1、学校:苇沟小学参演学生: Peacock 杨凌飞云Wolf 刘雨欣 Fox 程 蕊Deer 杨号迪Rabbit徐璐Frog苑忆珊 Narrator王志远教师指导:靳海燕 姜月,A PROUD PEACOCK,学 校:苇沟小学教师指导:靳海燕 姜月参演学生: Peacock 杨凌飞云Wolf 刘雨欣 Fox 程 蕊Deer 杨号迪Rabbit徐璐Frog苑忆珊 Narrator王志远,Dramma 1第1幕Go to the forest concert参加森林音乐会,A proud peacock,A proud peacock,The forest concert will begin.Th
2、e little animals will go to the forest concert.,Dramma 2第2幕 Looking for the peacock寻找孔雀,A proud peacock,A proud peacock,A proud peacock,The fox is looking for the peacock.,Dramma 3第3幕 Eat the peacock吃孔雀,A proud peacock,A proud peacock,.,The peacock is sleeping.,The wolf is coming .Dangerous!,Dramma 4第4幕 Save the peacock拯救孔雀,A proud peacock,A proud peacock,Friends save the peacock.,The wolf goes away.,Dramma 5第5幕 Go To the concert together一起参加森林音乐会,A proud peacock,Friends take care of the peacock.,They go to the forest concert together., THE END ,