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1、,Unit 2 Poems,重点词汇内容回顾复习,convey用法:举例:练习:,1. A good photograph can often convey far more than words.2. These results will enable us at least to convey a sense of progress.3. A taxi conveyed us to the train station.,vt. 传达;运送;表达,convey sb. to some place,I was so nervous that I couldnt my true feelings

2、 in front of so many people.A. exposeB. deliverC. instructD. convey,重点词汇内容回顾复习,load 用法:举例:注意:,Load with 装载着a load of=loads of+可数或不可数名词 loads of friends 一大堆朋友load sb./oneself down 给某人过重的负担,You are getting yourself into a whole load of trouble. Jim felt loaded down with money worries.,n. 负担,负重,Be care

3、ful! A truck _ supplies is running downhill.A. are loaded withB. loaded withC. loaded upD. are loaded up,重点词汇内容回顾复习,concrete adj.举例:,I havent got any concrete proof。concrete blocks. 混凝土块,adj. 混凝土制的;确实的,具体的,重点词汇内容回顾复习,tease v. 用法:练习:,She me my shoes when we met yesterday.,tease sb. about sth. 拿某事来取笑某

4、人tease = make fun of = laugh at = play a trick on 取笑,戏弄,取笑;招惹;戏弄 n.取笑,爱开玩笑的人,重点词汇内容回顾复习,contradictory adj. 举例:词性转换(v.),There were contradictory versions of what happened. 对于发生的事情的说法相互矛盾。,相互矛盾的,对立的,contradictcontradict oneself 自相矛盾,重点词汇内容回顾复习,flexible 举例:词性转换(n.): adv. 练习:The lesson time is _. You ca

5、n come whenever you want to. A. contradictory B. concrete C. unchangeable D. flexible,You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.,flexibility 灵活,adj. 灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的,柔顺的,可弯曲的,flexibly 灵活地,柔顺地,重点词汇内容回顾复习,eventually意思相近的有:练习:,It was a long journey full of difficulties, but we arrived a

6、t the destination _.A. carefullyB. eventuallyC. evidentlyD. forever,finally, at last, in the end 等。,adv. 最后,终于,重点词汇内容回顾复习,transform 举例:词性转换(n.):练习:Using a computer, a photograph can easily be( ) into a greeting card. A. reformed B. transformed C. modified D. transplanted,transform sb./ sth from.into

7、 把某人或某物从改造/转变为,vt. 彻底改变,改造,transformation 彻底改观,改变,重点词汇内容回顾复习,appropriate 举例:词性转换(adv.):,adj. 正确的;适当的;属于某一个人所特有的,特殊的;个性的,个人的;, a measure appropriate to a wartime economy适合战时经济的措施The end of her deliberation was to show generalgaiety, without appropriate favour.她深思熟虑后决定显示一种与大家同乐的愉快心情,而不显露任何个人偏爱。,approp

8、riately,重点词汇内容回顾复习,exchange 用法:举例:,vt. & n. 交换,调换,兑换;交易;交流,Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars. 我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。John exchanged gifts with Mary. 约翰与玛丽交换了礼物。He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake. 他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。,exchange sth. for sth. 以某物换取某物exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换/调换某物in exchange for 交换

9、,调换make an exchange for 交换exchange rate 汇率来源:学科网ZXXK,重点词汇内容回顾复习,take it easy用法:举例:,The doctor told me to take it easy and not to worry too much. Id like to take things easy when Im on holiday. ,take it easy= take things easy 别着急,别紧张take your time 慢慢来,别着急。表示还有时间。,重点词汇内容回顾复习,run out of用法:举例:练习:,run ou

10、t of sth. 用光,耗尽。相当于use up。, Many hospitals are running out of money. 许多医院都要资金耗尽了。,attempt doing反复尝试做attempt to do企图做,They had to return from the hiking in the desert, for their food almost ( ).A. ran out of B. used upC. was given outD. ran out,重点词汇内容回顾复习,be made up of举例:练习:,由.组成”,其主动形式是make up。,Elev

11、en players make up a football team.= A football team is made up of 11 players.一支足球队由11个队员组成。,The rescuing team, which was sent to the earthquake-stricken area this morning, _ five doctors and ten nurses.A. is made up ofB. is made up forC. makes upD. makes up for,重点词汇内容回顾复习,in particular 练习:,尤其,特别,Sh

12、e liked dresses of this pattern _ and bought some material to make one herself.A. in particularB. in commonC. in the fleshD. in place,重点词汇内容回顾复习,try out 举例:,试用,试试,I will try it out and see whether it works. 我要试一下看它能否运行。,虚拟语气语法填空,1. If he (adopt) Celias suggestion earlier, he wouldnt have regretted i

13、t.2. The librarian insists that John (take) no more books from the library before he returns all the books he has borrowed. 3. When I first met him,it seemed as if he (starve) for days.4. Its time that we (appeal) the case to the court and the criminal should be punished.5. Its necessary that the pr

14、oblem of forest planting (settle) at once.,had adopted,(should) take,had starved,appealed/ should appeal,(should) be settled,单句语法填空,6. She took an umbrella with her in case that she (catch) in the rain.7. But for my teachershelp, I (not admit) to a key university last year.8. I would rather that you

15、 (not tell) him the news that day.9. If only I (meet) the movie star! But I was then in the school doing papers. 10. They didnt know you were in trouble at that time, otherwise they (give) you a hand.,(should) be caught,wouldnt have been admitted,hadnt told,had met,would have given,单句语法填空,1. The bes

16、t diet for your dog is one that is (appropriate) low in calories.2. Mo Yan (inspire) by the memory of his mother to write his greatest work.3. Words failed (convey) my feelings when I saw my mother for the first time after working five years abroad.4. In only 20 years the country has been transforme

17、d an advanced industrial power.5. She dreams of one day becoming a famous (violin) .,appropriately,was inspired,to convey,into,violinist,单句语法填空,6. Mary went to Stanford University a scholarship.7. It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money in exchange favors to them.8. Know

18、ing that they had arrived safely took a load my mind.9. -We expected you yesterday. 外古国中 Im sorry. I (explain) to you that I wouldnt be here until today.10. The bad weather only added our difficulties.,on,for,off,should have explained,to,翻译句子,1. 她认为她无法独自担负起养大孩子们的重任。(bear the load) 2. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。

19、(enter for)3. 你可以请那些男孩来帮忙搬钢琴。 (lend a hand)4. 要是他能及时赶到机场就好了! (if only) 5. 如果你明天才还书,你就会受罚的。(虚拟语气),She thought she was unable to bear the load of bringing up the children alone.,Many people have entered for the high jump match.,You can ask the boys to lend a hand with moving the piano.,If only he coul

20、d arrive at the airport in time!,If you returned/should return/were to return the book tomorrow, you would be fined.,语法:虚拟语气,基本含义:虚拟语气表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。各种虚拟语气的具体用法详解我们从以下五类分别详细学习虚拟语气: 愿望类虚拟语气;虚拟条件句;建议,命令要求类虚拟语气;形容词后的主语从句虚拟语气;似是而非的虚拟语气。,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟1. wish + 宾语从句 -其虚拟形式

21、按时间分三种谓语结构: 表现在的愿望,从句用过去式v-ed,(be 动词用were,不分人称和单复数). 1).I wish I were a bird. 2). I wish I had a big house with a beautiful garden. 3).She wishes she _(be) ten years younger.,语法:虚拟语气,were,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟1. wish + 宾语从句 -其虚拟形式按时间分三种谓语结构: 对过去的虚拟,从句的谓语动词用过去完成时(had done). 4).I wish I had been there then. 5)

22、.I wish I had not attended that party.6).How I wish I _(not make) such a mistake.7).I wish I _(follow) your advice when I felt confused.,语法:虚拟语气,had not make,had followed,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟1. wish + 宾语从句 -其虚拟形式按时间分三种谓语结构: 对将来的虚拟,从句的谓语用“would/could+动词原形”8).I wish he could explain what he means.9).We wish t

23、hat our teacher wouldnt punish us too much.10).I wish he _(come) here again.11).Some children wish they _(not grow) up forever.,语法:虚拟语气,would come,would not grow,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟2. If only + 从句 表示“要是就好了”用法和wish基本相同,只是语气上比wish具有更强烈的感情色彩。12).If only the rain _(stop)soon. Its so tiring.13).If only I _(be)t

24、aller.14).If only I _(follow) your advice!,语法:虚拟语气,would stop,were,had followed,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟3.would rather + 从句 表示“宁愿.”。表达现在或将来的愿望,从句用过去式v-ed,(be 动词用were,不分人称和单复数). 15).Dont come tomorrow. Id rather you came next weekend. 16).I would rather I could see you at in no time.=I would rather I saw you in

25、no time. 16).I would rather you (not take) those important documents with you. 17).Wouldnt you rather your children (go) to bed early. 18).Id rather you (not) make any comment on the issue for the time being.,语法:虚拟语气,didint take,went,didnt,二、用法(一)愿望类虚拟表达对过去的虚拟,从句的谓语动词用过去完成时(had done). 19). I would r

26、ather you had returned the book yesterday.(实际未还)20).Jack wishes that he (study) business instead of history when he was in university.口诀:现在的让它过去;过去的都得过完;将来的该(改)过将来。思路:准确判断动作发生的时间,结合正确的虚拟句式结构填空。,语法:虚拟语气,had studied,1.I wish I (see)you yesterday.2.If only he (lie) quietly as the doctor instructed, he

27、wouldnt suffer so much now.3.How I wish every family (have) a large house with a beautiful garden!4.Look at the terrible situation I am in! if only I (follow) your advice.5.He didnt go to the party, but he does wish he (be) there.,语法:虚拟语气,had seen,had lain,had,had followed,had been,7.You dont have t

28、o be in such a hurry. I would rather you (go) on business first.8.The manager(经理) would rather his daughter (not work) in the same office.9.If only the committee (approve) the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.10.I am sure she would rather you (tell) her the bad news and share

29、d your sorrow with her.11.She said that she would rather we (not discuss) the problem in the presence of so many strangers.,语法:虚拟语气,went,didnt work,would approve/approved,had told,had not discussed,(二)虚拟条件句条件状语从句有两类,一类是真实条件句:如果假设的情况是有可能发生的,就是真实条件何,采用主将从现时态原则。如: If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go

30、 to the park. 一类是虚拟条件句:如果假设的情况是不符合事实或与事实相反,或将来也不大可能发生的,则是虚拟条件句。如: If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. (实际昨天未见到),语法:虚拟语气, 虚拟条件句的具体用法,语法:虚拟语气,翻译例句,并说明主句和从句动作发生的时间。1).If I had time, I would attend the meeting.2).If I were you, I should seize the opportunity to go abroad.3).I

31、f you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the exam.4).If it were to rain tomorrow, we would put off the sports meeting.5).If he should not come tomorrow, we should put off the meeting till next Monday.6).If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.7).If you had come earlier, y

32、ou would have caught the bus.8).If I were at school again, I would study harder.,语法:虚拟语气,1. If my lawyer_(be) here last Saturday, he_(prevent)me from going.2. If it_(be)not for the snow, we_(climb) the mountain yesterday.3. Without electricity(电) human life_(be) quite difficult today.4. I didnt see

33、your sister at the meeting, if she_(come), she would have met my brother.5. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball. Otherwise he _(score) a goal.,语法:虚拟语气,had been,would have prevented,had been,would have climbed,would be,had come,would have scored,6.If she _(leave) right now, she would ge

34、t there on Sunday.7. Had he worked harder, he_(go) through the exam.8. He must have had an accident, or he_(be) there then.9. Had it not been for my illness I _(lend) him a helping hand.10. We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_(call) up him.,语法:虚拟语气,left,would have gone,would have been,w

35、ould have lent,would have called, 错综时间条件句:当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为错综时间条件句,动词的形式要根据它表示的时间作出相应的调整。翻译例句,说明主句和从句动作发生的时间。1). If you had followed my advice just now, you would be better now.2). If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now. 3).4). Maybe if I _(study) science

36、 not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. 5). You _ much better now if you had taken the doctors advice.6). If my parents _(not force) me to come , I shouldnt be here now.,语法:虚拟语气,had studied,would be,had not forced,if省略句: 在条件句中可以省略if, 把were, had, should提到句首,变成倒装句式。如:1).If I were

37、at school again, I would study harder._ I at school again, I would study harder.I 2). If you had come earlier, you would catch the bus._ you come earlier, you would catch the bus.3). If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing._ it rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing.,语法:虚拟语气,Were,Had,S

38、hould,有时在虚拟语气中并不总是出现if引导的条件句,而是通过其他手段来代替条件句。常用的有介词with, without, but for; 副词otherwise,or;句式It be not for.,这写词或短语等同于一个虚拟条件从句。1). I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meeting. (副词)2). What would you do with a million dollars? (=if you had a million dollars)3).We couldnt

39、 have finished the work ahead of time without your help. (=if we hadnt got your help)4). Without your help, we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time.= But for your help, = If it had not been for your help, = Had it not been for you help, 5). I might have given you more help, but I was too bus

40、y.,语法:虚拟语气,1. John went to the hospital alone.If he _ about it, I would have gone with him.2. _ you come earlier, you would have caught the early bus.3. _ he come, tell him to ring me up.4. If the weather had been more favorable, the crop _(be) growing still better.5.My lawyer wasnt here yesterday,

41、otherwise he _(prevent) me from coming.,语法:虚拟语气,had told,Had,If,should be,would have prevented,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气一. 表示建议,命令,要求的虚拟语气坚持:insist;命令:order,command;建议:动词advise,suggest,propose,recommend;要求:动词request,require,demand,desire。以上动词后的从句要用虚拟语气(should do),其中should可以省去。(特别提醒:只用should,不能用其他任何情态动词。)用在以下三种

42、句式结构中:,语法:虚拟语气,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气1.宾语从句表示法: 1). She suggested that Dale join the debating team, believing that practice in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed. 2).Our teacher demanded that we (should) not leave the classroom. 3).He insisted that she _(do) it right now.4

43、).The teacher advised that everyone _( make) good use of every minute here. 5).The Party requires that everyone serves the people with his heart and soul. (改错)6).The doctor suggested that he gave up smoking as soon as possible.,语法:虚拟语气,(should) do,(should) make,serve,give up,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气1.宾语从句表示法:

44、insist的意思为:坚决认为,坚持说;(从句所说为事实,真相)suggest的意思为:表明,暗含,暗示等时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气。如: 1).Tom insisted that he hadnt stolen the watch. 2). His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam. 3). His pale face suggested that he _(be) ill.4). The student insisted that he _ (be) right.,语法:虚拟语气,were,was,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语

45、气2.表语从句或同位语从句表达法 上述动词相应的名词形式suggestion, advice, proposal, order,demand 等后面的表语从句或同位语从句,也要使用虚拟语气(should do),should可以省去。1). My suggestion is that we (should) set out tomorrow morning.2).Everyone approved of the suggestion that the sports meeting (should) be put off.3). He made the demand that all _(lea

46、ve) the place immediately.4). His order was that all the soldiers _(send) to the front.,语法:虚拟语气,(should) leave,(should) be sent,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气3.主语从句表达法 上述动词构成“It is insisted/ordered/advised/requested.”式的主语从句,也要使用虚拟语气(should do),should可以省去。 1). It is suggested by the doctor that I should do some exer

47、cise. 2).It is proposed that the matter should be discussed at the next meeting. 3). It is politely requested by the hotel manager that radios _(turn) down after 11 oclock at night.,语法:虚拟语气,(should) be turned,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气二. 某些形容词后的主语从句中的虚拟语气 构成“It is + strange/surprising/important.”式的主语从句,也要使用虚拟语气

48、(should do),should可以省去。口诀: 适当的奇怪,(proper,strange) 不寻常的自然;(unusal,natural) 精彩的必须滑稽可笑,(wonderful, necessary, funny) 难怪那么令人惊奇与重要,(no wonder, surprising, important/essential) 是时候了,很遗憾不能忘掉。(It is high time that.,It is a pity/a shame that .),语法:虚拟语气,(三)-建议命令类的虚拟语气(It is high time that.该句式中从句可以用过去式v-ed 或sh

49、ould do表虚拟, 但should不可省) 1). It is necessary that the information (should) be sorted out for my reference.2). It is strange that he should refuse to come to the party.3). Its surprising that you should catch up with us so quickly.4) Its high time that we set out.= 5). Its a pity that you fail the exa

50、m.= 6). Its time that we went to bed.=,语法:虚拟语气,四)-似是而非的虚拟语气as if, as though引导的表语从句常用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反用一般过去时(did; were);与过去事实相反用过去完成时(had done)。,语法:虚拟语气,1). She looks as if nothing had happened to her.2). I really dont like the way you are speaking to me. It seems as if you were my father.3). He kept tell


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