become fashion among civilians and officials and popular in Britain and its colonies.,Tailcoat( 燕尾服),British refers to the Greater London area. British Style is generally originated from England Oxford, Cambridge and other famous universities of students in the usual costum

12、es, mainly in stripes and grid-based. Compared to the elegance of Paris, luxury of Milan, simplicity in New York ,the British Style seems to always sided with the temperament. Rational trace of sensibility is the nature of British fashion.,3.1British clothing,British Style(英伦风),3.2 American clothing

13、,Jeans are trousers made from denim. Some of the earliestAmericanbluejeansweremadebyJacob Davis andLeviStrauss,in1873.Startinginthe1950s,jeansoriginally designed for cowboys and then became popularamongteenagers.Jeansarenowaverypopularform of casual dress around the world, and have been so for decad

14、es. Theycomeinmanystylesand colors; however,“bluejeans”are particularly identified with American culture, especially the AmericanOldWest.,3.2 American clothing,04.Food,American everyday life access to the most foods such as hamburgers, Fried chicken and pizza, sauce noodles, tower rolls, sandwiches,

15、 hot dogs, French fries, doughnuts which are all from Western Europe into early.,4.1 American food,4.1 American food,Everyone knows the KFC, it comes from the United States, its a typical representative of American fast food culture.It is convenient, inexpensive, and delicious , so its welcome by th

16、e American working-class,4.2 British food,British food cooking, know as a family delicacies food. British cuisine is characteristic of less of oil, light, seasoning with less wine, and condiments are mostly on the counter for the guest himself to choose. Cook exquisite fresh and tender, lightly tast

17、e and often choose seafood and all kinds of vegetables . food volume required fewer but butter.,British cuisine cooking method advantage of steaming, boiling burn, fume articles.British famous cuisine dishes are: chicken salad, roast shrimp SuFuLi(烤大虾苏夫力), potato stewed mutton(薯烩羊肉), roast lamb saddle(烤羊马鞍) the winter solstice pudding(冬至布丁) , the Meiji row(明治排 ).,4.2 British food,Thanks for watching!,


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