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1、1,专八作文应试秘籍,2,一考试大纲(新变化)时间:45分钟。字数:400单词。,一:考试概述,3,二:作文评分,1.评分标准:内容(content)结构(organization)语言(language)2.评分方法:整体评分法(global scoring)。,5,三:命题分析,1.命题组成提供文章相关的背景和提示,给出题目或要求学生根据相关的背景和提示自拟题目(以2008年真题为例:In a few months time you are going to graduate from university. How do you think your college years have

2、 prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic)对文章结构提出要求,包括在引言部分点题,在正文部分用相关细节论述,在结尾部分做自然概括。(In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In

3、the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary).说明评分标准(Marks will be awarded for content, organizations, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks).,2.命题范围,2011年:Should famous Chinese sites of h

4、istorical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons?2009年:Are dialects just as acceptable in public places? 2008年:What I have learned from years at university2007年:自拟,谈谈贫富差距是否影响友谊. 2006年:On Ambition2005年:自拟,谈谈你对面试的看法。2004年:Should University Students Go in for Business?2003年:自拟,与以前时代的人相比

5、,讨论当今中国的年轻人是否更以自我为中心,缺乏同情心。2002年:The Most Important Personality of a University Student2001年:补充题目The Impact of the Internet on_ .2000年:Education as a Lifelong Process1999年:Competition or Cooperation1998年:One Major Problem in the Process of Urbanization1997年:Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Har

6、vesting the Rewards1996年:In Support of Dormitory Policy,7,3.命题范围,社会热点问题包括就业、环境、能源、媒体、交通、婚姻、伪劣商品、犯罪等。学校生活学习方法、课堂活动、体育、人际关系、讲座、军训等。科技电脑、克隆、空间科学、交通工具、海洋资源、能源利用等。个人兴趣业余爱好、生活方式、时尚、旅行等。青少年问题代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等。,8,四:写作步骤及时间分配,1.Pre-writing,高效审题目前专八写作项目形成自己的特色。这个特色就是项目内的几个部分(观点/情景、标题、写作要求)具有内在的联系,从而构成一个整体,因此审题就

7、意味着不仅仅是浏览一个标题,而是还要兼顾其他部分。只有这样才能明确写作的目的,领会写作的要求),专八写作题目解析,2011真题:According to a recent newspaper, many famous sites of historical interest in China have begun or are considering tourists higher entry fees during peak travel seasons. This has aroused a lot of public attention and also public debate. W

8、hat is your opinion? Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons?Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.,2010年真题,2009年真题,2008年真题:In a few months time you are going to graduate from university. How

9、do you think your college years have prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:What I Have Learned from My Years at University,2007年真题:Some people think that financial disparity affects friendship. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words

10、.,2006年真题:Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer, once said, We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide (so) that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how different the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choi

11、ces and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled:On Ambition,专八写作任务类型(议论文和说明文为主):第一类:是否同意某一观点;第二

12、类:两个观点选择一个;第三类:解释事物或现象的因或果;第四类:就某问题或现象提出建议。,17,列好作文提纲,Topic outline Title: The Advantages of Taking a Part-time Job 1.Introduction: There are many advantages of taking a part-time job for college students. (Thesis statement)2.The advantages of taking a part-time jobA.Being economically independentB.

13、Having more social experienceC.Being helpful to their academic studies3.Conclusion: Being beneficial to the college students,18,Sentence OutlineTitle: The Advantages of Taking a Part-time Job Introduction: There are many advantages of taking a part-time job for college students. (Thesis statement)2.

14、 Taking a part-time job can do college students a lot good.A.College students can be economically independent by taking a part-time job.B.College students can gain more social experience by taking a part-time job.C.College students can improve their academic studies by taking a part-time job.3. Conc

15、lusion: Taking a part-time job is beneficial to the collegestudents,19,a rough outline (简易提纲)Example: Thesis statement: Going to college is expensive.Tuition and other fees Books and suppliesTransportation costs,20,2.wrinting,开头写好引言段引言段功能:基本:引出文章话题 (topic)基本:表明文章目的(说明文)或观点(议论文)进阶:暗示文章结构高级:激发读者兴趣,21,

16、引言段第一部分:吸引兴趣,1 数字Every day millions of job-hunters in the world write letters of application wishing that they would be given a chance of interview.数字使人感到不是在空谈,能给人真实可信的感觉。在实际考试时数字可以适当夸张以达到出人意料的效果。,22,2问题Why have I chosen to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile? After pondering t

17、hese questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that college education is something I truly want to do and it is worthwhile.在文章开始向读者提问,读者回答问题时便是在阅读我们的文章。通常问题是设问句,问题答案即是文章的话题。注意问题不能太傻,也不能太多,最多不超过三个。,3 引语“Success comes not only from perspiration and inspiration, but also from s

18、atisfactory performance in interviews,” commented Dr. Kenly in his book.引用名人名言或者专家的话或者谚语等,可以是与中心思想相一致的,也可以是具有争议的,都可以吸引读者眼球。,引言段第二部分:引出话题,1 开门见山Nowadays interview is becoming more and more important in recruitment.从基本功能出发, 引言段可以直接表明文章的主题。这种方法虽然简单,但容易显得唐突,而且使文章内容显得单薄,使作者思想显得贫乏,所以要慎用。,2 收网,With the dev

19、elopment of market economy in China, more and more companies have come into being. When they need to take up more people, employers usually select through interviews. Similarly, when people need to find a job, they also need to perform well in interviews. Therefore, interview is becoming increasingl

20、y important in the modern society.这种方法通常由一个宽泛的、读者认同的事实开始,逐步把读者的注意力引向文章要讨论的话题。前面的开头相当于铺垫,给读者一种自然而然的感觉。使用这种方式的关键是网要撒得宽。收网不能太快,否则显得突兀;也不能拖泥带水,否则文章会有跑题的危险。建议最多用三句话收网。,3 驳论,Many of us may agree that China is a society relying heavily on guanxi, or relationship. We may all have the experience of having to

21、 resort to certain relationship in order to get something done, to find a good job, for example. But with the development of market economy, recruitment s conducted more and more on the basis of interview rather than on various personal connections.先说出一种与本文观点相反但读者可能会认同的观点,然后话锋一转,指出这种观点是错误的,并亮出自己的观点。

22、在这种方式中,要用好转折衔接手段,给读者留下良好的第一印象。,4 其他,可以采取讲故事的方式,但相对来讲不如前三种简洁高效。有些考生喜欢直接引用题目中的提示部分,以确保紧扣主题,但这样可能得不偿失,因为沿用题目内容不但有投机之嫌,或者阅卷老师认为考生独立写作水平有限,而且会有不少考生使用这种开头方式,也使作文有千篇一律之感,所以这种方式也不推荐。例如:Nowadays interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have bee

23、n many arguments for or against it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees within a short time while others think it is not proper to decide on a person just by interview. Both of them have some truth.,引言段第三部分:提出观点,暗示结构,这个部分必须有两方面内容,一是文章的话题,二是作者的观点或看法。与此相对应,

24、thesis statement也可分成两部分,一是topic,一是controlling idea。例如:,1) I believe that interview is very beneficial.2) Obviously, interview has been crucial to ensure the quality of employees.3) In my opinion, interview has become very important for both employees and employers.,30,2.写好文章正文部分The body,正文段功能:用一定的细节

25、来支持引言段中提出的中心思想。正文段是文章中最重要部分,其质量直接决定文章的论述质量。题目中要求提供细节,但实际写作时,正文段并不是直接提供细节,而是先将论据划分为三个方面,每个方面包含一个要点,再提供细节证明这些要点,而这些要点结合起来即可证明中心观点。,主题句,写好主题句对正文段的成功至关重要。主题句与中心思想句相似,由两部分构成:subject + focus。好的主题句要有 limited subject (主题范围适度)和 sharp focus (中心内容突出) 。例如:,I believe that interview can be very beneficial.Intervi

26、ew provides crucial information for both parties involved.Interview offers a broad selection for both interviewers and interviewees.Interview embodies an important principle of the modern society: fairness.,主题句的顺序:,1 按照重要性。既可使用由轻到重的升序,也可以采用由重到轻的降序。总的来说,中国模式更倾向于前者,把最重要的放最后,而欧美思维方式更倾向于后者,最重要的放在最前面。2 按

27、所涉及的话题。有时候两三个主题句之间很难分出孰轻孰重,就只要分别把这些主题句拓展充分就可以了。比如中心思想句为 Interview is beneficial both to the employers and to employees, 那正文部分就分两段,分别探讨对招聘方和求职方各自的好处即可。,正文段写法小结,正文段应该以主题句开始,而不是细节句。主题句的subject应与全文的保持一致,以确保文章不跑题和全文内容的连贯性。主题句合在一起应该能支持全文的中心思想句。正文段除主题句以外的支持句应该分组,每组对应一个论据,不能出现不想关联的句子。正文段的内容要按照合理顺序安排,以保证文章的通

28、顺。,35,Transitional Expressions,To show addition:again, and, also, besides, equally important, first (second, etc.), further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last but not leastTo give examples: for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate, as an illustration,

29、 in other words, such as, namely moreover, next, too , more importantly,36,Transitional Expressions,To compare: also, in the same manner, likewise, similarly To contrast: although, and yet, at the same time, but, despite, even though, however, in contrast, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary,

30、 on the other hand, still, though, yet,37,Transitional Expressions,To summarize or conclude: all in all, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to sum up To show time:after, afterward, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, before, during, earlier, final

31、ly, formerly, immediately, later, meanwhile, next, since, shortly, subsequently, then, thereafter, until, when, while,38,Transitional Expressions,To show place or direction: above, below, beyond, close, elsewhere, farther on, here, nearby, opposite, to the left (north, etc.) To indicate logical rela

32、tionship (to show cause and effect):accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason, hence, if, otherwise, since, so, then, therefore, thus,39,写好结尾部分,结尾部分应该写得简洁明确、发人深省,突出强调文章的主旨。避免在结尾部分提出新的未加说明或论证的主题,40,1复述式,However, in my opinion, I would rather place confidence in the first place.

33、 But why?To sum up, I want to say, being confident is not a clich but an ongoing task for every potential winner. (2002The Most Important Personal Quality of a University student),41,(2003)Love, and Then Be LovedWith the development of science and technology, remarkable changes have taken place in o

34、ur life. Some changes are good while others are not. One of these unwelcome changes is that individualism has come to be accepted among young people. Young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations although many young people dont see this way. (实事描述法引出话题

35、,提出自己的观点,即论点句。)Thats way I draw such a conclusion that young people today are more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations. Its necessary for us young people to learn from them: love and then be loved. After all, individualism can only be permitted without the sacrifice of others. (重述

36、观点并提出建议),42,2.展望式,Living in the suburbs is becoming a predominant pattern, and with the improvement of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life. (Why do I Choose to Live I the Suburbs),43,3建议式,Generally speaking, the disadvantages of private tuto

37、ring overweigh the advantages. Therefore, greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of the pupils potentialities. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up. (提出建议) (The Advantages and Disadvantage

38、s of Private Tutoring),44,4警示式,If we dont ease our school childrens burden now, just imagine what would become of our children in a few years: their eyes short-sighted, their backs hunched, they are nothing but book worms (指出后果)。Therefore, easing our childrens burden is not only a necessity, but a m

39、ust. (Ease Burden of Our School Children),45,Some problems in writing a conclusion,1) Shout empty slogansDo it now! No electricity, no power, no world, no future, no human beings!2) Show ones determinationIm determined to overcome any difficulties and study English better in the future!I must do my

40、best to make our city greener!) Give a simple summarySo, I think that making our city greener is very important.Therefore, no electricity should be wasted.,46,用地道语言写地道作文1)选择词化度高的表达方式词化是指一个短语或句子在使用过程中逐渐凝固成一个词或词项,如“enjoy”一词,所表达的意义是“享受的乐趣”。这种用一个词表达一个短语的含义的表达法叫做综合型表达法, 相反,对于同一个概念,若用短语来表达则是分析性表达法。综合性表达法就

41、是词化了的表达法。比较英汉两种语言,我们发现,汉语多分析性表达,而英语多综合性表达,这主要与英语中大量的派生词、转类词和单纯词有关,47,(1)This opportunity makes me share their experience and knowledge.改进:This opportunity allows me to share their experience and knowledge.(2)All the facts make me conclude that money doesnt mean everything.改进:All the facts lead me to

42、 conclude that money doesnt mean,48,2)用非人称主语句扮靓语言,.变人称主语句为非人称主语句的策略通常有以下几种:(1)选用无生命事物做主语。例如:The forty years, 1840-80, brought almost ten million migrants to America.The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.Beijing has witnessed many great historical events.,49,(2)用 “it” 做形式主语It is not our v

43、iew that the substance or the tone of his remarks this morning will contribute to creating a lasting peace in the Middle East.(3)使用被动语态Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church.Care should be taken to see that the letter is properly addressed.(4)用名词化做主语The doctors extrem

44、ely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.A careful comparison between living in the countryside and living in the city will show the superiority of the former over the later.,50,Post-Writing 检查,检查标题。()所有字母全部大写,如:COMPETITION OR CO-OPER

45、ATION()标题第一个单词的首字母需大写,其后的单词实词大写,虚词不大写,如:In Support of Dormitory Policy检查introduction有没有Thesis Statement; Body 中的每一个段是否有Topic Sentence; 文章是否统一、连贯。检查单词拼写、固定搭配、句型等。,51,第三部分:专八作文结构分析,比较性说明文 (Comparison-and-Contrast essay)1.整体比(block pattern):先叙述事物A的全部特点A1 A2 A3,然后再叙述事物B的特点B1 B2 B32.交叉比(point-by-point pa

46、ttern)如:Explain what you feel are the main differences between high school and college.,52,Block Pattern,Introduction:Thesis StatementI have attended both high school and college, and feel qualified to point out the major differences between them.BodySubject Onehigh school rules and regulationssched

47、ule and course selectionteaching techniquesSubject Twocollegerules and regulationsschedule and course selectionteaching techniquesConclusion: State the writers preference.,53,Point-by-point Pattern,IntroductionThesis StatementI have attended both high school and college, and feel qualified to point

48、out the major differences between them.BodyPoint Onerules and regulationsHigh schoolCollegePoint Twoschedule and course selectionhigh schoolcollegePoint Threeteaching techniqueshigh schoolcollegeConclusion,54,二、阐述性说明文 (Deductive Essay),Introduction:State the Phenomenon and give the thesis statementB

49、ody: Analyze the significance (or negative consequence)Point 1Point 11Conclusion: Suggestions or warnings,55,On Ambition(2006年真题) Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakin

50、gs in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it, “And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is clo


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