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1、,The differences in the kinds of wine,目录,CONTENTS,01,the origin of Chinese wine culture 中国酒文化起源,02,the origin of Western wine culture 西方酒文化起源,03,the kinds of Chinese wine culture 中国酒的种类,04,the kinds of Western wine culture 西方酒的种类,01,the origin of Chinese wine culture,中国酒文化的起源,Chinesecivilizationspri

2、ngs from theYellowRiverbasin,wherehas fertile soil and mildclimate.China had becameahugeagriculturalcountry very long time ago,andChinasgrainoutputis large,foodis used for eating and much more left,whichlaidthefoundationforfoodwine.,02,the origin of Western wine culture,西方酒文化的起源,Greece,known asthecr

3、adle(摇篮) ofWesterncivilizationand locatedintheBalkans(巴尔干半岛),is surroundedbytheseas,mountainsandislands.Sothesoilisrelativelypoor,whats more ,thetypicalMediterraneanclimate (地中海气候)there isnotconductivetothegrowthofcrops,therefore,itisdifficulttohaveasurpluswine.However,thegrapesprefergravelsoil,andw

4、ithitsdroughttoleranceandadaptabilitytotheMediterraneanclimate,they werewidelycultivatedinGreece,In this condition,winemeets theneedsofWesternersonalcohol and so that it became popular in Western.,03,the kinds of Chinese wine,中国酒的种类,Chinese wine can be devided into three basic categories accoring to

5、 the technique invovled in brewing process. The three types are distilled spirits(蒸馏酒), fermented wine (发酵酒), and liqueur(利口酒、调制酒). Besides, on the basis of commercial practices, the Chinese wine can be classifed into white wine(白酒),yellow rice wine(黄酒), fruit wine(果酒),beer(啤酒),grape wine(葡萄酒) and l

6、iqueur(露酒). Here,we mainly talk about four front kinds.,Yellow wine,黄酒,Yellow wine is one of the oldest wine in the world,which springs from China and only produces in China.Yellow wine has over 5 000 years of history, and its alcoholic content is not high, conforming to the modem trend toward drink

7、ing low-alcohol beverages(酒精含量少). Less grain is used in producting yellow wine than white liquor, and yet the former has a higher nutritive value. It ontains 21 kinds of amino acids(氨基酸),which involves several unknown amino acids that human body cannot synthesize itself(自身合成) but necessary,so yellow

8、 wine is also called liquid cake(液体蛋糕).,Liquor and Spirits,白酒,Chinaswinehasalong,undoubtedlytherice wine is the oldest,but themostrepresentativeoftheChinesewineis the whitewine,andinsomewayscanbesaidthatChinaswineculture is white wineculture.BecauseofthemanywinetypesinChina,ithasalonghistory,maturet

9、echnology,sofarremainstheworldslargestproductionofdistilledliquor(蒸馏酒).Its alcoholic content is always very high.,Fruit wine,果酒,Fruit wine is made from fruits.The sugar of fruit itself is fermented (发酵)by yeast (酵母)to become alcohol,and so that fruit wine tastes a special flavour of fruit.The folk f

10、amily often brew fruit wine to drink themselves,such as plum wine(李子酒), grape, red bayberry wine(猕猴桃酒), kiwi wine(猕猴桃酒) and so on.,Beer,啤酒,Beer, one of the oldest alcoholic beverages, is the worlds third largest drink after water and tea.Beer was introduced into China at the beginning of twentieth C

11、entury, which belongs to exotic wine.Beer is a transliteration(音译), and still in use today.Unlike spirits and many other wine ,beers ethanol content is much lower , so drinking beer doesnt hurt but be beneficial to health,which makes it become popular.,04,the kinds of Western wine,西方酒的种类,Western win

12、e can be roughly divided into four categories: spirits(烈酒), beer(啤酒), grape wine(葡萄酒) and compound wine(调制酒).The spirits contain a lot of kinds of wine that we know, such as brandy, whiskey, vodka and tequila.,Brandy originally came from Holland Brandewijn, meaning burnt wine. Brandy is often called

13、“ the soul of wine. In France, there is a saying:“ Boys drink red wine and men drink port.Drink brandy if you want to be a hero.”People give brandy the highest position, called it the heros wine.There are many countries producing brandy in the world, but France is the most famous.,白兰地Brandy,Whisky i

14、s brewed from barley(大麦) and some other cereals(谷物). After years of aging in oak barrels(橡木桶), it is blended into a strong distilled liquor of about 43 degrees. The British call it the water of life(生命之水). Whisky can be divided into Scotch Whisky, Irish Whiskey, American and Canadian Whiskey accordi

15、ng to the origin.,威士忌Whisky,Vodka is a traditional alcoholic beverage in Russia.It is crystal clear(晶莹澄澈),light and refreshing, making people feel its not sweet, bitter or astringent(涩的) and it tastes just like fire on the tip of the tongue,stimulating and unique. Therefore, vodka is the most flexib

16、le, adaptable and flexible wine as cocktails(鸡尾酒).,伏特加 Vodka,Icewine is a sweet wine made from grapes that are naturally frozen in grape trees when temperatures are low. Icewine has a long history, and its birth was an unexpected surprise 200 years ago. At that time, German vineyards suffered a sudd

17、en struck of frost.In order to reduce the loss, winemakers froze grapes after fermentaing(发酵) by the traditional method of brewing and they were surprised to find the wine sweet as honey and after that they named it Icewine .,冰酒 Icewine,Cocktail ,a mixed drink,which is composed of two or more than t

18、wo kinds of wine or beverage, has its unique nutritional value and appreciation value(欣赏价值).Cocktail is usually made with base liquor(基酒) like rum(朗姆), gin(金酒), tequila(龙舌兰), vodka, whiskey, brandy and other liquor or wine,and then add some fruit juice, egg white, bitters, milk, coffee, sugar or some other auxiliary materials.Finally we can use lemon, fruit or the mint leaves as a decoration.,鸡尾酒Cocktail,THANKS,


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