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1、,Unit 5 Canada“The True North” words and expressions,A Journey Across_1_Canada After a quiz last autumn, Kuang crossed the continent _ 2 _ to Toronto to visit his schoolmate, the distance measuring approximately 5,000 kilometers. His train started from Vancouver, a city_3_ by mountains. After confir

2、ming his baggage was aboard the train, Kuang_ 4_ in his seat._5 _communication, he started _6 _ with another passenger _7_ 5 minutes. Their topics included the Canadian _8_, the Prime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After a nice buffet at noon, he was pleased to find t

3、hat the scenery was_9_.,Multicultural,eastward,surrounded,settled down,Having a gift for,chatting,within,traditions,impressive,He saw beautiful harbours in the distance, wealthy urban areas and maple forest that covered thousands of acres. He even _10_ 11 an eagle flying 12 over bushes. Kuang reache

4、d Toronto which lies slightly near the 13 at a misty dawn. There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth 14 at once 15 waiting for him to come. They had a good time together.,managed to,catch sight of,upward,border,nearby,

5、rather than,Canada is a multicultural country.,A,B,C,D,Choose the right picture which corresponds with the blue font, according to the sentence.,A,multicultural,adj. 多种文化的句:Canada is a multicultural country. multi 多+cultural 文化的 =multicultural 多种文化的,multi-是一个前缀,意为“many”,+,cultural 文化的,national 民族的,c

6、olored 彩色的,multicultural adj.多种文化的,multinational adj. 多民族的,multicolored adj.五彩缤纷的,Mommy, what is that? Look upward!,A,B,C,C,D,upward,adv. 向上地,上升地 adj.上升的,向上的 句:Mommy, what is that? Look upward! up 向上 + ward 向 =upward 向上的,-ward是表示方向的后缀,+,east 东,south 南,west 西,eastwardadj. 向东方的;朝东的adv. 向东,southwardadj

7、. 向南的;在南方的adv. 向南,westward adj. 向西的;西方的adv. 向西,north 北,northwardadj. 向北的;北方的adv. 向北,We will have to go with Plan B rather than Plan A.,C,A,B,D,A,rather than,宁愿,而不是We will have to go with Plan B rather than Plan A.,He, rather than you, _ (be) on duty today.,is,注意:rather than 作连词用,连接两个并列成分;连接主语时,谓语动词的

8、数与其前面的成分保持一致。,The women chat casually about their lives.,A,B,C,D,A,chat,v. 闲聊,聊天 n.闲谈,聊天句:The women chat casually about their lives.英 chat=to talk with someone in casual way chat with sb. 与某人闲聊 chat about sth. 闲聊某事,chatterboxn.话唠,chatter v/n. 喋喋不休,chatv. 闲谈,chat with sb.v/n. 喋喋不休 和某人闲谈,Look for the

9、house with the two windows surrounded by green vines(藤).,A,B,C,D,D,surround,V. 包围,围绕句:Look for the house with the two windows surrounded by green vines(藤).,adj. 周围的,附近的,n.环境,surrounding,surroundings,The couple decided to settle down and buy a house together.,A,B,C,D,A,settle down,定居;平静下来;专心于句:The co

10、uple decided to settle down and buy a house together.,How can this polar bear(北极熊) manage to survive?,A,B,C,D,A,manage to do sth.,设法做句:How can this polar bear manage to survive?,v. 管理,负责,n. 管理,管理者,manage to do sth.,manage,manager,management,The excited sisters caught sight of a sexy male to tourist.

11、,A,B,C,D,C,catch sight of,看见;瞥见句:The excited sisters caught sight of a sexy male to tourist.,The young boy may have a gift for playing the piano.,A,C,B,D,C,have a gift for,有天赋句:The young boy may have a gift for playing the piano.,礼物,adj. 有天赋的,天才的,have a gift for,gift,gifted,Deep within earth it is h

12、ot enough to melt iron.,A,B,C,D,A,within,Pre 在之内句:Deep within earth it is hot enough to melt iron.,The border between the US and Canada is very long.,A,B,C,D,C,border,n.边界;国界;边沿V. 与接壤;接近,My bluetooth phone can exchange information with any similar phone that is nearby.,A,B,C,D,D,nearby,adv.在附近 adj.

13、附近的;邻近的 near 附近+by 旁边- a 附近的 ad 在附近,Bull fighting is an ancient Spanish tradition.,A,D,C,B,D,tradition,n. 传统;风俗句:Bull fighting is an ancient Spanish tradition. traditional adj. 传统的,The magician impressed the audience with his amazing tricks.,A,B,C,D,C,impress,v. 使印象深刻;使铭记句: The magician impressed th

14、e audience with his amazing tricks.根: im 进+ press 挤压- 压 进去-盖印- 印入头脑-盖印;感动impress. . . on. . . 把印在上impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人牢记某事, 使某人意识到,impressive : in 进 +press挤压=impress使有印象+ ive形容词后缀 - 给人印象深刻的 impressive adj.给人印象深刻的,惊人的 impression n. 印象 impress on,Look the picture, speak out the words and expre

15、ssions.,multiculturaladj.多种文化的,upwardadj.向上的 adv.向上地,rather than 宁愿,而不是,chatv.聊天,闲谈 n.聊天,surroundv.包围、围绕,settle down定居,平静下来,manage设法做,catch sight of看见,瞥见,have a gift for有天赋,withinPre.在之内,bordern.边界、国界V.与接壤,nearbyadj.在附近 adv.附近的,邻近的,traditionn.传统,风俗,impressv.使印象深刻的,回顾,multicultural multiparty multina

16、tional rather than chat upward eastward westward downward surround settle down,多种文化的多党的多民族的与其,不愿聊天向上的向西的向下的 包围,围绕定居,安静下来,manage to catch sight of have a gift for within border nearby tradition impress impressive,设法做看见有天赋在之内边界,国界在附近传统,风俗使印象深刻给人印象深刻的,Summary 学习单词的方法,一、通过构词法学单词。 multi表示“多”,它可以组合出血多单词,如

17、:multiparty,multinational等. -wards)是表示方向的后缀,如 eastward,westward,upward。,一般情况下,前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性。 move v.movement n. cultural adj.multicultural adj.,二、利用语境学单词。The border between the US and Canada is very long.,三、通过语义场来记单词。如:本单元的话题就是旅游,与这个语义场有关的动词:chat, surround, catch sight of, impress.,Homework,Review the Language points.,本课学习内容到此结束,


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